CommandBars.FindControl throwing an exception - ms-word

I am trying to use the FindControl Method of the CommandBars object in a VSTO Word addin to get what else a command bar object
Code is as follows
private void WireContextMenu(string MenuID,string Tag, string ID, ref Office.CommandBarButton Control)
object missing = System.Type.Missing;
Control = (Office.CommandBarButton)this.Application.CommandBars[MenuID].FindControl((object)Office.MsoControlType.msoControlButton, ID, Tag, missing, missing);
if (Control == null)
Control = (Office.CommandBarButton)this.Application.CommandBars[MenuID].Controls.Add(Office.MsoControlType.msoControlButton, ID, missing, missing, missing);
Control.Caption = "Biolit Markup Selection";
Control.Tag = Tag;
Control.Click += new Microsoft.Office.Core._CommandBarButtonEvents_ClickEventHandler(this.cb_Click);
catch (Exception Ex)
The FindControl method is throwing a Type Mismatch Exception (-2147352571)
Any ideas
is this the right way anyhow to add a item to the right click menu of word and then make sure you dont add it if it already exists

you are using Missing where Missing is not allowed as parameter
ref: link text
use code like this:
object type = MsoControlType.msoControlPopup;
object id = 1;
object tag = null;
object visible = 1;
object recusive = false;
//object missing = System.Type.Missing;
CommandBarControl barControl = popParent.FindControl(type, id, tag, visible, recusive);


Setting URL in UploadCollectionItem in UI5 1.38.4

What parameters are mandatory for an UploadCollectionItem with the URL parameter set will show the file when the filename is clicked.
I am using a factory to handle files coming from different locations.
attachmentFactory(sId, context) {
const modelObj = context.getModel().getProperty(context.getPath());
const uploadListItem = new SAPUploadCollectionItem();
// If __metadata exists, attachment entry is from odata, if not then it's a FileEntry object.
if (modelObj.__metadata) {
else {
return uploadListItem;
I get an exception in UI5 when I press the link in the function
UploadCollection.prototype._triggerLink = function(oEvent, oContext) {
var iLine = null;
var aId;
if (oContext.editModeItem) {
//In case there is a list item in edit mode, the edit mode has to be finished first.
sap.m.UploadCollection.prototype._handleOk(oEvent, oContext, oContext.editModeItem, true);
if (oContext.sErrorState === "Error") {
//If there is an error, the link of the list item must not be triggered.
return this;
oContext.sFocusId = oEvent.getParameter("id");
aId = oEvent.oSource.getId().split("-");
iLine = aId[aId.length - 2];
sap.m.URLHelper.redirect(oContext.aItems[iLine].getProperty("url"), true);
oContext.aItems is an array but the source.getId() value is "__item9-ta_filenameHL" so __item9 is not found in oContext.aItems
I'm not sure if this is a bug or I'm setting up my UploadCollectionItem incorrectly
I had to set the sId of the UploadCollectionItem to be the sId that was passed into the factory.

Custom properties are not updated for the word via openXML

I am trying to update custom properties of word document thru Open XML programming but it seems the updated properties are not getting saved properly for the word document. So when I opening document after successful execution of the update custom property code, I am getting the message box which is "This document contains field that may refer to other files; Do you want to update the fields in the Document?" If I am pressing 'NO' button then all the update properties would not be saved to the document. If we are going for yes option then it will update properties but I need to save the properties explicitly. Please suggest to save properties to the document without getting confirmation message or corrupting the document. :)
the code snippet is given as below,
public void SetCustomValue(
WordprocessingDocument document, string propname, string aValue)
CustomFilePropertiesPart oDocCustomProps = document.CustomFilePropertiesPart;
Properties props = oDocCustomProps.Properties;
if (props != null)
//logger.Debug("props is not null");
foreach (var prop in props.Elements<CustomDocumentProperty>())
if (prop != null && prop.Name == propname)
//logger.Debug("Setting Property: " + prop.Name + " to value: " + aValue);
var newProp = new CustomDocumentProperty();
newProp.FormatId = "{D5CDD505-2E9C-101B-9397-08002B2CF9AE}";
newProp.Name = prop.Name;
vTLPWSTR1.Text = aValue;
int pid = 2;
foreach (CustomDocumentProperty item in props)
item.PropertyId = pid++;
I am using .Net framework 3.5 with Open XML SDK 2.0 and Office 2013.
Try this one
var CustomeProperties = xmlDOc.CustomFilePropertiesPart.Properties;
foreach (CustomDocumentProperty customeProperty in CustomeProperties)
if (customeProperty.Name == "DocumentName")
customeProperty.VTLPWSTR = new VTLPWSTR("My Custom Name");
else if (customeProperty.Name == "DocumentID")
customeProperty.VTLPWSTR = new VTLPWSTR("FNP.SMS.IQC");
else if (customeProperty.Name == "DocumentLastUpdate")
customeProperty.VTLPWSTR = new VTLPWSTR(DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString());
//Open Word Setting File
DocumentSettingsPart settingsPart = xmlDOc.MainDocumentPart.GetPartsOfType<DocumentSettingsPart>().First();
//Update Fields
UpdateFieldsOnOpen updateFields = new UpdateFieldsOnOpen();
updateFields.Val = new OnOffValue(true);
you have to update your document fields on open.

CRM 2011 : Plugin to create duplicate records

i created a simple plugin to create a duplicate record that refers to the parent record.
Here is my code
var pluginExecutionContext = localContext.PluginExecutionContext;
IOrganizationService service = localContext.OrganizationService;
abc= pluginExecutionContext.InputParameters["Target"] as Entity;
if (pluginExecutionContext.Depth == 1)
Guid abcId = abc.Id;
Entity abcCopy = new Entity("mcg_abc");
if (abc.Attributes.Contains("mcg_abccategoryoptioncode"))
abcCopy.Attributes["mcg_abccategoryoptioncode"] = abc.GetAttributeValue<OptionSetValue>("mcg_abccategoryoptioncode");
if (abc.Attributes.Contains("mcg_effectivedate"))
abcCopy.Attributes["mcg_effectivedate"] = isp.GetAttributeValue<DateTime>("mcg_effectivedate");
if (abc.Attributes.Contains("mcg_startdate"))
abcCopy.Attributes["mcg_startdate"] = isp.GetAttributeValue<DateTime>("mcg_startdate");
if (abc.Attributes.Contains("mcg_enddate"))
abcCopy.Attributes["mcg_enddate"] = isp.GetAttributeValue<DateTime>("mcg_enddate");
if (abc.Attributes.Contains("mcg_amendeddate"))
abcCopy.Attributes["mcg_amendeddate"] = isp.GetAttributeValue<DateTime>("mcg_amendeddate");
if ((abc.GetAttributeValue<OptionSetValue>("mcg_abccategoryoptioncode").Value) == 803870001)
//Some more fields;
//Some more fields;
// SOme more fields;
abcCopy.Attributes["mcg_parentabc"] = new EntityReference("mcg_abc", abc.Id);
Now the problem is all the fields before the below check are getting copied
if ((abc.GetAttributeValue<OptionSetValue>("mcg_abccategoryoptioncode").Value) == 803870001)
However fields after this check are not getting copied.
Please if anybody could suggest what mistake i have made.
In case you take field from Target - this field was updated on a client side. In case field was not updated - it would not be in Target. You should use Images to get values of unchanged fields.
The field must be empty so a exception may arise. Try to use the plugin image or change your code to this way:
if (abc.Attributes.Contains("mcg_abccategoryoptioncode")){
if ((abc.GetAttributeValue<OptionSetValue>("mcg_abccategoryoptioncode").Value) == 803870001)

DataSet does not support System.Nullable<>

i have an app which has btn to preview report made in crystal report. I added Dataset as datasource of the report and dragged datatable from the toolbox and added the fields I need as columns. I got the instruction from this link This is my 2nd report the first one works and did not encounter any prob at all that is why i am confused, not to mention it also has nullable column. the error says: DataSet does not support System.Nullable<>.
private void ShowReportView()
string reportFile = "JudgeInfoFMReport.rpt";
ObservableCollection<tblJudgeFileMaint> judgeFileMaintList;
judgeFileMaintList = GenerateReport();
if (judgeFileMaintList.Count > 0)
CrystalReportViewerUC crview2 = new CrystalReportViewerUC();
crview2.SetReportPathFile(reportFile, judgeFileMaintList);
System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("No record found.", module, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
private ObservableCollection<tblJudgeFileMaint> GenerateReport()
var result = FileMaintenanceBusiness.Instance.GetAllJudgeInfoList();
return new ObservableCollection<tblJudgeFileMaint>(result);
The error is in the part where I set datasource report.SetDataSource
public bool SetReportPathFile(string reportPathFile, IEnumerable enumerable)
string reportFolder = #"\CrystalReportViewer\Reports\";
string filename = System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + reportFolder + reportPathFile; // "\\Reports\\CrystalReports\\DateWiseEmployeeInfoReport.rpt";
ReportPathFile = filename;
report.SetDatabaseLogon("sa", "admin007");
bRet = true;
_IsLoaded = bRet;
return bRet;
I read some answers and says I should set the null value to DBNUll which I did in the properties window of each column if it is nullable. Can anyone help me please? thanks
Your question can be seen in this post, but in a generic way ... that way you can pass an Object to a DataSet typed!
.NET - Convert Generic Collection to DataTable
figured it out. by using a collectionextention, copied somewhere, I forgot the link. Os to whoever it is who made the class, credits to you.
class method looks like this.
public statis class CollectionExtension {
public static DataSet ToDataSet<T>(this IEnumerable<T> collection, string dataTableName)
if (collection == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("collection");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataTableName))
throw new ArgumentNullException("dataTableName");
DataSet data = new DataSet("NewDataSet");
data.Tables.Add(FillDataTable(dataTableName, collection));
return data;
then you can use it by doing this in getting your source to your report:
private DataSet GenerateNeutralContEducReport(string dsName)
var contEduHistoryList = FileMaintenanceBusiness.Instance.GetManyNeutralFMContEducHistoryInfobyKeyword(CurrentNeutralFM.NeutralID, "NeutralID").ToList();
return CollectionExtensions.ToDataSet<tblContinuingEducationHistory>(contEduHistoryList, dsName);
I found little help from the other proposed answers but this solution worked.
A different way to solve this problem is to make the data column nullable.
DataColumn column = new DataColumn("column", Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
column.AllowDBNull = true;
foreach (PropertyDescriptor property in properties)
dt.Columns.Add(property.Name, Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(property.PropertyType) ?? property.PropertyType);

Ajax Popupcontrolextender issues

I have a bizarre problem. I have followed the example here ( to display an ajax popup, but it is not working properly.
The problem I have is that the image attributes are not set properly, I checked with Firebug and this is what I get on page 1 after load.
<img src="StyleSheets/magglass.jpg" id="mainContent_TheGrid_MagGlass_0">
Now the bizarre, if I go to page 2, the onmouseover event is set properly for all images and if I come back to page 1, it is set properly too, e.g.
<img src="StyleSheets/magglass.jpg" onmouseover="$find('pce0').showPopup(); " id="mainContent_TheGrid_MagGlass_0">
I stepped through the code and confirmed that the rowcreated event is firing for my grid, for each row
Any Ideas?
My code is slightly different to the example, see below
protected void TheGrid_RowCreated(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
// Programmatically reference the PopupControlExtender
PopupControlExtender pce = e.Row.FindControl("TheGrid_PopupControlExtender") as PopupControlExtender;
// Set the BehaviorID
string behaviorID = string.Concat("pce", e.Row.RowIndex);
pce.BehaviorID = behaviorID;
// Programmatically reference the Image control
Image i = (Image)e.Row.Cells[0].FindControl("MagGlass");
// Add the client-side attributes (onmouseover & onmouseout)
string OnMouseOverScript = string.Format("$find('{0}').showPopup(); ", behaviorID);
i.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", OnMouseOverScript);
The GetDynamicContent Method is below, which adds the hidepopup method.
[System.Web.Services.WebMethodAttribute(), System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptMethodAttribute()]
public static string GetDynamicContent(string contextKey)
GridView MyGrid = (GridView)HttpContext.Current.Session["TheGrid"];
var MyVar = from GridViewRow MyRow in MyGrid.Rows
where MyRow.Cells[MyRow.Cells.Count - 1].Text == contextKey
select MyRow;
//This is the selected row by the user
GridViewRow MyGridRow = MyVar.SingleOrDefault();
//MyGridRow.Cells[3].Text is the log entry.
string MyTable = #"<table class=""PopUpTable""><tr><td><textarea class=""textarea"">"
+ MyGridRow.Cells[3].Text + "</textarea></td>";
//MyGridRow.RowIndex is used to determine the name of popup control for the hidepopup script
MyTable += "<td><button type=\"button\" class=\"PopUpButton\" onclick=\"$find('pce" + MyGridRow.RowIndex.ToString() + "').hidePopup();\">Close</button></td></tr></table>";
return MyTable;
This is the pageIndexChanging event
protected void TheGrid_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e)
TheGrid.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;
The LoadFromDB method here:
private void LoadFromDB()
LOGDBDataContext LDC = new LOGDBDataContext(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[Constants.ConnectionStringName].ConnectionString);
string Query = #"DateTimeStamp >= #0 and DateTimeStamp <= #1";
var Tolo = LDC
.Where(Query, this.FromCalendar.SelectedDate, this.ToCalendar.SelectedDate)
.OrderBy("DateTimeStamp desc")
.Select("new (LogID, DateTimeStamp, Organization, LogEntry, ServerHostname)");
TheGrid.DataSource = Tolo;
catch (Exception ex)
//do something here
Never Mind, found the answer.
Poor Debugging
A poor attempt at
clearing the gridview that was not
invoked by the pagechanging event
Incompetence thy name is yomismo