Subversive connectors not working with newest Ganymede update - eclipse

I'm using Subversive plugin in Ganymede, but after today's update it stopped working - it just doesn't see any valid svn connectors (I've already been using 1.2.0 dev version of SVNKit, instead of a stable one, because Subversive / Ganymede could not handle it; now it can't handle even the dev one). Any ideas how to make it work? Are subversive guys releasing a new version of their plugin / connectors soon?

I had a similar problem right after the update. It turned out that I had been getting the connectors (the base connector and both the SVNKit and JavaHL connectors) from the Polarion site that had "ganymede" in the URL. Instead, I should have been using the general URL.
Checking my current configuration, you should be using this update URL:
The one I had been using, that should be deprecated if you are using it, is:
Note the difference. Once I changed that, I was able to download the 2.0.3 versions of the connectors, and Subversion again worked for me.

I'm using Subclipse in Ganymede successfully, maybe could you switch? I do recall having problems with SvnKit also, I'm using the JavaHL client.


SVN plugin not available for Eclipse new version(2022-9)

I am trying to use a new version of Eclipse and connect to a SVN server.
I have found that neither Subversive and Subclipe is available to install.
Are they not supported or not recommended to use so only way to use Eclipse and SVN together is using an old version(like Oxygen) of Eclipse?
I could download Subclipse 4.3.3 and tried to install it directly but it shows the below message...
It turned out that for the new Eclipse versions, we don't need SVNKit Client Adapter.
I am not 100% sure but at least to me, I can use SVN(commit/update) without that.
I will leave this post for someone who uses new Eclipse versions and need to access SVN for old projects like it happened to me.

How can I manually install SVN connectors in Eclipse

I've been using early versions of the new Eclipse (3.7 and 4.0) and they have been quite stable, however I am missing SVN support.
Using the prescribed (for the stable version 3.6) method of using the eclipse update site, I cannot install a connector because the available versions are not supported. I have read of other users successfully using the connectors after installing them manually, however I cannot find any description of how to do this.
Can anyone help?
This is the new link for downloading SVN Connector manually.
Open Eclipse>>help>> Install Software>>Paste the above url>>click add>>Select the connector>>now install.
The above url is subjected to change so please visit this link for latest link:
Did you try the site, listed on the Polarion Subversive site?
Update: A -1 given to this answer made me realize that the update site URLs are changed. The current list of update sites is the following: – Subversive Connector Archives for Subversive 0. – Subversive Connector Archives for Subversive 1.0/1.1
Additionally, if the update site urls have changed again, consult the Polarion site.

SVN client integration into Eclipse

I had integrated a Subclipse plugin into the Eclipse to perform SVN related operations.
I had successfully checked-in, checked-out and commited my project to the SVN.
But now when I am trying to commit or update my project, it is showing the following error
org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: Unsupported working copy format
svn: This client is too old to work with working copy 'D:\EclipseWorkspace\EMSEclipse'; please get a newer Subversion client
I had tried to update the plugin through HELP >> SOFTWARE UPDATES... of the Eclipse but it is saying that the software is up to date and no newer version is available.
Should I switch to some other SVN Client. If yes, then could you please suggest me any other SVN Client for Eclipse?
Subclipse has different update sites for the 1.4 and 1.6 branches. So if you are using 1.4, it won't have updates. Get the 1.6 update site.
Whenever the subclipse plugin is not sufficient for you, you can download Turtoise SVN - it is a full-featured SVN client.
Subversive is the other Eclipse client for SVN
But for your error, the solution is indeed to upgrade. Did you check the Download and installation process?
As documented, get the right version of JavaHL.
Haven't personally seen that error before. The other popular SVN client for Eclipse is Subversive in-case you want to try that.

Break away from Subclipse's OLD svn client

I'm sick of getting
This client is too old to work with working copy
whenever I come back to Eclipse after using an svn client newer than stone age to fix my working copies.
Is there a way to make Subclipse use a current Subversion client??
Install the latest version using this update site: . It works fine for me together with Tortoise.
The SVN client version for your version of Subclipse does not match that of some other tool you use, such as TortoiseSVN or the command line (see this thread).
Check also your JavaHL (the Java language binding for the Subversion API).

Getting Subclipse in Aptana to work with the newest release of Subversion

The version of Subclipse (1.2.4) currently available through Aptana's automatic Plugins Manager does not work with the newest version of Subversion.
I see on the Subclipse website however that they have 1.4.2 out for Eclipse. So I added a new remote update site to my Update manager. When I tried to install it, it told me I needed Mylyn 3.0.0. So after much searching I found Mylyn 3.0.0 and added another new remote update site to my update manager. Then when I tried to install that, it told me I needed org.eclipse.ui 3.3.0 or equivalent.
Looking at the configuration details for Aptana, it looks like it is built against eclipse 3.2.2.
Does anyone know if there is a way to upgrade the version of Eclipse Aptana that is built against to 3.3.0? Or if there is some other way to get Subclipse to work with the very newest version of Subversion?
I know this isn't necessarily a "programming" question, but I hope it's ok since it's highly relevant to the programming experience.
Subclipse does not require Mylyn, but the update site includes a plugin that integrates Mylyn and Subclipse. This is intended for people that use Mylyn. In your case, you would want to just de-select Mylyn in the update dialog.
Subclipse also requires Subversion 1.5 and the corresponding version of the JavaHL native libraries. I have written the start of an FAQ to help people understand JavaHL and how to get it. See:
I've had problems with JavaHL in Eclipse Ganymede, when it worked fine in Eclipse Europa. I'm not sure how Aptana is different, but try either upgrading JavaHL or switching to the pure-java SVNKit implementation within the Subclipse config.
if you're not going to be using mylyn just uncheck that dependency. I'm not really familiar with Aptana, but in eclipse you can expand whats being installed and uncheck anything you don't need.
I used the update url and I installed the JavaHL adapter, the Subclipse project itself and the SVNKit adapter BETA.
After this it worked fine for me, this is for linux platform hope it works for you.