Attach JavaScript event handler to Zend_Form_Element - zend-framework

I need to attach some javascript to the onchange event of the Zend_Form_Element. How do I do that?

Try with setAttrib($name, $value), for example:
$element->setAttrib('onchange', 'jsFunction();');
You can find more detailed information about Zend_Form_Element's here.


how to bind OnClick event to Singleton function?

I want to bind OnClick event of UI Button to a function in Singleton object. I tried to do that, but every time I go to other scene and get back to the old scene I find that object disappear from the onClick field in the inspector while it's exist in the hierarchy ! If it's not possible to do that, what's the alternative way ?
Note: I'm using c#
Looks like this guy had a similiar problem:
I would have posted this as a comment if I had enough reputation..

How to debug custom DOM events?

Is it possible to see (debug) custom events being fired from DOM elements in the browser?
Let's say I want to see which specific element of the Bootstrap Collapse fires the event, can I somehow see it for instance in Chrome dev tools?
First off, Monitor Events will handle this for normal JS events. However, Bootstrap events are jQuery events, so vanilla JS event listeners don't listen for them.
To listen to jQuery events run the following code snippet in your console:
jQuery('body').bind("", function(e){console.log(e);});
Replace "" with whatever event you want. When they are logged, just check the target element for the event to know what fired it.
Now, for the other way around, to see what is listening to events. Within the elements panel, if you go to the event listener tab and uncheck "ancestors", then you will see only the directly bound event listeners on an element. This way you know what is listening for the event so you can inspect what should be done when it is fired. This matters, since you may find 'body' isn't getting the event, since it could have bubbling cancelled. So if the above snippet isn't working, you need to check for bubble cancelling in the element listening for the event.
Firefox offers out of the box, listeners for jQuery events,
But you can extend it:
You can use Visual Event 2 bookmarklet. Great tool used to inspect which events are attached to a specific DOM elements.

What is this type of form/element called?

I should know this, but I'm drawing a complete blank...
What is this type of form called?
I don't think it has a name. It's a multiselect select element customized with a jQuery plugin

google wave: how did they make divs clickable

As we are facing GWT performance issues in a mobile app I peeked into Google Wave code since it is developed with GWT.
I thought that all the buttons there are widgets but if you look into generated HTML with firebug you see no onclick attribute set on clickable divs. I wonder how they achieve it having an element that issues click or mousedown events and seemingly neither being a widget nor injected with onclick attribute.
Being able to create such components would surely take me one step further to optimizing performance.
ps: wasnt google going to open source client code too. Have not been able to find it.
You don't have to put an onclick attribute on the HTML to make it have an onclick handler. This is a very simple example:
<div id="mydiv">Regular old div</div>
Then in script:
document.getElementById('mydiv').onclick = function() {
They wouldn't set the onclick property directly, it would have been set in the GWT code or via another Javascript library.
The GWT documentation shows how to create handlers within a GWT Java app:
public void anonClickHandlerExample() {
Button b = new Button("Click Me");
b.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
// handle the click event
This will generate an HTML element and bind a click handler to it. However, in practice this has the same result as using document.getElementById('element').onclick() on an existing element in your page.
You can hook functions to the onclick event using JavaScript. Here's an example using jQuery:
/* Do something */
If you're interested in optimizing performance around this, you may need to investigate event delegation, depending on your situation.
A click event is generated for every DOM element within the Body. The event travels from the Body down to the element clicked (unless you are using Internet Explorer), hits the element clicked, and then bubbles back up. The event can be captured either through DOM element attributes, event handlers in the javascript, or attributes at any of the parent levels (the bubbling or capturing event triggers this).
I'd imagine they've just set it in a .js file.
Easily done with say jQuery with $(document).ready() for example.

Change form action with prototype

how can I change a form's action with prototype ? I've seen plenty of examples with jquery using:
but haven't one with prototype. Thanks in advance.
You could use the writeAttribute method:
$('form1').writeAttribute('action', '');