how could I share workspace between ubuntu and windows xp? - eclipse

I am using ubuntu 8.04 and windows xp. I mount the fat32 disk which contains eclipse workspace to ubuntu. but I find I could not use the workspace, maybe I have no right to use it.
the fat32 disk I mounted has the 755 right,I try to use chmod to change it to 777 but failed. I try to mount it to 777 mode, but I find there is nothing about mode in vfat option.
How should I do next ? how could I share the workspace? Help me. thanks.

Instead of trying to share the raw workspace data between two different systems, I suggest to do it like in typical big software development projects. Use a version control system to store your code and commit/update to and from that version control system instead of sharing files.
This may not be the answer you were originally interested in, but rest assured, you will notice many advantages of that version control system after some time, including:
Easily get back to the code version before todays "genius" changes which didn't really work at the end
There is a backup of your project in case your workstation dies
You may even access your project from a completely different machine/location.
If your project is going to be open source, you can even use public services like

I believe that the fat32 doesn't support the same kind of permissions as the linux ones you are familiar with. Once you have sorted out the rw option in /etc/mtab then I think you will have a better time.
However, the step after that is to have two different installations of Eclipse working on the same workspace.
I haven't had a lot of success with this (though haven't tried you're exact scenario), but I would be careful to:
keep the Eclipse versions in synch
only use relative paths, and relative to the workspace. This is probably good practice any way, but is worth repeating.
If all goes well, then you should be sharing everything, including preferences across both installations.
There are two refinements I can think of, which may be useful to reason about, if not actually do:
you could probably share most of the installation of eclipse (the plugins and features directory, if not the config.ini and eclipse.ini files). If you can't put both executables in the same directory, consider the -install and -configuration runtime options.
if you can't do any of these things, then you may need to work on two parallel workspaces. You can keep them in synch with tools such as rsync or even a distributed source control like Mercurial.

I agree with bananeweizen.myopenid, and have the following tip to add:
When creating your build path entries, reference all outside resources (eg, jarfiles) using classpath variables. This will allow you to move the .classpath file between environments (or even check it into source control, if you're the sole developer) without running into problems with pathnames.
To reference a JARFile via variable, go into the "Libraries" tab of the Build Path, remove any existing reference to the library, and click "Add Variable...". You will need to define common variables, such as M2_REPO or LOCAL_LIBS, and you will need to make sure that those definitions are available in all your environments.

Perhaps the problem you're having is with capitalization. Be sure to create the workspace in Ubuntu first. This should rule out any filename capitalization issues.


