Using classes with the Arduino - class

I'm trying to use class objects with the Arduino, but I keep running into problems. All I want to do is declare a class and create an object of that class. What would an example be?

On Arduino 1.0, this compiles just fine:
class A
int x;
virtual void f() { x=1; }
class B : public A
int y;
virtual void f() { x=2; }
A *a;
B *b;
const int TEST_PIN = 10;
void setup()
a=new A();
b=new B();
void loop()
digitalWrite(TEST_PIN,(a->x == b->x) ? HIGH : LOW);

There is an excellent tutorial on how to create a library for the Arduino platform. A library is basically a class, so it should show you how its all done.
On Arduino you can use classes, but there are a few restrictions:
No new and delete keywords
No exceptions
No libstdc++, hence no standard functions, templates or classes
You also need to make new files for your classes, you can't just declare them in your main sketch. You also will need to close the Arduino IDE when recompiling a library. That is why I use Eclipse as my Arduino IDE. states:
By default, the Arduino IDE and
libraries does not use the operator
new and operator delete. It does
support malloc() and free(). So the
solution is to implement new and
delete operators for yourself, to use
these functions.
#include <stdlib.h> // for malloc and free
void* operator new(size_t size) { return malloc(size); }
void operator delete(void* ptr) { free(ptr); }
This let's you create objects, e.g.
C* c; // declare variable
c = new C(); // create instance of class C
c->M(); // call method M
delete(c); // free memory

I created this simple one a while back. The main challenge I had was to create a good build environment - a makefile that would compile and link/deploy everything without having to use the GUI. For the code, here is the header:
class AMLed
uint8_t _ledPin;
long _turnOffTime;
AMLed(uint8_t pin);
void setOn();
void setOff();
// Turn the led on for a given amount of time (relies
// on a call to check() in the main loop()).
void setOnForTime(int millis);
void check();
And here is the main source
AMLed::AMLed(uint8_t ledPin) : _ledPin(ledPin), _turnOffTime(0)
pinMode(_ledPin, OUTPUT);
void AMLed::setOn()
digitalWrite(_ledPin, HIGH);
void AMLed::setOff()
digitalWrite(_ledPin, LOW);
void AMLed::setOnForTime(int p_millis)
_turnOffTime = millis() + p_millis;
void AMLed::check()
if (_turnOffTime != 0 && (millis() > _turnOffTime))
_turnOffTime = 0;
It's more prettily formatted here:
To use, I simply do something like this in the .pde file:
#include "AM_Led.h"
#define TIME_LED 12 // The port for the LED
AMLed test(TIME_LED);

My Webduino library is all based on a C++ class that implements a web server on top of the Arduino Ethernet shield. I defined the whole class in a .h file that any Arduino code can #include. Feel free to look at the code to see how I do it... I ended up just defining it all inline because there's no real reason to separately compile objects with the Arduino IDE.

Can you provide an example of what did not work? As you likely know, the Wiring language is based on C/C++, however, not all of C++ is supported.
Whether you are allowed to create classes in the Wiring IDE, I'm not sure (my first Arduino is in the mail right now). I do know that if you wrote a C++ class, compiled it using AVR-GCC, then loaded it on your Arduino using AVRDUDE, it would work.


How to control argument passing policy in pybind11 wrapping of std::function?

