What's the best way to create a "magnifying glass" on a 2D scene? - iphone

I'm working on a game where I need to let the player look at a plane (e.g., a wall) through a lens (e.g., a magnifying glass). The game is to run on the iPhone, so my choices are Core Animation or OpenGL ES.
My first idea (that I have not yet tried) is to do this using Core Animation.
Create the wall and objects on it using CALayers.
Use CALayer's renderInContext: method to create an image of the wall as a background layer.
Crop the image to the lens shape, scale it up, then draw it over the background.
Draw the lens frame and "shiny glass" layer on top of all that.
I am a lot more familiar with Core Animation than OpenGL, so maybe there is a much better way to do this with OpenGL. (Please tell me!)
If I am using CALayers that are not attached to a view, do I have to manage all animations myself? Or is there a straightforward way to run them manually?
3D perspective is not important; I'm just magnifying a flat wall.
I'm concerned that doing all of the above will be too slow for smooth animation.
Before I commit a lot of code to writing this, my question is do you see any pitfalls in the plan above or can you recommend an easier way to do this?

I have implemented a magnifying glass on the iPhone using a UIView. CA was way too slow.
You can draw a CGImage into a UIView using it's drawRect method. Here's the steps in my drawRect:
get the current context
create a path for clipping the view (circle)
scale the current transformation matrix (CTM)
move the current transformation matrix
draw the CGimage
You can have the CGImage prerendered, then it's in the graphics memory.
If you want something dynamic, draw it from scratch instead of drawing a CGImage.
Very fast, looks great.

That is how I'd do it, it sounds like a good plan.
Whether you choose OGL or CA the basic principle is the same so I would stick with what you're more comfortable with.
Identify the region you wish to magnify
Render this region to a separate surface
Render any border/overlay onto of the surface
Render your surface enlarged onto the main scene, clipping appropriately.
In terms of performance you will have to try it and see (just make sure you test on actual hardware, because the simulator is far faster than the hardware). If it IS to slow then you can look at doing steps 2/3 less frequently, e.g every 2-3 frames. This will give some magnification lag but it may be perfectly acceptable.
I suspect that performance between OGL / CA will be roughly equivalent. CA is built ontop of the OGL libraries but your cost is going to be doing the actual rendering, not the time spent in the layers.


zoom in the GLPaint sample code

i would like to make an app where you can paint like in the GLPaint sample code, but also zoom in to paint in more detail within your painting.
but i get the feeling, that using OpenGL ES 1.0 which is used in the GLPaint app, is pretty difficult to learn and could be a little bit of an overkill for my need.
if i am chaning the main views frame with the setFrame method to zoom with gesturerecognizer, the already painted lines get erased with every change of the frames size.
so i tried to realize it with another idea: in the touchmoves method i add at "many" positions uiimageviews with an image of the brush, it is slower than the glpaint app and a little bit of a memomy management mess, but i donĀ“t see another way to go there.
any suggestions, learn openGL ES 1.0 or 2.0 or trying to realise the last idea
You can certainly achieve what you are doing, however it will require some effort.
Usually zooming is quite straight-forward as most OpenGL scenes typically do not rely on the the accumulation buffer as the GLPaint sample code does.
If you try and just zoom your the view in GLPaint, your new painting will be drawn at some adjusted scale over your original drawing - which is almost certainly not what you want.
A work-around is instead of drawing directly to your presenting screen buffer, you would first render to a texture buffer, then render said texture buffer on a quad (or equivalent). That way the quad scene can be cleared and re-rendered every frame refresh (at any scale you choose) while your paint buffer retains its accumulation buffer.
This has been tested and works.
I am quite sure the image view method will be an overkill after drawing for a few minutes... You can do all the zooming quite nicely with openGL and I suggest you do that. The bast practice would be to create a canvas as large as possible so when you zoom in you will not lose any resolution.
About zooming: Do not try to resize the GL frame or any frame for that matter because even if you manage to do that successfully you will lose resolution. You should use standard matrices to translate and scale the scene or just play around with glOrtho (set its values to the rect you are currently seeing). Once you get that part there are sadly 2 more things to do that require a bit of math, first is you will have to compute the new touch positions in the openGL scene as location in view will not know about your zooming and translating, second is you probably need to scale the brush as well (make smaller when the scene is bigger so you can draw details).
About the canvas: I do suggest you draw to a FBO rather then your main render buffer and present the texture to your main render scene. Note here that FBO will have attached texture and will be a size of power of 2 (create 2048x2048 or 4096x4096 for newer devices) but you will probably just be using some part of it to keep the same ratio as the screen (glViewport should do the job) so you will have to compute the texture coordinates. Overall the drawing mechanism doesn't change much.
So to sum this up, imagine you have a canvas (FBO) to which you apply the brush of certain size and position on touches events, then you use that canvas as a texture and draw it on your main GL view.

How do I create a custom page curl Core Animation?

I'm trying to create a "page curl" animation of an image in my iPhone application. I t UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp, and it's undocumented Core Animation siblings, however the image I need to animate is a transparent PNG, with "uneven" (some alpha pixels) outlines. When using the aforementioned pre-made transition, those alpha pixels are painted black as soon as the animation starts, which looks terribly ugly.
Therefore, I seek to create a Core Animation of my own. I have tried to research the subject, but have been unable to find a good overview of the techniques involved. The implementation would of course have to be more complex than a single property change, I get the feeling that even CATransform3D would be to limited for this purpose, as the image needs to have different 3D transformations applied in different parts of it - changing over time. How would one then go about this subject? I'm very grateful for any thoughts or ideas!
As Corey points out, you'll probably need to go with OpenGL ES for this one. Core Animation exposes the ability to work with layers, even in 3-D, but all layers are just rectangles and they are manipulated as such. You can animate the flipping of a layer about an axis, even with a perspective distortion, but the kind of curving you want to do is more complex than you can manage using the Core Animation APIs.
You might be able to split your image up into a mesh of tiny layers and manipulate each using a CATransform3D to create this curving effect, but at that point you might as well be using OpenGL ES to create the same effect.
The book Core Animation for Mac OS X and the iPhone: Creating Compelling Dynamic User Interfaces from Pragmatic Programmer may help you write custom Core Animation animations.

Can this type of wiggle image deformation be done on iPhone without using openGL

I have a straight image and I want to deform it in a wave-like manner.
Original image:
straight texture http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/107/woodstraight.png
and I want it to look like this (except animated):
bent texture http://img145.imageshack.us/img145/8496/woodbent.png
I haven't tackled the learning curve of openGL yet so if I can do this with Core Animation it would be great.
Is this possible?
Unfortunately, I think this is a job for OpenGL. You could achieve the same affect in Quartz by slicing the image up vertically and drawing segments with different vertical offsets... but I don't think you'd be able to achieve good enough performance to animate it. (At least, with 1px or 2px wide slices)
You could also leave the image stationary, and use Quartz to animate a masking path that would create the waving edges. That probably wouldn't look too natural, though.
As far as I know, Core Animation on the iPhone isn't capable of doing this, either. On the Mac it comes with some more advanced filters, but I think you'd probably see a lot more stuff like this if the iPhone filters could do it :-)
OpenGL does have quite a learning curve, but here's what you'd want to do to achieve the effect: Create a flat rectangle in OpenGL with several verticies along it's length. Point the camera at the rectangle so that it appears flat. Then, use a sine() function of some sort to animate the verticies back and forth in place.
This approach is also used to achieve the rippling-water effect, and you might be able find an example or two of it.
Sorry to bring bad news :-) Hope that helps!

Need help optimizing my 2d drawing on iPhone

I'm writing a game that displays 56 hexagon pieces filling the screen in the shape of a board. I'm currently drawing each piece using a singleton rendering class that when called to draw a piece, creates a path from 6 points based of the coordinate passed in. This path is filled with a solid color and then a 59x59 png with an alpha to white gradient is overlayed over the drawing to give the piece a shiny look. Note I'm currently doing this in Core Graphics.
My first thought is that creating a path everytime I draw is costly and seems like I can somehow do this once and then reuse it, but I'm not sure of the best approach for this. When I look at the bottlenecks with Shark, it looks like the drawing of the png is the most taxing part of the process. I've tried just rendering the png overlay or just rendering the path without the overlay and both give me some frame gains, although removing the png overlay yields the most frames.
My current thought is that at startup, I should render 6 paths (1 for each color piece I have) and overlay them with the png and then store an image of these pieces and then just redraw the pieces each time I need them. Is there an effecient machanism for storing something you've drawn once and redrawing it? It kinda just sounds like I'd be running into the whole drawing pngs too often thing again, but maybe there's a less taxing method that does a similar thing...
Any suggestions are much appreciated.
You might try CGLayer or CALayer.
General thoughts:
Game programming on iPhone usually necessitates OpenGL. Core Graphics is a bit easier to work with, but OpenGL is optimized for speed.
Prerender this "shiny look" into the textures as much as is possible (as in: do it in Photoshop before you even insert them into your project). Alpha blending is hell on performance.
Maybe try PVRTC (also this tutorial) as it's a format used by iPhone's GPU's manufacturer. Then again, this could make things worse depending on where your bottleneck is.
If you really need speed you have to go the OpenGL route. Be careful if you want to mix OpenGL and Core Animation, they can conflict.
OpenGL is a pain if you haven't done much with it. It sounds like you could use Core Animation and make each tile a layer. CA doesn't call the redraw again unless you change something, so you should be able to just move that layer around without taking a big hit. Also note that CA stores the layer in the texture memory so it should be much faster.
Some others have mentioned that you should use OpenGL. Here's a nice introduction specifically for the iPhone: OpenGL ES from the Ground Up: Table of Contents
You might also want to look at cocos2d. It seems to be significantly faster than using CoreAnimation in my tests, and provides lots of useful stuff for games.

