How do I rewrite Adobe Photoshop plugins for Adobe Lightroom? - plugins

Are Adobe's plugin architectures for Photoshop and Lightroom related in any way? If I have source code for a plugin, that works with PS 3.0-CS3 as well as PS Elements 6.0 can I use it with Lightroom directly? If not, what would I have to modify?

No.. lightroom plugins are written in the scripting language lua, photoshop plugins are written in C++.

As noted by kasperjj, the Lightroom plugins are written in Lua so there is not a direct way to convert something from Photoshop over to Lightroom. Additionally, as per the Adobe Lightroom Developer Center, the only features that are extendable in the current SDK are the export functionality, metadata, and web engine functionality.

As pointed out by Rob, the Lightroom SDK does not expose any interface that allows manipulations of the image files themselves. Partly this is because Lightroom is a non-destructive editor. None of the edits made in its Develop module are applied to the original image file; they are applied to the file generated when the image is exported, printed, or used in a web gallery.
That said, there are examples of export plugins that manipulate the image after Lightroom has finished applying its adjustments. In principle, it would be possible to create a host application that loaded a Photoshop plugin and applied it during Lightroom export. It might even be possible to use Photoshop itself as that host application...


How to record what tools I used to make image in GIMP?

I want to proceduraly generate textures made by GIMP. I know there is GIMP library for Python which can call GIMP's tools with parameters. If I know what tools (with parameters) GIMP used then I should be able to reproduce image programatically (procedurally generate image). How to record what tools (with parameters) GIMP uses while I am drawing image?
I think you are referring to a GIMP equivalent of Actions in Adobe Photoshop. AFAIK, they are called GIMP Scripts.
This is a starting point, if you are going to make your own Scripts

pyjamas vs pyqt OR GWT

I am not a web application pro but need to start working on a project so I need to know if pyjamas ( or shall I say the javascript generated o/p of pyjamas ) is as good as pyqt in terms of 2d graphics and widget features. I have a desktop python application which has some rich 2d graphics (with animations / collision detection etc..) implemented using pyqt.
Now I am specifically looking for equivalent web client with similar graphics and widget features . Does pyjamas support all the pyqt UI features with same look and feel??
I am also exploring GWT for this since I believe GWT has a good set of UIs and also supports decent 3rd party tools like vaadin,smartgwt but my preference is for pyjamas because its python and I am writing a equivalent pyqt based desktop app so am more comfortable with python then java. Also am not sure if GWTs look and feel would match with that of pyqt based UI on windows.
Any insights would be very helpful
Thanks in advance
Probably too late, but if anyone else would need an answer,
Pyjamas' widgets are mostly same as GWT's (most are direct translation from GWT, but we have some own widgets too), and do not target Qt, GTK or any other toolkit.
If you are looking into using webkit, you could get best of the two worlds, and use Pyjamas with PyJD. This way your very same application could be compiled into html/css/javascript and run in web browsers and at the same time you could run it in pyqt-webkit, xulrunner or mshtml with original python code.

Computer-assisted translation for GWT recommendations

We are looking for a suitable solution to translate our GWT application collaboratively. We have a bunch of constants and messages property files that need to be translated by different people. Till now we've emailed the files and manually merged the translated content back which obviously doesn't scale very well.
Is there any tool (preferably an open source project) you can recommend that does play well with the i18n support of GWT and allow for collaboratively translation?
There is a Google Language API for GWT
I hope this doesn't sound like spam, but we built Amanuens, which is a web-based tool designed exactly to solve the problems you're having.
I'm not into GWT, but I assume that you have .properties files. If so, then our solution should work fine (although it's not open source).
It doesn't look like there is a GWT optimized solution for supporting the translation process of .properties files.
We are currently evaluating Pootle. It is easy to use (especially for non-techies), supports the translation process in many ways, supports user management, is open source and lets you import and export property files easily (which is important for integrating with GWT).

How does Unity3D's web-deployment work?

It's very slick and cross browser/platform at the click of a button, which is leading non-technical types to conclude the entire engine is intrinsically better than what we use now. Is it simply that they've taken the time to implement all the per-browser/OS plugin versions of Unity WebPlayer and polish it, or is there anything deeper in the way the engine architecture is set up?
Unity takes scripts written in C#, UnityScript (based on JavaScript), or Boo (based on Python), and compiles them into mono assemblies. Those assemblies + the 3d models, sounds, and textures required by your game are compressed into a .unity3d file that is loaded by their browser plugin. Since almost all of the game's logic is in managed mono assemblies it runs cross platform with very few platform specific quirks.
They've recently rewritten their plugin detection and installation code so that it is very easy to drop a block of javascript into a web page that shows Unity content if the user has the plugin, or other content (image, flash, video) if they don't. I believe their plugin supports all A-class browsers on Mac and Windows, and the plugin can be installed without restarting the browser.
One advantage of the Unity engine is that you can take a lot of off-the-shelf managed assemblies and include them in your project and call them from Unity code. But you have to be aware that these assemblies can really bloat the size of the .unity3d file.
Another advantage is that you can easily write components that expose tunable parameters that can be modified by non-technical people.
And yet another advantage is that a well written project can be ported to/from iPhone, Standalone, Android, Web, etc. in under a day. I've personally done iPhone to Web by just modifying my input handler and changing texture compression.
One big disadvantage is that since the application is running managed code it is not too difficult for a curious or malicious person to decompile the assemblies into completely readable code. So you need to think about what someone could do with that info (cheat in multiplayer, write bots, falsify high scores, etc.). It is possible to obfuscate your assemblies, but it isn't trivial to add this step to your build process.

Software/Plugin for css sprite generation

does anyone know if there exists any offline software or plugin(dreamweaver, etc) to generate a css sprite. That is: merging images and generating the css rules.
I know there is a post here: Tools to make CSS sprites?
but all of those are online generation tools.
There is a pure ruby library to generate css sprites. that means no dependancy on rmagic or other libraries.
I have created a Ruby library that can generate sprite images and CSS rules, which I have not fully published yet (I'm wanting to Add more features, such as CSS rewriting, so I'm waiting).
Not wanting to spam, add a comment and I'll send you the link.
As for dreamweaver plugins or desktop applications, none I am aware of.