I have a class in c++ that I'm wrapping into python with pybind11. That class has a std::function, and I'd like to control how the arguments to that function are dealt with (like return value policies). I just can't find the syntax or examples to do this...
class N {
using CallbackType = std::function<void(const OtherClass*)>;
N(CallbackType callback): callback(callback) { }
CallbackType callback;
void doit() {
OtherClass * o = new OtherClass();
wrapped with
py::class_<OtherClass>(...standard stuff...);
py::class_<N>(m, "N")
I all works: I can do this in python:
def callback(o):
k = N(callback)
, but I'd like to be able to control what happens when callback(o); is called - whether python then will take ownership of the wrapped o variable or not, basically.
I put a printout in the destructor of OtherClass, and as far as I can tell, it never gets called.
OK, I think I figured it out:
Instead of std::function, use a pybind11::function:
using CallbackType = pybind11::function
and then
void doit(const OtherClass &input) {
if (<I want to copy it>) {
callback(pybind11::cast(input, pybind11::return_value_policy::copy));
} else {
callback(pybind11::cast(input, pybind11::return_value_policy::reference));
I see nothing in pybind11/functional that allows you to change the ownership of the parameters at the point of call, as the struct func_wrapper used is function local, so can not be specialized. You could provide another wrapper yourself, but in the code you can't know whether the callback is a Python function or a bound C++ function (well, technically you can if that bound C++ function is bound by pybind11, but you can't know in general). If the function is C++, then changing Python ownership in the wrapper would be the wrong thing to do, as the temporary proxy may destroy the object even as its payload is stored by the C++ callback.
Do you have control over the implementation of class N? The reason is that by using std::shared_ptr all your ownership problems will automagically evaporate, regardless of whether the callback function is C++ or Python and whether it stores the argument or not. Would work like so, expanding on your example above:
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/functional.h>
namespace py = pybind11;
class OtherClass {};
class N {
using CallbackType = std::function<void(const std::shared_ptr<OtherClass>&)>;
N(CallbackType callback): callback(callback) { }
CallbackType callback;
void doit() {
auto o = std::make_shared<OtherClass>();
PYBIND11_MODULE(example, m) {
py::class_<OtherClass, std::shared_ptr<OtherClass>>(m, "OtherClass");
py::class_<N>(m, "N")
.def(py::init<N::CallbackType>(), py::arg("callback"))
.def("doit", &N::doit);

Event-driven design with callbacks in Rust

I'd like to know how a composable event-driven design with callbacks can be used in Rust. From my existing experimentation, I have come to suspect that the ownership system in Rust is more suited to top-down procedural code and has problems with references to parent objects that are needed for callbacks in event-driven design.
Essentially, I would like to see the Rust equivalent for the following C++ code. The code implements an EventLoop which dispatches Timer events using a busy-loop, a Timer class with a timer_expired callback, and a User class that schedules a timer in intervals of 500ms.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <list>
#include <chrono>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std::chrono;
// Wrapping code in System class so we can implement all functions within classes declarations...
template <typename Dummy=void>
struct System {
class Timer;
class EventLoop {
friend class Timer;
std::list<Timer *> m_running_timers;
bool m_iterating_timers;
typename std::list<Timer *>::iterator m_current_timer;
void unlink_timer (Timer *timer)
auto it = std::find(m_running_timers.begin(), m_running_timers.end(), timer);
assert(it != m_running_timers.end());
if (m_iterating_timers && it == m_current_timer) {
: m_iterating_timers(false)
milliseconds get_time()
return duration_cast<milliseconds>(system_clock::now().time_since_epoch());
void run()
while (true) {
milliseconds now = get_time();
m_iterating_timers = true;
m_current_timer = m_running_timers.begin();
while (m_current_timer != m_running_timers.end()) {
Timer *timer = *m_current_timer;
if (now >= timer->m_expire_time) {
m_current_timer = m_running_timers.erase(m_current_timer);
timer->m_running = false;
} else {
m_iterating_timers = false;
struct TimerCallback {
virtual void timer_expired() = 0;
class Timer {
friend class EventLoop;
EventLoop *m_loop;
TimerCallback *m_callback;
bool m_running;
milliseconds m_expire_time;
Timer(EventLoop *loop, TimerCallback *callback)
: m_loop(loop), m_callback(callback), m_running(false)
if (m_running) {
void start (milliseconds delay)
m_running = true;
m_expire_time = m_loop->get_time() + delay;
void stop ()
if (m_running) {
m_running = false;
class TimerUser : private TimerCallback {
Timer m_timer;
TimerUser(EventLoop *loop)
: m_timer(loop, this)
void timer_expired() override
printf("Timer has expired!\n");
int main ()
System<>::EventLoop loop;
System<>::TimerUser user(&loop);;
return 0;
The code works as standard C++14 and I believe is correct. Note, in a serious implementation I would make the running_timers an intrusive linked-list not a std::list for performance reasons.
Here are some properties of this solution which I need to see in a Rust equivalent:
Timers can be added/removed without restrictions, there are no limitations on how/where a Timer is allocated. For example one can dynamically manage a list of classes each using their own timer.
In a timer_callback, the class being called back has full freedom to access itself, and the timer it is being called from, e.g. to restart it.
In a timer_callback, the class being called also has freedom to delete itself and the timer. The EventLoop understands this possibility.
I can show some things I've tried but I don't think it will be useful. The major pain point I'm having is satisfy the borrowing rules with all the references to parent objects involved for callback traits.
I suspect a RefCell or something similar might be part of a solution, possibly one or more special classes with internal unsafe parts, that allow gluing stuff together. Maybe some parts of reference safety typically provided by Rust could only be guaranteed at runtime by panicking.
I have created a prototype implementation of this in Rust, but it is not safe. Specifically:
Timers and the EventLoop must not be moved. If they are accidentally moves undefined behavior occurs due to use pointers to these. It is not possible to even detect this within Rust.
The callback implementation is a hack but should work. Note that this allows the same object to receive callbacks from two or more Timers, something that is not possible if traits were used for callbacks instead.
The callbacks are unsafe due to use of pointers that point to the object that is to receive the callback.
It is theoretically possible for an object to delete itself, but this actually seems unsafe in Rust. Because if a Timer callback ends up deleting itself, there would be a &self reference at one point that is not valid. The source of this unsafety is the use of pointers for callbacks.

Call function in main program from a library in Arduino

I've just started making libraries in Arduino. I've made a library named inSerialCmd. I want to call a function named delegate() that is defined in the main program file, stackedcontrol.ino, after the inSerialCmd library is included.
When I try to compile, one error is thrown:
...\Arduino\libraries\inSerialCmd\inSerialCmd.cpp: In member function
'void inSerialCmd::serialListen()':
...\Arduino\libraries\inSerialCmd\inSerialCmd.cpp:32: error:
'delegate' has not been declared
After doing a bit of searching, it seemed that adding the scope resolution operator might do the trick. So I added the "::" before delegate(), now "::delegate()", but the same error is thrown.
Now I'm stumped.
You cannot and should not directly call a function in a program from a library. Keep in mind a key aspect that makes a library into a library:
A library does not depend on the specific application. A library can be fully compiled and packaged into the .a file without the existence of a program.
So there is a one way dependency, a program depends on a library. This at first glance may seem to prevent you from achieving what you want. You can achieve the functionality you are asking about through what is sometimes referred to as a callback. The main program would provide to the library at runtime a pointer to the function to execute.
// in program somwehere
int myDelegate(int a, int b);
// you set this to the library
setDelegate( myDelegate );
You see this in the arduino if you look at how interrupt handlers are installed. This same concept exists in many environments - event listeners, action adapters - all with the same goal of allowing a program to define the specific action that a library cannot know.
The library would store and call the function via the function pointer. Here is a rough sketch of what this looks like:
// in the main program
int someAction(int t1, int t2) {
return 1;
/* in library
this is the delegate function pointer
a function that takes two int's and returns an int */
int (*fpAction)(int, int) = 0;
/* in library
this is how an application registers its action */
void setDelegate( int (*fp)(int,int) ) {
fpAction = fp;
/* in libary
this is how the library can safely execute the action */
int doAction(int t1, int t2) {
int r;
if( 0 != fpAction ) {
r = (*fpAction)(t1,t2);
else {
// some error or default action here
r = 0;
return r;
/* in program
The main program installs its delegate, likely in setup() */
void setup () {

struct vs class for writing D wrappers around foreign languages

(note: this is related to Usage preference between a struct and a class in D language but for a more specific use case)
When writing a D interface to, say, C++ code, SWIG and others do something like this:
class A{
private _A*ptr;//defined as extern(C) elsewhere
this(string s){ptr=_A_new(s);} //ditto
~this(){_A_delete(ptr);} //ditto
void fun(){_A_fun(ptr);}
Let's assume no inheritance is needed.
My question is: wouldn't it be preferable to use a struct instead of a class for this?
The pros being:
1) efficiency (stack allocation)
2) ease-of-use (no need to write new everywhere, eg: auto a=A(B(1),C(2)) vs auto a=new A(new B(1),new C(2)) )?
The cons being:
require additional field is_own to handle aliasing via postblit.
What would be the best way to do so?
Is there anything else to worry about?
Here's an attempt:
struct A{
private _A*ptr;
bool is_own;//required for postblit
static A opCall(){//cannot write this() for struct
A a;
return a;
this(string s){ptr=_A_new(s); is_own=true;}
~this(){if(is_own) _A_delete(ptr);}
void fun(){_A_fun(ptr);}
//shallow copy: I don't want to call the C++ copy constructor (expensive or unknown semantics)
is_own=false; //to avoid _A_delete(ptr)
Note the postblit is necessary for cases when calling functions such as:
myfun(A a){}
I suggest that you read this page. The only functions on C++ classes that you can call in D are virtual functions. That means that
D can­not call C++ spe­cial mem­ber func­tions, and vice versa. These in­clude con­struc­tors, de­struc­tors, con­ver­sion op­er­a­tors, op­er­a­tor over­load­ing, and al­lo­ca­tors.
And when you declare a C++ class in D, you use an extern(C++) interface. So, your class/struct would look like this
extern(C++) interface A
void fun();
However, you'd need another extern(C++) function to allocate any objects of type A, since it's C++ code that has to do that as the D code doesn't have access to any of the constructors. You'd also need a way to pass it back to C++ code to be deleted when you're done with it.
Now, if you want to wrap that interface in a type which is going to call the extern(C++) function to construct it and the extern(C++) function to delete it (so that you don't have to worry about doing that manually), then whether you use a class or struct depends entirely on what you're trying to do with it.
A class would be a reference type, which mirrors what the C++ class actually is. So, passing it around would work without you having to do anything special. But if you wanted a guarantee that the wrapped C++ object was freed, you'd have to do so manually, because there's no guarantee that the D class' finalizer would ever be run (and presumably, that's where you'd put the code for calling the C++ function to delete the C++ object). You'd have to either use clear (which will actually be renamed to destroy in the next release of the compiler - dmd 2.060) to destroy the D object (i.e. call its finalizer and handle the destruction of any of its member variables which are value types), or you'd have to call a function on the D object which called the C++ function to delete the C++ object. e.g.
extern(C++) interface A
void fun();
extern(C++) A createA();
extern(C++) void deleteA(A a);
class Wrapper
_a = createA();
auto opDispatch(string name, Args...)(Args args)
return mixin("_a." ~ name ~ "(args)");
A _a;
void main()
auto wrapped = new Wrapper();
//do stuff...
//starting with dmd 2.060
But that does have the downside that if you don't call clear/destroy, and the garbage collector never collects your wrapper object, deleteA will never be called on the C++ object. That may or may not matter. It depends on whether the C++ object really needs its destructor to be called before the program terminates or whether it can just let its memory return to the OS (without its destructor being called) when the program terminates if the GC never needs to collect the wrapper object.
If you want deterministic destruction, then you need a struct. That means that you'll need to worry about making the struct into a reference type. Otherwise, if it gets copied, when one of them is destroyed, the C++ object will be deleted, and the other struct will point to garbage (which it will then try and delete when it gets destroyed). To solve that, you could use std.typecons.RefCounted. Then you get something like
extern(C++) interface A
void fun();
extern(C++) A createA();
extern(C++) void deleteA(A a);
struct Wrapper
static Wrapper opCall()
Wrapper retval;
retval._a = createA();
return retval;
if(_a !is null)
_a = null;
auto opDispatch(string name, Args...)(Args args)
return mixin("_a." ~ name ~ "(args)");
A _a;
void main()
auto wrapped = RefCounted!Wrapper();
//do stuff...
You could also define the wrapper so that it has the ref-counting logic in it and avoid RefCounted, but that would definitely be more complicated.
Regardless, I would definitely advise against your suggestion of using a bool to mark whether the wrapper owns the C++ object or not, because if the original wrapper object gets destroyed before all of the copies do, then your copies will point to garbage.
Another option if you did want the C++ object's copy constructor to be used (and therefore treat the C++ object as a value type) would be to add an extern(C++) function which took the C++ object and returned a copy of it and then use it in a postblit.
extern(C++) A copyA(A a);
if(_a !is null)
_a = copyA(a);
Hopefully that makes things clear enough.

