Is it possible to implement batching of multiple stored procedure calls (doing updates/deletes) in ADO.NET without resorting to DataAdapters?
You could try using System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandSet. It's actually internal, but Ayende made a wrapper to make it public.
Code is currently hosted in sourceforge.
You're SQL text can contain multiple commands. If you return multiple result sets, then you can use a DataReader and use the NextResult function. What I often do is store the SQL to execute as an Embedded Resource, then load that text. If it contains parameters, then set the parameters just like you would normally.
For example, I have a file:
UPDATE dbo.QuotePricedLineItem
SET fkQuoteVendorLineSet = NULL
FROM dbo.QuotePricedLineItem qpli
INNER JOIN dbo.QuoteLineItem qli ON qpli.Id = qli.Id
WHERE qli.fkQuote = #quoteId AND qpli.fkQuoteVendorLineSet = #ciscoConfigId
DELETE CiscoQuoteLineItem
FROM CiscoQuoteLineItem cqli
INNER JOIN QuoteLineItem qli ON cqli.Id = qli.Id
WHERE qli.fkQuote = #quoteId AND cqli.fkCiscoQuoteVendorLineSet = #ciscoConfigId
that I execute as such:
using (SqlConnection conn = DbUtils.CreateConnection() as SqlConnection)
SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = MvcApplication.GetResource("SQL.DemoteCiscoQuoteLineItems.sql");
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#quoteId", q.Id);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#ciscoConfigId", configSetId);
Note that MvcApplication.GetResource is not a built in function - it's one you have to write... here's mine:
public static string GetResource(string p)
Stream s = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("CortexQuoting.Res." + p);
if (s == null) return null;
StreamReader sw = new StreamReader(s);
string ss = sw.ReadToEnd();
return ss;
I need to know the correct way to handle SQL Injection when using the FromSQL command.
At runtime, I need to dynamically create a where statement. So I am using FromSql to create the SQL command. Now I know that using use string interpolation is the way to go. However, I need to step through a list of "Where Parameters" to generate the command. Simple enough to do;
foreach (var x in wp)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(results))
results = $"{results} and {x.Field} = {x.Value}";
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(results))
results = $"where {x.Field} = {x.Value}";
Problem is that this return a simple string and would not be string interpolation. How can I do this correctly?
Entityframework will parameterize your queries if you put it in the following format:
db.something.FromSql("SELECT * FROM yourTable WHERE AuthorId = {0}", id)
Is x.Field a form field that has a fixed number of possibilities? i.e. title, firstname etc. If so then something like the following:
var sqlstring = new StringBuilder();
var sqlp = new List<SqlParameter>();
var i = 0;
foreach (var x in wp)
var param = "#param" + i.ToString();
if (i!=0)
sqlstring.Append($" AND {x.Field} = " + param);
sqlp.Add(new SqlParameter(param, x.Value));
if (i==0)
sqlstring.Append($"WHERE {x.Field} = " + " #param" + i.ToString());
sqlp.Add(new SqlParameter(param, x.Value));
You'd then need to do something like this:
db.something.FromSql(sqlstring.ToString(), sqlp.ToArray())
Might be a better/cleaner way but that should work.
My solution to this problem is a VS extension, QueryFirst. QueryFirst generates a C# wrapper for sql that lives in a .sql file. As such, parameters are the only way to get data into your query and SQL injection is near impossible. There are numerous other advantages: you edit your sql in a real environment, it's constantly validated against your db, and using your query in your code is very simple.
