After masking Image looks blur - iphone

I am developing one game where I want to magnify the image where magnifier image is placed.
For that I am using the concept of masking. After masking I am zooming the image but looks blur. And I want image should be clearer like we r looking through rifle magnifier. So if any one have solution then kindly reply

are you sure that the problem is the masking?
perhaps your resources are too low resolution? high resolution images scaled down always look better than low resolution images scaled up.
Maybe you need to look at the problem backwards... so that your image when looking through the rifle magnifier [scope?] is viewed at a 1:1 resolution and when not viewed through the scope it is zoomed out (1:2 resolution?). so this way your 'normal' mode is the zoomed out mode and the "magnified view" is actually just the image at 1:1.

If you have A UIImage whose size is 293x184 but you create a UIImageView with an initial size of 40x30, the iPhone SCALES the UIImage to fit according to the property: contentMode. Default contentMode is: UIViewContentModeScaleToFill, which scales your image.
So even though you started with a large image, it is now only 40x30 and rendered at 40x30. When you zoom it is STILL 40x30, but rendered at some larger size which is causing the blur.
One solution would be to replace the image after the zoom, then you would have a completely new UIImage at full resolution.
[self.view setFrame:reallyBigFrame];
[self.view setImage:newUIImage];
Another would be initially place the UIImage in a full size 293x184 UIImageView, then use an AffineTransform to scale it down:
view.transform = CGAffineTransformScale(view.transform, 0.25, 0.25);


Resized Image ( 320x480) is not full screen? What is the full screen size for iPhone?

I'm trying to to resize my image (from URL) to full screen in my iPhone. However, the size 320x480 which is supposed to be full size is not full screen.
urlImage.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit;
urlImage.frame = CGRectMake(0,0,320,480);
I'm using a UIButton here, so when the user clicks on the opaque button, it changes to a full sized image.
However, there is an empty space between the tab bar at the top and the start of the picture.
What is the correct size for full screen? Is there a way for it to automatically resize to full screen without me specifying the width and height?
You could try and get it from self.view.frame.size but for the entire screen you can use [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]. Hope this helps.
you cant just resize your image by changing its frame, since you are using aspect fit, the image will keep its original aspect, depending on your needs a simple way would be to change to UIViewContentModeScaleToFill
if scaling to fill does not produce your intended results, you may want to check out trevor's blog post on uiimage categories here
once the UIImage categories are added you can just perform
[youruiimage resizedImage:CGSizeMake(320, 480) interpolationQuality:kCGInterpolationHigh]
using this you can use either UIViewContentModeScaleToFill or UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit and it should turn out nicely =)
If you have status bar then don't forget to reduce its size from the height.
And also aspect-fit would keep the image in its correct ratio, then consider filling it.
Aspect-fill would keep the image in correct ration + will try to make full screen, no void spaces, chances are some part of image wont be shown.
Scale to fill will keep the image full screen, ratio doesn't matter there.

How to scale only specific parts of image in iPhone app?

I want to scale the image in iPhone app but not entirely. I just want to scale specific parts like the bottom part or the middle part...How do I do it?
Please help.
It sounds like you want to do a form of 9-slice scaling or 3-slice scaling. Let's say you have the following image:
and you want to make it look like this:
(the diagonal end pieces do not stretch at all, the top and bottom pieces stretch horizontal, and the left and right pieces stretch vertical)
To do this, use -stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:topCapHeight: in iOS 4.x and earlier, or -resizableImageWithCapInsets: starting with iOS 5.
UIImage *myImage = [UIImage imageNamed:#"FancyButton"];
UIImage *myResizableImage = [myImage resizableImageWithCapInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(21.0, 13.0, 21.0, 13.0)];
[anImageView setImage:myResizableImage]
To help visualize the scaling, here is an image showing the above cap insets:
I'm not aware of any way to adjust the scale of just a part of a UIImage. I'd approach is slightly differently by creating seperate images from your primary image using CGImageCreateWithImageInRect and then scaling the seperate images with the different rates that you require.
Cropping a UIImage
CGImage Reference
Quartz 2D Programming Guide

UIImageView and UIImage of equal size

I came across a weird scenario in my code the other day:
I have a UIImageView that loads an image with setImage:. The UIImageView is prior initialized with a frame having the exact size of the image (41*41 px). I also set the content mode to UIViewContentModeCenter, which should ensure my image is never scaled.
Now when I look at my image view I see that the image is a bit cropped horizontally and it appears a little blurred (this is a telltale sign that some rescaling is happening in the background). If instead I initialize my image view with 1 extra pixel in width, all works perfectly (however my image view is now one pixel wider than my image).
Also if I initialize my UIImageView with initWithImage: that seems to work fine too. I checked this view's frame after initialization and I found it to be of the same size: 41*41.
So bottom line is I have a few workarounds for this issue, but I'm trying to understand what's happening here. The only explanations I can think of are:
There is a bug in the framework
The rendering of images doesn't work well for images of a particular size. I know that for examples textures are always powers of 2, though I doubt this has much significance for UIImageView.
For the record I'm compiling for OS 3.0 and the issue happens on both simulator and device.
Is the UIImageView contained inside any other views? One thing I've had before is blurred controls caused by fractional pixel offsets. i.e. if you calculate a frame using division and end up with a non-integer float value then UIKit can add some strange blurring at certain offsets and sizes.
So the image view may have an integer size, but it's absolute frame when taking the parent(s) into consideration may not be.

iPhone - UIButton background image is cut off sometimes

I am using a custom image as the background image for my buttons. I have noticed that the edges of the buttons are cut off sometimes. My buttons vary in size but the behavior doesn't seem to be dependent on the button size. I am creating the buttons programatically. The image I am using is pretty large to cover the entire background.
Can someone please let me know what could be the issue?
More info
Setting the content mode to UIViewContentModeScaleToFill still cuts of the images. Also tried resizing the image but doesn't make a difference.
Did you try setting the button's dimensions to fit exactly the image?
Is the image just cropped or also blurry (cause it's being resized)? Have you toyed around with UIView's contentMode property for the button?
If you did, did you try increasing/decreasing the width or height by a pixel? I sometimes had blurry buttons even though its dimensions were exactly the image's. Adding or removing an extra pixel sometimes helped.
I finally resolved this by creating a 3x3 px image with the background color as the button's color and a 1 px border surrounding the image. Then used the UIImage method stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:topCapHeight: to create an image with the desired border size of 1 px.

How to fit a large image in image view without stretching the image?

I am using a image view and its size is (320X480). i want to fit a image which size is (800X600) in image view without stretching the image. i tried to make the image 320X480 but its quality becomes poor. Thanks for any solution.
320x240 would be the same aspect ratio. Notice, 800/600 = 4/3 and 320/240 = 4/3.
Also, in the future a tool like ImageMagick can allow you to resize an image to fit within some bounding box while maintaining aspect ratio.