C# pinvoke marshalling structure containg vector<structure>

I'm in need to call an function that return an structure that contains an int and an vector of other structures in C# for a windows ce 6.0 project:
The function is provided by an 3rd party provider (Chinese manufacturer of the pda), and they only delivered me the .h files, the dll and lib.
The function i'm trying to call in C# is defined in the .h file as :
DLLGSMADAPTER ApnInfoData* GetAvailApnList();
the ApnInfoData structure is as follows:
typedef struct ApnInfoData
int m_iDefIndex;
ApnInfoArray m_apnList;
typedef struct ApnInfo
DWORD m_dwAuthType;
TCHAR m_szName[64];
TCHAR m_szTel[32];
TCHAR m_szUser[32];
TCHAR m_szPassword[32];
TCHAR m_szApnName[32];
typedef vector<ApnInfo> ApnInfoArray;
#define DLLGSMADAPTER _declspec(dllexport)
My question is how can i pinvoke this function in the .net cf, since it uses the vector class, and i don't know how to marshal this.
This is not possible. P/Invoke is designed to marshal C types only. You have a few options:
Use C++/CLI to build a managed wrapper around your C library and then use it from C#
Write a C wrapper around your C++ types and then P/Invoke the C wrapper
Write a COM wrapper around the C++ types and then generate a com-interop stub.
The most basic C wrapper around this would go something like this:
// creates/loads/whatever your vector<ApnInfo> and casts it to void*, and then returns it through 'handle'
int GetAppInfoHandle(void **handle);
// casts handle back to vector<ApnInfo> and calls .size()
int GetAppInfoLength(void *handle);
// Load into 'result' the data at ((vector<ApnInfo>*)handle)[idx];
void GetAppInfo(void *handle, int idx, ApnInfo *result);
Wrapping a std::vector<your_struct> in C# is possible with just regular P/Invoke Interop, it is complicated though.
The basic idea of instantiating a C++ object from .NET world is to allocate exact size of the C++ object from .NET, then call the constructor which is exported from the C++ DLL to initialize the object, then you will be able to call any of the functions to access that C++ object, if any of the method involves other C++ classes, you will need to wrap them in a C# class as well, for methods with primitive types, you can simply P/Invoke them. If you have only a few methods to call, it would be simple, manual coding won't take long. When you are done with the C++ object, you call the destructor method of the C++ object, which is a export function as well. if it does not have one, then you just need to free your memory from .NET.
Here is an example.
public class SampleClass : IDisposable
[DllImport("YourDll.dll", EntryPoint="ConstructorOfYourClass", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention=CallingConvention.ThisCall)]
public extern static void SampleClassConstructor(IntPtr thisObject);
[DllImport("YourDll.dll", EntryPoint="DoSomething", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention=CallingConvention.ThisCall)]
public extern static void DoSomething(IntPtr thisObject);
[DllImport("YourDll.dll", EntryPoint="DoSomethingElse", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention=CallingConvention.ThisCall)]
public extern static void DoSomething(IntPtr thisObject, int x);
IntPtr ptr;
public SampleClass(int sizeOfYourCppClass)
this.ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeOfYourCppClass);
public void DoSomething()
public void DoSomethingElse(int x)
DoSomethingElse(this.ptr, x);
public void Dispose()
For the detail, please see the below link,
C#/.NET PInvoke Interop SDK
(I am the author of the SDK tool)