Show modification (new and edited files) since a given date - date

How can I ask TFS to show me only modified files (new and edited files) in a workspace (or in a folder) since a given date.
Is it possible? or do I have to go myself through all the history and build my own "modification tree".

Open the Source Control Explorer in Visual studio (View->Other Windows->Source Control Explorer), and select the top folder for your project. Then right-click and view history.
This will show all check-ins for all code in this folder ordered by date. Then select two dates from the list of check-ins, right click and choose "Compare". For example if you wanted to see all of the code changed in the past month click the most recent checkin and the checkin from a month ago.
This will show all of the code changed since those two points in time. You can also choose just the past date to compare against your current code. This works in VS2015 which is what I'm using right now. Good Luck.

Use the command line
tf history -noprompt -server:http://tfsserver:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection $/TeamProjectName/path
-version:D2006-12-01T01:01:01Z~D2006-12-13T20:00:00Z -recursive
-format:detailed -login:DOMAIN\name,password"
change the dates in the version flag to what you need and it should get you what you want.

If you open the menu item File->Source Control->Find In Source Control->Changesets... (you must be in Source Control Explorer for this to be available). This will open the Find Changesets dialog. You can then search for change sets by date on a given source folder.
The down side is that you then have to click the details button on each change set to see which files were changed (Double Clicking closes the dialog).
If you are searching for changes this may be the better way. It will allow more interactive searching. If you are trying to print out a report for others to read (or for Change Documentation) then the command line way shown by Alex is better.

Open the Source Control Explorer in VS10 (View->TeamExplorer->Source Control Explorer) and right click to project and click Compare. You can see different options for view. I normally use "Show items that are different" in order to see difference between local and server.


Recent Locations in vscode (Like in IntelliJ)

I like the feature Recent Locations of IntelliJ.
For other reasons I will use vscode (for golang).
Is there a similar feature in vscode?
I want to see a list of the my recent locations (optional filtered, so that only the locaions are visible, which where recently changed).
After a break (like lunch), this feature is really handy. It helps you to connect to your work before the break.
Especially the "show changed only" is very helpful.
If you use git, you get most of what you request here. Vscode has a git extension in the sidebar that shows you what files you have changed, as in unstaged and staged changes.
You can also jump between location, with alt+left/right arrow. This is independent from git. It just remembers your last cursor positions.
If you are willing to use an extension, there is one that seems to do what you are asking for, judging by its name:
#guettli They are different editors, so it will be hard to always find the exact same feature. I think there is nothing like recent locations in vsCode, at least when i'm writing this. Will there be something like that in the future? Probably.
Ctrl-P will display a list of recently opened files, and by selecting one of the files it will go to the last location when editing the file. To see the changes in a file(w/ git) you can right-click it and select the "view timeline" or view the changes with the git button. Not exactly what you asked for but may be useful.
This function is called "navigate Back", you find it also in the Key Bindings for Visual Studio Code and more accessible within vscode from the keybindings UI.
Ctrl+P will display a list of recently opened files in Vscode
You can use Timeline option at the right-bottom corner of the vscode for comparing previous file and current changes of the file that is in currently opened
You can even compare the files with options on right clicking the file
You can get more about code navigations in this video

I cannot change the TFS workspace

Where I work we have a TFS 2015 server. I need to get in to Get Latest on a project, which is under a different workspace. However, I cannot change workspaces, no matter what I do.
When I get into VS 2019 (version 16.8.5), without opening any project, I then get into Source Control Explorer. From there I click on the Workspace dropdown. I see the "Workspaces..." in the dropdown, then select the workspace which is associated with the folder I'm trying to get to.
Then nothing happens. In particular, the workspace doesn't change.
If I go to File | Source Control | Advanced | Workspaces... where I can see all the workspaces I have. I select the one I want to in the listbox. I click on the Edit... button.
That opens the Edit Workspace dialog box, which shows me the working folders, including the one I need. Then I click on the OK button.
Nothing happens. The workspace hasn't changed. I cannot get to our code in TFS, which I need to do. This is a total showstopper.
Change TFS workspace
Connect TFS project and click the button Source Control Explorer, at the top of the source control explorer window you should have a toolbar with a few buttons. Somewhere on that toolbar there should be a Workspace dropdown. Just select the workspace you want to use from that dropdown. Then we could change the workspace, check the pic below.
If I go to File | Source Control | Advanced | Workspaces...
Since these steps just check the workspace info instead of change worksapce, after you click the OK button, it will back to Manage Workspaces page.
If you still cannot change your workspace from the dropdown list. You could create a new workspace and re-map the TFS code again, it should work.
Thanks for Rod sharing.
Just get out of VS 2019 and reboot it, then it works.
One of my colleagues suggested that I get out of Visual Studio, then reboot. This worked. Not saying it will work in all situations, but it is at least worth while giving it a try.

sorting files by date in project explorer in eclipse juno

Is it possible to show files in package explorer in the order of date they were created? I am using eclipse juno and I couldn't find any customize option in view menu of the project..
Currently the package explorer shows items in alphabetic order which cause me to search through the files to find the last modified project or java file. Can someone help?
I'd comment if I could to ask for clarification but don't have enough points...
I assume you don't have a team repository or you would have enabled its label decorations, which I know is available in svn. Label decorations will show the team metadata associated with the files. It won't have them sorted but with a small set, you can scan them manually.
In order for this to be useful with a large set, the sort would have to be across all folders/packages. You could open up file explorer(assuming windows os), to the project folder, perform a search with filter of 'datemodified:'. Now you may have to remove the semi-colon and add it again, hit enter. That would sort the folders by date, then the files by date..across all folders.
Its ugly but it works (as far as I understand the question). Good luck.

My edited files not appear in TFS's Pending Changes window

I am using VS2010's TFS and have this problem: after 'Get latest version', and try to edit the file, it does not appear in Pending Changes window. I have to use the option 'Check out to Edit' for every files I want to change. It makes me missing some files when working with a big project. Any one have idea to fix this?
Go to File -> Source Control -> Go Online and it will fix this problem.
I didn't see File -> Source Control -> Go Online option. I fixed it by clicking on item and selecting option to check out for edit. That worked.
Did you already opened the project that you are working on through the Source control window? If you do that and your solution is not yet bound to TFS it will be asked now. So bind your solution and projects and then your changes will be visible and you do not need to do check out to edit. You can also see if this is already done by checking if there are vssscc files next to your solution files.
Had the same issue after a connection problem - this caused VS/TFS to think I had nothing checked out. The solution was just to refresh the status via File, Source Control, Advanced, Refresh Status.
Restart Visual Studio and all could be well!
Go to Solution Explorer > Right click on solution > Click "Go Online"
Right-click on the specified file, then select check-in. whit this action file goes to the pending changes
For me, in the context menu of the solution I had an option to 'Add this solution to source control...'.
If you also have this option you should go and add it again. You can keep same location and Ignore All warnings.
For me only after doing this it started seeing the file changes again.
My solution was also online and apparently nothing else was wrong...
Our TFS had errors so after I got it back it only saw new userControls added not edited ones, this is how I fixed it:
RightClick -> Add Files To Source Control -> Keep Local Version (or server)
It had lost it's connection to the folder
I had the same issue with Visual Studio 2022. Go to the File > Source Control > Go online was solved my issue.
Had the same problem in VS2012, none of the answers above worked.
Fixed by opening "Go to All Changes" and including all missing files from there.
If I exclude any of these again, they do not appear under "Excluded changes", and have to be manually included from "Go to All Changes".
For VS 2017, if you have the red checkmarks next to your files,
open Team Explorer box/window -> Pending Changes,
select your files in Included Changes, provide comment
click on Check In button
In excluded changes, click on 'detected' and you will get a dialog box with all detected changes but not added to source control. Choose the changes u want to check in and then click on promote. You will be able to see the changes in the included section and you can check in.
For me was only solution making new workspace with shorter path without special chars. So I didnt use folders like users and stuff but ProgramFiles. Maybe it was because of Win 7.
And run VS as admin for making directories in ProgramFiles
VS2019 Check that all projects are bound there:
Manage Workspaces -> Edit (the workspace you are using)-> Advanced -> Change Location item from "Server" to "Local". This solve my issue
Pls check the mapping in source control.
Open Team explorer -> Source Control Explorer
Check the Local Path mapping.. if it is not appropriate, map it again with correct path.
In my case, the two files ".cs" that were missing in the "Included Changes" section, I have to follow these steps:
In the "Team Explorer" window - under the "Excluded Changes" section -, select the "Show All" dropdown and select the option "Custom filter".
In the text field that appears after the selection was made, type the name of the file - it's not needed to type the full name.
The file results will show and then, you can right-click over the files found and select "Include".
The included file(s) should now be shown in the "Included Changes" section.

How do I Ignore the build folder in NetBeans 'Find In Projects'?

Anyone know how to ignore the build folder when doing a 'Find in Projects' on NetBeans (v6.9.1).
Currently the Search results pane shows all results from src folders but also those from the build folder so if your project contains a lot of JSP files for example, many results are duplicated...
I think I've figured out how to ignore the build folder of projects when doing a 'Find in Projects' in NetBeans 6.9.1:
Go to Tools->Options-Miscellaneous.
Click the Files tab.
In Files Ignored by the IDE, edit the Ignored Files Pattern
regular expression and include the build folder. For example, on
my system I simply added build thus:
Click OK to save the options and close the dialog.
(Nerd Note: Took me exactly 1 year to the day to figure this out!)
You may be able to get similar behavior with a multiple node selection search.
From the 'Files' Window (Found in the Window/Files Menu), expand all
of your projects and select all of them with a Ctrl+A (PC) or
Command+A (Mac).
Then with Control(PC) or Command(Mac) key held down, click the
folders that you don't want to search.
Finally, use Ctrl+F(PC) or Command+F(Mac) to open a search, enter the
text you're looking for, and then choose 'Selection ( # nodes)' under
the Scope where the '#' symbol is the number of folders you just selected.
It is a little more manual than applying a filter, but you should be able to better control your results.