Searching event log to find out when a program was uninstalled [closed] - event-log

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am trying to find out when a program was uninstalled on a Win2k machine by searching through the event log. Which log should I search and are there any good keywords to search on to tag the uninstall event?

In case the program was uninstalled using Microsoft Installer you will find events from source "MsiInstaller".
I think that no other installer write events to Event Log (maybe Install Shield does). Maybe there will be some custom .log files from 3rd party un/installer.

You can try what Jozef Izso suggests. As a last resort, sometimes when you uninstall a program, the directory it was in is left behind in 'Program Files'. The directory will have a modified date that should reflect when any of the contents last changed. This will probably indicate when it was uninstalled.


To Run an MSI with no user logged on and default folder in Users\*\Appdata\Roaming [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I have a MSI that creates it's default folder in Users*\Appdata\Roaming but the machines on which we have to execute the msi are all newly built. There are no users logged on. Is there an VBS or any suggestion that can execute this.
You might not realize it, but your question is pretty broad. There's an abundance of methods you could use to achieve this result. The easiest would likely be to scrape the host fqdn's, iterate over the list, and use powershell to invoke-command an install action.
A preferred method would be to use some sort of configuration management. Be it Chef, Ansible, Puppet, etc. Though this requires some implementation and architecture which will necessitate some planning.
A package manager would likely be helpful too, chocolatey, nuget, etc.

Github Programs Installation [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I know this is probably a super silly question, but how do I install on my pc open source programs that I find here on github.
By installing I mean directly from the source code, and not by going on some external website and downloading the file from there.
I know I'm a noob, just go easy on me please
Github page of the program will generally show README file, and it would contain instructions on how to install this program. Sometimes you can find the instructions in wiki pages for this project.
There is no one general way to install something from github, it really depends on the software you are looking at.
Quite often, especially if it is a big project and is written in low level language, the main installation step is entering commands
make install
in your terminal, but this is only one of the different installation procedures.

Searching strings in remote SVN Repository in eclipse [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have to access many files in SVN Repository on a remote server. I use these file through Eclipse. (Using SVN plugin)
Now i want to search a particular string within all those files located on remote server.
Any help with that??
Neither of the Eclipse plugins for svn (Subclipse and Subversive) provides that capability; I don't even think the svn server provides a command or API to do it. TortiseSVN doesn't appear to have the capability, either. However, you might get some ideas from this similar SO question.

Eclipse won't start to run Stanford karel [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am a beginner in programming and I decided to take the Stanford online Intro to Programming Methodology course (cs106a). I followed the instructions and unzipped the Eclipse files onto my computer. When I tried to open it, it said "An error has occurred, see log file. " I am not sure how to fix this and I really want to learn this program. I searched other similar questions and only one was found and the suggested solution was to set environmental variables. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do that.
How can I get Eclipse running?
There could be numerous possibilities.
But first start with these.
(1) Are you using a 32 or 64 bit computer? Then you must use the Eclipse that is designed for your system.
(2) Do you have JDK installed? It's on Oracle website.
(3) Is your OS in good shape? As in did you or other programs mess around registry?
Hope this helps.

Message from webpage [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Message from wepage popups in my yahoo email account. I need to x the box several times to unfreeze my computer. Then, it keeps popping up. And this occcurs before I even open any mail. exact message: "message from webp, then hi, then 40401508, then 1"
Any suggestion to get ride of it?
Run any anti-virus or anti-malware utility of your choosing on your computer. Follow any instructions that it provides on how to clean and remove whatever cruft is causing this. There are lots of free versions available online, but you should consider purchasing a subscription to a well-regarded utility from a reputable company. These days, browsing the Internet without protection is just asking for trouble!
If that doesn't work, the next step is backing up your important data, erasing your computer's disk, and re-installing your operating system from scratch. It sounds drastic, but it's really not all that bad. Plus, it will fix any other problems you've been having and probably speed up your machine noticeably.