How to use the tar -I option - solaris

I'm trying to tar up all the *.class files only on a Solaris box under a certain directory.
Reading the man pages for tar made it seem like the -I option is what I wanted.
This is what I've tried from the dir in question:
find . -name "*.class" >> ~/includes.txt
tar cvf ~/classfiles.tar -I ~/includes.txt
From that I get:
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
And the ~/classfiles.tar files is garbage.
I don't have write permission on the dir where the *.class files are so I need to have the tar written to my home dir. Could someone tell me where I have gone wrong? What tar magic should I use?

Check which tar you are running. That message about removing the leading slash is a gtar (GNU tar) message, and the -I option you are trying to use is a Sun tar option (which lives in /bin/tar).
(at least the above is all true on my Solaris machine)


Perl using the -i option on a vboxsf share: Can't remove input_file Text file busy, skipping file

System: Arch Linux in VirtualBox 5.1.26 on Windows 10 Host
I try to use perl like sed in the terminal for in place substitution the input file:
perl -i -p -e 's/orig/replace/g' input_file
But I always get:
Can't remove input_file Text file busy, skipping file
This happens only if the file is inside a VirtualBox vboxsf share. With all other tools (sed, mv, vim or whatever) it is no problem to change the file.
This problem seems to be related to:
I can't find any solution googling around :(
Using perl -i.bak -p -e 's/orig/replace/g' input_file I get a similar message:
Can't rename input_file to input_file.bak: Text file busy, skipping file.
This is exactly the same message as gedit shows:
So it is the same behavior, but googling around I can only find the Gedit topic. It seems noone has noticed this with perl -i.
While you are running a unix OS, you are still using a Windows file system. NTFS doesn't support anonymous files like unix file systems, and Perl -i requires support for anonymous files.
The workaround is to use a temporary files by using -i<ext> (e.g. -i~) instead of -i.
I have same problem. My solution is a bashscript. Copy files to tmp. Search and Replace. Overwrite tmp-files with original-files. Than delete tmp-dir. If you need you can use parameter in script for dynamic search&replace and create an alias for call the script direct and everywhere.
echo "Removing text from .log files..."
echo "Creating tmp-dir..."
mkdir /tmp/myTmpFiles/
echo "Copy .log files to tmp..."
cp -v /home/user/sharedfolder/*.log /tmp/myTmpFiles/
echo "Search and Replace in tmp-files..."
perl -i -p0e 's/orig/replace/g' /tmp/myTmpFiles/*.log
echo "Copy .log to sharedfolder"
cp -v /tmp/myTmpFiles/*.log /home/user/sharedfolder/
echo "Remove tmp-dir..."
rm -vr /tmp/myTmpFiles/
echo "Done..."

centos 7 zip directory

how to undo gzip command in centos?
sudo gzip -r plugins
if I try sudo gunzip -r plugins it give me an error not in gzip format
what I want to do is zip the directory.
tar -zcvf archive.tar.gz directory/
check this answers &
sudo find . -name "*.gz" -exec gunzip {} \;
I think you have two questions
How do I undo what I did?
How do I zip a directory
Have you even looked at man gzip or gzip --help?
find plugins -type f -name "*gz" | xargs gunzip
tar -zcvf plugins.tar.gz plugins
2b. I suspect that your level of linux experience is low so you'd probably be more comfortable using zip. (Remember to do a zip --help or man zip before coming for more advice.)
Explanation. gzip only zips up one file. If you want to do a bunch of files, you have to smush them up into one file first (using tar) and then compress that using gzip.
What you did was recursively gzip up each individual file in plugins/.

How to rename files downloaded with wget -r

I want to download an entire website using the wget -r command and change the name of the file.
I have tried with:
wget -r -o doc.txt "http....
hoping that the OS would have automatically create file in order like doc1.txt doc2.txt but It actually save the stream of the stdout in that file.
Is there any way to do this with just one command?
-r tells wget to recursively get resources from a host.
-o file saves log messages to file instead of the standard error. I think that is not what you are looking for, I think it is -O file.
-O file stores the resource(s) in the given file, instead of creating a file in the current directory with the name of the resource. If used in conjunction with -r, it causes wget to store all resources concatenated to that file.
Since wget -r downloads and stores more than one file, recreating the server file tree in the local system, it has no sense to indicate the name of one file to store.
If what you want is to rename all downloaded files to match the pattern docX.txt, you can do it with a different command after wget has end:
wget -r http....
while read file
mv "$file" "$(dirname "$file")/doc$i.txt"
i=$(( $i + 1 ))
done < <(find . -type f)

