Toolbar moves up when call finishes - iphone

While in a call, if the user wants to use my application, and if the call finishes, and the user is still in the application, the toolbar moves up, well all the view moves up, and so the toolbar now has a space in the bottom. Basically the height "Touch to return to call" has. I am using a toolbar and a navigation controller. The navigation controller moves fine, and everything in the view moves accordingly, the only problem is with the toolbar. So the question is, Is there an event, which is called after the call is finished, so I can set the frame again of my toolbar? I tried this delegate with no luck:
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application willChangeStatusBarFrame:(CGRect)newStatusBarFrame
This one is called only when the toolbar is changing orientation.
alt text
alt text

In general setting your auto resize masks properly should fix things. Could you update with a screenshot to show exactly where the resizing issues are happening?


Part of UIButton area not firing func touchesBegan

The Area shown below of a UIButton is not registering touchsBegun but registering when touchesEnded ( which is calling also touchsBegun). In addition, the highlight state is not working in this area (again it works only on release but less evident). I have checked also the debug hierarchy but do not see anything strange (I am new to x-code and swift :)). The other part is working as expected. The button to the right works as expected
hierarchy view 1
hierarchy view 2 with tree view
The problem is the navigation bar. Hiding it has solved the issue. It appears that the navigation bar takes a few pixels from the left of the screen to enable back navigation with a swipe; this was covering the button.

iPhone Storyboard, programmatically calling segues, navigation issues

So I have an iPhone app. It has a simple structure, all based on a UINavigationController.
I have a storyboard that has one view, a segue to another view, etc. Now this other view has a UITextView that I do not want to edit on this screen - if the user taps this, I want it instead to fly over to a second screen which basically has the same text view, but this one is full-screen, and the user will edit the text on that screen before returning to the previous screen.
So I capture the textViewShouldBeginEditing method. I previously, in the storyboard editor, manually created a push segue from the previous view controller to this new view controller, and named it so that I can call it by it's identity, which I do with:
- (BOOL)textViewShouldBeginEditing:(UITextView *)textView
// This is called when the user clicks into the textView as if to edit it.
// Instead of editing it, go to this other view here:
[self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"editMemoSegue" sender:self];
// Return NO, as I don't actually want to edit the text on this screen:
return NO;
Seems reasonable. And it works. Sorta. It does in fact shoot me over to that other view. That other view's events fire up, I set it's text view to become first responder, I edit the text on that screen. Everyone's happy.
Until I want to use the back button to return to the previous view.
Then I quickly find out - my navigation stack is foobared. Most of the time, I have, for some reason, TWO instances of my new editing controller on the stack, so the first time I hit the back button I get the same stuff over again. Then, oddly, occasionally, it will work as intended, and I will see my previous controller with only one back click.
I started reading the log, and I found this:
2012-12-09 09:41:03.463 APP[8368:c07] nested push animation can result in corrupted navigation bar
2012-12-09 09:41:03.818 APP[8368:c07] Finishing up a navigation transition in an unexpected state. Navigation Bar subview tree might get corrupted.
2012-12-09 09:41:03.819 APP[8368:c07] Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for <SecondController: 0x83881d0>.
So obviously, I'm doing something incorrectly here. The question is, what? And how do I do what I want in the way that correctly appeases the tiki gods of the iPhone framework?
Check to see if the textViewShouldBeginEditing is being called twice. I've noticed that these kinds of delegate calls sometimes are.
How is your #"editMemoSegue" being created on the storyboard? is it created from the textView? if it is then you should recreate it directly from the view controller or from the top status bar on the view controller that way it wont be called twice when you touch the trigger object and when you call it programmatically.

Objective c - Is there a way to change a leftBarButtonItem with animation?

In some point in my app, I'm programmatically change the leftBarButtonItem of a viewController (I'm changing the entire button look not just the text).
The result is that the button indeed changes but at once, but I want to do it with some animation (The same way it would do the animation to left navigation bar if I push a viewController)
Is it possible?
There is a method specifically for that, called setLeftBarButtonItems:animated:
It animates the change in bar button items for you.

How to present a modal view controller with fixed UIToolbar?

I am trying to set up a Modal View Controller, that that lies below a fixed toolbar. therefore the toolbar is supposed to stay on top while the modal view rolls in.
the Safari-App does that for example, when hitting the bookmarks-button. the toolbar stays, the buttons change..
I tried a couple of things like pushing the toolbar to the front and ended up not using the presentModalViewController method at all, and animating the new View manually into a subview instead. but that brought a couple of other issues along.
I'm not sure what you are saying, when you press add bookmark in safari, a new modal view shows with no tool bar. The navigation bar at the top is not a tool bar if that is what you mean. They are UIToolbarItem set into self.navigationItem.
All modal views I've seen are animated until they take up the whole of the screen. Those modal-like views that only scroll up to a certain point in some apps, are done by hand. Maybe you can cover those issues encountered when doing this by hand in another post?

Assigning a IBAction to the Back Button of the Navigation Bar (iPhone SDK)

In this (Flip View Iphone) post, I have created a flip view for my iPhone app.
Now, I want to make sure that whenever the user hits the 'Back' button in the navigation bar, the next time around when he drills down to the flippable view, this view is in its original, non-flipped position. Currently, the app actually loads the correct view, but somehow, when you try to flip it over, it cannot doesn't load the flip view, and presents a black background only.
One solution could be to assign the flip back method ("showLessInfo") to the navigation button, and that is what I need your help for.
Alternatively, and quite likely a better idea for me would be to understand, why the flip view is not loaded the second time around.
Any suggestion is welcome!
You can override the viewWillAppear: method on your flip view's view controller and make sure behind the scenes it loads the proper view before showing (remember to call [super viewWillAppear:animated]).
Or else, you could override the viewWillDisappear and make sure things are cleaned up on the way out. It will get invoked when the user taps the back button.