I tried to call my user defined function in pgresql from C# code,
my function creation script is as follows,
cid integer,
hid integer,
currday integer)
RETURNS character varying AS
returndata varchar = '';
SELECT data->20+currday into returndata FROM pops
WHERE hybid = hid and cropid = cid;
return returndata;
LANGUAGE plpgsql
COST 100;
My method to call this function is as follows,
public static object ExecuteScalar(string conString, string spName, NpgsqlParameter[] param)
using (var conn = new NpgsqlConnection(conString))
using (var tran = conn.BeginTransaction())
using (var command = conn.CreateCommand())
command.CommandText = spName;
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
for (var i = 0; i < param.Length; i++)
command.Parameters.Add(new NpgsqlParameter());
command.Parameters[i] = param[i];
var result = command.ExecuteScalar();
return result;
I tried everything even checked the existence of this function in pg_proc using
select * from pg_proc where proname = 'GetUserDailyData'
and it reflected the function details row.
But every time it is giving the same error.
Any kind of suggestion would be highly appreciated. Thanks.
Adding objects with case sensitive names in PostgreSQL can lead to these complications; in this case you need to specify the name of the stored procedure between quotes, however it would be advisable to simply not create any objects that rely on case sensitivity, use underscores instead, or when create/refer to objects using CamelCase without the quotes (which creates/refers to the objects in low-caps). In any case, you may also need to specify the whole interface (not just the name) as the CommandText, and specify the data types of the parameters (see this).
command.CommandText = "\"" + spName + "\"";
I am working with a system that has many stored procedures that need to be displayed. Creating entities for each of my objects is not practical.
Is it possible and how would I return a DataTable using ExecuteStoreQuery ?
public ObjectResult<DataTable> MethodName(string fileSetName) {
using (var dataContext = new DataContext(_connectionString))
var returnDataTable = ((IObjectContextAdapter)dataContext).ObjectContext.ExecuteStoreQuery<DataTable>("SP_NAME","SP_PARAM");
return returnDataTable;
Yes it's possible, but it should be used for just dynamic result-set or raw SQL.
public DataTable ExecuteStoreQuery(string commandText, params Object[] parameters)
DataTable retVal = new DataTable();
retVal = context.ExecuteStoreQuery<DataTable>(commandText, parameters).FirstOrDefault();
return retVal;
Edit: It's better to use classical ADO.NET to get the data model rather than using Entity Framework because most probably you cannot use DataTable even if you can run the method: context.ExecuteStoreQuery<DataTable>(commandText, parameters).FirstOrDefault();
ADO.NET Example:
public DataSet GetResultReport(int questionId)
DataSet retVal = new DataSet();
EntityConnection entityConn = (EntityConnection)context.Connection;
SqlConnection sqlConn = (SqlConnection)entityConn.StoreConnection;
SqlCommand cmdReport = new SqlCommand([YourSpName], sqlConn);
SqlDataAdapter daReport = new SqlDataAdapter(cmdReport);
using (cmdReport)
SqlParameter questionIdPrm = new SqlParameter("QuestionId", questionId);
cmdReport.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
return retVal;
No, I don't think that'll work - Entity Framework is geared towards returning entities and isn't meant to return DataTable objects.
If you need DataTable objects, use straight ADO.NET instead.
This method uses the connection string from the entity framework to establish an ADO.NET connection, to a MySQL database in this example.
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
public DataSet GetReportSummary( int RecordID )
var context = new catalogEntities();
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
using ( MySqlConnection connection = new MySqlConnection( context.Database.Connection.ConnectionString ) )
using ( MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand( "ReportSummary", connection ) )
MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter( cmd );
adapter.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
adapter.SelectCommand.Parameters.Add( new MySqlParameter( "#ID", RecordID ) );
adapter.Fill( ds );
return ds;
Yes it can easily be done like this:
var table = new DataTable();
using (var ctx = new SomeContext())
var cmd = ctx.Database.Connection.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "Select Col1, Col2 from SomeTable";
By the rule, you shouldn't use a DataSet inside a EF application. But, if you really need to (for instance, to feed a report), that solution should work (it's EF 6 code):
DataSet GetDataSet(string sql, CommandType commandType, Dictionary<string, Object> parameters)
// creates resulting dataset
var result = new DataSet();
// creates a data access context (DbContext descendant)
using (var context = new MyDbContext())
// creates a Command
var cmd = context.Database.Connection.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandType = commandType;
cmd.CommandText = sql;
// adds all parameters
foreach (var pr in parameters)
var p = cmd.CreateParameter();
p.ParameterName = pr.Key;
p.Value = pr.Value;
// executes
var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
// loop through all resultsets (considering that it's possible to have more than one)
// loads the DataTable (schema will be fetch automatically)
var tb = new DataTable();
} while (!reader.IsClosed);
// closes the connection
// returns the DataSet
return result;
In my Entity Framework based solution I need to replace one of my Linq queries with sql - for efficiency reasons.
