How can I call a Perl function from a shell script? - perl

I have written a library in Perl that contains a certain function, that returns information about a server as a character string. Can I call this function from a shell directly?
My boss asks "Can you call it from a shell directly for the time being?" Because he said that, I think I should be able to do it, but how do I do it?

perl -MServerlib=server_information -e 'print server_information()'
Is another way to do this, but only if Serverlib exports server_information sub. If it doesn't, you would need to do the below instead:
perl -MServerlib -e 'print MServerlib::server_information()'

As perl's command line arguments are a bit inscrutable, I'd wrap it in a simpler perl script that calls the function. For example, create a script serverinfo which contains:
require '';
say library::getServerInformation();
then run:
chmod u+x serverinfo
The advantage of doing it this way is the output and arguments of the script can be corrected if the function itself changes. A command line script like this can be thought of as an API, which shouldn't change when the implementation changes.


From perl, why does a backticked call to a c-shell pass quoted string ok if called with tcsh but not source?

I need to write a perl script that calls a c-shell script that calls yet another perl script. I cannot change the c-shell script or the perl script it calls. One of the args that needs to be passed is a quotes string with spaces. If I use backticks to call the c-shell, and I run the c-shell with tcsh, the quoted string is respected as a single entity. However, if I run the c-shell with source, it is not.
I feel that I need to use 'source' because when the c-shell is called by users from the command line, it is called through an alias that sources the c-shell. E.g.
alias top "source top.csh"
Consider these...
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
print "Try with tcsh...\n";
my $msg = `tcsh ./top.csh -arg1 "this line has spaces"`;
print "$msg\n";
print "Try with source...\n";
my $msg = `source ./top.csh -arg1 "this line has spaces"`;
print "$msg\n";
top.csh is simply....
perl ./ $*:q
And is...
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
print "In\n";
foreach $x (#ARGV) {
print "$x\n";
print "The End\n";
When I run the script, I get...
Try with tcsh...
this line has spaces
The End
Try with source...
The End
Why does the "sourced" call to the top.csh script fail to respect the quotes ?
#Kaz has the answer as to why your code isn't working. This answer is about how to avoid this class of problems entirely.
First, if you can, add a #!/bin/tcsh to top.csh and make it executable (ie. chmod +x). Now it can be executed as top.csh without needing to know what shell to use.
Then you'll want to avoid using `` for anything but very simple commands. This is because `` is interpreted by the shell and now you need to worry about shell special characters and escapes and spaces... it's a mess. What you need is a way to call external programs without invoking a shell.
You can do this by passing a list to system, but system cannot capture the output.
system "tcsh", "./top.csh", "-arg1", "this line has spaces";
While you can cobble something together with open and pipes, it's better to use a pre-existing library such as IPC::System::Simple.
use IPC::System::Simple qw(capturex);
# Or capturex("./top.csh", ...) if you add a #! to top.csh.
my $msg = capturex("tcsh", "./top.csh", "-arg1", "this line has spaces");
For more involved interactions with executables, look into System::Command or IPC::Run.
Needless to say, Perl scripts which call shell scripts which call Perl scripts is a bit of a nightmare to maintain. Rather than do that, it is better to scoop the guts of out into a Perl library and have both and your code use that library.
The command in backticks is being interpreted by your system interpreter (invoked via /bin/sh), which I'm guessing might be GNU Bash. Or, in any case, it seems to be some shell which understands the source command, and almost certainly a POSIX-like shell. That source command quite probably tells that shell to read a script written in that shell's own language. So, for instance, if that shell happens to be Bash, it will treat that as a Bash script1, not as a Tcsh script.
The only way both could work is if the script is a "polyglot": a program which can be interpreted by either tcsh or the system shell that is used by perl to implement backticks.
(An easy example of a C Shell + POSIX shell polyglot is a script that contains nothing but a sequence of trivial commands consisting of space separated words like cp from to.)
Your script isn't a polyglot; only Tcsh understands the :q syntax, not the other shell.
More precisely, if /bin/sh is Bash, the original source ... command as well as the contents of the sourced top.csh script will be treated as a POSIX-mode Bash script, since when Bash is invoked as /bin/sh, it turns off its POSIX-incompatible behaviors. So even if Bash's pathname expansion supported the Tcsh :q mechanism, it would almost certainly be turned off under POSIX mode because $*:q already has a firm meaning in POSIX.

wrapper script and GetOpts::Long perl

I have been trying to make GetOpts :: Long work for my code but it just doesn't respond. I have a wrapper script with about 8 scripts and 2 commands. I have been trying to GetOpts :: Long submit arguments into the separate codes, but it doesnt work!
For example, I've script 1 though 8, and on the command line I'm trying to a few options that I would like to submit to the separate scripts. When I use the GetOpts module in the seprate scripts and run them separately, they run fine. But when I try to run the wrapper script, say which initiates script 1 with the module being called in it; the arguments submitted are not being taken by the separate scripts.
Please help!!!!
I hope this sort of explains the problem. wrapper script looks like this(,using backticks:
perl; (etc) uses the GetOpts::Long option for the input file. calls for the input file using the "-i" option, but the file is not being read when initiated on the command line.
command line option: perl -i seqs.fa -o op.fa
Do you actually pass in the arguments from your into the
scripts ? - how would they magically know what options they need to
vanHoesel asked the right questions; you have to do something like that in
use Getopt::Long;
GetOptions('i=s' => \$input_file,
'o=s' => \$output_file) || die "Usage: $0 -i INPUT -o OUTPUT\n";
`perl -i $input_file`;
`perl -o $output_file`;

Execute a Perl sub routine via the command prompt?

I have a perl (.pm) file with multiple sub routines. I want to execute one sub routine which takes a single parameter as argument. I tried
perl /full_file_path/ mySubRoutine myArgument
but nothing was returned. What is the correct format?
If your Perl module is in one of the #INC list of directories then you can write
perl -Mfile_name -e 'mySubRoutine(myArgument)'
if it is elsewhere then you need to add the path, like
perl -M/full_file_path/file_name -e 'mySubRoutine(myArgument)'
and, as ysth points out, if the module file has a package MyPackage at the start then you may need to add that to your call, like
perl -M/full_file_path/file_name -e 'MyPackage::mySubRoutine(myArgument)'
however in that case the file should be called and the actual command would look something like below (notice that there is no .pm appended to filename when used with -M argument.
perl -M/full_file_path/MyPackage -e 'MyPackage::mySubRoutine(myArgument)'

from cron running a subroutine from a perl module

I have a Perl Module that i created and i want to run one of the subroutine in it on a schedule. I know I can just make a small perl script that calls the subroutine and call it from the crontab but if there is a way to call the subroutine right from the crontab that would be cool!
Is this possible?
You can use Perl's -e switch for executing code from the command line, e.g.
perl -e 'use your_module; your_function()'
Make that even shorter with the -M switch for loading a module:
perl -Myour_module -e 'your_function()'
The perlrun man page is your friend.
You can run the subroutine from the command line using something like
perl -MYour::Module=some,functions,to,import,such,as,foo -e 'foo();'
So you will be able to do the same from the crontab. Note that the cron usually runs with a restricted set of environment variables, so you may need to add a -I/path/to/your/modules option.
If you want a more elegant solution, your module can be configured to detect that it is being run as a script and behave differently in that situation. See this discussion: In Perl, how can I find out if my file is being used as a module or run as a script?

Executing perl code inside shell script using eval

I came across the following example. I tried to google but could not find much so I'm posting this question here.
What is the benefit of executing the perl script like this?
How can we make the shell script work like a "normal" shell script once we are through executing the perl code?
Here's the code:
#! -*- perl -*-
eval 'exec $PERLLOCATION/bin/perl -x $0 ${1+"$#"} ;'
if 0;
print "hello world\n";
# how can I make it behave like a "normal" shell script from this point onwards? What needs to be done?
# echo "hello world" ### this results in error
This idiom is described in the perlrun documentation.
The -x switch scans the whole file and ignores anything that appears before the first line that begins with #! and also contains the word perl.
It means that your system will run the script with the Perl interpreter whether you invoke the script with perl or with a shell command (sh/bash/ksh/etc.)
That is,
$ perl this_script
$ sh this_script
will both run the script with perl.
To address your second question, this idiom has just about nothing to do with combining shell script and Perl script in the same file. There are a few different ways to approach that problem, but maybe the most readable way is to write in shell script, but use the shell's heredoc notation to invoke perl code.
# this is a bash script, but there is some Perl in here too
echo this line is printed from the shell
echo now let\'s run some Perl
perl <<EOF
# this is now perl script until we get to the EOF
print "This line is printed from Perl\n";
echo now this is from the shell script again
1. If you start a Perl script in the usual way:
print "hello world\n";
the #! line will only work if the Perl interpreter is actually installed under /usr/bin. The perl/ksh bilingual script you show is a tricky kluge to make the script work even if perl is installed somewhere else. For more information, see e.g. this.
2. You can't. When the shell process encounters the exec command, it terminates and hands control over to perl. (Technically, it executes perl in place of the shell, without creating a new process.) The only way to run more shell commands after that would be to launch a new shell.
It's way simpler than what's already been posted.
doesn't work because the shebang (#!) line is interpreted by the kernel (not the shell), and the kernel doesn't do variable interpolation.
The code invokes ksh to expand the environment variable and to launch the specified installation of Perl.