Performance and background images for OpenGL ES/iPhone

I'm developing a 2D game for the iPhone using OpenGL ES and I'd like to use a 320x480 bitmapped image as a persistent background.
My first thought was to create a 320x480 quad and then map a texture onto it that represents the background. So... I created a 512x512 texture with a 320x480 image on it. Then I mapped that to the 320x480 quad.
I draw this background every frame and then draw animated sprites on top of it. This works fine except that the drawing of all of these objects (background + sprites) is too slow.
I did some testing and discovered that my slowdown is in the pixel pipeline. Not surprisingly, the large background image is the main culprit. To prove this, I removed the background draw and everything else rendered very fast.
I am looking for advice on how to keep my background and also improve performance.
Here's some more info:
1) I am currently testing on the Simulator (still waiting on Apple for the license)
2) The background is a PVR texture squeezed down to 128k
3) I had hoped that there might be a way to cache this background into a color buffer but haven't had any luck with that. that may be due to my inexperience with OpenGL ES or it just might be a stupid idea that won't work :)
4) I realize that the entire background does not always have to refresh, just the parts that have been drawn over by the moving sprites. I started to look into techniques for refreshing (as necessary) parts of the the background either as separate textures or with a scissor box, however this seems less than elegant.
Any tips/advice would be greatly appreciated...
Thank you.
Do not do performance testing on the simulator. Ever!
The differences to the real hardware are huge. In both directions.
If you draw the background every frame:
Do not clear the framebuffer. The background will overdraw the whole thing anyway.
Do you really need a background texture ?
What about using a color gradient via vertex colors ?
Try using the 2bit mode for the texture.
Turn of all render steps that you do not need for the background.
E.g.: Lighting, Blending, Depth-Test, ...
If you could post some of your drawing code it would be a lot easier to help you.
If you're making a 2D game, is there any reason you aren't using an existing library? Specifically, the cocos2d for iPhone may be worth your time. I can't answer your question about how to fix the issue doing it all yourself, but I can say that I've done exactly what you're talking about (having one full screen background with sprites on top) with cocos2d and it works great. (Assuming 60 fps is fast enough for you.) You may have your reasons for doing it yourself, but if you can, I would highly suggest at least doing a quick prototype with cocos2d and seeing if that doesn't help you along. (Details and source for the iPhone version are here: http://code.google.com/p/cocos2d-iphone/)
Thanks to everyone who provided info on this. All of the advice helped out in one way or another.
However, I wanted to make it clear that the main issue here turned out to be the behavior of simulator itself (as implied by Andreas in his response). Once I was able to get the application on the device, it performed much, much better. I mention this because, prior to developing my game, I had seen a lot of posts that indicated that the device was much slower than the simulator. This might be true in some instances (e.g. general application logic) but in my experience, animation (particularly 3d transformations) are much faster on the device.
I dont have much experience with OpenGL ES, but this problem occurs generally.
Your idea about the 'color buffer' is good intuition, essentially you want to be storing your background as a frame buffer and loading it directly onto your rendering buffer before drawing the foreground.
In OpenGL this is fairly straight forward with Frame Buffer Objects (FBO's). Unfortunatly I dont think OpenGL ES supports them, but it might give you somewhere to start looking.
you may want to try using VBOs (Vertex Buffer Objects) and see if that speeds up things. Tutorial is here
In addition, I just saw, that since OpenGL ES v1.1, there is a function called glDrawTex (Draw Texture) that is designed for
fast rendering of background paintings, bitmapped font glyphs, and 2D framing elements in games
You could use frame buffer objects similar to the GLPaint example from Apple.
Use a texture atlas to minimize the number of draw calls you make. You can use glTexCoordPointer for setting your texture coordinates that maps each image to its correct position. Remember to set your vertex buffer too. Ideally one draw call will render your entire 2D scene.
Avoid enabling/disabling states where possible.