How to get a command line process to use less processing power - command-line

I am wondering how to get a process run at the command line to use less processing power. The problem I'm having is the the process is basically taking over the CPU and taking MySQL and the rest of the server with it. Everything is becoming very slow.
I have used nice before but haven't had much luck with it. If it is the answer, how would you use it?
I have also thought of putting in sleep commands, but it'll still be using up memory so it's not the best option.
Is there another solution?
It doesn't matter to me how long it runs for, within reason.
If it makes a difference, the script is a PHP script, but I'm running it at the command line as it already takes 30+ minutes to run.
Edit: the process is a migration script, so I really don't want to spend too much time optimizing it as it only needs to be run for testing purposes and once to go live. Just for testing, it keeps bring the server to pretty much a halt...and it's a shared server.

The best you can really do without modifying the program is to change the nice value to the maximum value using nice or renice. Your best bet is probably to profile the program to find out where it is spending most of its time/using most of its memory and try to find a more efficient algorithm for what you are trying to do. For example, if your are operating on a large result set from MySQL you may want to process records one at a time instead of loading the entire result set into memory or perhaps you can optimize your queries or the processing being performed on the results.

You should use nice with 19 "niceness" this makes the process very unlikely to run if there are other processes waiting for the cpu.
nice -n 19 <command>
Be sure that the program does not have busy waits and also check the I/O wait time.

Which process is actually taking up the CPU? PHP or MySQL? If it's MySQL, 'nice' won't help at all (since the server is not 'nice'd up).
If it's MySQL in general you have to look at your queries and MySQL tuning as to why those queries are slamming the server.
Slamming your MySQL server process can show as "the whole system being slow" if your primary view of the system through MySQL.

You should also consider whether the cmd line process is IO intensive. That can be adjusted on some linux distros using the 'ionice' command, though it's usage is not nearly as simplistic as the cpu 'nice' command.
Basic usage:
ionice -n7 cmd
will run 'cmd' using 'best effort' scheduler at the lowest priority. See the man page for more usage details.

Using CPU cycles alone shouldn't take over the rest of the system. You can show this by doing:
while true; do done
This is an infinite loop and will use as much of the CPU cycles it can get (stop it with ^C). You can use top to verify that it is doing its job. I am quite sure that this won't significantly affect the overall performance of your system to the point where MySQL dies.
However, if your PHP script is allocating a lot of memory, that certainly can make a difference. Linux has a tendency to go around killing processes when the system starts to run out of memory.
I would narrow down the problem and be sure of the cause, before looking for a solution.

You could mount your server's interesting directory/filesystem/whatever on another machine via NFS and run the script there (I know, this means avoiding the problem and is not really practical :| ).


Is it possible to run rrdtool serverside?

Have searched, but not found an answer.
Presently running RRDTool at the same processor which is collecting the information, making rrd-files and related graphic output at that processor.
Is it also possible to run RRDTool at a server for graphic output, applying rrd-files being uploaded?
Yes; at least to some extent. You need to run rrdcached on your backend server; then, your collector and graphing servers can make remote calls to obtain or store the data.
How you tune rrdcached depends on the amount of data and frequency of writes, and how much you can afford to lose in the even of a server crash; however generally a 30min cache works. This also greatly decreases the amount of disk IO required.
Note that some rrdtool functions do not work exactly the same via rrdcached; check the documentation for more details.
Read about rrdcached here:

Parallel processing input/output, queries, and indexes AS400

IBM V6.1
When using the I system navigator and when you click System values the following display.
By default the Do not allow parallel processing is selected.
What will the impact be on processing in programs when you choose multiple processes, we have allot of rpgiv programs and sql queries being executed and I think it will increase performance?
Basically I want to turn this on in production environment but not sure if I will break anything by doing this for example input or output of different programs running parallel or data getting out of sequence?
I did do some research :
And understand each option but I do not know the risk of changing it from default to multiple.
First off, in order get the most out of *MAX and *OPTIMIZE, you'd need a system with more than one core (enabled for IBM i / DB2) along with the DB2 Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) (57xx-SS1 option 26) license program installed; thus allowing the system to use SMP for queries and index builds.
For *IO, the system can use multiple tasks via simultaneous multithreading (SMT) even on a single core POWER 5 or higher box. SMT is enabled via the Processor multi tasking (QPRCMLTTSK) system value
You're unlikely to "break" anything by changing the value. As long as your applications don't make bad assumptions about result set ordering. For example, CPYxxxIMPF makes use of SQL behind the scenes; with anything but *NONE you might end up with the rows in your DB2 table in different order from the rows in the import file.
You will most certainly increase the CPU usage. This is not a bad thing; unless you're currently pushing 90% + CPU usage regularly. If you're only using 50% of your CPU, it's probably a good thing to make use of SMT/SMP to provide better response time even if it increases the CPU utilization to 60%.
Having said that, here's a story of it being a problem...
Note that in the above case, the OP was pre-building work tables at sign on in order to minimize the wait when it was time to use them. Great idea 20 years ago with single threaded systems. Today, the alternative would be to take advantage of SMP/SMT and build only what's needed when needed.
As you note in a comment, this kind of change is difficult to test in non-production environments since workloads in DEV & TEST are different. So it's important to collect good performance data before & after the change. You might also consider moving it stages *NONE --> *IO --> *OPTIMIZE and then *MAX if you wish. I'd spend at least a month at each level, if you have periodic month end jobs.

