How do I move/copy a symlink to a different folder as a symlink under Solaris? - solaris

It is an odd behaviour seen only on Solaris that when I try to copy a symbolic link with the "cp -R -P" command to some other folder with a different name, it copies the entire directory/file it's pointing to.
For example:
link -> dir
cp -R -P link folder/new_link

I believe the "-d" argument is what you need.
As per the cp man page:
-d same as --no-dereference --preserve=link
cp -d -R -P link folder/new_link
I was using "cp -d" and that worked for me.

The cp man page seems to say that you want to use an '-H' to preserve symlinks within the source directory.

You might consider copying via tar, like tar -cf - srcdir|(cd somedir;tar -xf -)

Try using cpio (with the -p (pass) option) or the old tar in a pipe trick.


Installing MongoDB 2022

I downloaded mongoDB and I try to use brew, it didn't work.
I try bunch of commands such as:
$ curl -O
$ tar -zxvf mongodb-osx-x86_64-3.4.6.tgz
$ mkdir -p mongodb
$ cp -R -n mongodb-osx-x86_64-3.4.6/ mongodb
$ sudo mv mongodb /usr/local
Didn't work
Step 5: it says the directory is not empty or is not exist. I try to empty the directory didn't work and I try to create a different one, it didn't work.
I can't find any solution. Can someone help me, please?
I think your /usr/local folder already contains a non-empty folder named mongodb.
Refer this for details.
You can confirm it by listing out the files in it
ls /usr/local/mongodb
Maybe, you can try removing that directory as a superuser if it doesn't have any important files and continue with the installation

Delete non git directory in git bash, windows

xx#xx-PC ~/xampp/htdocs/sites
$ rmdir /s "yo-2"
rmdir: `/s': No such file or directory
rmdir: `yo-2': Directory not empty
xx#xx-PC ~/xampp/htdocs/sites
$ rmdir "yo-2"
rmdir: `yo-2': Directory not empty
I cant seem to get rmdir to work in git bash. Its not in a git repo and I've tried the above. Mkdir works as expected, why doesnt this?
rmdir will not work if directory is empty
rm -rf yo-2
git-bash is a Linux like shell
If you are trying to remove an entire directory regardless of contents, you could use:
rm <dirname> -rf
just use the command below:
rm -rfv mydirectory
After trying out a couple of other commands, this worked for me:
rm dirname -rf
A bit late, but I believe it still can help someone with performance problems on Windows systems. It is REALLY FAST to delete on Windows using git bash comparing with just the ordinary rm -rf. The trick here is to move the file/directory to another random name in a temporary directory at the same drive (on Windows) or at the same partition (on *nix systems) and invoke the rm -rf command in background mode. At least you don't need to wait for a blocking IO task and OS will perform the deletion as soon it gets idle.
Depending on the system you are using you may need to install the realpath program (ie macOS). Another alternative is to write a bash portable function like in this post: bash/fish command to print absolute path to a file.
fast_rm() {
path=$(realpath $1) # getting the absolute path
echo $path
if [ -e $path ]; then
export TMPDIR="$(dirname $(mktemp -u))"
kernel=$(uname | awk '{print tolower($0)}')
# if windows, make sure to use the same drive
if [[ "${kernel}" == "mingw"* ]]; then # git bash
export TMPDIR=$(echo "${path}" | awk '{ print substr($0, 1, 2)"/temp"}')
if [ ! -e $TMPDIR ]; then mkdir -p $TMPDIR; fi
if [ "${kernel}" == "darwin" ]; then MD5=md5; else MD5=md5sum; fi
rnd=$(echo $RANDOM | $MD5 | awk '{print $0}')
to_remove="${TMPDIR}/$(basename ${path})-${rnd}"
mv "${path}" "${to_remove}"
nohup rm -rf "${to_remove}" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
# invoking the function
fast_delete $directory_or_file
I have faced same issue. this is worked for me
rimraf is a Node.js package, which is the UNIX command rm -rf for node, so you will need to install Node.js which includes npm. Then you can run:
npm install -g rimraf
Then you can run rimraf from the command line.
rimraf directoryname
I found this solution because npm itself was causing this problem due to the way it nests dependencies.
Late reply, but for those who search a solution, for me the
rm <dirname> -rf
wasn't good, I always get the directory non-empty or path too long on node directories.
A really simple solution :
Move the directory you want to delete to the root of your disk (to shorten your path) and then you can delete it normally.

How to ZIP specific files from a folder using Winzip command line?

With this command, I'm able to ZIP all files from the folders:
wzzip.exe -a -p -r C:\DestinationPath\ C:\SourcePath\*.*
But, my folder has .dat,.bat,.txt,.xls files.I want to ZIP only .dat and .bat file.How to do this?
use this command (for the particular scenario in the question):
wzzip.exe -a -p -r C:\DestinationPath\ C:\SourcePath\*.dat C:\SourcePath\*.bat
for more command line options for winZip refer to the following links:
winZip command line Reference 1
winZip command line Reference 2
To provide multiple file names you can also use #filename where the filename is a file which contains the list of files which you want to include in the zip file.
If you are making the command configurable then you can ask the user/ other program which is calling your command to select the file extensions and then write these selected extensions into the "filename" file using java code or any other language you prefer.
For example if the user selects bat and dat , then write "C:\SourcePath\*.bat" and "C:\SourcePath\*.dat" into the file(assume filename is fileExtensions.txt) and call the command
wzzip.exe -a -p -r "C:\DestinationPath\" #"C:\SourcePath\fileExtensions.txt"
You can use the D7zip
An excellent zipador file and folders D7zip.exe
link to download
How to use
compressing files
D7Zip.exe -z "c:\" -f "C:\filein.txt"
compressing files and putting password
D7Zip.exe -z "c:\" -f "C:\filein.txt" -s "123"
compressing folders
D7Zip.exe -z "c:\" -f "C:\folderin\"
unzipping files
D7Zip.exe -u "c:\" -f "c:\folderout\"
unzipping files that have password
D7Zip.exe -u "c:\" -f "c:\folderout\" -s "123"
decompressing files by extension
D7Zip.exe -u "c:\" -f "c:\folderout\*.txt"
decompressing files without asking for confirmation to replace
D7Zip.exe -u "c:\" -f "c:\folderout\" -r
D7Zip.exe -?
D7Zip.exe by Delmar Grande.
If the command line given above is right then give this a go: but check the paths.
#echo off
pushd "C:\SourcePath"
"c:\program files\winzip\wzzip.exe" -a -p -r "C:\DestinationPath\" *.dat *.bat

how to use wget on a site with many folders and subfolders

I try to download this site, with this code:
wget -r -l1 -H -t1 -nd -N -np -A.mp3 -erobots=off
But I only get the index and enter inside the first folder, not the subfolder, help me?
I use this command to download sites including their subfolders:
wget --mirror -p --convert-links -P . [site address]
A little explanation:
--mirror is a shortcut for -N -r -l inf --no-remove-listing.
--convert-links makes links in downloaded HTML or CSS point to local files
-p allows you to get all images, etc. needed to display HTML pages
-P specifies the next argument is the directory the files will be saved to
I found the command at:
You use -l 1 also known as --level=1 which limits recursion to one level. Set that to a higher level to download more pages. BTW, I like long options like --level because its easier to see what you are doing without going back to man pages.

updating data from different URL using wget

What's the best way of updating data files from a website that has moved on to a new domain, with changes in their folder structure.
The old URL for example is while the new URL is My data is stored locally in ~/Data_Backup/ folder.
Data was originally downloaded using:
$ wget -S -t 0 -c --mirror –w 2 –k
I was thinking of using mv to rename the old folder to follow the new URL pattern, but is there a better way of doing this?
Will this work? I'm not particular with the directory structure. What's important is to update the contents of the target folder (and its sub-folders.)
$ wget -S -t 0 -c -m –w 2 –k -N -np -P ~/Data_Backup/
Thanks in advance.
Got it!
I need to add the following options:
-nH --cut-dirs=2
and now it works.