How do I upper case an email address? - email

I expect this should be a pretty easy question. It is in two parts:
Are email addresses case sensitive? (i.e. is different from
If so, what is the correct locale to use for capitalising an email address? (i.e. capitalising the email would be different in the US and Turkish locales)

Judging from the specs the first part can be case sensitive, but normally it's not.
Since it's all ASCII you should be safe using a "naive" uppercase function.
Check out the RFC spec part of the wikipedia article on E-mail adresses
If you're in for some heavier reading RFC5322 and RFC5321 should be useful too.

The local-part of the email address (i.e. before the #) is case-sensitive in general. From the Wikipedia entry on E-mail address:
The local-part is case sensitive, so
"" and
"" may be delivered
to different people. This practice is,
however, discouraged by RFC 5321.
However, only the authoritative
mail-servers for a domain may make
that decision.
For the detailed specifications, you may wish to consult the following RFCs:
RFC 5321: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
RFC 5322: Internet Message Format
RFC 3696: Application Techniques for Checking and Transformation of Names

domain names are case insensitive.
so foo#BAR.COM is the same email as
for user names, it depends of the mail server. in the Outlook server my company uses it is also case insensitive

Email address are not case sensitive.
The local-part of the e-mail address
may use any of these ASCII characters:
Uppercase and lowercase English
letters (a-z, A-Z)
Digits 0 through 9
Characters ! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^
_ ` { | } ~
Character . provided that it is not
the first nor last character, nor
may it appear two or more times
Source :Wikipedia


Are international characters (e.g. umlaut characters) valid in the local part of email addresses?

Are german umlauts (ä, ö, ü) and the sz-character (ß) valid in the local part of an email-address?
For example take this email-address: björn.nuß
RFC 5322 quite clearly says, that umlauts (and other international characters) aren't allowed. If I take a look at chapter 3.4.1, there's the following regarding the local part:
local-part = dot-atom / quoted-string / obs-local-part
So what means dot-atom? It's described in chapter 3.2.3: Well, long story short: Printable US-ASCII characters not including specials
So in the whole RFC 5322 I can't see anything regarding international characters.
Or is RFC 5322 already obsolete? (RFC 822 -> RFC 2822 -> RFC 5322)
The important point for me is: What's the current standard? International characters allowed or not?
RFC 5322 is marked as DRAFT STANDARD. So I think that's the most recent source to rely on, isn't it?
Efran mentioned, that RFC 5336 allows international characters. But RFC 5336 is marked as EXPERIMENTAL, so that's not interesting for me.
Yes, they are valid characters as long as the mail exchanger responsible for the email address supports the UTF8SMTP extension, discussed in RFC 5336. Beware that just a small portion of the mail exchangers out there supports internationalized email addresses.
Both our email validation component for Microsoft .NET and our REST email validation service, for example, allow UTF8 characters in the local part of an email address but will mark it as invalid if its related mail exchanger does not support the aforementioned extension. is your latest standards track reference. Generally it is not advisable to use characters which require quoting due to the outrageously high amount of standards unconformant MTAs out there. Such email are bound to get lost in the long run.
As a friendly advice this table is pretty useful too (from Jochen Topf, titled "Characters in the local part of an email address"):
It looks like rfc6531 replaces 5336 and it is "PROPOSED STANDARD"

Are IDN domain names case-sensitive?

Some people will reply that domain names are not case-sensitive. In the new Unicode world this is no longer true.
I thought one of the steps in the Unicode > Punycode conversion was a "normalisation", which rendered domain names lower case.
For old-fashioned ASCII-based domain names, Yes, domain names have been and continue to be case-insensitive.
Note that while upper and lower case letters are allowed in domain names, no significance is attached to the case. That is, two names with the same spelling but different case are to be treated as if identical.
For example, all of these represent the same domain:
In modern DNS, we now have Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) which allows Unicode characters. The problem is that defining upper- and lowercase can be tricky in some languages and character sets beyond ASCII (Unicode is a superset of US-ASCII).
The intent of domain names is to be case-insensitive, but there may be complications with particular characters in particular scripts of particular human languages. So there is no simple YES or NO answer to your question.
If using non-ASCII domain names, you should read:
Internationalized domain name on Wikipedia
Domain Name System (DNS) Case Insensitivity Clarification Official spec (IETF RFC 4343)
WRONG: URLs are still case insensitive, even for IDN.
The question was about IDN: "Are IDN domain names case-sensitive?"
My initial answer is wrong, and does not clearly answer the question.
It brings URLs into the mix.
The domain name part (IDN) of a URL is case-insensitive.
The other elements might be case-insensitive or not. It depends on many things, and in general is not predictable.
For instance the path part would normally depend on the OS or even the file system hosting the site (on MacOS you can format the drive as case insensitive or not)
But these days you can have some of these paths "hooked" to answer RESTfull APIs.
So it depends on how the "hook" is done.
Similar for other elements (user, password, parameters, parameter values)

Is root#[127.1] a syntactically valid e-mail address?

Is root#[127.1] a syntactically valid e-mail address?
Why? Why not?
You need to check RFC 5322, section 3.4.1.
This specification is a
revision of Request For Comments (RFC) 2822, which itself superseded
Request For Comments (RFC) 822, "Standard for the Format of ARPA
Internet Text Messages", updating it to reflect current practice and
incorporating incremental changes that were specified in other RFCs.
I run your email address though that gave the following info:
The general result is: The address is only valid according to the broad definition of RFC 5322. It is otherwise invalid.
The specific diagnosis is: The domain literal is not a valid RFC 5321 address literal
Here is the relevant passage from the email RFCs:
domain-literal = [CFWS] "[" *([FWS] dtext) [FWS] "]" [CFWS]
(RFC 5322 section 3.4.1)
It depends on whether you mean addresses in the header (RFC 5322) or envelope addresses (RFC 5321), and in the latter case, whether you include <>, everything between <> (i.e. the source route), or just Mailbox.
It's valid according to RFC 5322, but RFC 5322 allows loads of fun things like comments! and unicorns! and cake! and ponies!. It's just about possible to parse them using Perl's "regular" expressions: Mail::RFC822::Address.
It's syntactically invalid according to RFC 5321 Section 4.1.3 since the grammar only allows address literals of the form or with a prefix of the form "standard-tag:" (e.g. [IPv6:::1]). I've assumed you meant "Mailbox", i.e. everything between <> but not including the source route.
I'd use the latter definition, since an e-mail address isn't much good if my SMTP server won't accept it. (Yes, this is a bit of a horrible definition, but I don't think the internet will move away from SMTP any time soon.)
(Additionally, there's RFC 5336 a.k.a. "UTF8SMTP". I'm not aware of anyone who uses this.)
No, RFC2822 allows IP addresses to be used as domain, but you must use a valid IP address.
Your example should be root#[].
According to RFC-822 as you mention in the tags, yes, it is syntactically valid, because the grammar allows it. These are the relevant rules:
addr-spec = local-part "#" domain ; global address
domain = sub-domain *("." sub-domain)
sub-domain = domain-ref / domain-literal
domain-literal = "[" *(dtext / quoted-pair) "]"
dtext = <any CHAR excluding "[", ; => may be folded
"]", "\" & CR, & including
E-mail validity has some broad definitions, if you split the address into two sections, local (before the # sign) and domain (after the # sign). The local part may be alpha-numeric with the following special characters ‘.’, ‘-’ and ‘_’, the local part cannot contain contiguous periods.
The domain part must meet the definition of a host name or ip address surrounded by square braces.
As your example doesn't meet the requirements for a valid host name (, and it doesn't contain a valid IP address surrounded by square braces, it is not a valid e-mail address.
Check out the following e-mail validator code (minus the ip address validation bit) which will validate an e-mail address. This can be easily retrofitted to work with ip-address domain names too.

Are email addresses allowed to contain non-alphanumeric characters?

I'm building a website using Django. The website could have a significant number of users from non-English speaking countries.
I just want to know if there are any technical restrictions on what types of characters an email address could contain.
Are email addresses only allowed to contain English letters, numbers, _, # and .?
Are they allowed to contain non-English alphabets like é or ü?
Are they allowed to contain Chinese or Japanese or other Unicode characters?
Email address consists of two parts local before # and domain that goes after.
Rules to these parts are different:
For local part you can use ASCII:
Latin letters A - Z a - z
digits 0 - 9
special characters !#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~
dot ., that it is not first or last, and not in sequence
space and "(),:;<>#[] characters are allowed with restrictions (they are only allowed inside a quoted string, a backslash or double-quote must be preceded by a backslash)
Plus since 2012 you can use international characters above U+007F, encoded as UTF-8.
Domain part is more restricted:
Latin letters A - Z a - z
digits 0 - 9
hyphen -, that is not first or last, multiple hyphens in sequence are allowed.
Regex to validate
Hope this saves you some time.
Well, yes. Read (at least) this article from Wikipedia.
I live in Argentina and here are allowed emails like ñoñó
The allowed syntax in an email address is described in [RFC 3696][1], and is pretty involved.
The exact rule [for local part; the part before the '#'] is that any ASCII character, including control
characters, may appear quoted, or in a quoted string. When quoting
is needed, the backslash character is used to quote the following
Without quotes, local-parts may consist of any combination of
alphabetic characters, digits, or any of the special characters
! # $ % & ' * + - / = ? ^ _ ` . { | } ~
Any characters, or combination of bits (as octets), are permitted in
DNS names. However, there is a preferred form that is required by
most applications...
...and so on, in some depth.
Instead of worrying about what email addresses can and can't contain, which you really don't care about, test whether your setup can send them email or not—this is what you really care about! This means actually sending a verification email.
Otherwise, you can't catch a much more common case of accidental typos that stay within any character set you devise. (Quick: is a valid address for me to use at your site, or not?) It also avoids unnecessarily and gratuitously alienating any users when you tell them their perfectly valid and correct address is wrong. You still may not be able to process some addresses (this is necessary alienation), as the other answers say: email address processing isn't trivial; but that's something they need to find out if they want to provide you with an email address!
All you should check is that the user supplies some text before an #, some text after it, and the address isn't outrageously long (say 1000 characters). If you want to provide a warning ("this looks like trouble! is there a typo? double-check before continuing"), that's fine, but it shouldn't block the add-email-address process.
Of course, if you don't care to ever send email to them, then just take whatever they enter. For example, the address might solely be used for Gravatar, but Gravatar verifies all email addresses anyway.
There is a possibility to have non-ASCII email addresses, as shown by this RFC: but I think this has not been set for all countries, and from what I understand only one language code will be allowed for each country, and there is also a way to turn it into ASCII, but that won't be a trivial issue.
I have encountered email addresses with single quotes, and not infrequently either. We reject whitespace (though strictly speaking it is allowed), more than one '#' sign and address strings shorter than five characters in total. I believe this solves more problems than it creates, and so far over ten years and several hundred thousand addresses it's worked to reject many garbage addresses. Also there is a trigger to downcase all email addresses on insert or update.
That being said it is impossible to validate an email without a round trip to the owner, but at least we can reject data that is extremely suspect.
I took a look at the regex in pooh17's answer and noticed it allows the local part to be greater than 64 characters if separated by periods (it just checked the bit before the first period is less than 64 characters). You can make use of positive lookahead to improve this, here's my suggestion if you're really wanting a regex for this
Building on #Matas Vaitkevicius' answer: I've fixed up the regex some more in Python, to have it match valid email addresses as defined on this page and this page of wikipedia, using that awesome regex101 website:
Hope this helps someone!:)

Can an email address contain international (non-english) characters?

If it's possible, should I accept such emails from users and what problems to expect when I will be sending mails to such addresses?
Officially, per RFC 6532 - Yes.
For a quick explanation, check out wikipedia on the subject.
Update 2015: Use RFC 6532
The experimental 5335 has been Obsoleted by: 6532 and
this later has been set to "Category: Standards Track",
making it the standard.
The Section 3.2 (Syntax Extensions to RFC 5322) has updated most text fields to
include (proper) UTF-8.
The following rules extend the ABNF syntax defined in [RFC5322] and
[RFC5234] in order to allow UTF-8 content.
VCHAR =/ UTF8-non-ascii
ctext =/ UTF8-non-ascii
atext =/ UTF8-non-ascii
qtext =/ UTF8-non-ascii
text =/ UTF8-non-ascii
; note that this upgrades the body to UTF-8
dtext =/ UTF8-non-ascii
The preceding changes mean that the following constructs now
allow UTF-8:
1. Unstructured text, used in header fields like
"Subject:" or "Content-description:".
2. Any construct that uses atoms, including but not limited
to the local parts of addresses and Message-IDs. This
includes addresses in the "for" clauses of "Received:"
header fields.
3. Quoted strings.
4. Domains.
Note that header field names are not on this list; these are still
restricted to ASCII.
Please note the explicit inclusion of Domains.
And the explicit exclusion of header names.
Also Note about NFKC:
The UTF-8 NFKC normalization form SHOULD NOT be used because
it may lose information that is needed to correctly spell
some names in some unusual circumstances.
And Section 3 start:
Also note that messages in this format require the use of the
SMTPUTF8 extension [RFC6531] to be transferred via SMTP.
The problem is that some mail clients (server-tools and / or desktop tools) don't support it and throw an 'invalid email' exception when you try to send a mail to an address which contains umlauts for example.
If you want full support, you could do the trick with converting the email-address parts to "punycode". This allows users to type in their addresses the usual way but you save it the supported-level way.
Example: mü »
Both points to the same thing.
I would assume yes since a number of top level domains already allow non ascii
characters for domains and since the domain is part of an email address, it's
perfectly possible. An example for such a domain would be www.ö
short answer: yes
not only in the username but also in the domain name are allowed.
The answer is yes, but they need to be encoded specially.
Look at this. Read the part that refers to email-headers and RFC 2047.
Not yet. The IEEE plans to do this:
H-Online article: IEFT planning internationalised email addresses, here is the RfC: SMTP Extension for Internationalized Email Addresses
Quote from H-Online (as it went down):
The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has published three crucial documents for the standardisation of email address headers
that include symbols outside the ASCII character set. This means that
soon you'll be able to use Chinese characters, French accents, and
German umlauts in email addresses as well as just in the body of the
message. So if your name is Zoë and you work for a company that makes
façades, you might be interested in a new email address. But
representatives of providers are already moaning. They say there would
need to be an "upgrade mania" if the Unicode standard UTF-8 is to
replace the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)
currently used as the general email language.
RFC 5335 specifies the use of UTF-8 in practically all email headers.
Changes would have to be made to SMTP clients, SMTP servers, mail user
agents (MUAs), software for mailing lists, gateways to other media,
and everywhere else where email is processed or passed along. RFC 5336
expands the SMTP email transport protocol. At the level of the
protocol, the expansion is labelled UTF8SMTP.
A new header field will be added as a sort of "emergency parachute" to
ensure that UTF-8 emails have a soft landing if they are thrown out
before reaching the recipient by systems that have not been upgraded.
The "OldAddress" is a purely ASCII address. But OldAddress is not to
be used as a channel for a second transfer attempt, but rather to make
sure that feedback is sent home.
Finally, RFC5337 ensures that correct messages are sent pertaining to
the delivery status of non-ASCII emails. The correct address of an
unreachable addressee must be sent back, even if further transport has
been refused. The email Address Internationalization (EAI) working
group is also working on a number of "downgrade mechanisms" for
various header fields and the envelope. If possible, original header
information is to be "packaged" and preserved.
Germany's DeNIC, the registrar for the ".de" domain, is nonetheless
taking this in its stride. "There is really not much we can do",
explained DeNIC spokesperson Klaus Herzig. DeNIC is instead paying
more attention to the update that the IETF is working on for the
standard of international domains – RFC3490, or IDNA2003 as it's
sometimes known. "We are not that happy about it because there is no
backwards compatibility," Herzig explained. When the update comes,
DeNIC says it will be throwing its weight behind the symbol "ß" - also
known as estzett - which has been overlooked up to now. The German
registrar also says that it may wait a bit before switching in light
of the lack of backward compatibility. Once the new standard is
running stably and registrars and providers have adopted it, the ß
will be added.
In contrast, experts believe that Chinese registrars in China and
Taiwan will quickly implement the change for internationalised email.
Representatives of CNIC and TWNIC are authors of the standards.
Chinese users currently have to write emails in ASCII to the left of
the # and in Chinese characters to the right of it for Chinese
domains, which have already been internationalized.
(Monika Ermert)