Help with an interactive Emacs Lisp function for replacing text - emacs

I've been using Emacs for a couple months now, and I want to get started in elisp programming. Specifically, I'd like to write my own interactive function. However, I'm more than a bit lost. (interactive ...) has tons of options and I'm not sure which one I want. Then, I don't really know the names of the functions I need. If someone could kindly help me turn my pseudocode into real code, I would be mighty appreciative! (And as always, any links to informative places would be good. Right now I've just been reading this.)
Here is pseudocode for what I'd like to do:
(defun my-func (buffer) ; I think I need the buffer as an arg?
"does some replacements"
(interactive ???) ; ?
(let (replacements (list
'("a-regexp-string" . "a-replacement-string-with-backreferences")
...)) ; more of the above
(while replacements
(let (current (car replacements)) ; get a regexp-replacement pair
(some-regexp-replace-func buffer (car current) (cdr current)) ; do the replacement
(setq replacements (cdr replacements))))))

First, from the looks of your function you would probably be doing it in the current buffer, so no, you don't need to have a 'buffer' argument. If that's a bad assumption, I can change the code. Next, in a 'let' if you are assigning to variables you need another set of parens around each pair of var/value. Finally, when looping through a list I prefer to use functional-programming-like functions (mapcar, mapc, etc.). I'll try to inline some comments here:
(defun my-func ()
"Do some replacements"
(let ((replacements (list '("foo" . "bar")
'("baz" . "quux"))))
(save-excursion ; So point isn't moved after this function
(mapc (lambda (x) ; Go through the list, with this 'inline' function
; being called with each element as the variable 'x'
(goto-char (point-min)) ; Start at the beginning of the buffer
(while (re-search-forward (car x) nil t) ; Search for the car of the replacement
(replace-match (cdr x)))) ; And replace it with the cdr
replacements)))) ; The list we're mapc'ing through
As for what to read, I'd suggest the Elisp manual that comes with Emacs.


ggtags find-definition/reference with IDO interface

I dont like default ggtags interface around ggtags-find-definition/reference/file. I managed to get ggtags-find-file work with IDO, but ggtags-find-definition is a lot harder problem.
Is there some package which can do it? If not, how to make one?
NOTE: I want to be able to browse found definitions/references in fuzzy minibuffer, not whole new buffer (and window).
Normally, I would suggest ido-completing-read-plus (formerly ido-ubiquitous). It makes almost every command that uses completing-read use ido-completing-read instead. However, there is one major case where it doesn't work well: when the completion candidates are generated by a function. This is the case for ggtags-completion-table, which is how ggtags generates its completion candidates.
The solution is to define your own ggtags-completing-read-function that expands the candidates before passing to ido-completing-read. Note: the reason why ido-completing-read (and in turn ido-completing-read-plus) doesn't allow this is because it might use a ton of memory and CPU, and may freeze the UI. You will probably need to tune this to make it acceptable if you have a large number of completion candidates. Also note that most ggtags commands work with the symbol at point; it seems like you generally just give a prefix arg (C-u) to make it prompt for the symbol.
(defun jpk/ggtags-completing-read (&rest args)
(apply #'ido-completing-read
(car args)
(all-completions "" ggtags-completion-table)
(cddr args)))
(setq ggtags-completing-read-function #'jpk/ggtags-completing-read)
Assuming that you ran ggtags-find-definition and it found results and put them in the buffer *ggtags-global*, this function will extract the filenames and line numbers and let you use IDO to pick the one you want.
(defun ido-goto-grep-results (grep-buffer prompt)
(let (candidates result filename dirname line)
(with-current-buffer grep-buffer
(setq dirname default-directory)
(goto-char (point-min))
(forward-line 4)
(while (re-search-forward "^\\(.+\\):\\([0-9]+\\):" nil 'noerror)
(push (concat (match-string 1) ":" (match-string 2))
(setq result (split-string (ido-completing-read prompt candidates nil t) ":"))
(setq filename (car result))
(setq line (string-to-number (cadr result)))
(find-file-other-window (expand-file-name filename dirname))
(goto-char (point-min))
(forward-line (1- line))))
(ido-goto-grep-results "*ggtags-global*" "Jump to definition: ")
This is pretty rough. You probably want to make your own find-definition command that runs ggtags-find-definition and ido-goto-grep-results at once. Somehow you need to only get the actual results and not the "Global found N definitions..." line (better regexp, narrow the ggtags buffer, or some other way).

How to stay in the same buffer window after evaluation?

