Please confirm: Is Windows Workflow Foundation a good horse to be backing right now? - workflow

We are in the process of selecting a workflow solution for a company that uses Microsoft products end to end. Given the news on WF4, in that it seems to be essentially a rewrite of previous versions, is it a wise move to back the current version or should we be looking elsewhere?
Ie - is the current version so bad that we would not be wise to try and use it?

Haiving just launched a project which .NET 3.5 and workflow I'd say that the current release of WF is good enough to use and run with. It has helped us to get a product out quickly (we have the usual feature creep and requirements changing weekly). However, I have a list of complaints with it:
The workflow designer will drive you insane because it is so slow (in certain circumstances) and re-arranges your state machines as it sees fit.
There is no built in upgrade strategy for keeping your old workflows running once you do a bug fix release. If you are going to use WF think carefully how to do upgrades early.
Itegrating with WCF (the send and recieve activity) hide the WorkflowRuntime from you this makes it very difficult to understand what is going on on the hood.
Its not easy to unit test them. There are ideas out there but none seemed particulary easy when we started this WorkFlow Unit Testing
I like the ideas and potential of Workflow based development, however I am not in a hurry to repeat this experience and would probably stick without it for long running processes. One place I would use it again would be in a short, complicated process (like a rules engine for working out prices).

Maybe it is a little late for you, but now that WF 4.0 is released in beta, other people thinking the same question can consider backing the 4.0 horse instead of 3.5 horse.
This goes some way to fixing the following problems:
•The workflow designer will drive you insane because it is so slow (in certain circumstances) and re-arranges your state machines as it sees fit.
[Designer Perf Improved]
•Its not easy to unit test them. There are ideas out there but none seemed particulary easy when we started this WorkFlow Unit Testing
[I think it's a little easier now, some of the introduction to workflow samples include plenty of unit testing]

My understanding is that Microsoft will provide backwards compatibility and/or a migration strategy to the new WF, so I would guess that you are safe to use it. However, I have heard from other developers in my organization that the current version of WF is extremely painful to use. If you have the budget (and depending on the complexity of your workflows), you may want to consider K2:

I, as a workflow developer, think that current version is painful to use. This is not surprising as this is a v1.0 software out from microsoft :)
I think you should first consider your expectations from a workflow software. Do you have a well defined list of expectations from WF? Acutally I am wondering content of such a list. Maybe we can help more detailed on each topic.

I don't know why people have such negative impressions about WF. Sure it has it drawbacks, but I thought it was pretty useful. The one major issue I have about it is the lack of support for upgrading existing workflow (bullent #2 in gbanfill's list).

Another point to use the current version is that "Dublin" (Microsoft new App Server) will be built on WCF & WF .NET 4.0 but will gladly host 3.5 WF's. So you will be able to migrate to that without a rewrite.

Just a quick note to mention that Visual Studio 2010 CTP contains a new updated WF designer as part of the Oslo objective.


When should I start using version control during the software development process?

This is not a "why should I use version control" question :-)
I have always used version control from the first line of code of every project I've written so far. However yesterday I came up with a question (maybe a stupid one) to which I find no answer: when should version control really start during the software development process? Should it start from the first line of code, as I've been doing all of my life, or should it start when you really have an operational version of your code? Put in other words: should version control be used before the first version of your software? (I mean version control, not source backup, of course!).
Pre-development you don't need version control; but what you do need is some form of collaboration mechanism to keep track of changes to the specifications and documentation.
Some teams deploy version control at this stage. Personally I don't find the value of it here, a wiki/trello or similar is more valuable and makes more sense; as you are tracking a lot of abstract ideas.
As soon as you start writing code - you should start the version control process; and through out the development phase before you have deployed you continue to use version control; this is where you start getting value out of it. Especially if you are developing with others. If you are a solo developer, version control may seem like extra work for no use; this is debatable, but when you are working in a team it is essential.
Once the project has deployed; revision control is critical and mandatory. You simply cannot afford to not have it - version control offers you lots of benefits for the type of work you undertake after deployment. Bugfixes, automated testing, deployment - these can easily be automated from your version control system. If you didn't use version control during development; now is the best time to deploy it since you have a solid codebase as your reference point.
Version control is so simple these days with mercurial/git and their online hosting services that it is costs nothing to get started; and the benefits far outweigh any drawbacks.
The question is quite abstract. So, an equally abstract answer.
I think you should use version control on a specific project as soon as it starts to add value.
If you can distinguish between two phases - proof of concept/prototype etc., and product code, I think you should separate the code bases for the two. And you can use version control tools for both (source backup first, then real version control), just avoiding cluttering the production repository with early stuff.
If you are using version control just for the code, you could ask that question.
But ideally, version control should help you reproduce a build, which means the configuration files and other settings can be as important as your first line of code.
See for instance ".classpath and .project - check into version control or not?.
That is the kind of data which will facilitate collaboration, as other developers will be up and running (ie able to build your program) very quickly.

When is it time to port an old application to new platform?

I'm working for a company that has an established application written in VB6. The application is stable and continues to provide the company with good income. However, it is beginning to show its age and noises are been made to port to a more modern platform such as .Net.
Since this is hardly ever a cut and dry decision I would appreciate input on when it is a good time to port a long standing application to a modern platform.
Some of the pros and cons that I have already worked through:
In favor of porting
Finding skills for an old programming language becomes harder and more expensive
Support from the platform vendor ends at some point
Leveraging modern programming practises on the old platform becomes harder or impossible
Rewriting provides the opportunity to improve existing practises
Moving to a modern platform is motivating for the development team
Moving to a modern platform provides marketing opportunities
Against porting
"If its not broken don't fix it"
The cost of rewriting versus the return
Risks associated with the transition from the old to the new application
Upskilling existing software engineers
Some related StackOverflow questions:
What makes code legacy?
When do you say that the code is Legacy code?
One of the things to consider is that porting an application can get more and more expensive over time. I have seen applications writen in 'ancient' languages that were very well developed. But, as happens many times, all the domain knowledge was in the code and in the heads of the developers, not in up-to-date documents.
So in situations like this porting means not only rewriting in the new sparkly language but also reverse-enginering the specs and picking the, hopefully available, brains of the developers. This becomes harder and harder over time.
An other thing is that 'porting' is hardly ever as easy as the Migration Wizard want us to believe. Many wizards produce a half-baked solution that is still constructed according to the constructs and features common to the 'legacy' environment and will hardly be using the new features and possibilities. This might not seem that bad but if you leave it at that level you are in fact making it very hard for developers that know the 'new' language to understand the code and make porting to the next platform or language even harder. That is what I call LEGACY in capitals. Dragging useless stuff around for decades.
The optimal moment to start porting, from a developer's point of view, was yesterday.
The optimal moment to start porting, from a manager's point of view, is tomorrow.
The optimal moment to start porting, from a competitor's point of view, is never.
There are a lot of other considerations to evaluate: opportunity cost (what else could we be doing), capacities for extensibility and growth (what else does the application need to do/be), sustainability with other moving parts (DB upgrades, OS upgrades), etc. The list goes on and on.
Specific to VB6, I would evaluate what limitations are in the way of product progress vs. moving up to the current .Net framework. Ask yourself -- is this really an IF scenario, or a WHEN scenario?
From a general standpoint, the worst time to port an application is when you HAVE to port it. Your situation sounds like an ideal time to begin code migration -- before it becomes a necessity. Given your legacy product's profitability for your company, any situation where you're forced to move to migrate brings pressures around deadlines, scope, etc.
All things considered, your situation sounds like an ideal time to port up to the .Net Framework, well before it becomes necessary.
Echoing jro and especially Erno,
Upgrade before there is a crisis.
Upgrade before the developers move on to other places where they have a chance at working on a modern framework.
Upgrade while the developers that built the original program are still around.
No competent developer will accept a pure porting job, it is not a career enhancing move. But the existing developers will be happy to learn the latest framework as part of a porting effort.
VB6 was released in 1998. March 31, 2008 Microsoft EOL'ed all VB6 support. Your company is so far into the danger zone with this code, it isn't funny.
To add some perspective,
Netscape was still an independent company and they just release Netscape 4.
Clinton was still president
The internet was still a new concept
Intel had just released their hot new Pentium II running at 450 Mhz
The Matrix was still filming
Google hadn't been founded (it was later in the year)
At some point, the company will be forced to upgrade the app because the operating system will no longer support the apis.
You should leave this company. It is career death to stay.
Update because Cody thinks "I am an individual developer":
#Cody -- Rethink your assumptions. I run my own company. Without fail, every time we have slipped behind the last stable release of a platform, catching up has been incredibly painful and expensive. The latest pain point is we are on dojo 0.4.3 and Tapestry 4. T4 and dojo 0.4.3 have this mutual interdependency that we are separating (slowly). Moving to Tapestry5 and/or jquery or even just to the more recent version of dojo is very slow and very painful. The porting has taken over a year because it has to be this long stretched process to keep other development moving along.
The choices are :
stay stuck on the old library
forever (with the problems around
finding/attracting talent),
try to run dual-mode (old/new) code (code doesn't always cooperate,
or freeze development on large chunks of the product during the
So far we have been doing a combination of #2 and #3.
Being on old version of either dojo or tapestry means that we have lost the ability of the community to support us and help us with the problems. The advantage of a framework is that other people are doing work that solves your problems. Nobody is solving any VB6 problems any more. Microsoft will not even take money to solve VB6 problems.
The OP's company is completely on their own. Note: that Google was just founded the year VB6 was released. I would suspect that VB6 knowledge has been disappearing from the web and that each year a Google search about any programming problem the OP's company makes will return fewer and fewer results.
This is a business viability risk.
The happy talk about MS supporting VB6 forever and ever is not a good idea. All it takes is some SVP at Microsoft saying: "We can ship the next Windows version in time to make Christmas if the teams do not have to fix these issues that affect only VB6. We will issue a Service Pack later." At some point this can and will happen.
A competitor can come along and introduce a competing product using the latest tools faster ( because the large pool of libraries available when using the latest frameworks.) The OP's company has lost the ability to be nimble because the latest tools and libraries no longer support VB6. (A 13! year old framework!!)
This is another business viability risk.
The fact that this needs to be explained to anyone is a huge, huge warning flag to any developer with any experience who is interviewing at the OP's company.
This reduces the quality and quantity of the talent pool enormously.
Not being able to attract quality talent is another business risk.
The original OP should bail.
Its not just Microsoft and will the Windows support the app. What about things like printers? or displays? Epson is under no obligation to release printer drivers that support a VB6 application.
What happens when the print function stops working for customers on their latest cool 4G-enabled printer?
What happens when customers try to use the app on the now-standard 2000x4000 display and the fonts look all goofy?
What happens when Adobe starts having Adobe Reader advise that the PDF file version should be upgraded?
Seeing a warning dialog popup, not being able to print, use the latest display well, etc will result in customers quietly moving to competitors. They will not even bother to tell the OP's company that they are doing this.
The OP should move on before the layoffs hit.

SDLC: Managing changes in a 'Closed System' (M1 - ERP)

I am working with a client who has an ERP system in place, called M1, that they are looking to make custom changes to.
I have spent a little bit of time investigating the ERP system in terms of making customizations. Here is a list of what I have found with regards to custom changes:
Custom changes cannot be exported/imported. There is an option in the M1 Design Studio, however, they always appear to be disabled... I tried everything and I couldn't find a mention of it in the help documentation.
You can export a customizations change log (CSV, XML, Excel, HTML) that provides type, name, location and description. In essence, it is a read-only document that provides a list of changes you made. You cannot modify the contents of this log.
Custom form changes made, go into effect for all data sources (Test, Stage, LIVE). In other words, there does not appear an ability to limit the scope of a form change.
Custom field changes must be made in each data source (Test, Stage, LIVE). What's odd here is that if add a field in Test, adjust a grid to display it, subsequently change to LIVE, it detects that the field doesn't exist and negates the grid changes.
I'm unable to find documentation indicating that this application supports version control.
How do I manage changes from an SDLC: ALM methodology and tools standpoint?
I could start by bringing in a change request system to manage pending and completed customizations. But then what? How should changes me managed and released? Put backups of application under source control and deploy when needed?
There might not be a good answer to this question since I'm unable to take advantage of version control and create a separation of environments, but I figured I'd ask in case anybody has had similar experience or worked with M1.
I take it from the lack of answers in two months that your question is unanswerable. SDLC is something you could write a textbook on, or read a textbook on, and not know enough about your environment, other than that probably in order to get hired at your shop, "SDLC" would be a bullet point on the hiring qualifications.
I have no experience with M1, but I am assuming that you're going to have to ask your peers at work for their ideas, because it sounds like you're asking a vertically closed (your shop, your tools, your practices) question that has no exact technical answer.
As for best practices; I suggest you investigate best practices outside your M1 ERP silo and apply them as makes sense to you.
The company I work for also uses M1 erp. We have similar issues regarding version control of the customisations. From what I can tell, all customisations are stored in the M1DD database. You could backup a copy of this database before any major development work as a basic revision control system.
I am familiar with the issue of all changes becoming immediately active in all datasets. This is particularly annoying when you are making changes to a commonly used modules as you don't know how live data will be affected during the development process. One technique I have found useful is to surround untested code with an if statement so it is only executed when I am logged in.
If App.UserID = "MYUSERNAME" Then
'new code here
End If
I would be interested in hearing how you solved this problem.

Will major config changes discourage users from deploying code?

I'm beginning development on a solution that will plug into an existing application. It will be made available for public use.
I have the option of using a newer technology that promotes better architecture, flexibility, speed, etc... or sticking with existing technology that is tried and tested which the application already uses.
The downside of going with the newer technology is that a major change to an essential config file needs to be made to support it. If the change goes wrong the app would be out of service. Uninstall is also an issue as future custom code by other developers may require the newer tech and there's no way this can be determined.
How important is this issue in considering an approach?
Will significant config changes put users off deploying code, or cause problems for them later?
Intentionally not going into specifics about technologies here to avoid the question from being siderailed.
Install/uninstall software can be provided but there is some complexity involved which may cause them to foul up on edge cases resulting in a dead app. (A backup of the original config would be a way to mitigate that.) Also see the issue about uninstall above where I essentially can't provide one.
Yes, in my experience, any large amount of work will make users think twice about deploying or upgrading.
It's your standard cost/benefit analysis done by businesses with just about every decision. Will the expected benefits more than outweigh the potential costs?
When we release updates to our software, there's almost always a major component that's there just to assist the users to migrate.
An example (modified enough to protect the guilty): we have a product which generates reports on system performance and other things. But the reports aren't that pretty and the software for viewing them is tied to a specific platform.
We've leveraged BIRT to give us intranet-based reporting that looks much nicer and only needs the client to have a web browser (not some fat client).
Very few customers made the switch until we provided a toolset that would take their standard reports and turn them into BIRT reports. Once we supplied that, customers started taking it seriously - the benefit hadn't changed, but the cost had gone right down.
You've given us no detail, so we can't answer with any specificity. But if your question is, will a significant portion of your potential userbase be deterred from using your product if they have to do significant setup work, then the answer is yes. I've seen this time and time again, with my own products and those that I've installed myself. When the only config change is an uninstall and reinstall. People don't like to do work.
You may want to devote more effort than you've considered so far to making the upgrade painless. Even if you're upgrading someone else's framework, you may find the effort worthwhile and reflected in an increased number of installs.
I have noticed that "power users" - developers, sysadmins, etc. - are willing to put up with more setup work.
I'm not sure what you mean by "major config change", but if you're talking about settings / configuration files, then I've been doing something like this:
An application always contains a default configuration which is useful for most users, and which can't be replaced. Instead, users can override one or more of the default settings in their own, separate configuration file. When a new (major) version is released, most users don't need to reconfigure anything: their own custom configurations are still taken from their own configuration file, and possibly required new parameters are taken from the new release's default settings.
It's obvious that most users don't want waste their time adjusting some settings that already were right - and quite rightfully so.

If you need only version control and bug/issue tracking, is TFS too much?

We are a small Microsoft shop with 4 developers. We like the idea to have everything integrated and under the same SQL database but not to deal with too many features or a complexity we don't need.
The other option would be to use two distinct third party tools. We also wonder if VS2010 version control and bug/issue tracking capabilities are comparable with the best third party tools on the market.
With TFS 2010, there is a TFS Basic version/configuration options. You can use SQL Server Express as the database, the install is simple and quick and you can install it on a client OS. It includes version system, work items and build system (no sharepoint, reporting...). Price should not be high, the target users for TFS Basic are those used to use SourceSafe. Also if you have MSDN, there is a change that it goes with it, so you would not have to pay extra.
Some thoughts on TFVC in general -- note that I've never used TFVC specifically, but I've been in a similar situation a couple times. My main concern is that it's too little.
TFVC (Team Foundation Version Control) appears to be a client-server version control system. I don't know anybody who hasn't upgraded to DVCS yet. I've never used TFVC but I can't imagine what benefits it'd offer to outweigh the architectural disadvantage. (And before you ask: I only use it from my workstation in the office, where the network has never gone down, but I still use its distributed features every day.)
I also work at a small Microsoft shop with 4 developers and we have never once regretted using Mercurial. It's one of the few decisions we made that everybody seems to have loved. It's one of those moves, like switching to a language with GC, that you never want to even think about reversing.
In terms of support, I hope you found some way to get great support from Microsoft. Things will come up with any VCS and it looks like community support is a couple orders of magnitude worse than Hg or Git.
I can't say much about bug trackers -- I think they're all pretty much the same these days. I've installed a couple open-source ones in an afternoon, even with no experience. The major difference seems to be, if you go with a big-name one, you'll be able to find lots of tools and extensions that work with it. For example, there are a million and one extensions for reporting/testing/etc. for Bugzilla. TFS probably has similar things, for enough money.
Two other things I'd keep in mind:
First, even if you only want these 2 features today, you will want other features in the future, and it will be (sooner or later) something Microsoft doesn't offer. So it's best to make peace with 3rd-party tools ASAP.
Second, unless you miraculously happen to pick the perfect set of tools for your company's future growth for all time, you will at some point want to migrate away from whatever solution you pick today. So make sure it either provides a way to do a full export, or is popular enough that other projects are falling over themselves to write importers for it.
I guess this all sounds kind of negative for TFS. I didn't really mean it that way -- I'm sure it does some things really well. But unless you're rolling in dough already, save your money.
Good luck with whatever you choose!
TFS work ittm tracking is awesome. Whatever your workflow is and the information you want to gather, you can do it easily with TFS.
Most expect TFS to do what they do out of the box as if it were omniscient. Unfortunately, you do things slightly differently than me and I from everyone else. The key is making it easy for the many different roles in your organization to get and input information into whatever your work tracking system is.
There is a plateau you will reach with custom, cobbled together tools that you won't get from cross referencing information along the product development process. TFS removes that barrier. The second barrier is knowing how to consume the information and that takes training and experience in effectively managing projects.
TFS Version control is certainly the low point when compared to the industry right now. DVCS popularity exploded about the time TFS came out. That said, Brian Harry has stated that TFS "fully expect that we will be adding distributed version control to TFS."
Take that as you will.
TFS is a great system but after having deployed and used it for some time I realize that the TCO is just too high to justify for a small team.