How to install vim which is cloned from

I've cloned it but I didn't find any .exe file, Nor do i see it in programs list in Control Panel of windows. I'am a bit confused as to what cloning means. I know that there is direct download .exe file on website. Its for sure that I'am beginner for all these. Please help. Thanks for the help in advance.
reading the "installation" section found in the of the vim repo, you can see the filenames containing the instructions that will help you with the installation, depending on your OS.
README_ami.txt Amiga
README_unix.txt Unix
README_dos.txt MS-DOS and MS-Windows
README_mac.txt Macintosh
README_haiku.txt Haiku
README_vms.txt VMS
So, for the full information I suggest you go to those files, or go to the vim website where there is also good information about the installation.
Anyway, I will briefly explain below the information that those files and the vim website say for most common operating systems
If you're on Unix:
git clone
cd vim/src
If you're on Mac
The Macintosh binaries are not on the Vim ftp site. They are produced by a few Macintosh lovers. Often they lag behind a few versions.
MacVim has more a Mac look and feel, is developed actively and most people prefer this version. Most of MacVim was made by Björn Winckler.
MacVim can be downloaded here: link
Or if you prefer, here is the MacVim homepage.
If you're on Windows:
The next instructions were copied from here.
Option A: Using the self-installing .exe
Go to and click on self-installing executable (or just click here) and follow the prompts.
Watch out for:
When an existing installation is detected, you are offered to first remove
this. The uninstall program is then started while the install program waits
for it to complete. Sometimes the windows overlap each other, which can be
confusing. Be sure the complete the uninstalling before continuing the
installation. Watch the taskbar for uninstall windows.
When selecting a directory to install Vim, use the same place where other
versions are located. This makes it easier to find your _vimrc file. For
example "C:\Program Files\vim" or "D:\vim". A name ending in "vim" is
After selecting the directory where to install Vim, clicking on "Next" will
start the installation.
Option B: Using .zip files
Go to the directory where you want to put the Vim files. Examples:
cd C:\
cd D:\editors
If you already have a "vim" directory, go to the directory in which it is
located. Check the $VIM setting to see where it points to:
set VIM
For example, if you have
cd C:\
Binary and runtime Vim archives are normally unpacked in the same location,
on top of each other.
Unpack the zip archives. This will create a new directory "vim\vim82",
in which all the distributed Vim files are placed. Since the directory
name includes the version number, it is unlikely that you overwrite
existing files.
pkunzip -d
You need to unpack the runtime archive and at least one of the binary
archives. When using more than one binary version, be careful not to
overwrite one version with the other, the names of the executables
"vim.exe" and "gvim.exe" are the same.
After you unpacked the files, you can still move the whole directory tree
to another location. That is where they will stay, the install program
won't move or copy the runtime files.
Change to the new directory:
cd vim\vim82
Run the "install.exe" program. It will ask you a number of questions about
how you would like to have your Vim setup. Among these are:
You can tell it to write a "_vimrc" file with your preferences in the
parent directory.
It can also install an "Edit with Vim" entry in the Windows Explorer
popup menu.
You can have it create batch files, so that you can run Vim from the
console or in a shell. You can select one of the directories in your
$PATH. If you skip this, you can add Vim to the search path manually:
The simplest is to add a line to your autoexec.bat. Examples:
set path=%path%;C:\vim\vim82
set path=%path%;D:\editors\vim\vim82
Create entries for Vim on the desktop and in the Start menu.
That's it!
Vim is open source software, and its source code, i.e. all the technical files that make up Vim is (nowadays) hosted at GitHub.
Cloning that repository means you'll download all of those files to your computer (and with Git as the underlying revision control system, you'll even get the full history of all changes ever done). As Vim supports a very big set of very diverse platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac, ...), the repository itself does not (and should not) contain pre-built binaries, nor a full installer that most users expect to run. So, unless you have the intention to actively contribute to Vim by submitting bug fixes or enhancements, you don't need to clone or do anything with GitHub. If you do want to get technical, src/INSTALLpc.txt contains the instructions for building Vim on Windows. This includes choosing a compiler, installing it and the required dependencies, configuring the build, building, and then finally copying the files to a permanent location on your PC, either manually or by building and then running an installer.
For plain passive consumption of Vim (which is rewarding in itself, but may even lead you to eventually also programming it), the Downloading Vim page on has all the information that you need, with links to the most popular installers right at the top.
a word on versions
For a casual user, using the latest stable version is recommended; this is 8.2 right now; gvim82.exe is a corresponding installer for Windows. This offers the best compromise between stability and latest features. In the case of Vim, expect a new release roughly every year.
You'll also find development builds (something like 8.2.0740); these usually function as well and have the very latest features under development, but often are less stable. I would use these only if you really need a leading-edge feature, or want to report a bug. You should then probably update very frequently, and from there it's only a small step to actually cloning the repository and building everything on your own!

