Filter services when calling Get-Service - powershell

I did this in the past, and can't remember the correct command (I think I was using instring or soemthign?)
I want to list all the windows services running that have the word 'sql' in them.
Listing all the windows services is:
Is there a instring function that does this?

Get-Service -Name *sql*
A longer alternative would be:
Get-Service | where-object {$ -like '*sql*'}
Many cmdlets offer built in filtering and support wildcards. If you check the help files (Get-Help Get-Service -full), you will see
-name <string[]>
Specifies the service names of services to be retrieved. Wildcards are
permitted. By default, Get-Service gets all of the services on the comp
Required? false
Position? 1
Default value *
Accept pipeline input? true (ByValue, ByPropertyName)
Accept wildcard characters? true
Usually if filtering is built in to the cmdlet, that is the preferred way to go, since it is often faster and more efficient.
In this case, there might not be too much of a performance benefit, but in V2, where you could be pulling services from a remote computer and filtering there would be the preferred method (less data to send back to the calling computer).

You can get all the services that are running and having words sql.
Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Running"} | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*sql*"}
If you want more information, see this (not much difference)
Hope it helps...

Please enter below command:
Get-Service -Name '*<search string>*'

Above answers are great, but this is more useful:
Get-WmiObject -ComputerName <INSERT COMPUTER NAME> -Class Win32_Service | where-object {$ -like '*sql*'}
It allows for this query on remote computers.

The Search String might be in either Display Name or Service Name (e.g. searching Service Name for "*SQL*" does not include the SQL Integration Services ...) so I filter both:
get-service | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -like "*MySearchString*" -or $_.ServiceName -like "*MySearchString*"}


starting Windows services with powershell

I need to check service status of remote computer
If it is stopped, then I have to check whether the service is related to OS or Application.
If it is OS, then check for dependent services and then check it is configured with local system account only.
If it satisfies all the conditions then service has to be started
If service is configured with service account then it has to be started with the respective service account only.
If service is related to App but not OS, then send email to server owner and application team to start service.
Okay, let's start to break this down.
First of all, you want to check the services of another computer. For this task, there are multiple ways to do it. One could be the Invoke-Command. You could also first connect to the computer and then execute the commands. Herefore you can use the Enter-PSSession.
Let's go to the other parts. You want to check if a service is running. You can use the Get-Service command for this. The services you get back have different properties. One you should look for is the property "status". As you may see if you just use the command Get-Service you get every Service on your (or remote) machine. You can filter the results by using the | (Data pipe) and the Where-Object command.
You want to filter for all services which aren't running anymore.
This could look like this:
Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.status -eq "stopped"}
Now we have all Services which are not running. We need to extend our filter more to get the services that are from the user "LocalSystem".
Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.status -eq "stopped" -and $_.UserName -eq "LocalSystem"}
Last but not least we just want services which are from the OS. The property "ServiceType" determines whether the service is "Win32OwnProcess" or "Win32ShareProcess". So we filter for "Win32OwnProcess".
Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.status -eq "stopped" -and $_.UserName -eq "LocalSystem" -and $_.ServiceType -eq "Win32OwnProcess"}
Sadly I didn't really understand what you need the dependent services for, but you can have a look at them and extend this oneliner to your own needs.
Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.status -eq "stopped" -and $_.UserName -eq "LocalSystem" -and $_.ServiceType -eq "Win32OwnProcess"} | ft -Property Name, DependentServices
I think that's a good start for you to finish the rest of it by yourself.
You may need IF Statements, and the Send-MailMessage if you want to send an e-mail to the server owner. For restarting a service you can use the Start-Service command.
You can use the data pipe for this again. First filter for all the services you are looking for as I did earlier this post and then use the data pipe and the Start-Service command.
This could like this:
Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.status -eq "stopped" -and $_.StartType -eq "automatic"} | Start-Service
This would restart all services which aren't running and have as start type "automatic".

Find NIC by IP address

I need to be able to find a NIC by IP address, whether full or partial. So writing something like:
Get-NIC-By-IP 10.10.*
Could return:
I know how to do this in Bash but haven't been able to find a PowerShell solution to this.
For versions of Windows and/or PowerShell that do not support Get-NetIPAddress, you can get the requisite information with a combination of the WMI queries for the classes Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration and Win32_NetworkAdapter:
$Configs = Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "IPEnabled='TRUE'" | Where-Object {$_.IPAddress -like "192.168.*"}
ForEach ($Config in $Configs) {
Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapter -Filter "Index=$($Config.Index)" | Select-Object NetConnectionID,Description
By using the following command you will receive every interface which matches the IP-addres which you mention in the match clause.
Get-NetIPAddress | ?{ $_.AddressFamily -eq "IPv4" -and ($_.IPAddress -match "192.")} | Select-Object InterfaceAlias
In my case this is:
Ethernet 2
Of course, you can modify the output if necessary.
Supplement for old OS'es
You can't run this script on old Windows browsers as the cmdlet isn't included according to this thread on TechNet:
There are many cmdlets in Powershell for Windows 8 and Server 2012 (PS V3) that are not included in the V3 release for Windows 7.  An example would be Get-NetIPAddress, and many other network-related cmdlets.
Then again, it might be a good idea to upgrade the OS to a supported version (if possible of course).

Default Gateway Manipulation [duplicate]

If a computer has multiple gateways, how can I determine which is the default gateway using the PowerShell?
If you're on PowerShell v3, you can use Get-NetIPConfiguration e.g.:
Get-NetIPConfiguration | Foreach IPv4DefaultGateway
I think this will be more cross platform:
Get-NetRoute |
where {$_.DestinationPrefix -eq ''} |
select { $_.NextHop }
You need to know which of the multiple gateways are used? If so. From what I remember, when multiple gateways are available the gateway with the lowest metric("cost" based on link speed) is used. To get this, run the following command:
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_IP4RouteTable |
where { $_.destination -eq '' -and $_.mask -eq ''} |
Sort-Object metric1 | select nexthop, metric1, interfaceindex
if there are multiple default gateways with the same cost, I think it's decided using the binding order of the network adapters. The only way I know to get this is using GUI and registry. To include binding order you could save the output of the script over, get the settingsid from Win32_networkadapterconfiguration (identify using interfaceindex), and read the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Linkage\Bind. This key lists the binding order it seems, and the settingsid you get from win32_networkadapterconfiguration is the GUID they identify the device with. Then sort the gateways with equal metrics using their order in the Bind reg.key and you got your answer.
Explained in: Technet Social - NIC adapter binding
I found it as the below which lists all active gateways, correct me if I am wrong
(Get-wmiObject Win32_networkAdapterConfiguration | ?{$_.IPEnabled}).DefaultIPGateway
Use the WMI queries to pull the data that you're looking for. Below is a fairly simple example to pull the default gateway for a device specified in the first line variable. This will query the device for network adapters and display the found information (for each adapter) to the console window - pulls adapter index, adapter description, and default gateway
Shouldn't take much to expand this to process multiple devices, or process based on a list fed via an input file.
$computer = $env:COMPUTERNAME
Get-WmiObject win32_networkAdapterConfiguration -ComputerName $computer |
Select index,description,defaultipgateway |
Format-Table -AutoSize
$ActiveNet = Get-NetAdapter –Physical |Where-Object {$_.status -eq "Up"} | select name
$Network = Get-NetIPAddress |Where-Object EnabledDefault -EQ 2 | Where-Object InterfaceAlias -EQ $ | Where-Object IPv4Address -NE $null | select *
$DefautGateway = Get-NetRoute -InterfaceIndex $Network.InterfaceIndex -DestinationPrefix "" | select NextHop

How to get the default gateway from powershell?