sed in script creating corrupt .tar.gz file

I am installing a program which has a file "drown.bin" (Bourne shell script text executable).
When I execute this file as part of the process, it gives error
gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
Below are file contents (pasted only Bash portion, rest is machine language)
dir_tmp=/tmp/.$(date +"%y%m%d%H%M%S")
mkdir /$dir_tmp >/dev/null
sed -n -e '1,/^exit 0$/!p' $0 > "${dir_tmp}/.make-3000.tar.gz" 2>/dev/null
cd $dir_tmp >/dev/null
tar xvfz .make*.tar.gz >/dev/null
rm -rf $dir_tmp >/dev/null
exit 0
Can someone please advise what goes wrong in "sed" command to create a corrupted .tar.gz file. I already tried 3 systems with different CentOS versions.
It's not the sed command that fails, but the tar command.
This is a "self-extracting" tar file. The script that sits in front attempts to unpack the rest of the file, starting after the line exit 0. Likely the rest of the file is somehow corrupt.
If you downloaded it, try that again. If you copied it from somewhere else (especially FTP) make sure you used binary mode.
If that didn't work, what you could try to do:
copy the script-file to a file with extension .tgz, e.g. cp drown.bin mycopy.tgz
edit the copy, removing all script lines up to and including the exit 0 line. The file now should be a pure tar.gz file.
on the command line, do a tar tzvf mycopy.tgz to see the contents. Try tar xzvf mycopy.tgz to actually unpack. This likely will fail with just the same error you got first, but at least now you can see the extracted content, at least the part that didn't fail.

how to print the progress of the files being copied in bash [duplicate]

I suppose I could compare the number of files in the source directory to the number of files in the target directory as cp progresses, or perhaps do it with folder size instead? I tried to find examples, but all bash progress bars seem to be written for copying single files. I want to copy a bunch of files (or a directory, if the former is not possible).
You can also use rsync instead of cp like this:
rsync -Pa source destination
Which will give you a progress bar and estimated time of completion. Very handy.
To show a progress bar while doing a recursive copy of files & folders & subfolders (including links and file attributes), you can use gcp (easily installed in Ubuntu and Debian by running "sudo apt-get install gcp"):
gcp -rf SRC DEST
Here is the typical output while copying a large folder of files:
Copying 1.33 GiB 73% |##################### | 230.19 M/s ETA: 00:00:07
Notice that it shows just one progress bar for the whole operation, whereas if you want a single progress bar per file, you can use rsync:
rsync -ah --progress SRC DEST
You may have a look at the tool vcp. Thats a simple copy tool with two progress bars: One for the current file, and one for overall.
Here is the link to the sources:
Manpage can be found here:
Most distributions have a package for it.
Here another solution: Use the tool bar
You could invoke it like this:
filesize=$(du -sb ${1} | awk '{ print $1 }')
tar -cf - -C ${1} ./ | bar --size ${filesize} | tar -xf - -C ${2}
You have to go the way over tar, and it will be inaccurate on small files. Also you must take care that the target directory exists. But it is a way.
My preferred option is Advanced Copy, as it uses the original cp source files.
$ wget
$ tar xvJf coreutils-8.21.tar.xz
$ cd coreutils-8.21/
$ wget --no-check-certificate wget
$ patch -p1 -i advcpmv-0.8-8.32.patch
$ ./configure
$ make
The new programs are now located in src/cp and src/mv. You may choose to replace your existing commands:
$ sudo cp src/cp /usr/local/bin/cp
$ sudo cp src/mv /usr/local/bin/mv
Then you can use cp as usual, or specify -g to show the progress bar:
$ cp -g src dest
A simple unix way is to go to the destination directory and do watch -n 5 du -s . Perhaps make it more pretty by showing as a bar . This can help in environments where you have just the standard unix utils and no scope of installing additional files . du-sh is the key , watch is to just do every 5 seconds.
Pros : Works on any unix system Cons : No Progress Bar
To add another option, you can use cpv. It uses pv to imitate the usage of cp.
It works like pv but you can use it to recursively copy directories
You can get it here
There's a tool pv to do this exact thing:
There's a ubuntu version in apt
How about something like
find . -type f | pv -s $(find . -type f | wc -c) | xargs -i cp {} --parents /DEST/$(dirname {})
It finds all the files in the current directory, pipes that through PV while giving PV an estimated size so the progress meter works and then piping that to a CP command with the --parents flag so the DEST path matches the SRC path.
One problem I have yet to overcome is that if you issue this command
find /home/user/test -type f | pv -s $(find . -type f | wc -c) | xargs -i cp {} --parents /www/test/$(dirname {})
the destination path becomes /www/test/home/user/test/....FILES... and I am unsure how to tell the command to get rid of the '/home/user/test' part. That why I have to run it from inside the SRC directory.
Check the source code for progress_bar in the below git repository of mine
Also try custom bash script package supreme to verify how progress bar work with cp and mv comands
Functionality overview
(1)Open Apps
(2)Manage Files
----Quick access
|----Select File(s)
|----Inverse Selection
|----Make directory
|----Make file
|----Send to Device
(3)Manage Phone
----Move/Copy from phone
----Move/Copy to phone
----Sync folders
(4)Manage USB
----Move/Copy from USB
----Move/Copy to USB
There is command progress,, coreutils progress viewer.
Just run progress in another terminal to see the copy/move progress. For continuous monitoring use -M flag.