Eclipse backslash paths considered harmful

I am working in a team that is developing Android software. Some team members use Windows, some use Macs, and I have been known to use Linux. Everyone uses Eclipse.
Eclipse writes a file called; here's an example. The important part is the last three lines, the android library reference paths.
# This file is automatically generated by Android Tools.
# Do not modify this file -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE ERASED!
# This file must be checked in Version Control Systems.
# To customize properties used by the Ant build system edit
# "", and override values to adapt the script to your
# project structure.
# To enable ProGuard to shrink and obfuscate your code, uncomment this (available properties: sdk.dir, user.home):
# Project target.
The above is what the file looks like when Eclipse on Mac or Linux writes it. When Eclipse on Windows writes it, the library reference lines are written with backslashes.
Of course on Windows, backslashes are acceptable path separators. But on Mac and Linux such paths do not work. The thing is, on Windows, forward slashes work perfectly well. So, our policy now is always to commit the file with forward slashes, so that it will work for everyone.
But this is a pain for our Windows users, and it's a pain for the rest of us when the Windows users make a mistake, so I'm looking for a technical solution. I have two ideas:
Find a setting somewhere in Eclipse on Windows, telling it to use forward slashes when saving paths in files like (Why the heck isn't that the default?!?)
We use Mercurial, so: install some sort of "hooks" that will solve the problem.
Install a commit hook on the Windows computers, so that the file is committed into the repository with the backslashes replaced by forward slashes.
Install a pull hook on the Mac and Linux computers; so if the file gets committed with backslashes, they get fixed up by the time the files are written.
The commit hook seems cleaner, so if both are available I'd take a commit hook over a pull hook.
I found a Mercurial extension that edits tabs to spaces, which is at least sort of similar to what I want. It's complex enough that I'm a bit leery of trying to modify it into what I need.
The other strategy is to add a hook that detects backslashes in the paths, and simply aborts the commit, forcing the Windows user to fix the file by hand before committing. That would be better than nothing.
I would keep both versions in the project (as and and create a symbolic link pointing to the right file depending on the OS. Call this symbolic link and let it be ignored by the version control.
Obviously the disadvantage of this setup is that when windows users update their file (which points to, the linux version must be updated manually, and vice-versa, but it doesn't sound like a big deal tho, I presume you don't update this file very often.
- To create the links -
Create a file to setup Linux environments, with the following command:
ln -s $(readlink -m $(readlink . -m)/
Create a file make_link.bat to setup Windows environments, with the following command:
You can commit those scripts as well.
We faced the similar situation due to the path of the local library varies, so after searching a while we found that the best practice to use centralized repository tools (Git for us), "Remove all eclipse dependent/Specific settings files from Repository". And that works fine for us. This way, the change to eclipse settings file will not be effecting the central repository or get committed.

How to install packages/programs from sunfreeware to home directory without root access

I on solaris 10 and I wanted to install the latest version of emacs.
I don't have root access. I tried compiling emacs 23.4 from source and I am struck due to an old version of compiler in my system.
I am trying to use the per-built binary from, Is there a means to install it in my home directory without root access?
It should be possible for most packages as long as their binaries support to be relocated.
You first need to convert the pkg files to their filesystem variant with pkgtrans, then, in most cases, you also need to extract the embedded archive which is just a cpio file.
Finally, you will need to adjust file permissions using the prototype file and possibly tweak some files or environment variables like LD_LIBRARY_PATH to have the program or libraries be functional.
Of course this can become quite cumbersome when you have to repeat all of this for every dependency the initial package might have.
I don't know about emacs but I suspect it to have many dependencies so the technique I suggest here might be too complex to worth the effort, especially as emacs has an alternative which is always installed and that many people prefer, I mean of course vi.

