Static Libraries on iPhone device - iphone

I have two projects, a Cocoa iPhone application and a static library which it uses.
I've tested it successfully on the iPhone simulator, but when I try to deploy it to my iPhone device I get (symbol not found) link errors.
If I remove the dependancy of the library the project builds/runs fine.
I have made sure all the build settings are set to iPhoneOS not the simulator.
Im sure its something simple, but has anyone run into similar problems moving from iPhone simulator to device?
--EDIT: I have managed to create new projects (one for the application and one for the static library), and successfully get them to run on the iPhone or simulator. But I have a very strange problem... for each specific project I cannot get it working for BOTH the device and the simulator... I have double checked the build settings, made sure the libraries that are being references are for the matching build settings (I believe) but I cannot resolve these linking errors.
I think I must be doing something very wrong... all the apple documentation says 'its super simple - one click' but this is giving me a lot of problems.
This is probably something to do with xCode build settings, but I cannot seem to understand why selecting the different build platforms and rebuilding the libraries does not work.

Check out my answer to a similar question for a link to an article that might help. There is a link to an interesting article.

Eventually I realised what the problem was.
I changed my device target from simulator to iPhone device, then removed the old (simulator) static library and attached the new (device) library.
All fine, except the library search path (in the build configurations) still had the simulator directory listed first, which I assume cause it to be found and used rather than the device.
This also explains why I was able to make each setting work with a new project, but only had trouble changing between settings.
Its a simple and stupid problem, but one that caused me some grief and time. Im still not sure how to properly set target dependent build settings but at least if anyone is getting similar problems its something to look out for.

I've created a complete tutorial on how to create and use static libraries, this tutorial covers the the method that is also advised by apple, maybe people will find it usefull:
Advantages of this methods is that it automatically recompiles the library according to your project settings (so no trouble with device / simulator builds)


iOS: Linking a third party framework and crashing when deploying

So, my problem is that I'm creating a framework to be used with iOS. It works great when in the simulator and when I'm debugging it on my iPad but as soon as I send it to anyone via Testflight (including my iPad) it crashes. The application will load the splash screen, then crash.
I tried symbolicating the report but I'm not getting anything out of it.
One time happened to me... xcode compiles the app for debug on the simulator, but for release on the iOS device. Then, the debug version doesn't do many enhancements.
Go to "Product" -> "Manage Schemes". There, if I were you, I would set everything to "Build Configuration": Release.
This way, you may be able to have the simulator crash... and it may be easier for you to figure out what's going on.
In my case, I was using a block but not copying it... then, on the release version, the compiler cleared the memory while on the debug version it didn't.
Hope it helps
So, the solution to my problem was that I was linking the framework but not copying it to the device, so when I debugged it with my iPad connected to it, it would find the references to the framework, but once it was deployed, the app crashed when it tried to find the framework.
The answer was:
Go to your project's build phases.
Add build phase > Add copy files.
Choose Frameworks in the Destination field.
Copy the framework.
Your app should now have the framework copied and installed wherever it needs.

XCode error "The application bundle does not contain a valid identifier."

Recently, after upgrading to Lion and Xcode 4.2.1 I am getting this error when trying to run my app on my iPhone 4S:
"The application bundle does not contain a valid identifier."
My identifier is indeed valid, and I have been able to run my app with this identifier earlier.
The problem might appear when I change computers.
I have two computers that I am using to code my app, and I am using Dropbox to keep track of my files.
Restarting XCode, my mac and my iPhone does not work.
Cleaning the target and rebuilding does not work.
The only thing I have been able to do to fix it is to create a completely new project and moving my files. This made things work until I swapped computer. Now I am in the same trouble again.
Any idea? Anyone?
Three suggestions:
Check that your developer key is in both computers
Did you try to update the project? There is a strangly-named key in the middle bottom under the project's properties. Try this.
I had similar issues. I found that some things weren't updated when I updated osx and xcode. To get out of the situation, I would suggest creating a new project and copy paste code, files and build settings. This might seem stupid, but you know apple is not good at creating IDE's. You might just get your self lost in the undocumented settings.