If a computer has multiple gateways, how can I determine which is the default gateway using the PowerShell?
If you're on PowerShell v3, you can use Get-NetIPConfiguration e.g.:
Get-NetIPConfiguration | Foreach IPv4DefaultGateway
I think this will be more cross platform:
Get-NetRoute |
where {$_.DestinationPrefix -eq ''} |
select { $_.NextHop }
You need to know which of the multiple gateways are used? If so. From what I remember, when multiple gateways are available the gateway with the lowest metric("cost" based on link speed) is used. To get this, run the following command:
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_IP4RouteTable |
where { $_.destination -eq '' -and $_.mask -eq ''} |
Sort-Object metric1 | select nexthop, metric1, interfaceindex
if there are multiple default gateways with the same cost, I think it's decided using the binding order of the network adapters. The only way I know to get this is using GUI and registry. To include binding order you could save the output of the script over, get the settingsid from Win32_networkadapterconfiguration (identify using interfaceindex), and read the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Linkage\Bind. This key lists the binding order it seems, and the settingsid you get from win32_networkadapterconfiguration is the GUID they identify the device with. Then sort the gateways with equal metrics using their order in the Bind reg.key and you got your answer.
Explained in: Technet Social - NIC adapter binding
I found it as the below which lists all active gateways, correct me if I am wrong
(Get-wmiObject Win32_networkAdapterConfiguration | ?{$_.IPEnabled}).DefaultIPGateway
Use the WMI queries to pull the data that you're looking for. Below is a fairly simple example to pull the default gateway for a device specified in the first line variable. This will query the device for network adapters and display the found information (for each adapter) to the console window - pulls adapter index, adapter description, and default gateway
Shouldn't take much to expand this to process multiple devices, or process based on a list fed via an input file.
$computer = $env:COMPUTERNAME
Get-WmiObject win32_networkAdapterConfiguration -ComputerName $computer |
Select index,description,defaultipgateway |
Format-Table -AutoSize
$ActiveNet = Get-NetAdapter –Physical |Where-Object {$_.status -eq "Up"} | select name
$Network = Get-NetIPAddress |Where-Object EnabledDefault -EQ 2 | Where-Object InterfaceAlias -EQ $ | Where-Object IPv4Address -NE $null | select *
$DefautGateway = Get-NetRoute -InterfaceIndex $Network.InterfaceIndex -DestinationPrefix "" | select NextHop

Get startup type of Windows service using PowerShell

How can I get the Windows service startup type using PowerShell and not using WMI?
I looked inside the Get-Service command, and it does not provide something to display the "startup type".
With PowerShell version 4:
You can run a command as given below:
Get-Service | select -property name,starttype
WMI is the way to do this.
Get-WmiObject -Query "Select StartMode From Win32_Service Where Name='winmgmt'"
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Service -Property StartMode -Filter "Name='Winmgmt'"
In PowerShell you can use the command Set-Service:
Set-Service -Name Winmgmt -StartupType Manual
I haven't found a PowerShell command to view the startup type though. One would assume that the command Get-Service would provide that, but it doesn't seem to.
You can use also:
(Get-Service 'winmgmt').StartType
It returns just the startup type, for example, disabled.
As far as I know there is no “native” PowerShell way of getting this information. And perhaps it is rather the .NET limitation than PowerShell.
Here is the suggestion to add this functionality to the version next:
The WMI workaround is also there, just in case. I use this WMI solution for my tasks and it works.
Once you've upgraded to PowerShell version 5 you can get the startup type.
To check the version of PowerShell you're running, use $PSVersionTable.
The examples below are for the Windows Firewall Service:
For the local system
Get-Service | Select-Object -Property Name,Status,StartType | where-object {$_.Name -eq "MpsSvc"} | Format-Table -auto
For one remote system
Get-Service -ComputerName HOSTNAME_OF_SYSTEM | Select-Object -Property MachineName,Name,Status,StartType | where-object {$_.Name -eq "MpsSvc"} | Format-Table -auto
For multiple systems (must create the systems.txt)
Get-Service -ComputerName (Get-content c:\systems.txt) | Select-Object -Property MachineName,Name,Status,StartType | where-object {$_.Name -eq "MpsSvc"} | Format-Table -auto
Get-Service BITS | Select StartType
Or use:
(Get-Service -Name BITS).StartType
Set-Service BITS -StartupType xxx
[PowerShell 5.1]
If you update to PowerShell 5 you can query all of the services on the machine and display Name and StartType and sort it by StartType for easy viewing:
Get-Service |Select-Object -Property Name,StartType |Sort-Object -Property StartType
You can also use the sc tool to set it.
You can also call it from PowerShell and add additional checks if needed.
The advantage of this tool vs. PowerShell is that the sc tool can also set the start type to auto delayed.
# Get Service status
$Service = "Wecsvc"
sc.exe qc $Service
# Set Service status
$Service = "Wecsvc"
sc.exe config $Service start= delayed-auto
It is possible with PowerShell 4.
Get-Service *spool* | select name,starttype | ft -AutoSize
By default StartType is not shown by Get-Service, but you can always explicitly ask for it:
Get-Service | select StartType,DisplayName | sort StartType,DisplayName
Use Get-Service | Get-Member to see all available fields.