Eclipse CDT Invalid Project Path - eclipse

I have a C project that is built using a makefile, Eclipse constantly warns about "Invalid project path: Duplicate path entries", but I cannot figure out what the hell it wants me to do. I would like to disable this warning and continue with my life.
My application compiles and runs fine, with not a single warning except this one. Being a conscientious developer I am keen to fix this problem so I have the warm fuzzies only a clean build can bring.

This worked for me with Eclipse 3.7.2 and CDT 8.0.2:
Open the project properties | C/C++ Build | Discovery Options.
Click the button by Clear discovered entries now:.
It is seems to be a new feature in CDT 8. I have had this "Invalid project path: Duplicate path entries" problem for years, and this is apparently the newly provided solution.
Before doing this there were duplicate paths under C/C++ General | Paths and Symbols | Includes tab. I could not get rid of these. They only appear when Show built-in values is checked, so they are apparently generated somehow. After doing the above they were replaced with a set that did not have duplicates. The only difference is that the same settings appeared under Assembly, GNU C, and GNU C++. Previously they were different sets. The ones for Assembly were empty, for example.
So far the problem has not returned.

This problem is a real pain to deal with. It doesn't work very well.
This is applicable to Eclipse 3.4.1 / CDT 5.0.1
From what I can tell, when you create a "C/C++ Project" within CDT, it will try to auto-detect your include paths. Great idea, but the implementation is horrid.
If you delete or rename a directory, the old directory is leftover. If you rename the project, the old directory is leftover. When Eclipse can't find that old directory, it gives you that warning.
My solution is turning the automated discovery off entirely and managing my include paths manually. You need this list of include paths for things like ctrl-click (auto-navigate to defines/functions/files/etc) and shading out #define blocks. It builds the index off this list.
Here's what you need to do:
Right click on your project in the project explorer and go to properties.
Go to C/C++ Build -> Discovery Options
Uncheck "Automate discovery of paths and symbols"
Now go to C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols
You'll see under the Includes tab Assembly, C and C++ languages with corresponding auto-discovered include directories.
Go to all 3 languages and delete everything.
Open your makefile and transcribe your includes into the corresponding language.
A project rename will still cause the indexer to break. ${project_name} and other globals do not seem to work. If you're having trouble, use the "Workspace" button to browse to the directory you want to include, as that seems to always work but entering it manually does NOT.
Hit apply, then OK.
Right click your project, go to index->rebuild
Restart eclipse.
This should fix things forever. Any time something improperly is shaded out due to a #define or #ifdef block, it's because that list of files is outdated. You'll also know that list is outdated if you get "unresolved inclusions" on #include lines.
Doug Schaefer, hopefully Google indexes this, you find your name, and you fix this awful implementation. =)

I found this bug report to help my problem. I had moved some include paths and couldn't get rid of the old paths.
I've seen this problem too, old paths
are never deleted. To manually fix the
file you need to move/delete the
${projectname}.sc file found under

Using Eclipse Luna and CDT 8.5
I fixed the issue by
Open the project properties | C/C++ General | Paths and Symbols
Look at the Source Location tab, I had renamed a directory and it was not updated in this list.

Here I just found another way to re-detect the path automatically:
Open "Workspace Settings-> C/C++ -> Build -> Settings -> Discovery"
Find "CDT Build-in Compiler Settings [Shard]"
Click "Clear Entries" and "Reset" button on the right
Rebuild projects and Done
Hope this will help.

It seems like a bug in CDT.
If you really want to get rid of it, you should try getting rid of the spaces in the project path; this was suggested in a search result for the error. If that doesn't work, you can try to open the .cproject file -it's where all the CDT settings lie- and check for an actual path with duplicate entries.

You should check if you have manually defined a symbol that eclipse can figure out from your makefile. I have a project that has a manually written makefile and the problem was solved by removing symbols that I had manually added to C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> Symbols.

No needs to remove .metadata guys, just delete all path located in C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> Symbols and replace them on using click buttom but don't give the path manually

Here's a late answer for Eclipse 4.4 (which does not have a Discovery option).
Delete the project's infoPath file. Eclipse or the ADT plugin (not sure which) will recreate it, and populate it with the correct paths.
You can find the project's infoPath file at <Eclipse workspace>/.metadata/.plugins/<project>.pathInfo.
I think Eclipse or the ADT plugin determines the new paths from two places: (1) the NDK directory set under Eclipse preferences, and (2) paths in All those paths become "Built-in" paths under Eclipse.
Also see How to change built-in C/C++ paths pointing to a deleted android-ndk-r9 installation?


Gtkmm in Eclipse makefile project: "could not be resolved"

I am trying to migrate a custom C++ project which uses Gtkmm3.0 to Eclipse (Oxygen) on Ubuntu 16.04. The project has its own Makefile and builds fine from the terminal within Eclipse. What I have not been able to do so far is tell the indexer about Gtkmm, and I get lots of these (which is very annoying):
When I hover over the little red bugs, it says:
Type 'Cairo::RefPtr<Cairo::Context>' could not be resolved.
I have done a lot of Googling on this and found nothing so far because all answers seem to assume the project's build tools are managed by Eclipse (See this or this, for example). In my case I have a makefile project instead of an executable project and hence some options are not available to me. For example, the first links speaks about configuring the builder:
We have to add all this directories. On Eclipse select the Project->Properties menu option. Select C/C++ Build->Settings property page and GNU C++ Compiler->Directories from the Tool Settings tab. Now we have to add all directories. In my case (Makefile project) only two tabs are available there: Binary Parsers and Error Parsers.
How can I tell the Eclipse indexer I am using Gtkmm3.0?
Found the solution that works for me:
Open a terminal and enter:
pkg-config --cflags gtkmm-3.0
You will see a list of includes directories (starting with -I). These are the directories you want to add in Eclipse so that it can locate the Gtkmm symbols in the editor.
In Eclipse, go to:
Project -> Properties -> C++ General -> Paths and Symbols
In the Includes tab, select GNU C++. You need to add here add the include directories found in step 1. There is no automated way to do this, yo must enter them one by one.
One trick that can save you some time is to edit manually the Eclipse project setting XML file and add the include directories directly in the XML file. By the end, you should have something that looks like this:
That did it for me, hope this helps!

Eclipse CDT shows semantic errors, but compilation is ok

I have installed Eclipse Indigo for C/C++ Linux developers on Ubuntu 10.04 x86.
When I use common predefined macro __BASE_FILE__ Eclipse says Symbol '__BASE_FILE__' could not be resolved, but compilation is OK. I have to use it so often in my code and Eclipse fills my screen with red lines and bug icons :)
How can I fix this?
Not sure if this addresses your specific problem, but I also had semantic errors. They just came out of the blue after having a working project.
Anyway, I fixed it with a single option in workspace settings by setting:
"Build configuration for indexer: Use active build configuration"
The other option was "Use the build configuration specified in the project's indexer settings" and this is the one that wasn't working. I think it may have been corrupted after an eclipse crash.
Window -> Preferences -> C/C++ -> Code Analysis -> Syntax and Semantic Errors: OFF
This won't solve the cause of the problem but at least will stop the false errors from being shown.
The simplest solution is to reset the indexer:
Window / Preferences / C/C++ / Indexer.
uncheck "Enable indexer" ->>OK
rebuild all, may show lots of errors
check "Enable indexer" ->>OK
rebuild all
This error can be produced by forced closing of eclipse by power failure.
You need to rebuild the index of your project.
Right-click on the project, then Index->Rebuild.
Deleting the .metadata folder , and then Import project .
This way is OK!
You have to add proper paths to Project->Propoerties->C/C++ General->Paths and Symbols. If it does not help, you can configure Eclipse Code Analyser (which generates the 'errors') in Project->Properties->C/C++ General->Code Analysis. Under the error description you have problem with, try Customize Selected->Scope->Exclusion Patterns.
IMO the correct solution is to define the symbol in Project -> Properties->C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> Symbols tab. Since you can assume the symbol will always be supplied by the compiler, you just tell Eclipse to consider it defined.
I had the same problem just recently, where Eclipse complained about undefined macro, that i always supply using -D<MACRO_NAME> compiler option.
I think it has something to do with the workspace/.metadata.
I had the problem of semantic errors reported but Hello World compiles and runs.
I deleted the project, created another one, same error reporting. Reinstalled CDT, same thing. Deleted the workspace, shut down Eclipse, restarted, created new hello world, same thing. Deleted the workspace again, shut down Eclipse again, this time noticed that Eclipse had recreated the workspace folder during shutdown when it couldn't find it. Deleted the workspace with Eclipse shut down. Restarted Eclipse, created HW project, errors show for about a second and then gone. Deleted project, created another one, errors show for a sec, then poof.
If you actually had projects in your workspace (mine was a clean install), I bet that you could just delete the .metadata folder within the workspace, and it would fix it.
I personally agree with compostus' answer.
It's good to solve the real problem that eclipse's code analyzer have.
But when I try this steps:
define the symbol in Project -> Properties->C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols
I don't find symbol tab or any place to add a symbol. what I want to do is putting macros like -DANDROID or #define ANDROID 1 to eclipse so that the code analyzer can find this definition.
I'm under Mac OSX mountain lion.
adding as another answer, hopefully this will help someone.
I have a ~simple workspace (1 c++ shared-object (linux's version of a DLL, 3 c++ executables, and a pydev python project)
I checked out all the code to a new machine, and it builds fine but had numerous 'semantic errors' on std-c and std-C++ code and includes.. I went through all the discovery / indexer setting to no avail.
==> deleting the entire .metadata folder fixed this.
Since i had nothing non-trivial set up in the workspace (all in the project files / makefiles), eclipse happily created a fresh workspace, and i simply had to do a file->import-> existing projects
If on Ubuntu, go to Window > Preferences > In Search box type "Indexer" > Select Indexer in left column.
Under heading "Indexer Options" tick the following options (all but those involving the skipping of files):
Index files source files not included in project
Index unused Headers Index all header variants
Index source and header files openend in editor
Allow heuristic resolution of includes
Under heading "Indexing Strategy" tick both options which are:
Automatically update the index
Update index immediately after every file-save
Under heading "Build Configuration for the indexer" select the following option:
User active build configuration
try this:
Preferences --> c/c++ --> Indexer --> Index all header variants
check this option.
This is a file indexing issue.
Solution - Right click on the project, Index->Freshen all files.
(Applies to Eclipse CDT.Oxygen)
In my case, I eventually discovered that the indexer was having problems because a colleague had “helpfully” duplicated a whole load of declarations in two header files that were only included together in a small subset of C files in the project. Removing the duplications (and making one header include the other) allowed the indexer to function correctly again.
It was particularly a problem with duplicated enumerations, for some reason. I do not know why this is so.
I used #pragma once in my code. This configuration caused me to have the problem:
#pragma once
#define MYMACRO(X) func(X)
#include "fileA.h"
#include "fileB.h"
MYMACRO(5) <---- warning here
I replaced #pragma once with #ifndef #define HEADER_FILE_H #endif, and that fixed the problem.
Not sure if this works for the OPs issue, but I had semantic errors in eclipse Luna and was able to resolve them by following instructions in this thread: Eclipse shows unresolved inclusion but it compiles
The compiler finds the header, but Eclipse not.
You could help Eclipse and set the path to the header files under:
Project -> Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Compiler ->
In my situation, eclipse had determined one of my include directories, but did not determine that there were sub-include directories within it.
I had a similar issue but my compile was fine but Eclipse showed errors on lines that used a #define from another include file. I fixed by checking "Index all header variants". I think the classis #ifndef FILENAME in include file was process multiple times in Indexer and so 2nd time the FILENAME was defined so all #defines in .h file were not "seen" by the preprocessor. Go to Window | Preferences | C/C++ | Indexer.
I have the same problem. Compiler preprocesses ok, but static analyzer doesn't. In my source file:
#include <platform.h>
int coflags=O_BINARY; // Undefined symbol
In platform.h (an OS dependent header to help creating portable code):
#include <stdio.h>
It looks like static analyzer doesn't take the .c #define statements into account when preprocessing included headers. By defining it at the symbols dialog, errors dissapear, but that is a project scope symbol definition, resulting in every source to include every system header in my case.
Hope it gets fixed soon...
Using Eclipse Mars and MinGW on MSIS2.
The problem occurs this way: I insert a new variable name into the code somewhere e.g. "newone" in this example:
int a;
The file is saved (so the indexer is reindexing).
Then I added the definition:
int a, newone;
The indexer will still shows the error at the line " newone=23;" but not at the other lines of code containing "newone".
Solution: first define your variables, then use it.
In the past, I would define the ANDROID symbol in:
Project -> Properties->C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> #Symbols tab
However, the latest version of Eclipse no longer has a # Symbols there, or anywhere else.
It seems there is no longer any way of defining symbols in Eclipse.
Eclipse has so many bugs and problems.
I finally gave up and switched to using Gedit and the terminal to compile.

How can I get Eclipse to index an entire C/C++ source tree that contains multiple "make projects"?

I'm having trouble getting Eclipse to index my source code. I'm using Eclipse Helios on Windows XP at the moment.
I have a directory called src. Within it, I have a bunch of dirs, something like this:
-include (common headers)
-libIO (source code for this library)
-libGUI (source code for this library)
-pgm1 (source code and headers for this pgm)
-pgm2 (source code and headers for this pgm)
Each leaf has its own Makefile. There is no top-level Makefile in src. pgm1 can and does include files from include and lib/libIO and lib/libGUI.
Basically, I want Eclipse to index my entire src directory, without having to set up a C/C++ project for every leaf in my tree. I can't seem to find a way to make this happen.
Here's my symptoms; what I'm trying to solve for:
When editing source in the pgm1 dir, it references functions that are declared in my include dir header files and defined in source files found in lib/libIO.
However, when I press F3 to get to the declaration of a function, Eclipse says "Could not find symbol 'X' in index". I can't seem to get Eclipse to find either the header declaration or the source definition for the method under my cursor (like the Java module does perfectly). Is this possible?
I had exactly same issue as OP but for some reason the menus in Eclipse I was using (Helios Service Release 2) were not "Go to Properties -> C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> Source Location.".
The way I fixed the issue was :
in C/C++ view, right-click on top project name;
in the menu, select New->C++ Project;
in the window that appears, select Convert to and then select C++ project;
click OK to close the window.
Eclipse will start indexing right away. Depending on the size of source tree it may take a while but you will have the indexing working finally after that.
I faced similar situation. I solved it in this way: right-click the project in project View-->select Index-->rebuild.
I managed to solve this thanks to comments here.... I ended up recreating my project. I used the Import method to download a project from CVS, and told it to use the New Project wizard to do so. When I got the New Project dialog, I told it this was a C++ Project, and the indexing now works fine.
I still wish I could index files without having to attach a specific project type to it, but at least I found an answer.
Thanks for the help all.
Exit Eclipse. In workspace go to ".metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.cdt.core" and delete everything in there.
in the project explorer panel, right click the project you want to re-index, then select index, then select the action you want
Indexing of files and variables under different flags is always complicated when we have a huge project, lot of files and more importantly lot of different build options. I prefer playing around with the Indexer option to help me browse the entire code.
You can find it : Project Properties>C/C++ General/Indexer.
You can choose "Enable project specific settings"
Then it's up to you to choose the options you want for your project.
For a particular build we can choose "Use active build configuration" so that only the files and MACROS are considered which are used by the build script.
Or Index all source files in the entire project.
I am using Eclipse Neon 3, here's the solution that worked for me :
go to File
Convert to C/C++ Autotools project
then select your project and finish.
It can take some time to finish indexing, it depends on your project size.
I have experienced problems with the indexer of Eclipse Luna when there was an unresolved friend declaration in the class declaration - it seems then that the indexer skipped indexing the rest of that class, and all references to it was shown as unresolved by the indexer.
Solution: removed the unresolved friend declaration (in my case, it was legacy code that was no longer needed).
Please try the following (my project is set up differently, so I am not sure this will work for you).
Go to Properties -> C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> Source Location.
Do you see your source folder there?
I observe this behavior:
When I add a source folder and then exclude it from build, it disappears from the above list. After that the folder is no longer indexed. Re-adding it to "Source Location" solves the problem: the folder is now indexed; remains excluded from build (as intended); is visible among source locations.
I believe it is a bug -- excluding a source folder from build should not remove it from source locations list.
In Coocox IDE (Eclipse + gcc) the problem is resolved by going from file menu
Edit > Preferences > C/C++ / Indexer > Build configuration for Indexer set to Active build configuration and the rebuild the project (Ctrl R).
If the project is already converted to C/C++ and still the index is not working you can right click on the project and Index and rebuild. The project will start indexing right away.
I am using
Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Linux Developers
Version: Helios Service Release 2
Build id: 20110218-0911
I followed the suggestions above and in addition I had to mark all referenced projects (with in the work space) using project properties->Project references
The following has worked for me in Eclipse Neon:
New Project -> C/C++ -> Makefile project with existing code -> Next. Then Navigate to the code and finish the project creation. Indexing starts automatically.

Eclipse autocomplete not working in some Java files

I have noticed that autocomplete is not working in some of java files in Eclipse.
Also, the files where autocomplete is not working, display a hollow "J" as the icon for the Java file. The files where autocomplete is working, icon for java file is a filled "J"
I am wondering if someone can point out what went wrong all of suddent, why the change in icons and why autocomplete and syntax highlighting is turned-off in the files with a hollow "J" icon?
Basically, I was doing what VonC has suggested but Eclipse was not refreshing that it why I was thinking that VonC's suggestion isn't working, after doing a refresh, the problem resolved.
Since this question is highly ranked on Google, I will add a solution to fix general auto complete issue, not for 'hollow J' ones.
Try Window (Windows/Linux) or Eclipse (OS X) -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Content Assist -> Restore Defaults
Content Assist -> Advanced -> Restore Defaults
some answers (restore defaults) above do not work for some adt bundle installs as of jan '13.
in those cases, go to
Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Content Assist -> Advanced
and tick on the JAVA PROPOSAL options.
In this following picture, has a hollow J, because it is explicitly excluded from the sources to build:
Could you go to the properties of the project, "Java Build Path" Section, "Source" tab and see if some exclusion filter has been set ?
It is usual for instance to define:
to exclude at first building any unit-test class (when you have a large set of sources and do not want to be presented with Test classes during auto-completion, or do not want them considered during source searches).
Those with a hollow J aren't part of the build path of the project, so they can't participate in the normal build process and therefore auto-complete won't be enabled for these files (and other Java editor features!). You must add the folders with the Java files to be built to the build path using the 'source path' section of the project properties. This can be accessed by right clicking on a project in the project navigator / package explorer and going to Properties. See for details.
Additionally, if the files aren't part of a Java project in the first place, you must create a project and move the files in, or put the files in an existing one. Again, make sure these file are under a source directory as described by that section of the project properties.
I cope with the issue by deleting the file if autocomplete does not work. Just before copying the source code. Then I have recreated the java file with the same name. Pasted the source code previously copied.
As an addendum to the #VonC answer, make sure that the Java files are part of the Inclusion pattern. I had a case where a build process was creating the project while only including .js files and not the Java files:
You can manually edit the inclusions via the Edit button. In my case, a fix was made to the build script to make it permanent.
Neither Restoring Defaults or my build path (file was already in package directory w/other files where auto-complete was working) fixed problem. Fix for me was to close the file explicitly (right click on file name in tab) and re-open. Interestingly, just re-starting Eclipse didn't work either.
Make sure you have the right directory structure. I believe that:
Hollow J icon beside Java file - will not be build
Normal J icon beside Java file - is a file to be build.
I made a mistake when I created webapp artefact. By default it does not create folder for Java, but for resources. I mistakenly put my sources there.
Have a look - see the difference.
I was able to get this fixed in Visual Studio Code, VSCode but entering crtl-shift-p and typing in clean. When I did that I ran the "Java: Clean Java Language Sever Workspace" command. This fixed my autocomplete issue for me.

Why is eclipse trying to compile files not in my build path?

I have a rather large project which contains a number of third-party dependencies which are linked via svn:externals. These include tomcat and blazeDS, which are packaged by our installer via ant. The problem is that these projects contain dozens of sample JSP pages, and eclipse chokes on them when trying to build the project, producing hundreds of errors.
Our project setup is something like this:
Now, in eclipse, my project's build path is set to only include subfolders in src/main and src/test. Yet, for some reason, it still tries to build everything beneath third-party. I have clicked on third-party and selected "remove from build path", but this had no effect. I even tried adding the third-party folder to the build path, and then excluding "", "/*", and "**/*.jsp", but again, to no effect.
What is going on here?
Edit: Thanks for the suggestions, though unfortunately, they don't seem to fix the issue. I don't have the CheckStyle plugin installed (I'm using Eclipse 3.4.1 with the only custom plugins being subclipse and flex builder), and I tried disabling all extra builders except for Java, but the errors are still being thrown.
I usually have this kind of issue with CheckStyle plugin, where you need to specify in its properties (right-click on project -> Properties -> CheckStyle):
"Exclude from check Files non located in a source directory"
Otherwise it does analyze (and reports warning/errors on) files which are not candidate to be compiled in the first place.
Couple of other suggestions:
try restarting your eclipse with the -clean option (eclipse software version of 'did you reboot it ?' ;) ). Beware it can reset your workspace perspectives, so you may want to try that with a copy of your workspace instead.
try deleting your project (your workspace reference of your project, not its actual content), and reimporting it (beware of your custom launchers, they may get removed in the process).
check if you do not have any linked directory within src or test, which would point to thirdparty(/**): that would explain the unwanted compilation.
It could be that your eclipse project is configured to have extra Builders. You can check that in the project's properties (right-click on project -> Properties -> Builders).
In my case it was because there was a reference to the file (which I had excluded from the build path) in another file which was in the build path. I wanted to exclude SegModel.hpp from the build path, but in another file, I had specified template short K::KEstimate<SegModel>(SegModel& m, short stepCode);