Newbie: Errors in an iPhone app

I'm really newbie in iOS and I have to handle a complicated situation. I was given an iPhone app developed by someone and I have to make it work. The guy who developed it has told me that it worked, but sometimes crashed in an iPhone. I've never developed using iOS and I don't really know how this app works.
Well, when I open the app with Xcode, the first problem that I detect is some errors with the references. The app uses the project CorePlot-CocoaTouch.xcodeproj. I've added again this project and solved the references (I've followed some other posts like this one:
I want to test it with the simulator (I don't have an iPhone yet). I have a doubt here...should I use iOS Device, or iOS Simulator as Base SDK? Firstly I chose iOS Simulator, but it appeared a problem with Cocoa.framework (it turned into red).
Anyway, using iOS Device as Base SDK, I build the project and it says "Build failed (59 errors, 3 warnings)". I check out the errors, and most of them are "Expected specifier-qualifier-list before ..."
Can anyone help me? This is more or less the situation, but I can provide more specific details if they're needed.
I'm sorry if I'm talking about something really basic, but I've been trying to solve it for 2 weeks and I give up. I've tried to talk to the guy, but he's not really helpful..
Thanks for the replies!
By the way, I didn't say it and I don't know if it's relevant or what it means. The guy has a directory called "Libraries" where it's stored the CorePlot. The files there are the same than if you download the CorePlot project from other source. The only exception is a folder called "SDKBuild", which contains files like "", "iphoneos-SDKSettings.plist" or "iphonesimulator-SDKSettings.plist". I'm really newbie, so it's probably obvious, but I have no idea...
just try to add CocoaTouch framework to your project.
and for base SDK use "latest iOS".
Right click on the project name in 'group & files' set on the left of xcode. Choose add -> Existing Frameworks.
Find Cocoa.framwork and click add. Do this to all red colored framework.
Choose IOS Simulator as base SDK.
Try run it..
If you want to run the app on simulator, you have to build with iOS simulator. The base SDK basically sets the OS version (this will be the same regardless of whether you are running the app on simulator or device). You should be chaining the build settings to device only if the device is connected and if you have installed the appropriate provisioning profiles.

IOS Static Library Product is always red

I've been struggling with this for a few days now. When I create a new Static Library project under IOS in XCode 4 I am running into an issue. With or without adding files as headers or to be compiled I am able to successfully build but the .a file is always red. This happens in both Debug and Release. I've read about similar issues but haven't found someone who has fixed the problem. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
XCode seems to have a bug in this regard when building for the simulator. Build once for device, right-click the library to show in finder, back up a level, and navigate to the simulator one. Your library will be there. (The path will look something like this: /Users/You/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/LibName-fylbqugtzucxyndtdddrjmbbdnet/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator)
I wasn't able to figure out the answer to this problem but I did find a work around. I installed the XCode 4 project template to build universal frameworks from This allowed me to build a framework which fit my needs.

non lazy ptr linking error - the solution

I have received many errors while trying to Build & Run my iphone app using the xcode.
All the errors stated "non lazy ptr" for the used variables in the code.
The solution for me (and for all of you) is to look for the correct framework to be used according to the Simulator and Device versions the code will be running on.
At first i have chosen the AVFoundation framework from the iphone os 2.2 folder. and when i removed that and choose the framework from the iphone os 3.0 folder - the linking errors where gone and the code run perfectly.
so, in short the solution is to change the framework source folder.
Hope that helps :)
Frameworks should automatically be taken from the Active SDK, so resetting them shouldn't be necessary. We've seen some projects that have somehow gotten hardcoded SDK paths into their Framework Search Paths build settings; that is often the cause of this problem (and your fix simply hardcodes a more-recent path for an invalid one, which kicks the can down the road a ways but will break again in the next SDK bump.) The real solution is to look at your target's Framework Search Paths and delete any SDK-specific paths you find.