BizTalk resolving SSO error "Unable to redeem ticket, no ticket exists in the message" - single-sign-on

I am using Oracle adapter from the BizTalk Adapter Pack (WCF based for BTS 2006 R2). In the configuration of the "solicit-response" send ports, I have used Oracle's username and password to connect to the database.
Now I would like to change that and use the SSO. So far I have created the Affiliate application and mapped the BTS Host Instance "user id" to the Oracle database user details.
When I run the application I am constantly getting the error: "Unable to redeem ticket, no ticket exists in the message".
reading through the BTS documentation I found the following at "ms-help://MS.BTS.2006/BTS06CoreDocs/html/c7bf755c-c37d-4b19-9817-a7f42e1e9656.htm":
In scenarios where an orchestration invokes the send adapter, the BizTalk Messaging Engine sends the message to the MessageBox database. The orchestration should ensure that both the SSOTicket context property and the Microsoft.BizTalk.XLANGs.BTXEngine.OriginatorSID context property of the message that contains the ticket are maintained. When the adapter receives this message from the MessageBox database, the adapter calls the RedeemTicket method with the encrypted ticket to retrieve the back-end credentials from the SSO store. The user designing the orchestration should specifically copy this property to the message.
But I receive a message through SQL integrated connection, that doesn't have the SSO Ticket.
Please help to resolve this issue?

You can add an SSO ticket in a custom pipeline component on the send port. The following code works for me:
public IBaseMessage Execute(IPipelineContext pContext, IBaseMessage pInMsg)
ISSOTicket ssoTicket = new ISSOTicket();
pInMsg.Context.Write("SSOTicket", "", ssoTicket.IssueTicket(0));
return pInMsg;
This will generate a ticket for the Biztalk host instance service account, so your Oracle affiliate application mapping should work as you expect.

You might need to "Allow tickets" to the System properties in SSO Administrator. Without that it will not work even if you allow tickets to the Affiliate Application.


Drools Invalid credentials to load data from remote server. Contact your system administrator

Whenever I try to open process definition in drools , Getting the Below Error
Invalid credentials to load data from remote server. Contact your system administrator.
I have given all permissions to role permission to user but still this error shows up.
While many details from your problem are not clear, here is the bottom line of this issue.
You are logging into the business-central with user 'nithish'. This user, will be used in the remote REST requests to your kie server instance. This means that user 'nithish' needs to exists on the kie-server side as well - otherwise kie-server will not recognise that user, thus authentication will fail. He needs to be created there with the same password and same roles as are present on the business-central side. I would advise at least
kie-server, rest-all,admin
The server you've installed your business central on has no access rights.

Error when publishing Workflow from SharePoint Designer 2013 to SharePoint Online

I am trying to publish a very simple workflow from SharePoint Designer 2013 to SharePoint Online.
The following error appears:
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPPrincipalManagementException: An error occurred
while attempting to execute a principal management operation. Please
contact your administrator. --->
Invalid property specified
Server stack trace: at
operation, ProxyRpc& rpc) at
How can I handle this?
You can try create a new sub-site from your site collect then upload your workflow to see if its viable.
If not, you can check whether the Central Admin > Manage Service Application-> “App Management Service” is started.
Also heck whether the “Configure service application associations”, ”App Management Service” is already associated.
Then check whether the “Manage Services on server” and the “App Management Service” is started.
In addition, try to re-register Workflow Service.
If the issues still exists, please follow the steps in the Steps to Verify that Server Is Correctly Set Up. After you verified that the server is correctly set up, follow the steps in the Steps to Troubleshoot Workflow Management Service and Troubleshooting the Service Bus for Windows Server then retry your action.
If all above doesn't solve problem, then you should create a service request to Microsoft in SharePoint Online Admin Portal directly. Since issue is more likely related to SharePoint Online Server Back end.

KRB_ERR, KDC_ERR_C_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN: Client not found in Kerberos database

I can see the message using network capture tool Microsoft Message Analyzer. I can see the I receive Kerberos error "KDC_ERR_C_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN: Client not found in Kerberos database".
I can see all parts of the message, I have been searching online and tried a few things and did not work.
But in order to understand the problem, what does the "client" mean here?
- Is it the Server / Computer that is requesting
- Is it the Application that is requesting
The error is for KRB_TGS_REQ which means that its requesting for a token.
Would be great if anyone could help understand, which I believe can lead to a resolution.
Added more Details:
We have a SharePoint farm setup with SQL Reporting Services (SharePoint Integrated mode) and Excel Services. We have a datasource defined in Sharepoint which are used in SSRS Reports and Excel Reports. We use Windows Authentication from Sharepoint to SQL. When we test connection on Sharepoint datasource we get an error which says Cannot convert Windows token to Claims token. On opening the reports in SSRS we also receive error.
Strange part is that it works for some users which is why I'm not sure how to tackle this issue. If its SQL Server previlage issue, we have assigned sys admin role, this user also added as admin in SSRS. If AD or SPN issue it must not work for all users not for individual users.
I can see successful KRB_TGS_REQ for an admin user but fails for a normal user. No clue what to look for.
Kerberos Message :
KRB_TGS_ERROR, KDC_ERR_C_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN: Client not found in Kerberos database, Cname: nothing, Realm: SUB.DOMAIN.COM, Sname: SP_SVC_ACT
Does this mean that the delegation is not working?

not recognized cas ticket

I have a REST api in my web application where I get cas ticket generated by another webapp.
That webapp intern use cas20proxyticketvalidator to validate the ticket. Therefore, I also use Cas20ProxyTicketValidator in my custom filter to validate the ticket.
But it always give me following error:
ticket = ST-148008-jWXKeEdHkxmuktvYqXF6-cas
ticket 'ST-148008-jWXKeEdHkxmuktvYqXF6-cas' not recognized
at org.jasig.cas.client.validation.Cas20ServiceTicketValidator.parseResponseFromServer(Cas20ServiceTicketValidat
at org.jasig.cas.client.validation.AbstractUrlBasedTicketValidator.validate(
Why my ticket is not recognized?
The way that cas validates tickets is:
Your client (or the other web app) requests a ticket from the relay
server for a particular service, for example case
The cas server generates a row that stores the user's ssoguid, the service and the ticket. It returns the ticket to the client (or
other web app)
The client (or other webapp) sends the ticket to your server
Your server then sends a request to the serviceValidate endpoint of the cas server with the ticket and the service,
The cas server uses the ticket and service pair to find the row it generated. If it finds the row it: a) checks to see if the
service is real by sending a request to that url b) deletes the row
to invalidate the ticket after this validation check c) it returns
the user attached to the ticket to your server. Now the ticket can
not be validated again.
The problem you are experiencing could arise for several reasons:
The ticket has already been validated (I don't think that is the
case for you)
The service you send when generating the ticket is different to the service you send to the serviceValidate endpoint (they have to
be identical). (I would guess that this is the problem you are
experiencing, especially if another webapp generated the ticket. The
cas server would have on file but would
be trying to find a row with, which
doesn't exist because you didn't create it)
The service sent can
not be contacted by the relay server (I'm not exactly sure of the
details about how this works or exactly when the check it done but
it is recommended that you use a service that can be contacted)
Check the serviceUrl generated, so change the log level for package org.jasig.
With SpringBoot, in the add
In the console
org.jasig.cas.client.util.CommonUtils : serviceUrl generated: https://xxx
Verify and adapt your cas.client-host-url in the
## CAS[2.0]
Be careful with cas.client-host-url, no slash at the end of url.
Don't forget mvn clean package after modifying .properties

In CodeCharge Studio 4.3, i get a database error

I made a page and a Login page to secure that first page. When you login, it show the error:
Unable to establish connection to database.
Error information:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E4D)
Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'.
Anyone know what this exactly means and what to do about it?
Answers help! :D
Check your Connection string settings for your 'Design' and the 'Live' server (which might be your own PC with IIS installed)
You may be able to access the tables etc when in Design mode, but when you publish it (even locally) it will use the 'Live' server details - which will mean you need to check that IIS has an appropriate user to access the SQL Server and database.
Most of the time I use 'SQL Authentication', but either way you need to allow the user access to SQL and DB.
Have a look at these other questions for options:
How do I configure SQL Server to allow access via IIS
and Microsoft has several options from this article:
MSDN Accessing SQL Server from a Web Application