Also I want my results in a DataTable from one stored procedure so that I could create a table value parameter to pass into a second stored procedure. So:
I'm using sql
I don't want a DataSet
Iterating an IEnumerable probably isn't going to cut it - for efficiency reasons
Also, I am using EF6, so I would prefer DbContext.SqlQuery over ObjectContext.ExecuteStoreQuery as the original poster requested.
However, I found that this just didn't work:
_Context.Database.SqlQuery<DataTable>(sql, parameters).FirstOrDefault();
This is my solution. It returns a DataTable that is fetched using an ADO.NET SqlDataReader - which I believe is faster than a SqlDataAdapter on read-only data. It doesn't strictly answer the question because it uses ADO.Net, but it shows how to do that after getting a hold of the connection from the DbContext
protected DataTable GetDataTable(string sql, params object[] parameters)
//didn't work - table had no columns or rows
//return Context.Database.SqlQuery<DataTable>(sql, parameters).FirstOrDefault();
DataTable result = new DataTable();
SqlConnection conn = Context.Database.Connection as SqlConnection;
if(conn == null)
throw new InvalidCastException("SqlConnection is invalid for this database");
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, conn))
using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
return result;
The easiest way to return a DataTable using the EntityFramework is to do the following:
MetaTable metaTable = Global.DefaultModel.GetTable("Your EntitySetName");
For example:
MetaTable metaTable = Global.DefaultModel.GetTable("Employees");
Maybe your stored procedure could return a complex type?
I need to change the storage schema of the entities on runtime.
I've followed a wonderful post, available here:
This works perfectly, but only for queries, not for modifications.
Any idea why?
Well, I was looking for this piece of code all around the Internet. In the end I had to do it myself. It's based on Brandon Haynes adapter, but this function is all you need to change the schema on runtime - and you don't need to replace the autogenerated context constructors.
public static EntityConnection Create(
string schema, string connString, string model)
XmlReader[] conceptualReader = new XmlReader[]
.GetManifestResourceStream(model + ".csdl")
XmlReader[] mappingReader = new XmlReader[]
.GetManifestResourceStream(model + ".msl")
var storageReader = XmlReader.Create(
.GetManifestResourceStream(model + ".ssdl")
XNamespace storageNS = "";
var storageXml = XElement.Load(storageReader);
foreach (var entitySet in storageXml.Descendants(storageNS + "EntitySet"))
var schemaAttribute = entitySet.Attributes("Schema").FirstOrDefault();
if (schemaAttribute != null)
StoreItemCollection storageCollection =
new StoreItemCollection(
new XmlReader[] { storageXml.CreateReader() }
EdmItemCollection conceptualCollection = new EdmItemCollection(conceptualReader);
StorageMappingItemCollection mappingCollection =
new StorageMappingItemCollection(
conceptualCollection, storageCollection, mappingReader
var workspace = new MetadataWorkspace();
var connectionData = new EntityConnectionStringBuilder(connString);
var connection = DbProviderFactories
connection.ConnectionString = connectionData.ProviderConnectionString;
return new EntityConnection(workspace, connection);
The resulting EntityConnection should be passed as a parameter when instantiating the context. You can modify it, so all ssdl models are modified by this function, not only the specified one.
I've managed to resolve this issue by using a brilliant library, located in CodePlex (courtesy of Brandon Haynes), named "Entity Framework Runtime Model Adapter", available here:
I've tweaked it a bit, to fit our needs and without the need of replacing the designer code at all.
So, I'm good.
Thanks anyways, and especially to Brandon, amazing job!
I need import data from postgres database. It by default use schema "public". So I use Entity Framework CTP 4 "Code first". It by default use schema "dbo". To change it in runtime I use:
public class PublicSchemaContext : DbContext
protected override void OnModelCreating(System.Data.Entity.ModelConfiguration.ModelBuilder builder)
public DbSet<series_categories> series_categories { get; set; }
It work for select, insert, update and delete data. So next test in pass:
public void AccessToPublicSchema()
// Select
var db = new PublicSchemaContext();
var list = db.series_categories.ToList();
Assert.Greater(list.Count, 0);
// Delete
foreach (var item in db.series_categories.Where(c => c.series_category == "Test"))
// Insert
db.series_categories.Add(new series_categories { series_category = "Test", series_metacategory_id = 1 });
// Update
var test = db.series_categories.Single(c => c.series_category == "Test");
test.series_category = "Test2";
// Delete
foreach (var item in db.series_categories.Where(c => c.series_category == "Test2"))
Not an answer per se but a followup on Jan Matousek's Create[EntityConnection] method showing how to use from a DbContext. Note DB is the DbContext type passed to the generic repository.
public TxRepository(bool pUseTracking, string pServer, string pDatabase, string pSchema="dbo")
// make our own EF database connection string using server and database names
string lConnectionString = BuildEFConnectionString(pServer, pDatabase);
// do nothing special for dbo as that is the default
if (pSchema == "dbo")
// supply dbcontext with our connection string
mDbContext = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(DB), lConnectionString) as DB;
else // change the schema in the edmx file before we use it!
// Create an EntityConnection and use that to create an ObjectContext,
// then that to create a DbContext with a different default schema from that specified for the edmx file.
// This allows us to have parallel tables in the database that we can make available using either schema or synonym renames.
var lEntityConnection = CreateEntityConnection(pSchema, lConnectionString, "TxData");
// create regular ObjectContext
ObjectContext lObjectContext = new ObjectContext(lEntityConnection);
// create a DbContext from an existing ObjectContext
mDbContext = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(DB), lObjectContext, true) as DB;
// finish EF setup
I was able to convert the solution from Jan Matousek to work in 2013 with entity framework 6. I will also try to explain how to use the code in
We have a JD Edwards Database which uses different Schema's for each environment (TESTDTA, CRPDTA, PRODDTA). This makes switching between environments cumbersome as you have to manually modify the .edmx file if you want to change environments.
First step is to create a partial class that allows you to pass a value to the constructor of your entities, by default it uses the values from your config file.
Partial Public Class JDE_Entities
Public Sub New(ByVal myObjectContext As ObjectContext)
MyBase.New(myObjectContext, True)
End Sub
End Class
Next create the function that will modify your store schema .ssdl file in memory.
Public Function CreateObjectContext(ByVal schema As String, ByVal connString As String, ByVal model As String) As ObjectContext
Dim myEntityConnection As EntityConnection = Nothing
Dim conceptualReader As XmlReader = XmlReader.Create(Me.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(model + ".csdl"))
Dim mappingReader As XmlReader = XmlReader.Create(Me.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(model + ".msl"))
Dim storageReader As XmlReader = XmlReader.Create(Me.GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(model + ".ssdl"))
Dim storageNS As XNamespace = ""
Dim storageXml = XDocument.Load(storageReader)
Dim conceptualXml = XDocument.Load(conceptualReader)
Dim mappingXml = XDocument.Load(mappingReader)
For Each myItem As XElement In storageXml.Descendants(storageNS + "EntitySet")
Dim schemaAttribute = myItem.Attributes("Schema").FirstOrDefault
If schemaAttribute IsNot Nothing Then
End If
Dim storageCollection As StoreItemCollection = New StoreItemCollection("storage.ssdl")
Dim conceptualCollection As EdmItemCollection = New EdmItemCollection("storage.csdl")
Dim mappingCollection As StorageMappingItemCollection = New StorageMappingItemCollection(conceptualCollection, storageCollection, "storage.msl")
Dim workspace = New MetadataWorkspace()
Dim connectionData = New EntityConnectionStringBuilder(connString)
Dim connection = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(connectionData.Provider).CreateConnection()
connection.ConnectionString = connectionData.ProviderConnectionString
myEntityConnection = New EntityConnection(workspace, connection)
Return New ObjectContext(myEntityConnection)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function
Make sure that the storageNS namespace hardcoded value matches the one used in your code, you can view this by debugging the code and examining the storageXML variable to see what was actually used.
Now you can pass a new schema name, and different database connection info at runtime when you create your entities. No more manual .edmx changes required.
Using Context As New JDE_Entities(CreateObjectContext("NewSchemaNameHere", ConnectionString_EntityFramework("ServerName", "DatabaseName", "UserName", "Password"), "JDE_Model"))
Dim myWO = From a In Context.F4801 Where a.WADOCO = 400100
If myWO IsNot Nothing Then
For Each r In myWO
Me.Label1.Text = r.WADL01
End If
End Using
These were the .net libraries used:
Imports System.Data.Entity.Core.EntityClient
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Data.Common
Imports System.Data.Entity.Core.Metadata.Edm
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Data.Entity.Core.Mapping
Imports System.Data.Entity.Core.Objects
Imports System.Data.Linq
Imports System.Xml.Linq
Hope that helps anyone out there with the same issues.
I had a lot of problems getting this to work when using EF6 with an OData Data Service, so I had to find an alternate solution. In my case, I didn't really need to do it on the fly. I could get away with changing the schema when deploying to some test environments, and in the installer.
Use Mono.Cecil to rewrite the embedded .ssdl resources straight in the DLLs. This works just fine in my case.
Here is a simplified example of how you can do this:
var filename = "/path/to/some.dll"
var replacement = "Schema=\"new_schema\"";
var module = ModuleDefinition.ReadModule(filename);
var ssdlResources = module.Resources.Where(x => x.Name.EndsWith(".ssdl"));
foreach (var resource in ssdlResources)
var item = (EmbeddedResource)resource;
string rewritten;
using (var reader = new StreamReader(item.GetResourceStream()))
var text = reader.ReadToEnd();
rewritten = Regex.Replace(text, "Schema=\"old_schema\"", replacement);
var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rewritten);
var newResource = new EmbeddedResource(item.Name, item.Attributes, bytes);
I need to learn ADO.NET to build applications based on MS Office. I have read a good deal about ADO.NET in the MSDN Library, but everything seems rather messy to me.
What are the basics one must figure out when using ADO.NET? I think a few key words will suffice to let me organize my learning.
There are three key components (assuming ur using SQL server):
(if you're using something else, replace Sql with "Something", like MySqlConnection, OracleCommand)
Everything else is just built on top of that.
Example 1:
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("CONNECTION STRING"))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand())
command.commandText = "SELECT Name FROM Users WHERE Status = #OnlineStatus";
command.Connection = connection;
command.Parameters.Add("#OnlineStatus", SqlDbType.Int).Value = 1; //replace with enum
using (SqlDataReader dr = command.ExecuteReader))
List<string> onlineUsers = new List<string>();
while (dr.Read())
Example 2:
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("CONNECTION STRING"))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand())
command.commandText = "DELETE FROM Users where Email = #Email";
command.Connection = connection;
command.Parameters.Add("#Email", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100).Value = "";
Another way of getting a command object is to call connection.CreateCommand().
That way you shouldn't have to set the Connection property on the command object.