I'm trying to write a function R> that evaluates the code given as a string in the active ESS R process and returns basic conversions to elisp data structures or just nil. I'm not an experience elisp coder, so right now I'm just trying to get a really basic function working.
(defun R> (s)
"Evaluate simple R command."
(setq ess-dialect "R")
(let (out list)
(setq tmpbuf (current-buffer))
(ess-command (s-concat s "\n") tmpbuf)
(setq list (s-split "\w" (R>--remove-numbered-brackets)))
(apply 'vector
(let ((it* (s-trim it)))
( if (s-numeric? it*)
(string-to-number it*)
(strip-inner-quotes it*)))
(defun R>--remove-numbered-brackets ()
(replace-regexp-in-string "[\\[0-9\\]+]" "" (buffer-string)))
(defun strip-inner-quotes (s)
"If the string has inner quotes, remove them."
(replace-regexp-in-string "\"" "" s))
Unfortunately, running this causes the active windows to change. Not the desired behavior! I thought save-excursion was designed to prevent this, but I guess I'm not using properly. Is there some alternative way to use save-excursion that doesn't have this issue?
Use save-selected-window instead of/in addition to save-excursion.

Manually exit a temporary overlay map

In emacs 24, set-temporary-overlay-map makes active a keymap which becomes inactivated as soon as the user presses a key which is not defined in that keymap.
I need to inactivate the overlay keymap manually, but no function is provided to do this in particular. I've peeked into the source code:
(defun set-temporary-overlay-map (map &optional keep-pred)
"Set MAP as a temporary keymap taking precedence over most other keymaps.
Note that this does NOT take precedence over the \"overriding\" maps
`overriding-terminal-local-map' and `overriding-local-map' (or the
`keymap' text property). Unlike those maps, if no match for a key is
found in MAP, the normal key lookup sequence then continues.
Normally, MAP is used only once. If the optional argument
KEEP-PRED is t, MAP stays active if a key from MAP is used.
KEEP-PRED can also be a function of no arguments: if it returns
non-nil then MAP stays active."
(let* ((clearfunsym (make-symbol "clear-temporary-overlay-map"))
(overlaysym (make-symbol "t"))
(alist (list (cons overlaysym map)))
;; FIXME: Use lexical-binding.
`(lambda ()
(unless ,(cond ((null keep-pred) nil)
((eq t keep-pred)
`(eq this-command
(lookup-key ',map
(t `(funcall ',keep-pred)))
(set ',overlaysym nil) ;Just in case.
(remove-hook 'pre-command-hook ',clearfunsym)
(setq emulation-mode-map-alists
(delq ',alist emulation-mode-map-alists))))))
(set overlaysym overlaysym)
(fset clearfunsym clearfun)
(add-hook 'pre-command-hook clearfunsym)
;; FIXME: That's the keymaps with highest precedence, except for
;; the `keymap' text-property ;-(
(push alist emulation-mode-map-alists)))
I gather that the mechanism to inactivate the current overlay keymap is as follows:
A function clearfun is defined to run before every command, checking if the previous command invoked was in the map.
If it was not in the map, the following code is executed:
(Why doesn't this format correctly? Ok, now it does)
(set ',overlaysym nil) ;Just in case.
(remove-hook 'pre-command-hook ',clearfunsym)
(setq emulation-mode-map-alists
(delq ',alist emulation-mode-map-alists))
Thus, what I really want is to execute the code above with the appropriate variables. But this code is part of a closure, and I'm having trouble determining values like overlaysym, clearfunsym, alist inside the closure. I tried looking for clearfunsym by eval-ing pre-command-hook, but strangely nothing is there (except for another unrelated hook).
I tried re-evaluating the function defintion and edebugging it, and I notcied after the (add-hook 'pre-command-hook clearfunsym), pre-command-hook is still nil, which puzzles me. I will continue digging deeper into the source code, and maybe I will just rewrite my own version of this function to additionally produce a force-clear function that I can call later, but maybe someone can see a cleaner solution.
You wrote: "I'm having trouble determining values like overlaysym"
But, overlaysym is evaluated. It has the value (make-symbol "t").
It is a symbol with name t. This makes it hard to access it but not impossible.
Evaluation of the following lines gives the out-commented results:
(setq mysym (make-symbol "t"))
;; t
(set mysym 'test)
;; test
(symbol-value mysym)
;; test
The same applies to clearfunsym which evaluates to clear-temporary-overlay-map.
One more comment: When you debug set-temporary-overlay-map you are hitting keys. Might it be that these keystrokes call clear-temporary-overlay-map and clear pre-command-hook?
Try that:
(defadvice set-temporary-overlay-map (after test activate)
(setq test-pre-command-hook pre-command-hook))
Then enter text-scale-mode (C-+) and look at test-pre-command-hook. For an istance evaluating test-pre-command-hook on my computer gave me the following list:
(clear-temporary-overlay-map tooltip-hide).
Let us do the same with emulation-mode-map-alists. Then we get:
(((t keymap (67108912 . #[0 "\301\302\300!!\207" [1 text-scale-adjust abs] 3 "
(fn)" nil]) (45 . #[0 "\301\302\300!!\207" [1 text-scale-adjust abs] 3 "
(fn)" nil]))))
Especially, note the t at the beginning. That means you find the overlay map by searching for the list with symbol t at the beginning.
Something like the following code fragment should be sufficient to delete the overlay map:
(when (assoc-string "t" (car emulation-mode-map-alists))
(setq emulation-mode-map-alists (cdr emulation-mode-map-alists)))
The when is just a protection. (Maybe, something else has killed the map before?) The temporary map should always be at the front (because of the push in set-temporary-overlay-map). Does anything have a chance to put another keymap in front of it? Maybe, something time-controlled? Then you would need to search emulation-mode-map-alists for the alist with the (make-symbol "t") keymap.
The original set-temporary-overlay-map is very confusing, unreadable, and relies on a lot of unnecessary dirty hacks and tricks. Using lexical binding, I have rewritten the function in a way that is more clear and modular.
The revised function uses lexical-binding to replace the eager-lazy evaluation hacks (in this case they are completely unnecessary).
The original function unnecessarily creates two symbols for each function, (clearfunsym and clear-fun are basically the same thing, the later being used only as the function cell of the former)
The revised function provides an force-overlay-clear, which is called by the clear-temporary-overlay-map pre-command-hook when the conditions are met (ie, that the last key was not in the overlay map). It can also be called by the user if he wants to manually clear this map. The function voids force-overlay-clear's own function cell, so it will err if called twice.
Code to test whether clear is applicable simplified.
I was not able to do away with the extremely weird (overlaysym (make-symbol "t")), fearing that some other code might rely on this t symbol. Thus, the revised version is almost certainly equivalent to the original version. I have tested this, and it works nicely.
(defun set-temporary-overlay-map (map &optional keep-pred)
(lexical-let* (
(map map)
(keep-pred keep-pred)
(clear-temporary-overlay-map nil)
(force-overlay-clear nil)
(overlaysym (make-symbol "t"))
(alist (list (cons overlaysym map))))
(fset 'force-overlay-clear (lambda ()
(message "clearing overlay")
;this is a copy of the original code to clear
(set overlaysym nil) ;Just in case.
(remove-hook 'pre-command-hook 'clear-temporary-overlay-map)
(setq emulation-mode-map-alists
(delq alist emulation-mode-map-alists))
;void the function cell of 'force-overlay-clear', an attempt to clear overlay twice will err
(fset 'force-overlay-clear nil)
(fset 'clear-temporary-overlay-map (lambda ()
(unless (cond
((null keep-pred) nil)
(lookup-key map (this-command-keys-vector)))
(t (funcall keep-pred)))
(set overlaysym overlaysym)
(add-hook 'pre-command-hook 'clear-temporary-overlay-map)
;; FIXME: That's the keymaps with highest precedence, except for
;; the `keymap' text-property ;-
(push alist emulation-mode-map-alists))
You can do the following:
(defun my-exit-command ()
(lambda ()
(and (eq this-command (lookup-key my-overlay-map
(not (eq this-command 'my-exit-command)))))

A Simple 'copy-form Command

I want a command that copies a form to the kill ring. In emacs-live, the closest thing I could find was this command / key-binding
(global-set-key (kbd "M-]") 'kill-ring-save)
However kill-ring-save has some wonky behaviour. Ii copies more than 1 form, past the cursor. Ultimately, I want a simple function along the lines of what's below (this doesn't quite work).
(defun copy-form ()
(kill-ring-save (line-beginning-position) (live-paredit-forward)))
(global-set-key (kbd "M-]") 'copy-form)
I've searched high and low ( SO question and Google search), but can't seem to find a simple, working command to copy a balanced expression. Has someone already done this?
Function sexp-at-point gives you the sexp ("form") at the cursor. Just copy that to the kill-ring, using kill-ring-save. E.g.:
(defun copy-sexp-at-point ()
(let ((bnds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'sexp)))
(kill-ring-save (car bnds) (cdr bnds))))
Alternatively, just use kill-new:
(defun copy-sexp-at-point ()
(kill-new (thing-at-point 'sexp)))
The reason your copy-form cannot be bound to a key is that it is a function, not a command - it is missing an interactive form.
However, in your case you don't even need to write a new function.
Try a combination of
mark-sexp is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `lisp.el'.
It is bound to C-M-#, C-M-SPC.
M-w runs the command kill-ring-save, which is an interactive compiled
Lisp function in `simple.el'.
It is bound to <C-insertchar>, M-w, <menu-bar> <edit> <copy>.
I'm not sure I understand the question, but when I need to do what I consider as "copy a balanced form", I do: M-C-SPC M-w. If I want to cut it instead, I do M-C-SPC C-w.
Here's what I generally use. Somehow it's more useful for me
to kill the balanced expression instead of copying. If I want a
copy instead, I first kill, then undo.
This function kills a string, if the point is inside string,
otherwise the balanced expression, i.e. (),[],{},<>
or whatever is defined by the syntax.
(defun kill-at-point ()
"Kill the quoted string or the list that includes the point"
(let ((p (nth 8 (syntax-ppss))))
;; string
((eq (char-after p) ?\")
(goto-char p)
;; list
((ignore-errors (when (eq (char-after) ?\()
(let ((beg (point)))
(kill-region beg (point)))))))
I've also tried to add a special case for when the point is
inside the comment, but I couldn't find a generic
way to determine bounds of comment at point. If anyone knows,
please tell me.
This other function can be relevant as well. It marks instead
of killing, like the previous one. The nice thing that it
extends the region each time it's called.
I bind the first one to C-, and the second to
(defun mark-at-point ()
"Mark the quoted string or the list that includes the point"
(let ((p (nth 8 (syntax-ppss))))
(if (eq (char-after p) ?\")
(goto-char p)
(set-mark (point))
(when (eq (char-after) 40)
(condition-case nil
(set-mark (point))
(let ((beg (point)))
(when (looking-back "}")
;; assumes functions are separated by one empty line
(re-search-backward "^[^A-Z-a-z]" nil t)

matching keys in association lists in emacs lisp

I'm using folding-mode in emacs and was trying to make a function to insert the appropriate folding marker (start or end) depending on mode. So far I have
(defun insert-folding-mode-mark ()
(let ((st "##{{{")
(en "##}}}")
(setq string-to-insert
(let ((here (point))
sp ep)
(setq sp (search-backward st))
(goto-char here)
(setq ep (search-backward en))
(if (< sp ep) st en))))
(insert string-to-insert)))
This inserts "##{{{" at (point) unless "##{{{" precedes it, in which case it inserts "##}}}".
I'd like to replace the first (let) assignment with something that determines the start and end markers with something like
(let* ((match (assoc (intern mode-name) folding-mode-marks-alist))
(st (nth 1 match))
(en (nth 2 match)))
[is (intern) meant to be called in this way?] A truncated version of my folding-mode-marks-alist looks something like
((ess-mode "##{{{" "##}}}")
(tex-mode "%{{{" "%}}}")
(python-mode "# {{{" "# }}}")
(emacs-lisp-mode ";;{{{" ";;}}}")
(TeX-mode "%{{{" "%}}}")
(LaTeX-mode "%{{{" "%}}}"))
while the mode-name returned from various modes are {"Emacs-Lisp", "ESS[S]", "PDFLaTeX", "Python", ...}. Seems like I might want to do some partial matching with strings using (downcase), (concat x "-mode"), and so on, but was wondering if there was an idiomatic way in emacs lisp to do this sort of matching with keys of an alist, or do I just have to have a separate block of code by which I extract the keys with (mapcar 'car folding-mode-marks-alist) and convert each symbol to string (how?) to do the matching?
Thanks much!
Emacs Lisp has a destructuring-bind facility which may be helpful here. Also taking advantage of the fact that the symbol naming the current major mode is available via the variable major-mode, you can write something like this:
(destructuring-bind (st en) (cdr (assoc major-mode folding-mode-marks-alist))
; do stuff
Note that this won't work if (assoc major-mode folding-mode-marks-alist) returns nil, so better replace that with a call to some custom function capable of returning a sensible default.
In addition to major-mode being more appropriate than mode-name here, the function insert-folding-mode-mark as listed above would throw an error if there were no folding marker between cursor and beginning of buffer. Here is a revision without that quirk:
(require 'cl)
(defun insert-folding-mode-mark ()
(flet ((fn (s) (save-excursion (or (search-backward s () t) 0))))
(destructuring-bind (mode st en)
(or (assoc major-mode folding-mode-marks-alist) '(nil "" ""))
(insert (if (<= (fn st) (fn en)) st en)))))
Edit: fix problem pointed out in comment.
You may be interested to know there are comment-start and comment-end variables which should already contain the information you need based on major-mode. Something like
(search-backward (concat comment-start "{{{"))
(insert comment-start "{{{" comment-end)
should be sufficient. Of course, for lisp modes comment-start is ";" so you may want to do what you are doing to get ";;" but fall back on comment-start for other modes. You can also (setq comment-start ";;") though I'm not entirely sure what difference that makes for the lisp modes.