Scala: performance boost on incremental garbage collection

I have written an application in Scala. Basically, the first step is to create a array of objects an then to initialise these objects from a csv file. When running the application on the jvm it is really slow, and after some experimenting I found out that using the -J-Xincgc flag which enables incremental garbage collection speeds up the application by a factor of 4 (it's 4 times faster with the switch!). I wonder:
Did I use some inefficient coding, and if so, where should I start to find out whats going on?
I'll assume you're running this on hotspot.
The hotspot JVM has a whole zoo of garbage collectors, most of which also may have some sort of sub-modes or various command-line switches that significantly alter their behavior.
Which GC is used by default varies based on JVM version, operating system and 32/64bit VM.
So you basically changed whatever the default was to a specific algorithm that happened to perform "faster" for your workload.
But "faster" is a fuzzy measure. Wall time is not the same as CPU cycles spent if you consider multi-threading. And some collectors may simply choose to grow the heap more aggressively, thus deferring the cost of collection to a later point in time, which you might not have measured if your program didn't run long enough.
To make an accurate assessment much more information would be needed
what GC was used by default
your VM version
how many cores your CPU has
what kind of workload do you have (multi/single-thread, long/short-running, expected memory footprint, object allocation rate)
Oracle's GC tuning guide may prove useful for you
In your case, -Xincgc translates to CMS in incremental mode, which is intended for single-core environments and has been deprecated as of java8. It probably just happened to be better than the default, but it's not necessarily an optimal choice.
If you get into a situation where you are running close to your heap-size limit, you can waste a lot of GC time, which can lead to a lot of false findings about performance. If that's your situation, first increase your heap-size limit before doing anything else. Consider use of jvisualvm to eyeball the situation - it's trivially easy to get started with.

Temporarily enlarge SQL Server command queue

Using SQL Server 2008 R2
Is it possible to enlarge the command queue and/or the wait time limit for a command to execute?
I have this simple application which do not exhaust the SQL Server, but from time to time there are many concurrent similar request almost the same time, which some reach deadlocks.
Reliability (being sure commands are executed) is much more important for me than performance (I do not mind if the commands will execute in a few seconds of delay).
Is there a switch or a command to allow many more commands reside in a queue until executed or there is some way to make time limit before deadlocks [temporarily] much longer[, as soon as a specific type command is executed] (commands may programmed as stored procedures)?
Amazingly, using with (tablockx) solved my problem.
Can someone explain?
I'll put that as an answer, but will not take credit for it (will not mark it as an answer)
I'm the author of this question. I've reach a solution to my problem.
I solved my problem using with (tablockx)
The question is broader then my problem, therefore it is not a full answer.
I do not take credit for this answer as THE answer.

Architecture to create an uptime monitor in Node.js

What's the best solution for using Node.js and Redis to create an uptime monitoring system? Can I use Redis as a queue but is not the best way to save information, maybe MongoDB is?
It seems pretty simple but needing to have more than 1 server to guarantee the server is down and make everything work together is not so easy.
To monitor uptime, you would use a Cron job on the system. With each call, you would check to see if the host is up, and how long it would take. And in that script, you would save your data in Redis.
To do this in Node.JS, you would create a script that checks the status of the server. Just making a HTTP request to the server (Or Ping, w.e.) and recording if it fails or not. Then I would just record it to Redis. How you do it does not matter, because the script (if you run the cron every 30 seconds) has [30] seconds before the next run, so you dont have to worry about getting your query to the server. How you save your data is up to you, but in this case even MySQL would work (if you are only doing a small number of sites)
More on Cron # Wikipedia
Can I use Redis as a queue but is not
the best way to save information,
maybe MongoDB is?
You can(should) use Redis as your queue. It is going to be extremely fast.
I also think it is going to be very good option to save the information inside Redis. Unfortunately Redis does not do any timing(yet). I think you could/should use Beanstalkd to put messages on the queue that get delivered when needed(every x seconds). I also think cron is not that a very good idea because you would be needing a lot of them and when using a queue you could do your work faster(share load among multiple processes) also.
Also I don't think you need that much memory to save everything in memory(makes site fast) because dataset is going to be relative simple. Even if you aren't able(smart to get more memory if you ask me) to fit entire dataset in memory you can rely on Redis's virtual memory.
It seems pretty simple but needing to
have more than 1 server to guarantee
the server is down and make everything
work together is not so easy.
Sharding/replication is what I think you should read into to solve this problem(hard). Luckily Redis supports replication(sharding can also be achieved). MongoDB supports sharding/replication out of the box. To be honest I don't think you need sharding yet and your dataset is rather simple so Redis is going to be faster: