Modifying Request/Response Streams in WebBrowser Control Using MSHTML - mshtml

I need to find a way to get at the request/response streams inside of the webbrowser winforms control and see that it's not real intuitive. For example, I need to be able to modify post data when a user clicks a submit button. It looks like you have to register for some MSHTML COM events to do so, but am unsure which I need to subscribe to (and how). Has anyone done this in the past? Examples?

Take a look at Asynchronous Pluggable Protocols (IInternetProtocol):
And a solution in C# that uses some of it for its own protocols in IE:


Event Handling in Joomla Custom Component

I want to ask expert joomla devs out there, about event handling(dropdown values etc.) On how is it coded? In .NET(VB/C#) there is a custom event handler for every control in the User Interface during development (e.g button1_click). Any references?
There are aspects to this answer.
Firstly, I need to make sue that you are comparing .net web development with Joomla web development here. I would be surprised that every click on a .net control can be hooked into with a callback architecture, but then again I am not a .net developer.
Joomla has an event trigger system, which can be used in conjunction with Joomla plugins, see here:
On top of this, many more complex components define their own events, good examples are jEvents and jSeblod
This isn't built in the core of Joomla! and you would need to write some JavaScript/jQuery to handle this.
Alternatively, you could look at the likes of RS Forms which allows conditional displays for many field types.

Graceful Degradation with REST in CakePHP

Alright, so a better title here may have been "Progressive Enhancement with REST in CakePHP", but at least now I'll know you didn't read the question if your answer just refers to the difference between the two ;)
I'm pretty familiar with REST and how to integrate it with CakePHP, but I'm not 100% on board with how to still maintain a conventionally functioning website. Using Router::mapResources sounds like a great idea, but this creates a problem with maintaining the "gracefully degradation" version of the site, because both POST requests to /resource/ AND GET requests for /resource/add will route to the same action (add). Clearly I'll want this action to return a JSON object if they're using the REST api, but if they're using the degraded version of the site (no JS perhaps), it should be a add form, right?
What's the best way to deal with this. Do you route your REST requests to other action names using Router::resourceMap()? Do you do that crazy hack I saw to have the /api/ prefix part of the resourceMap so you can use api_action functions? Do you have the actions handle both REST and conventional requests via checking isAjax()? If so, how do you ensure that you can rely on the browser to properly support the other two request types?
I've searched around quite a bit but haven't found anything about how to keep conventional requests available in Cake along side REST, so if anyone has any advice or experience, I'd love to hear it!
CakePHP uses extension routing as well, via Router::parseExtension() so;
/test/action will render views/test/action.ctp
/test/action.html also
/test/action.json will render views/test/json/action.ctp
/test/action.xml will render views/test/xml/action.ctp
If all views are designed to handle the same data as set by your controller, you'll be able to show a regular HTML form and handle the posted data the same way as you'd handle the AJAX request.
You'll probably might have to add checks if any data is posted/submitted inside the /add, /edit, /delete actions to prevent items being deleted without a form being posted (haven't tested that though, it might be that cake blocks these urls if mapresources is set for the controller)
REST in CakePHP:
(Extension) Routing

How to add edit-layer as Plack-middleware?

I have an idea to add a edit-layer to website as a Plack middleware.
Explanation: let's say, we create a website, based on some framework and templates and CSS (requesting it like /some/page). Now we could create a middleware so that every request to pages starting with adm (like /adm/some/page) shows the same page, but adds a layer for content editing. So we could easily look and use the page as visitors do, but with double-click on block-level element we could modify or add content. So middleware should bind certain block-elements with certain events (double-click) and set handlers too (with some Javascript library).
For now it is just an idea and i have not seen such approach in any CMS. I am looking for hints and ideas and examples, how to start and implement such system. I hope, there is already done something like that.
You could do it, but I don't think you want to do this. My understanding is that Plack::Middleware's are supposed to be generic, and implementing a CMS as a plack middleware limits its re-usability, and its out of place, there is no inherent connection between a middleware and a CMS.
See these as examples Plack::Middleware::OAuth, Plack::Middleware::Debug, Plack::Middleware::iPhone, Plack::Middleware::Image::Scale, Plack::Middleware::HTMLMinify
It would be trivial to add a middleware filter to insert a form in your html based on /adm/ or /admin/ or whatever ... and mapping the url to the dispatch would highly depend on the underlying CMS model/view/controller framework, which is why frameworks such as Catalyst, Mojolicious and other already provide this feature
Basically, I think this is a job for a view/controller of your application, a plugin, not a wrapper for your application (middleware)
I know my explanation is lacking but hopefully you catch my drift

Events in Zend Framework application

I'm looking for a reference to a good implementation of event driven architecture based on Zend Framework. Could you share your experience in this topic?
I've found two solutions, but haven't used them yet:
I don't have much practical experience in this topic, but since no one else seems to be replying, I suppose I'll share what I think of this...
This is perhaps a bit tricky thing in PHP apps, since they typically only run for the duration of a request, so the benefit of being able to subscribe and listen to generic events during that short phase may not be very large.
However, I think there can be some benefits in allowing you to decouple your code more.
From what I can tell, the Symfony dispatcher looks better - mainly because it looks simpler.
I've used a sort of dojo pubsub type system myself: Basically you have an event publisher, to which classes can publish events. This is a sort of global event handling, where you don't specifically subscribe to the class itself - instead you subscribe to a specific event, and it doesn't matter what class publishes the event.
The benefits of this vs. subscribing to a specific class is that the code is decoupled more: In my case, it's a ZF app, and classes which subscribe to events can simply do it in the bootstrap, vs. having to do subscriptions in controllers (or where ever the publishers are created)
The downside of this approach is that it can make dependencies between things harder to track. For example you only see an event publish call, but you have no idea what sort of things listen for it without digging further into the code.
In my case I don't really know if the application has got any benefits from using this architecture - in fact I've several times considered removing it entirely and just using the objects which listen to the events directly.

Existing pubsubhubbub ajax proxy/bridge? (Like Google Feeds API v2 with Push)

I'm looking for a server side component, preferably java, that will allow me to subscribe to pubsubhubbub feeds through javascript. I understand that subscribers are server side applications in the standard rest/pubsubhubbub format, but Google seems to have created a ajax bridge that looks quite handy.
Unfortunately, I'm dealing with data that simply cannot leave our servers, let alone go through Google's.
Is anyone aware of a (preferably free) server side proxy for pseudo javascript pubsubhubbub subscribers?
I know for a fact that Kwwika and Pusherapp are working on this. I can intro you with these guys if you want.
If not, I believe this should be relatively easy to build with stuff like Node.JS for example. This code on Github should be a good first start. Things like this have been built with it.
We (superfeedr) are trying to get more people building similar things...
I'm looking for a server side
component, preferably java, that will
allow me to subscribe to pubsubhubbub
feeds through javascript
There is a java implementation]1 of the subscribe part available. But the hub-part hasn't yet been implemented in java which is needed to subscribe to the feed which should be private. For the javascript(jquery) part I would just use simple long-polling.
Is anyone aware of a (preferably free)
server side proxy for pseudo
javascript pubsubhubbub subscribers?
I don't think a free solution like that exists (yet). Even google's push API isn't open yet.
Unfortunately, I'm dealing with data
that simply cannot leave our servers,
let alone go through Google's.
There isn't yet an implementation of the HUB-part of the pubsubhubbub protoccol. But if it is internally I also don't think you need this kind of fan-out the hub(specification) is offering(broadcast to other servers).
I think you could just use A comet framework like Atmosphere to suspend connection and broadcast feed diff. I think this can be written quick with the Atmosphere framework(1 day you will have a working prototype).
You can see an example using a combination of Superfeedr and Kwwika within a web application that lets you subscribe to any RSS feed or track keywords within RSS feeds here:
And you can get the source code in GitHub here: