Eclipse: Add Command-Line Args to an OS X .app Directory - eclipse

Is it possible to add custom command-line arguments to an Eclipse .app folder? In my particular case, I'm working with ZendStudio. I'm assuming the base Eclipse release would behave the same way.
I've found what looks like two different places that could work, but neither yield any results:\Contents\info.plist\Contents\MacOS\ZendStudio.ini
Am I looking in the right place, or is this even possible?

If you mean that you want to start Eclipse with some command line arguments, there is no file where you can add those to be used as default. But you can make a small script that will start Eclipse with the arguments you want, something like:
/Applications/ some command line arguments
and then add executable permissions to your script, through Terminal window:
chmod 755 your_file
you can just type "chmod 755 " on the terminal and then drag and drop the script file on the terminal window, it will type the file's full path onto it, press ENTER and that's it. You can double-click your script file and it will start up Eclipse with the command line arguments you typed.


WIX - How to add command arguments to a File

I have made a WIX installer and i would like my main application .exe file to run using a command-line argument. I have the following line:
<File Id="MyApplicationExe.exe" Source="$(var.SourceFilesPath)MyApplicationExe.exe" KeyPath="yes" Checksum="yes"/>
For the tag File i cannot find any attribute named Arguments or Command.
Does anyone know if it is even possible to add a command to a File in WIX?
The fragment you posted basically just means, that the "MyApplicationExe.exe" should be copied to the target system when your install setup is installed. It says nothing on how to start your app.
If you want a shortcut (in start menu) which starts you application with a specific command line, then you can just create one.
Check out the manual on creating shortcuts:
How To: Create a Shortcut in the Start Menu
To specify command line arguments, use "Arguments" attribute of the "Shortcut" element.

Script in PATH Mac OSX terminal not working

I have the following script in my /path/to/startupscripts directory, so I can open the emacs GUI with the command 'emacs':
/Applications/ "$#"
I edited my ~/.bash_profile and added the following line
export PATH=/path/to/startupscripts/emacs:$PATH
However, the script is not working because when I type in 'emacs' into the command line emacs still opens within terminal and not the GUI like I want. Also, when I am in the /path/to/startupscripts directory and I can execute and run the script with
chmod +x emacs
but even when I type 'emacs' afterwards it still opens within terminal. I am a bit of a beginner, and I think I am missing something painfully obvious.
The PATH should contain a directory name where your script(s) can be found, not the name of your individual script.
You probably need to source your .bash_profile:
source ~/.bash_profile
No changes made in your profile will be applied unless you source the profile or log out and back in.
Aside from that every looks like it should work.
However you may want to consider just using an alias instead of a script for this. This can be done by adding this to your profile:
alias emacs=/Applications/
That's probably a cleaner way to get the functionality you want without adding more to your PATH variable.
I hope that helps! [insert obligatory comment about how you should be using vim and not emacs :P]

rawr jruby creating exe

I've a very simple Ruby script, which I've used rawr to package up into a *.jar file. I can then run the *.jar file with java -jar *.jar. I would like to make my program into an executable so I did rake rawr:bundle:exe. It says that it successfully created an executable and I can see the executable it created.
What I don't understand is, when I double click the executable (or attempt to run it in the command prompt), it doesn't really do anything; it is supposed to display 'hello' and wait for me to push enter (on STDOUT) but nothing really happens. If I run the *.jar file, it displays 'hello'. How am I supposed to run the executable? I was expecting that when I double click the *.exe, that a command prompt window pop up displaying 'hello' and waiting for me to push enter...
Since the program displays to STDOUT, and doesn't have a GUI component, I think you need to run this from the command prompt. Not sure what OS your on, since you said .exe, I'm assuming windows. so you just need to run it from the command prompt instead of by double-clicking on it.
so in the same folder where you are able to succesfully execute:
java -jar *.jar
just type:
Or, if your in another location on the machine you can type:
Otherwise, the process is just going to run in the background with no way for you to see the results.

Perl execution from command line question

I replaced ActivePerl with Strawberry Perl on my WinXP last week.
I found I must run my Perl script with the command of perl; otherwise I only need run before install Strawberry. How can I only run as before?
I checked my environment configuration as below.
C:\> Path
C:\Program Files\ActiveState Komodo Edit
5\;C:\Perl\site\bin;C:\Perl\bin;C:\Perl\bin\;C:\Program Files\CodeSynthesis
XSD 3.2\bin\;%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;
C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel;C:\Program Files\Microsoft
SQL Server\90\Tools\binn\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Thunder Network\KanKan
Strawberry Perl path already listed in the Path value after install successfully.
Anything I missed? Thank you for your suggestion.
Try from command prompt:
assoc .pl=PerlScript
ftype PerlScript=c:\strawberry\bin\perl.exe %1 %*
You need to associate .pl file extension with Strawberry Perl's executable (it's a Windows thing, not a Perl thing).
To do so, there are a couple of ways (you can google or ask on ServerFault for the best one or full list), but the one I usually use on XP is:
Open any folder Windows Explorer
Go into "Tools" menu, and click on "File Types" tab in the resulting dialog
Find "PL" extension in the list
If it's there, correct the associated executable to be Strawberry Perl's .exe by clicking on "PL" line and clicking "Change" button
If it's not in the list, click "New" button, type in PL extension in the form and click "OK". Then close the whole dialog, and re-open it again. The "PL" extension will now be in the list, so click on it and click "Change" button
In case I messed up, here's the official instructions from Microsoft:
Please see kmx's answer - his method is all-command-line and as such seems much more preferable to me that GUI blundering... I confirmed that it works too (without parameters, at least)
You might need to put the .PL extension into the PATHEXT environment variable. This will make .pl files work with the PATH variable.
to see if you're set up. If you're not, then go to My Computer->properties->Advanced and press the "Environment Variables" button on the bottom of the tab. There you can add .PL to the PATHEXT variable.
OR you could just set it in some batch file that you run to initiate cmd:
For completeness here's 2 other methods that don't make a .pl script executable, but you could use them to make your perl script into an executable.
pl2bat which is suppose to create a wrapped version of your .pl into a .bat file which would be executable on a windows system. I haven't tried this so YMMV.
pp, part of the PAR::Packer module which I have used before works pretty well at rolling your perl scripts into executables.

Launch mac eclipse with environment variables set

My company provides an eclipse based development environment which needs some environment variables setting up for the underlying toolchain so multiple versions can be installed concurrently and not take over the system.
I want to provide an icon in finder or the dock which sets these then launches eclipse so customers cannot accidentally launch eclipse without the environment being set. This is what I have tried so far:
Setting environment in Info.plist
for eclipse:
This should be a nice way to do it
but I cannot make it add to the
existing path (like export
bash script wrapping eclipse:
I created a bash script called
eclipse.command to set the
environment then launch eclipse.
This opens a terminal window as well
as the eclipse icon and allows
people to "Keep on dock" for the
bare eclipse. I cannot put
eclipse.command on the dock as it is
not an application.
Applescript wrapping eclipse.command:
An Applescript wrapper around
eclipse.command makes it look like
an app and prevents the terminal
window appearing. Unfortunately I
now get a dock icon for the
applescript and one for eclipse so
can still keep the bare eclipse on
the dock.
Any suggestions? Am I going about this in completely the wrong way?
There is an alternate solution which involves replacing the executable that is run by MacOS X when the user launches the Eclipse application with a shell wrapper that sets up the environment.
Create an empty text file called "" in the Eclipse application bundle directory /Applications/eclipse/
Open the in a text editor an enter the following contents:
export ENV_VAR1=value
export ENV_VAR2=value
logger "`dirname \"$0\"`/eclipse"
exec "`dirname \"$0\"`/eclipse" $#
In the example ENV_VAR1 and ENV_VAR2 are the environment variables being set up. These variables will be visible to processes launched from within Eclipse. The logger command will just log the path of the eclipse executable to the system.log as a debugging aid.
In the Terminal set the executable flag of the shell script, i.e.:
chmod +x /Applications/eclipse/
Open the Info.plist and change the value for the key CFBundleExecutable from eclipse to
MacOS X does not automatically detect that the's Info.plist has changed. Therefore you need to force update the LaunchService database in the Terminal by using the lsregister command:
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -v -f /Applications/eclipse/
The next time you launch from the Dock or from the Finder the environment variables should be set.
I created the following:
alias start-eclipse='open /Applications/eclipse/'
If you run start-eclipse from the command line, all env vars will be picked up. This way, you only need to maintain a single set of env vars across both command-line and eclipse environments.
Take a look at a related question: Environment variables in Mac OS X.
Basically, this involves the creation of a ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist file.
Log out and Log in for the environment.plist to get picked up by .App's
This worked perfectly in OS X Yosemite:
Open /Applications/Automator.
When the drop-down appears asking you what kind of document you want to create, choose "Application."
In the second-from-the-left list, double-click "Run Shell Script."
In the right side delete the "cat" that gets put there automatically, and replace it with this:
source ~/.bash_profile && /Applications/eclipse/
Now go to File->Save, and save the application to your Applications directory. I named it "Eclipse" with a capital 'E' so as not to conflict with the "eclipse" directory I already had. For good measure, you can even give it the Eclipse icon by selecting the real eclipse app, pressing command-i, selecting the icon, pressing command-c, then selecting the automator "Eclipse" app, pressing command-i, selecting the icon, and pressing command-v.
Now you can open the app, or even drag it to your dock. Note that if you start it, the "real" eclipse will still show up in your dock as a separate icon, but you can't have everything. :)
sakra's answer above is awesome, except is doesn't automatically inherit your existing bash environment. To ensure picks up your existing bash environment, modify to use bash instead of sh and add a line to source your existing ~/.bash_profile thus:
source ~/.bash_profile
logger "`dirname \"$0\"`/eclipse"
exec "`dirname \"$0\"`/eclipse" $#
None of the above worked for me. you have to set Eclipse -> Preferences -> Terminal -> Arguments set to --login
That will instruct Eclipse to login with your account just after opening Terminal.
See screenshot:
Link to Eclipse doesn't use the path set in .bashrc
Create simple script
source /home/user/.environment_variables
/home/user/eclipse_cpp/eclipse"My Name"
Next put your all system variables in file /home/user/.environment_variables (any file you want)
My looks like:
export COCOS_ROOT=/home/user/Projects/edukoala
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/
Now you can delete your variables in .bashrc and put line
source /home/user/.environment_variables
Everything works fine :)
As pointed out in, the environment variables can be loaded automatically, without explicit source ~/.bash_profile by using
#!/usr/bin/env bash -l
instead of
source ~/.bash_profile
after that, in both cases, follows
exec "`dirname \"$0\"`/eclipse" $#
It works great for me, thanks for all previous work.
After setting env variables in .bash_profile.
Simply open the application through terminal!
open /Application/{path/to/app}.app