Emacs keybinding hall of fame/shame [closed] - emacs

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Closed 10 years ago.
What are the best and worst emacs key bindings in development software? Ever since I learned it, I find myself trying to use C-p and C-n to move up and down in everything that has a text box on it.
I'm perpetually annoyed by software that has an emacs mode that's pretty obviously either put together by someone who's never used emacs before or it's done in a crappy manner. So let's recognize the winners and losers in this thread.

A Valiant attempt
Eclipse Emacs bindings are decent when editing. In some dialog boxes, however, they mysteriously break and copy reverts to C-c and paste to C-v. An irritation.
A nice Mac OS Bonus
On Mac OS, all Cocoa applications support basic emacs key bindings. This works out quite well because native Mac apps don't use the control key for anything so there's no chance of conflict. This also means that you can pick up almost any text editor (or word processor) on the Mac and have at least basic Emacs keys.
An unexpected Benefit
This even means that Oxygen (an XML editor using the Swing GUI toolkit) supports Emacs keybindings, but only on the mac. I assume this is the case because Apple is actually using a heavyweight (Cocoa) text widget to implement the Swing text widget in their LAF.
On other platforms, I often use the Eclipse plugin version of Oxygen just to get my keybindings back.
G^%$&^% F^%$ StackOverflow for overriding some of the Cocoa Emacs bindings with some Javascript crap on the Mac. Very annoying.
C-k (kill-line) is bound to (insert-this-crap `print("code sample");`)
C-b (backward-char) is bound to (insert-this-crap **strong text**)
C-e, C-a, C-p, C-f, C-n work as expected.
These SO shortcuts are neither documented, nor do they appear to be customizable. They also aren't particularly useful.
Reported as a bug here: http://stackoverflow.uservoice.com/pages/general/suggestions/72686

[This is an example of a bad EMACS binding from an editor that wasn't even trying to be EMACS-like.]
I once found myself moving backwards and forwards between EMACS on Solaris and SOL on PRIMOS.
On Emacs, C-p meant go up one line.
On SOL, C-p was apparently an undocumented command that meant quit the editor without prompting or saving!
I lost a lot of work during that period, let me tell you.

The good
Um... emacs? Haven't found any software other than emacs that does a decent job of making the environment emacs-like enough.
The bad
SQL Developer by Oracle - seriously, does it have to be that difficult to make C-p do something other than print?
Visual Studio - Overall, the emacs mode is passable, but it's pretty obvious in some places that you're using a Microsoft IDE and not good old emacs.

Firemacs stops me bringing up the "save page" dialog every time I want to search in Firefox. It's a bit flaky but I find it more accessible than Conkeror, even though it looks like that has much more faithful Emacs bindings.
Along the lines of the OP's comments on "C-p to print", I think I've wanted to save maybe one or two web pages in over a decade, so I'm a bit puzzled why Firefox has it on such a common key combination as C-s.

Bash supports some Emacs keys (C-p, C-n, C-f, C-b, C-Space, C-w, C-y, C-a), but when I use screen I find it rather confusing, that I should enter C-a a C-k to kill the line. So it might be a good idea to change screen prefix key to something else.

[This is an example of a bad EMACS
binding from an editor that wasn't
even trying to be EMACS-like.]
I once found myself moving backwards
and forwards between EMACS on Solaris
and SOL on PRIMOS.
On Emacs, C-p meant go up one line.
On SOL, C-p was apparently an
undocumented command that meant quit
the editor without prompting or
C-p in PRIMOS meant "break" everywhere (like C-c in Unix). I believe it was there before Emacs was ported to PRIMOS, so it was easier to change one program than umpteen-thousand users and customers. I learned Emacs first on PRIMOS and it took me a couple of years to later feel comfortable with C-p :-).


Definitive guide for Emacs learners [duplicate]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am about to learn Emacs, have been through the tutorial and borrowed the O'Reilly book on Emacs. But the question still is - how do you learn good Emacs workflow? I guess, you don't use Emacs as you'd use, for example, Vim.
This question seems revelant to mine:
- Where can I find a video of a professional using Emacs?
I can't believe nobody has mentioned this, but reading the info pages bundled with Emacs is a great way to learn about obscure features. Whenever you need a break from coding, hit M-x info and pick a random page to read. Your emacs ability will improve incredibly quickly.
It is also important to realize how emacs' self-documenting-ness helps you work. Say, for example, you are wondering how you can scale the font size. Instead of interrupting your flow and asking here, or on IRC, or Google, you can ask emacs! Just hit C-h a (M-x command-apropos) and type a search term, in our case scale. If there are matching functions, their names, keybindings, and documentation will appear. There are, and now you've just discovered text-scale-increase and text-scale-decrease.
There are other self-documentation functions that are good to learn C-h m will tell you what keybindings and commands are available in the current major and minor modes. This is a great way to discover features you didn't know existed.
Another way to "learn by osmosis" is to M-x customize-group for the modes you use regularly. (customize is the interactive configuration editor that almost all modes support.)
The final thing to do is to learn Emacs Lisp. It is nice to use existing tools, but sometimes you will need your own. If you try to avoid learning Lisp, you will always be stuck with things not quite working right, and that's a shame.
Emacs is a great environment for customizing itself. Emacs includes two Lisp manuals that are viewable via M-x info. It is self-documenting, so you can say C-h f or M-x describe-function to get the documentation for any function. You can even press TAB ENT to jump to the source code of that function, to see how it's implemented. This is great when you think "I wish I had something that worked like foo, but just slightly different." You can read how foo is implemented, make your change in the *scratch* buffer, and then see if you like the change. There is no edit/compile/test cycle. You press a key and your emacs session immediately has the feature you just wrote.
The more effort you put into learning emacs, the more emacs will do to make your work easier.
Once you mastered the basics (opening/closing files, navigating, basic editing) just use it. As with a lot of other tools, practise makes perfect...
I would, however, set some time aside to work on improving how you use the editor currently, but as part of your normal workflow as opposed to just going off on a tangent and learning things for the sake of it.
I find some useful resources are the EmacsWiki and the Planet Emacsen blog. I use both, mainly by using Planet Emacsen for "inspiration" and then wandering over to EmacsWiki and having a trawl on there for a specific topic. I found that unless you're having at least a vague idea what you're looking for, the available information is just going to swamp you instead of it actually being helpful.
Not to mention that there are a few very useful resources here on StackOverflow, for example this question here. Emacs is a very powerful tool that tends to be able to do a lot more than a single person needs, but in the end that allows you to pick and choose exactly those parts that you need.
My suggestion is just stop using anything but Emacs, when you come across a problem see if you can solve it in Emacs, and then fall back (if you don't have the time or it just won't work). As for work flow, it is pretty much the same as you would normally work. i.e. for a normal ide session you would open/edit a file as normal, then commit (in C-x v v) just as normal.
I agree with the other posters here, you just have to use it! Here's how I did it:
Once I got the very basics (can get between buffers, open/save files, etc), I printed out a reference card and kept it handy. This is a good one. Review it just so you know what is on it, then whenever you find yourself doing something repeatedly that is on the card, start using the shortcut! Before you know it you'll have memorized quite an arsenal of commands. But remember, probably no one uses everything that emacs can do.
When you eventually find yourself doing something repeatedly that doesn't have a shortcut, that's a good time to learn keyboard macros. Once you get them, you'll find uses for them everywhere! From there it's a short jump to writing elisp (if you're a programmer).
The great thing about emacs is that you don't need an "emacs workflow", emacs works around your workflow!
You don't need to learn emacs workflow. Once you complete the tutorial and master the essentials, you'll have to adopt some degree of monogamy and use nothing but Emacs. Eventually you will think of functionality that you really wished existed; most of the time somebody else will have as well and the solution is just one search away! Over time you just can't help but learn and eventually you'll pick up enough that you'll develop your own personal workflow.
If you're looking to accelerate the process, the Emacs wiki has a variety of tips but really the best way is just to do stuff with Emacs.
You could have a look at Bram Molenaar's talk about efficient textediting, http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2538831956647446078&ei=EqiGSau8KZ-QiQLi-Nn8Cg&q=bram+molenaar+editing
Although he's a vim guy (he wrote it), you might get some ideas about how best to go about becoming more proficient with your text editor that'll apply to emacs.
To be honest, all I do is learn the keybindings I need. I don't use emacs to its full potential, because I don't need its full potential. My suggestion is to just learn what you need, and don't worry about what you don't. Learn a new key binding everyday, and in about 300 years will you know them all ;)
I am using the emacs since the old Amiga days on all platforms i am currently working on.
The best way to use emacs is curiosity. I still use often apropos (C-h a) and M-x (for a long functionname instead of key-binding) to find a functionality.
a key-concept to "proper use" Emacs is, to learn the very easy elisp (a simple derivate of lisp) and write your own little helpers (own commenting style, underlining, templates) and to know where to look to change values (tab-size, compiler, email)
And the third thing: everything is in emacs: I use the dired (directory editor) for navigating through files. I use a lot of buffers for all textual files (with proper modes for each type of file (c, ruby, list, sql, latex, ...)) which are stored when quitting emacs and recovered when invoking. I start the compiler from emacs and use the jump-to-error-functionality.
Macros are a daily routine (scimming throu code and changing it on the way).
I like the picture-mode, which allows to type downward with replacing, which makes it easy to renumber block of constants (good old c #defines))
There is a hugh mountain to climb, but if you have reached the top, you can see the whole world down your feet, and never want to miss this experience again. I know, there are many good editors around (i work myself thru Eclipse)
As previously stated, the best advice is to use nothing but Emacs for the next year. Once you develop your finger memory, things get to be much easier.
How do you learn a "good workflow" for anything? By using it, getting to know it, making it yours. There is no "proper" use of Emacs.
As for getting to know it: ask Emacs -- use its help system. This can help too: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsNewbieWithIcicles
That's the power of Emacs, you use it the way you like. You just have to configure it before for your liking.

What guide should I read to start learning Emacs? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do you learn proper Emacs? [closed]
(11 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I don't really know if this is a decent question or not, but I am fairly new to programming and looking for a good text editor to use. I have read this question on Unix.SE and this question on SO which have convinced me that Emacs is the way to go. But I can't really find any good documentation that is aimed at people who have no idea what "M-x-foobar" means. Once again, this is probably too subjective for SO, but I thought I would try anyway.
If you're just starting programming, you've probably got enough on your plate without dealing with a crazy moon editor! gedit (Linux), Notepad++ (Win) or TextWrangler (OS X) are all free and may be more familiar to you.
Still, Emacs is great if you're game. I learned from a couple of resources:
O'Reilly's Learning GNU Emacs
Emacs' built-in tutorial - press Ctrl-h and then t.
These got me up-and-running quickly.
After you've learned the very basics, you'll want customize Emacs to make it more confortable. Download someone's Emacs configuration off GitHub and tweak that. The Emacs Prelude is very good.
From then on, it's all about building muscle-memory:
Try to use Emacs for all the random mundane typing and editing you normally do
Use the Emacs movement keys wherever you can, such as in your terminal program
If you use OS X, most of the emacs movement keys work in text fields. Use those instead of the arrow keys to move around.
Emacs has a reputation for being hard on your hands - the key combos were designed for older keyboards from a more civilized age. If your pinky starts to hurt while you're learning, it's a good idea to remap your Caps-Lock key as Ctrl.
According to my experience, Emacs is a huge topic to cover. I'd suggest you to start with its tutorial by selecting the first entry in the "Help" menu (or pressing Ctrl+h, then pressing t, which is denoted C-h t in Emacs style).
Then just follow your needs by reading specialized articles or documentation. A bunch of useful information you may find in an Emacs Info, which can be called by C-h i (Ctrl+h, then i).
Knowing at least a bit of Emacs Lisp would be very useful as it's used to configure the editor and sometimes helps understanding how some things work. For that you may find useful An Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp (but you may find it in Emacs Info as well).

Better control over where windows with cscope buffers in Emacs

Emacs is my editor of choice, and I use the cscope intergration xcscope.el provides. Recently I had a flirt with Vim. I decided to stay with Emacs, but one of the things I really liked in Vim was how I could control where my cscope windows should appear. Using cscope_maps.vim (http://cscope.sourceforge.net/cscope_maps.vim) I get shortcuts that let Vim open search results in the same buffer, a new horizontal or a new vertical split.
In Emacs a the cscope buffer just pops up in a window somewhere, according to some rules I don't know. My guess: A new window is opened if I have only one. If I have more, the one I've been away from for the longest time is used.
Pin Emacs buffers to windows (for cscope) is the only related topic I've found that helps a bit, but that doesn't make it near as flexible as the key bindings in Vim.
Anyone got a better cscope setup in Emacs than what xcscope.el provides? I don't know lisp, so I have no idea how hard it would be to make this work the way it does in Vim.
Emacs 24 (not yet released) changes radically how it is decided which buffers are displayed in which windows. In principle it should give you more fine-grained control. In any case, how you solve the problem for Emacs 24 will be different from how you solve it for older versions.
Consider filing an Emacs enhancement request to specifically get behavior more like what you had with Vim. To do that, use M-x report-emacs-bug.

What are the compelling reasons to upgrade to emacs 23.1?

I saw the the news that emacs 23.1 was released.
For a programmer, What are the big reasons to upgrade? I'm currently on 22.2.
None of the features listed really seem like must-haves for me. The most immediately interesting bit is that nXML is now integrated. I already have it though.
But I have to admit I don't know what is really behind "smarter minibuffer completion" or "per buffer text scaling".
Anyone have any tips or examples of what these things are?
For me, the biggest reason is the support for anti-aliased fonts. And the --daemon support is nice.
Emacs-fu has a nice write-up of some of the features.
M-x butterfly
No one said anything about multi-tty support? I have one long (LONG!) emacs session opened somewhere, and I ssh'ed into that machine remotely and use that particular emacs session (with all the temporary buffers, everything setup the way I liked, groups of buffers opened, etc.). The benefit of course, is that I don't need to worry about saving temporary buffers (you do use those as scratch pad, don't you?), etc. when switching machines (from school to home, for example).
Also, with multi-tty support, you can open emacs with emacsclient -nw to substitute your occasional needs for vi for quick terminal edits. emacsclient -nw will open even faster than vi, and you will have access to your opened emacs session as a bonus. (Before emacs 23, emacsclient cannot run from the terminal).
"Improved Unicode support (the internal character representation is now based on UTF-8)."
is a critical reason for me, but it no doubt depends on your work flow.
Some of the terms you are asking about were discussed in Set Emacs defaut font face per-buffer/mode and are also in the emacs wiki, e.g. http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/SetFonts (under Changing Font Size - Buffer Text Resizing ).
While I was using the pre-releases, the most noticeable feature has been the improved font support. and some small things about smarter window splitting.
for me its font support and gnupg integration.
also its nice to read pdf's from within emacs.

How do you learn proper Emacs? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am about to learn Emacs, have been through the tutorial and borrowed the O'Reilly book on Emacs. But the question still is - how do you learn good Emacs workflow? I guess, you don't use Emacs as you'd use, for example, Vim.
This question seems revelant to mine:
- Where can I find a video of a professional using Emacs?
I can't believe nobody has mentioned this, but reading the info pages bundled with Emacs is a great way to learn about obscure features. Whenever you need a break from coding, hit M-x info and pick a random page to read. Your emacs ability will improve incredibly quickly.
It is also important to realize how emacs' self-documenting-ness helps you work. Say, for example, you are wondering how you can scale the font size. Instead of interrupting your flow and asking here, or on IRC, or Google, you can ask emacs! Just hit C-h a (M-x command-apropos) and type a search term, in our case scale. If there are matching functions, their names, keybindings, and documentation will appear. There are, and now you've just discovered text-scale-increase and text-scale-decrease.
There are other self-documentation functions that are good to learn C-h m will tell you what keybindings and commands are available in the current major and minor modes. This is a great way to discover features you didn't know existed.
Another way to "learn by osmosis" is to M-x customize-group for the modes you use regularly. (customize is the interactive configuration editor that almost all modes support.)
The final thing to do is to learn Emacs Lisp. It is nice to use existing tools, but sometimes you will need your own. If you try to avoid learning Lisp, you will always be stuck with things not quite working right, and that's a shame.
Emacs is a great environment for customizing itself. Emacs includes two Lisp manuals that are viewable via M-x info. It is self-documenting, so you can say C-h f or M-x describe-function to get the documentation for any function. You can even press TAB ENT to jump to the source code of that function, to see how it's implemented. This is great when you think "I wish I had something that worked like foo, but just slightly different." You can read how foo is implemented, make your change in the *scratch* buffer, and then see if you like the change. There is no edit/compile/test cycle. You press a key and your emacs session immediately has the feature you just wrote.
The more effort you put into learning emacs, the more emacs will do to make your work easier.
Once you mastered the basics (opening/closing files, navigating, basic editing) just use it. As with a lot of other tools, practise makes perfect...
I would, however, set some time aside to work on improving how you use the editor currently, but as part of your normal workflow as opposed to just going off on a tangent and learning things for the sake of it.
I find some useful resources are the EmacsWiki and the Planet Emacsen blog. I use both, mainly by using Planet Emacsen for "inspiration" and then wandering over to EmacsWiki and having a trawl on there for a specific topic. I found that unless you're having at least a vague idea what you're looking for, the available information is just going to swamp you instead of it actually being helpful.
Not to mention that there are a few very useful resources here on StackOverflow, for example this question here. Emacs is a very powerful tool that tends to be able to do a lot more than a single person needs, but in the end that allows you to pick and choose exactly those parts that you need.
My suggestion is just stop using anything but Emacs, when you come across a problem see if you can solve it in Emacs, and then fall back (if you don't have the time or it just won't work). As for work flow, it is pretty much the same as you would normally work. i.e. for a normal ide session you would open/edit a file as normal, then commit (in C-x v v) just as normal.
I agree with the other posters here, you just have to use it! Here's how I did it:
Once I got the very basics (can get between buffers, open/save files, etc), I printed out a reference card and kept it handy. This is a good one. Review it just so you know what is on it, then whenever you find yourself doing something repeatedly that is on the card, start using the shortcut! Before you know it you'll have memorized quite an arsenal of commands. But remember, probably no one uses everything that emacs can do.
When you eventually find yourself doing something repeatedly that doesn't have a shortcut, that's a good time to learn keyboard macros. Once you get them, you'll find uses for them everywhere! From there it's a short jump to writing elisp (if you're a programmer).
The great thing about emacs is that you don't need an "emacs workflow", emacs works around your workflow!
You don't need to learn emacs workflow. Once you complete the tutorial and master the essentials, you'll have to adopt some degree of monogamy and use nothing but Emacs. Eventually you will think of functionality that you really wished existed; most of the time somebody else will have as well and the solution is just one search away! Over time you just can't help but learn and eventually you'll pick up enough that you'll develop your own personal workflow.
If you're looking to accelerate the process, the Emacs wiki has a variety of tips but really the best way is just to do stuff with Emacs.
You could have a look at Bram Molenaar's talk about efficient textediting, http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=2538831956647446078&ei=EqiGSau8KZ-QiQLi-Nn8Cg&q=bram+molenaar+editing
Although he's a vim guy (he wrote it), you might get some ideas about how best to go about becoming more proficient with your text editor that'll apply to emacs.
To be honest, all I do is learn the keybindings I need. I don't use emacs to its full potential, because I don't need its full potential. My suggestion is to just learn what you need, and don't worry about what you don't. Learn a new key binding everyday, and in about 300 years will you know them all ;)
I am using the emacs since the old Amiga days on all platforms i am currently working on.
The best way to use emacs is curiosity. I still use often apropos (C-h a) and M-x (for a long functionname instead of key-binding) to find a functionality.
a key-concept to "proper use" Emacs is, to learn the very easy elisp (a simple derivate of lisp) and write your own little helpers (own commenting style, underlining, templates) and to know where to look to change values (tab-size, compiler, email)
And the third thing: everything is in emacs: I use the dired (directory editor) for navigating through files. I use a lot of buffers for all textual files (with proper modes for each type of file (c, ruby, list, sql, latex, ...)) which are stored when quitting emacs and recovered when invoking. I start the compiler from emacs and use the jump-to-error-functionality.
Macros are a daily routine (scimming throu code and changing it on the way).
I like the picture-mode, which allows to type downward with replacing, which makes it easy to renumber block of constants (good old c #defines))
There is a hugh mountain to climb, but if you have reached the top, you can see the whole world down your feet, and never want to miss this experience again. I know, there are many good editors around (i work myself thru Eclipse)
As previously stated, the best advice is to use nothing but Emacs for the next year. Once you develop your finger memory, things get to be much easier.
How do you learn a "good workflow" for anything? By using it, getting to know it, making it yours. There is no "proper" use of Emacs.
As for getting to know it: ask Emacs -- use its help system. This can help too: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsNewbieWithIcicles
That's the power of Emacs, you use it the way you like. You just have to configure it before for your liking.