Server-generated keys and server-generated values are not supported by SQL Server Compact - entity-framework

I just started to play with the entity framework, so I decided to connect it to my existing SQL Server CE database. I have a table with an IDENTITY(1, 1) primary key but when I tried to add an entity, I've got the above-mentioned error.
From MS Technet artice I learned that
SQL Server Compact does not support entities with server-generated keys or values when it is used with the Entity Framework.
When using the Entity Framework, an entity’s keys may be marked as server generated. This enables the database to generate a value for the key on insertion or entity creation. Additionally, zero or more properties of an entity may be marked as server-generated values. For more information, see the Store Generated Pattern topic in the Entity Framework documentation.
SQL Server Compact does not support entities with server-generated keys or values when it is used with the Entity Framework, although the Entity Framework allows you to define entity types with server-generated keys or values. Data manipulation operation on an entity that has server-generated values throws a "Not supported" exception.
So now I have a few questions:
Why would you mark key as server-generated if it is not supported and will throw an exception? It's hard to make sence from the quoted paragraph.
When I've tried to add StoreGeneratedPattern="Identity" to my entity's property, Studio complained that it is not allowed. What I'm doing wrong?
What is the best workaround for this limitation (including switching to another DB)? My limitations are zero-installation and using entity framework.

When I hit this limitation, I changed the type to uniqueidentifier

Use uniqueidentifier or generate a bigint/int key value manually is your best option.
Something like this perhaps ...
private static object lockObject = new object();
private static long nextID = -1;
public static long GetNextID()
lock (lockObject)
if (nextID == -1) nextID = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks; else nextID++;
return nextID;
This assumes that you don't generate more than one record per tick during an application run (plus the time to stop and restart). This is a reasonable assumption I believe, but if you want a totally bullet proof (but more complex) solution, go read the highest ID from the database and increment from that.

SQL CE version 4.0 fixed this problem with its Entity Framework provider.

I just hit this issue too... mostlytech's answer is probably the best option, GUIDs are very easy to use and the risk of key collision is very low (although not inexistant).
Why would you mark key as server-generated if it is not supported and will throw an exception? It's hard to make sence from the quoted paragraph.
Because SQL Server (not Compact) supports it, and other third parties may support it too... Entity Framework is not only for SQL Server Compact ;)

In my case, all of my classes have the primary key named "ID"
I created an interface
public class IID
public Int32 ID { get; set; }
Then I create an extension method
public static Int32 GetNextID<T>(this ObjectSet<T> objects)
where T : class, IID
T entry = objects.OrderByDescending(u => u.ID).FirstOrDefault();
if (entry == default(T))
return 1;
return entry.ID + 1;
Then when I need a new ID, I just do this:
MyObject myobj = new MyObject();
myobj.ID = entities.MyTable.GetNextID();

the other option is to use SqlCeResultSet on the tables that have the identity column.

i have a primary key named ID with data type of INT32 and have Identity Column
Just do this
MyEntity Entity = new MyEntity();
String Command;
command = "Insert into Message(Created,Message,MsgType)values('12/1/2014','Hello World',5);
--Exclude the primary key in the insert Statement
--Since the SQLCE do not support system generated keys
--Do not use LINQ because it supplies a default value to 0 for Primary keys that has a
data type of INT


JPA: generate non pk unique and random alphanumeric value

I want to uniquely identity an entity without using the primary key. So I thought about generating an unique and random value. Moreover, value must be easy to read / manually copy and is expected to be 6 or 7 characters long.
My entity A:
public class A{
// ...
#Column(name="value", unique=true, nullable=false, insertable=false, updatable=false)
private String value;
// ...
public String getValue(){
return value;
protected void setValue(String value){
this.value = value;
represented in the database by the table
-- ...
value TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT generate_unique_value_for_mytable(),
-- ...
CONSTRAINT "un_value" UNIQUE (value),
-- ...
I thought letting the database handling this and then fetch the value...
With the current design, value is correctly generated in the database but when JPA fetches A entities, value field is empty.
I cannot remove insertable=false otherwise, it will hit against the NOT NULL constraint
If I remove insertable=false and I put some dummy data, the data overrides the value generated by generate_unique_value_for_mytable()
If I remove everything in the Column annotation, I can save the A entity but value is still empty
Ugly solution
I couldn't find a proof but it looks like having the database generating a value is a bad idea. I do have the same problem for a non-primary key field which is generated by a sequence: I cannot fetch the value from the database.
So my ugly solution is to decorate the create() method of the EJB responsible for A entities:
public class Aejb{
public void create(A entity){
// method kind of ensures randomness
String value = MyUtil.generateRandomValue();
A isThereAnyoneHere = findByValue(value);
while(isThereAnyoneHere != null){
String value = MyUtil.generateRandomValue();
isThereAnyoneHere = findByValue(value);
// unicity is ensured
Can I fetch a non-primary key value generated by the database from a JPA entity? Value can be generated by a function or a sequence.
Is there a more elegant solution than my ugly workaround to provide an unique and random value?
Yes.You haven't mentioned your database, but it is possible for
Oracle to return the value inserted via triggers, and have
Eclipselink obtain this value in your model - see
Set the value using a #PrePersist method that will get executed
before the entity is inserted, but if you are relying on one or more database queries, you will run into performance issues, as inserting a new A will be expensive. You might instead just insert the random value and deal with the occasional conflict, and pick some random that has less chance of overlaps, like a UUID.
If I understand correctly, #Generated annotation should do the trick. This annotation sets the value from database DEFAULT field value.
#Column(name="value", unique=true, nullable=false, insertable=false, updatable=false)
private String value;
However there is a drawback: if you decide to set value of your field in Java, it would be overwritten by Hibernate using the result from DEFAULT in your database.
Self-answer to mark question as closed
Final solution
We finally went for a combination of
Stored procedures: the database will generate the value. The procedure also ensures that the value is unique across the table
Named queries: to fetch the generated value by the procedure. I did not use NamedStoredProcedures because we are using PostgreSQL and PostgreSQL JDBC driver did not support name parameters which raised some problems.
With this configuration, the EJB is sure to have at most one database call to fetch the requested value.
Response to other answers
Here is a summary of the other answers feedback for self-reference and next readers:
Oracle trigger: we're using PostgreSQL :(
UUID: We had the constraint of having our unique and random code human-readable. An end-user is assumed to be able to manually rewrite it. Consequently, we could not have a long String such as an UUID.
PrePersist: Other business actions take place after the code generation in the same transaction which means that those actions need to be redone in case of collision. I'm not very confident about managing JPA exception (transaction scope and so on) so I preferred not to play with it.
#Generated: This is a Hibernate specific feature. We're using EclipseLink
Database Trigger: If code were purely generated at database level, I encountered the same problems of not fetching the value: the value is properly generated as database level but the entity will have the value as null

Updating entity without having the know primary key

Given the following code, how can I add an element to one of the properties of an entity without knowing its Id and retrieving it from the database?
public async Task BookInPersonVisitAsync(Guid propertyId, DateTime dateTime, CancellationToken token)
var entity = new OnBoardingProcessEntity{ ExternalId = propertyId };
entity.OnBoardingProcessVisits.Add(new OnBoardingProcessVisitEntity
DateTime = dateTime,
Occurred = false
await DbContext.SaveChangesAsync(token);
ExternalId is just a guid we use for external reference. This doesnt work cause it does not have the id set, but without hitting the database we cant have it.
With entity framework if you have to reference an entity (referencedEntity) from another entity (entity) you have to know referencedEntity.
Otherwise you can add just add the entity setting the referencedEntity to null.
To know the referencedEntity or you know the Id or you have to retrieve it in some ways (from the database).
In SQL (DML) if (and only if) ExternalId is a candidate key noy nullable you can insert the OnBoardingProcessVisit record with a single roundtrip but the insert statement will contain an inner query.
OnBoardingProcessVisit.OnBoardingProcess_Id = (
ExternalId = #propertyId)
No way to generate that query with EF. You can have a look to external components (free and not free, for example EntityFramework Extended but in this case I think that doesn't help).
In this case I probably would try to use standard entity framework features (so 1 roundtrip to retrieve the OnBoardingProcess from the ExternalId).
Then, if the roundtrip is too slow, run the SQL query directly on the database.
About performances (and database consistency) add a unique index on OnBoardingProcess.ExternalId (in every case).
Another suggestion if you decide for the roundtrip.
In your code, the entity will be a proxy. If you don't disable lazy load, using your code you will do one more roundtrip when you will access to property
entity.OnBoardingProcessVisits (in the statement entity.OnBoardingProcessVisits.Add).
So, in this case, disable lazy load or do the same using a different way.
The different way in your case is something like
var onBoardingProcessVisitEntity new OnBoardingProcessVisitEntity
DateTime = dateTime,
Occurred = false,
OnBoardingProcess = entity
await DbContext.SaveChangesAsync(token);

Why does Entity Framework make certain fields EnityKeys when they are not even PK's in the source DB?

Starting out on an Entity Framework project.
Imported the Db I am going to use and right away noticed that many table fields were made into EntityKey types and the source fields are not even Keys. Doesn't seem to be a pattern as to which fields were made EntityKeys and which were not.
Is this normal? There were no options for this in the wizard. I don;t want to have to go through and remove this property for all the fields where it was added.
Thanks for your advice!
Each entity on your model requires a unique key, so EF can track and retrieve/persist these entities based on their unique identifier.
If your tables in your database don't have primary keys, then your database is not relational and therefore should not be used by an ORM like EF which is predominantly designed for RDBMS.
If you had an entity like this:
public class Orders
public string Name { get; set; }
public double Price { get; set; }
How would you retrieve a single order? How would you save a single order?
Crucial LINQ methods such as SingleOrDefault() would be useless, as there is no guarantee that this won't throw an exception:
var singleOrder = ctx.Orders.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == "Foo");
Whilst if you had an EntityKey and PK called "OrderId", this is guaranteed to not throw an exception:
var singleOrder = ctx.Orders.SingleOrDefault(x => x.OrderId == 1);
I think as soon as you read the first paragraph you will understand the role of entity keys in Entity Framework.

Are nullable foreign keys allowed in Entity Framework 4?

I have a problem updating a foreign key in an Entity Framework entity. I am using self tracking entities and have an entity with some relations where the foreign key is also present as a property (one of the new features of EF4). The key (an integer) is marked as Nullable and Concurrency Mode fixed.
Specifically I have an Alarm entity with a many to 0..1 relationship to a confirming user. (a user may confirm several alarms, but an alarm can be confirmed by only zero or one users).
The entity definitions (simplified):
Alarm properties
Id Int32 non-nullable identity entity key
UserId Int32 nullable concurrency mode fixed
Alarm navigation properties
User 0..1 multiplicity
User properties
Id Int32 non-nullable identity entity key
Name String non-nullable
In my self tracking entity the confirming user id is auto-generated as a Nullable just as expected, however if I assign a user to an already persistent alarm and run ApplyChanges, the self tracking context extension tries to set the original value (null) in the EF context (In SetValue in the context extensions), but silently skips that because the ClrEquivalentType of the EdmType is a non-nullable Int32.
Auto-generated extension code:
private static void SetValue(this OriginalValueRecord record, EdmProperty edmProperty, object value)
if (value == null)
Type entityClrType = ((PrimitiveType)edmProperty.TypeUsage.EdmType).ClrEquivalentType;
if (entityClrType.IsValueType &&
!(entityClrType.IsGenericType && typeof(Nullable<>) == entityClrType.GetGenericTypeDefinition()))
// Skip setting null original values on non-nullable CLR types because the ObjectStateEntry won't allow this
int ordinal = record.GetOrdinal(edmProperty.Name);
record.SetValue(ordinal, value);
When the EF later tries to update my alarm I get an OptimisticConcurrencyException because it constructs a WHERE clause in the UPDATE statement where it uses 0 (zero) as the original user foreign key value instead of the correct "is null". (The WHERE clause is part of the EF optimistic concurrency mechanism, where the original values of the properties marked with "fixed" concurrency mode are checked agains the properties in the database).
Are nullable foreign keys / primitive types not fully supported in self tracking entities for EF?
If not, am I forced to use dummy entities instead of null or are there other workarounds?
I have tried to reproduce the problem without STE, but plain EF seems to handle optimistic concurrency well for nullable foreign keys, so this is an STE problem, not an EF problem.
There is numerous issues with self tracking entities, so it is not surprising that there is a glitch here. If I find a workaround that can be implemented in the STE T4 script I will post it here.
Bill Huth posted a working patch at MSDN.
Yes, nullable foreign keys are certainly allowed. We use them all over the place. You don't show your database or model, so it's difficult to be certain what the problem could be, but it sounds as though the Entity Framework cannot figure out the primary key of one of the tables involved. Perhaps you don't have one, maybe because one of them is a view? I'm guessing here, because you don't give much information about what you're doing.

GUID or int entity key with SQL Compact/EF4?

This is a follow-up to an earlier question I posted on EF4 entity keys with SQL Compact. SQL Compact doesn't allow server-generated identity keys, so I am left with creating my own keys as objects are added to the ObjectContext. My first choice would be an integer key, and the previous answer linked to a blog post that shows an extension method that uses the Max operator with a selector expression to find the next available key:
public static TResult NextId<TSource, TResult>(this ObjectSet<TSource> table, Expression<Func<TSource, TResult>> selector)
where TSource : class
TResult lastId = table.Any() ? table.Max(selector) : default(TResult);
if (lastId is int)
lastId = (TResult)(object)(((int)(object)lastId) + 1);
return lastId;
Here's my take on the extension method: It will work fine if the ObjectContext that I am working with has an unfiltered entity set. In that case, the ObjectContext will contain all rows from the data table, and I will get an accurate result. But if the entity set is the result of a query filter, the method will return the last entity key in the filtered entity set, which will not necessarily be the last key in the data table. So I think the extension method won't really work.
At this point, the obvious solution seems to be to simply use a GUID as the entity key. That way, I only need to call Guid.NewGuid() method to set the ID property before I add a new entity to my ObjectContext.
Here is my question: Is there a simple way of getting the last primary key in the data store from EF4 (without having to create a second ObjectContext for that purpose)? Any other reason not to take the easy way out and simply use a GUID? Thanks for your help.
I ended up going with a GUID.
The size/performance issues aren't
critical (or even noticeable) with SQL Compact, since
it is a local, single-user system.
It's not like the app will be
managing an airline reservation
And at least at this point, there
seems to be no way around the "no
server-generated keys" limitation of
the SQL Compact/EF4 stack. If someone has a clever hack, I'm still open to it.
That doesn't mean I would take the same approach in SQL Server or SQL Express. I still have a definite preference for integer keys, and SQL Compact's bigger siblings allow them in conjunction with EF4.
Use a Guid. AutoIncrement is not supported on Compact Framework with Entity Framework.
Also, if you ever want to create a application which uses multiple data sources, int PK's are going to fall apart on you very, very quickly.
With Guid's, you can juse call Guid.NewGuid() to get a new key.
With int's, you have to hit the database to get a valid key.
If you store data in multiple databases, int PK's will cause conflicts.
What I've done for SQL CE before, and I assume we have a single application accessing the database, is to calculate the MAX value on startup and put it in a static variable. You can now hand out sequential values easily and you can make the code to generate them thread safe very easily.
One reason to avoid Guids would be size = memory and storage space consumption.
You could also query SQL Compact metadata like so: