How to save all functions I entered in LispBox/Slime? - emacs

Situation: I entered several functions while working with REPL in Emacs.
Problem: There is junk like "; Evaluation aborted" when I'm simply saving buffer.
What I want: clear descriptions of all the functions I entered in their latest revision.
Can I do that? Thanks.

I don't get it. Are you entering definitions at the REPL and expecting to recover them later? Just save a source file as you would in any other language. Use C-x 2 to split your Emacs window in two. Open a source file in one of them C-x C-f foo.lisp. Use C-c C-k, C-c C-r and friends (see SLIME menu) to compile / evaluate regions of your source code in the REPL.

I've looked for something like this in the past and have been unable to find it. You're best off writing all your definitions in a separate buffer and using SLIME's extensive evaluation/compilation functions (C-c C-k loads an entire file, C-x C-e evaluates the last expression, C-c C-r evaluates a region, etc.), only directly entering into the REPL things you don't want to save.

Um, C-x o or C-x b to get to the SLIME REPL buffer, then C-x w or C-x C-s to save it to a file. All the SLIME/CL stuff is a reader comment; you can either write a reader hack to reload the file treating the prompts as comments, or you can go through the file yourself to capture the pieces you want to save.

I agree that the best work flow method is to write your code in a separate buffer and evaluate in that, rather than enter the functions in the repl.
Assuming you have gone the repl way, I guess, C. Martin's solution to save the repl log and manually go through it are your only options.
If you entered the functions and vars into a separate package, you could go through the symbols in the package to help you decide what you want to keep.
E.g. to see all symbols created in the cl-user package:
(let ((p (find-package :cl-user)))
for s being the symbols in p
when (eq p (symbol-package s))
do (format t "~a~%" s)))


In Slime REPL (GNU EMACS), what is the shortcut to clear the current input

In Slime, I would like to clear the input I have currently typed into the REPL topline. What is the shortcut?
For example, if I type the below, it is missing one parenthesis and will not execute. How do I simply clear the whole text from my input line? I.e. instead of having to manually press delete on each character
(let* ((x 5) (y (+ x x))
(print y))
I could not find anything here:
These solutions seem to be different (but please correct me if I'm wrong) and relate to the whole screen, while I'm interested in clearing what I have typed but not yet evaluated:
emacs cider clear REPL buffer
In emacs, how do I bind C-l to clear screen in slime?
It's C-c C-u, which is slime-repl-kill-input. A good trick is to use C-h b which will cause Emacs to show you the current bindings in a help buffer: you can then search through them looking for likely candidates. C-h m is also useful to show help on the current mode, which should show you the bindings as well (but may not: I'm not sure if it always does). The advantage of these things is that they show you what actually exists rather than what the manual thinks exists which may not be the same thing (even when there is a manual...).

Emacs - slime - save current functions to file

I'm starting to play with CLisp, and therefore Emacs too, including the "SLIME" plugin (or whatever it's called. How is it called?)
So I've been playing with the REPL for quite some time now, and defined a lot of functions in there with (defun).
Unfortunately, none of these functions have been written in a text file, and I don't fancy retyping all that. Is there a way I could dump or otherwise save the work that has been done in the REPL to a file? (bonus points if the file is Lisp source code :) )
SLIME is an elisp program for interacting with Lisp.
There's no simple option to recover functions you've typed only into the repl into a file. function-lambda-expression can sometimes return code, but it often does not.
If the repl is still in a buffer, you could copy the whole thing into a file and then use string or regexp replacement to isolate the function definitions.
It's not too hard to avoid this problem in the future.
Most people work by writing definitions into a file, and then using a key combination to send them to Lisp, bypassing the REPL. I use the C-c C-c combination when the cursor is on a function to compile and load the expression. C-x C-e also works. Then I switch the the REPL to actually use the function.
See also the function DRIBBLE, which makes sure a log is written.
foo:~$ clisp
[1]> (dribble "foo.text")
[2]> (+ 3 4)
[3]> (defun bar (baz) (* baz baz))
[4]> (bar 10)
[5]> (quit)
Let's look at the file:
foo:~$ more foo.text
;; Dribble of #<IO TERMINAL-STREAM> started on 2015-05-08 21:38:48.
[2]> (+ 3 4)
[3]> (defun bar (baz) (* baz baz))
[4]> (bar 10)
[5]> (quit)
The last paragraph in Xach's answer is what it is all about.
When programming in Lisp, typing function definitions directly into the REPL is the wrong way to do it. The right way is to set up your text editor (emacs) so that with certain keystrokes, the expression at the cursor (the entire function definition) is sent to the REPL. Then to invoke a function, you switch to the REPL. This is what SLIME is for.
Strictly speaking, the text in your emacs buffer doesn't have to be written to a disk file, in which case it will be gone after you close the editor. But normally you save it to a file.
You can search through your REPL history for the function definitions. If you have the beginning of an expression already typed in, then SLIME will only cycle through previous entries that begin with the same thing:
CL-USER> (defun
Press M-P from there, and you'll cycle through all the defuns you've typed in.

How to clear the Emacs buffer history?

When I press C-x b (ido-switch-buffer) I get a lot of buffers that I don't want to see. I'd like to clear the buffer history.
I tried evaluating this expression (using M-x eval-buffer):
(setq ido-buffer-history '())
And it took effect; I can tell because I looked at the variable with C-h v ido-buffer-history. However, the change did not get reflected in the minibuffer when I press C-x b.
What else should I do? Are there other variables I should be clearing?
UPDATE : The 'extra' buffers that I'm seeing are not active. Interestingly, C-x C-b (ido-fallback-command) shows exactly what I would expect. It is the buffer history that I'm interested in. (See the buffer-name-history and ido-buffer-history variables for more context.)
Note: Perhaps it will help to mention that I'm using the emacs-starter-kit which has ido-ubiquitous installed.
Add the following to your init.el: (setq ido-use-virtual-buffers nil)
For posterity:
Those are all the active buffers in your session. You can clean them with the following commands:
M-x clean-buffer-list will close any clean buffers you haven't used in a while
M-x kill-some-buffers will visit each buffer and ask if you want to close it
M-x kill-matching-buffers will prompt for a regex over buffer names, which you can just leave blank
There's also the boring old buffer menu you get with C-x C-b. In this menu, you can hold d until it marks each buffer for deletion, then press x to commit.
Thanks to Chris, I learned about ido's virtual buffers. I don't want to disable ido-use-virtual-buffers altogether. I want to clear the history as needed; these commands accomplish that goal:
(setq ido-virtual-buffers '())
(setq recentf-list '())
(Note that clearing ido-virtual-buffers was not sufficient -- recentf-list also must be cleared.)
I found this entry on emacswiki.
The variable that stores the buffer history you are referring to is buffer-name-history
If you run M-x describe-variable RET buffer-name-history RET you will see all of the dead buffers that no longer really exist. The wiki recommends creating a hook that removes the buffer name from the list whenever you kill a buffer.
I just did: M-x eval-expression RET (setq buffer-name-history '()) RET
This seems to have worked. The next time I ran C-x b I only cycled-through my real buffers.
That said, setting the variable to nil seems to completely disable the functionality (the variable doesn't seem to be re-populated once I open more buffers).

How to bind a key to kill repl and yank in a buffer on emacs

You can assume that I'm in repl using the slime mode.
How can I make a function key (for example, f4), to do this:
kill the last history item (the ones that you get with C-up or C-down);
move to the upper buffer;
yank, Save buffer to file;
move back to the repl.
Please, make it a step by step guide, because I'm a complete beginner to Emacs and Lisp.
The easiest way to make what you ask would be using emacs macros.
Because you have just said exactly what you want to do.
And macros save the sequence of keys you typed.
You can do it in emacs for one time, and save the sequence of pressed keys.
So, start recording a macro (when you are in the repl buffer) using F3 or C-x (, then make something like M-p C-a C-k C-u - C-x o C-y C-x o(i just translated your request to key sequence), then type F4 or C-x ). To execute macro, press F4 again, or C-x e.
You can interrupt recording a macro if you made a mess with C-g. The reverse is applied, if you made a mess and error message is send, your macro recording(sometimes frustrating) or evaluating(and this is feature, since you can make macro that will work good by just holding F4) would be interrupted.
If you want to use this macro later, you can name it with M-x name-last-kbd-macro. This will allow you to use as a command, typing M-x <your macro name> (<your macro name> - name of your macro). This will not save it for future sessions, just name it.
To save your named macro, use M-x insert-kbd-macro when you are in your .emacs file. This will insert elisp code at current point, executing which you will get your macro binded to your command name(and it will be executed every time you start emacs).
To bind it to some key, rather start it every time from M-x, insert this in your .emacs file: (global-set-key [f12] '<your-macro-name>). You can read more about setting comands to keys there and there.
The bad thing about macro is that you will undo every step, not the whole macro in one time(but someone may bring solution here, if he have one). If you want to make something more serious, using conditions or iterations, you have to forward your path to elisp. Just C-h k everything around. Help keys like C-h f, C-h a, C-h b will also come in use.

How can I apply a new Emacs C style to reformat all my source files?

I'd like to re-format all my source files using the Google formatting function for emacs: google-c-style.el (see here).
How can I apply this function to all my source files at once, so that they are all formatted and indented correctly according to the Google style?
There are several pieces to this:
you need to come up with EMACS functions to do all the reformatting you want. indent-region is a start, but you might also want to untabify or some other things.
you need to invoke them on each file, and since the indent functions work on ranges, you need a function that sets mark to cover the whole file: mark-whole-buffer.
you need to invoke EMACS on each file: this means invoking emacs with the --batch file.
There's a couple of nice blog posts on doing this here and here.
I have done this before by using a keyboard defined macro. I would load all of the files into emacs (something like find . -name "*.cpp" | xargs emacs) and then type the following keys. I've annotated each key combination with what it does.
C-x-( 'Begin recording macro
M-< 'Go to start of file
C-space 'Mark current location (now start of file)
M-> 'Go to end of file
M-x indent-region 'Indent entire file according to coding style
C-x C-s 'Save the current buffer
C-x C-k 'Close the current buffer
C-x-) 'End recording macro
Now you can run this on a buffer by typing C-x e. If you have loaded several files you can run something like C-u 100 C-x e to run this on 100 files. If this is more than the number of files, that is ok, you'll just get some "bell ring" or other error you can ignore once all the processing is complete.
I believe that this script does not do reformatting. Instead it's an example of how to build a custom "style" as described in: CC mode manual - Styles
CC-mode manual also says:
If you want to reformat old code, you're probably better off using some other tool instead, e.g. GNU indent, which has more powerful reformatting capabilities than CC Mode.
CC mode manual - Limitations-and-Known-Bugs
If you want to mark the source files in a dired buffer and then run a function to format each you can do something like this:
(defun clean-file(filename)
(defun clean-each-dired-marked-file()
(for-each-dired-marked-file 'clean-file))
(defun for-each-dired-marked-file(fn)
"Do stuff for each marked file, only works in dired window"
(if (eq major-mode 'dired-mode)
(let ((filenames (dired-get-marked-files)))
(mapcar fn filenames))
(error (format "Not a Dired buffer \(%s\)" major-mode))))