Automating Solaris custom software deployment and configuration for multiple nodes

Essentially, the question I'd like to ask is related to the automation of software package deployments on Solaris 10.
Specifically, I have a set of software components in tar files that run as daemon processes after being extracted and configured in the host environment. Pretty much like any server side software package out there, I need to ensure that a list of prerequisites are met before extracting and running the software. For example:
Checking that certain users exists, and they are associated with one or many user groups. If not, then create them and their group associations.
Checking that target application folders exist and if not, then create them with pre-configured path values defined when the package was assembled.
Checking that such folders have the appropriate access control level and ownership for a certain user. If not, then set them.
Checking that a set of environment variables are defined in /etc/profile, pointed to predefined path locations, added to the general $PATH environment variable, and finally exported into the user's environment. Other files include /etc/services and /etc/system.
Obviously, doing this for many boxes (the goal in question) by hand will certainly be slow and error prone.
I believe a better alternative is to somehow automate this process. So far I have thought about the following options, and discarded them for one reason or another.
Traditional shell scripts. I've only troubleshooted these before, and I don't really have much experience with them. These would be my last resort.
Python scripts using the pexpect library for analyzing system command output. This was my initial choice since the target Solaris environments have it installed. However, I want to make sure that I'm not reinveting the wheel again :P.
Ant or Gradle scripts. They may be an option since the boxes also have Java 1.5 enabled, and the fileset abstractions can be very useful. However, they may fall short when dealing with user and folder permissions checking/setting.
It seems obvious to me that I'm not the first person in this situation, but I don't seem to find a utility framework geared towards this purpose. Please let me know if there's a better way to accomplish this.
I thank you for your time and help.
Most of those steps sound like things handled by use of a packaging system to install your package. On Solaris 10, that would be the SVR4 packaging system included with the OS.

Installing a source control without admin rights

I'm forced to use SourceSafe at my job. There is no way this is going to change. I would like to use another source control for my own need in parallel. I want to be able to keep an history of my modifications, branch easily and merge. I can install any application that doesn't requires admin rights. I cannot install Python or anything that integrates in File Explorer.
I'm not much of a command line guy so a GUI is a must. I managed to install Mercurial but not TortoiseHG. There is a chance msysgit would install but the GUI isn't very good.
Any suggestions?
you can install svn command line just by unzipping it, but if you want TortoiseSVN for the GUI then I you may need admin rights, not sure. But you don't need a separate gui if your IDE supports SVN, like Eclipse or any other java IDE does.
Git has a pretty nice command-line interface with color and auto-completion. After reading the Pro Git Book I found the command-line is great.
There is GUI bundled with it. It is nice for viewing logs and merges but may be not to your taste. There is also a TortoiseGit shell extension (like the famous TortoiseSVN), but that would require admin privileges to install (as opposed to Git portable).
Install and use a Virtual Machine product and go crazy with whatever you want, then look for another job.
I would check out SourceGear Vault, it has SourceSafe Import and SourceSafe Feature support. This may need admin rights though...
Another tack is to synchronize a copy of the directory to another machine where you do have some rights. I would recommend rsync -- I think there are several Windows versions available.
On this other machine you can now use whatever tools you like. I know it's a kludge, but then so is working on a system where you aren't even trusted enough to install something like Python.
AFAIK any TortoiseXX will need admin rights as it needs to hook up explorer.exe to use it. you should still be able to use hgtk part of tortoisehg to get at the windows though
There is no way this is going to
I don't mean to say that you should shout your head off about how svn, or whatever, is great, and moan about VSS all the time. But I find it hard to believe that a well-reasoned proposal to switch to a newer, better version control system outlining the pitfalls of VSS (no security - all users have write access to the history of everything, for example) would be ignored.
If you can't install programs that integrate with explorer, then using any version control system is going to mean learning to use it from the command line!
Check out bazaar (bzr). I've not used it personally but it claims to have an excellent gui which may mean you don't need a TortoiseXX install.
Just use a version control tool from the command line. It isn't painful and it can be automated quite easily via your existing tools. SVN isn't going to be great when interacting with an existing version control system (it is finicky about files/directories being deleted, renamed etc), whereas the DVCS tools (I prefer Mercurial) are much smarter about it.
My recommendation: Use Mercurial. It has sane ignore rules so it can be trained to ignore VSS cruft, a single .hg directory that contains all the VC data, and easy branching (which will help you change gears more often). git is fine too, but has a steeper learning curve.