What's the best static analysis tool for NetBeans 6.1? - netbeans

I'm finding a couple for Java in general but no plugins for netbeans that I can see.

I've used the PMD NetBeans plugin, and here are the installation instructions (may be a little outdated, due to the speed of NetBeans development, but I got them to work).
Here's a list of tools for static analyisis. Maybe you can cross-check for others that offer NetBeans support.
EDIT: Those instruction are a little bit old, so I put a more up-to-date set here (links to my blog).

I found the SQE Plugin, it integrates FindBugs, CheckStyle and PMD into one convenient Plugin.
CheckStyle configuration was not complete yet, but the functionality is there in full.


Boostrapping new Eclipse machines with all the Plugins

Bootstrapping Eclipse on new machines is such a time consuming process, you wind up asking yourself whether you really need each plugin. But there all handy, and help develop consistent habits.
Eclipse bootstrapping problems include:
Explaining / documenting what needs to happen
The actual time pasting in the right URLs and downloading
Version compatibility and dependencies
Eclipse likes to restart after each one
The changeover to the Eclipse Marketplace means that some plugins and instructions you find on the web tend to be inconsistent, depending on when they were written.
The Licenses... over and over and over... yes, yes, yes... I understand that the person installing needs to be aware of it, and have a chance to review them, but there's got to be a better way.
It'd be nice to have "patch file" (either binary or meta) that spells out what I want to add on top of stock Eclipse installation. I'd really like to find (or create) a 1 or 2 step process that sets up Eclipse, plus a favorite batch of plugins:
jetty support like runjettyrun
android sdk and plugin (or at least just the plugin)
Web Objects / WOLiops
python, other langs
JVM Monitor, maybe EclEmma
probably a git plugin pretty soon.
Does command line maven help with any of this? It seems like its repository management would fit at least part of the functionality.
On a machine with an Eclipse installation matching your needs use File -> Export -> Install -> Installed software items to file. Import the generated file using the same menu on all other machines.
As Scott says, a good approach is to simply package a fully prepared Eclipse installation once all the plugins you need are installed. The downside is that you have to update most plugins afterwards.
Another option is to use Yoxos. With it, you can create a profile and configure it with all the plugins you need (and apparently Yoxos can do more than that).
Finally, this page might interest you concerning the configuration side of things.
Solution 1 is too search for more advanced Eclipse distributions.
For example, STS (Spring Tool Suite) comes with
(and of course) Spring IDE
One small trick can be done with m2e-android - Android Configurator for M2E Maven Integration. If installing it on clean Eclipse, it will also automatically resolve to install :
Android Developer Tools (ADT)

what is the correct version of Eclipse for Coldfusion?

Usually when one wants to create a new file in the Eclipse IDE , Java, Javascript, Colsdfusion PHP etc are provided as the options for the new files.
I recently downloaded Eclipse for Coldfusion 8 and excecuted the file "software/dw/java/europa/J2EE-SDK-Europa-33-win32.zip" .
Now when I want to create a New File "only JAVA " option is available. There is no coldfusion or HTML!
So can any one provide me the Exact/correct link for Codfusion related Eclipse?
(On the Eclipse website there are many Eclipse related downloads but I am not sure which one is specific for Coldfusion.)
There's CFEclipse, a free, open-source Eclipse plug-in for working with CFML. And of course there's Adobe's ColdFusion Builder, a commercial product that works as either a plug-in for an existing Eclipse installation, or as a full stand-alone product (with Eclipse already baked in).
CFEclipse 1.3.6, the current stable version, works with Eclipse 3.4.x or 3.5.x. Here's the CFEclipse wiki.
The stated Eclipse versions required for ColdFusion Builder are 3.4.2 or 3.5. Here's Adobe's requirements page.
If you're using one of these as a plug-in and you don't need a lot of the other Eclipse features, the J2EE version of Eclipse is probably overkill (it's the biggest package). You can try out a more minimal Eclipse install, then update and add plug-ins as you need them. Try the Eclipse Platform Binary, for example.
There's also Adobe's ColdFusion Builder IDE specially created for this purpose. It proposes some features not available in CFEclipse, but not free (though there's a trial version available).
In addition to Ken's answer please note that you can already use preview builds of CFEclipse with latest Eclipse 3.6 Helios. I am using this configuration on daily basis and it is pretty stable and more efficient than previous version for me.
If you will expierience problems with preview builds, feel free to post them into the CFEclipse groups, developers usually react pretty quickly.
One more hint for you. Sometimes after installing the plugin via Add Sofware further updates do not work correcly. I've experienced this issue few times so it can be useful to know the solution.
To fix this check the Preferences > Install/Update > Available Software Sites. If needed entry missing -- create it manually using the same update URL as for installation.
Also there's an Eclipse-based version of Adobe CF manual available, see this help page for details.
Hope this helps.

How to install "JavaSpider" plug-in (by Eric Gamma) in the modern Eclipse environment or what to use instead of it?

How to install JavaSpider plug-in in the modern Eclipse?
If it is deprecated, than what superseded JavaSpider?
In "Contributing to Eclipse" Book by Eric Gamma and Kent Beck
the JavaSpider plug-in introduced in Chapter 3.3.
The purpose of the plug-in is to show current objects tree in VM with
some useful functions like change objects' fields or call their methods.
www.javaspider.org is unavailable, but I've found the plug-in here:
However it seems that it is not supported for years. And JavaSpider plug-in
is unavailable in "Install New Software..." windows from Eclipse.
I've downloaded it from SourceForge, but it seems that sources are pretty old.
I'm not familiar with JavaSpider, but from your description, you might be interested in nWire for Java, which is a modern code exploration plugin for Eclipse.
Note that nWire work by using Static code analysis and not by using runtime information. If you want to inspect the runtime objects you'd better use a profiler (I like JProfiler).
JavaSpider could be substituted by Eclipse debug tools.
As the working hypothesis I assume that JavaSpider was developed at time when it was lack of good debug tools.

can i use only the eclipse IDE without using the myeclipse?

In my new project i work on, we use the myeclipse on top of Eclipse IDE.
Our architecture includes jsp, jsf, ajax, spring framework with hibernate persistence and also has blaze for some business validations. We also expose Web services. For the build we have the maven and ant. The server used is weblogic.Also like to mention that we use the Rational ClearCase for code versioning.
I know that myeclipse is bundled with loads of plugins to support the jsf, spring, hiberate, ant etc.
I really like to know whether the dependability of myeclipse plugins can be removed all together and customize the eclipse IDE to support the above architecture?
Kindly let me know your answers/ thoughts/ advices. Any piece of information will be highly valuable for me proceed.
Thanks in advance.
The Latest MyEclipse 8.0 has a specific plugins manager from which you can selectively install/uninstall the features you need.
To uninstall or reinstall a Lite module, simply bring up the MyEclipse Dashboard using Help > Manage MyEclipse Plug-ins... (or MyEclipse > Manage MyEclipse Plug-ins)
(source: myeclipseide.com)
I don't know about removing plug-ins from Eclipse, because I use IntelliJ. But I'd say that all the things you want to support are possible without plug-ins. It's just a matter of how much work you want to do and how much assistance you feel you need. You can always do whatever you want by hand.
If I go to Eclipse.org, I see that I can still download enterprise Java EE without MyEclipse. Maybe that's a place to start.
What's the problem? Is Eclipse too much of a memory hog with all those plug-ins?
I'm not sure what you'll replace all those plug-ins with if you remove them. I'd also like to hear how you'll benefit if you do so.
I love IntelliJ, and I especially love giving Eclipse a hard time, but the fact is that all IDEs gobble up a lot of RAM these days.
I think your needs might be solved using Eclipse (at least most of them): the WTP (Web Tools Platform) contains plug-ins needed for jsp,... for spring see this link in DZone. Webservices, Maven and Ant are also supported.
I don't know exactly the situation about Weblogic and Clearcase, but I'd be surprised if they are not supported at least basically.

Why Aptana when they are based on Eclipse?

I'm not sure if I'm missing something. If Aptana is entirely based on Eclipse, why would anyone choose it, when they can get the original Eclipse (especially that the Eclipse development is not lagging in anyway)? I understand why/benefits Aptana started their project, but why would I use theirs instead of Eclipse? I don't know much about this IDE and I'm still trying to choose, so maybe I'm missing something that's obvious to the rest.
NetBeans isn't based on Eclipse -- it's from Sun, who traditionally haven't been a supporter of Eclipse (look at the names).
Aptana is a helpful packaging of a variety of useful web and scripting development tools. The nice thing about Aptana is that you just download it and it works. Aptana also provides a commercial version with a variety of additional features.
You may also want to look at Genuitec's MyEclipse, which packages up a variety of other components and provides some support for minimal cost.
I think they come with proprietary plugins that you can't necessarily get with a stock install of Eclipse. Same with the Zend IDE. You can get most of the same functionality with Eclipse but you have to install it yourself and you get no support that way.
Netbeans is not based on Eclipse.
As has already been stated, Aptana simply provides a nice set of plugins that work together to ease development. That's one reason to use it. Not only do you get the advantage of the Aptana plugins, but you get the Eclipse platform itself, which is still extensible, even beyond what Aptana does.
I have another reason as well: I run a dual boot system, XP/Ubuntu, and for development I like to use the same software in both OS's. I ran into problems using PHPEclipse on Ubuntu, so I switched to Aptana.