In Scala, the PartialFunction[A, B] class is derived from type Function[A, B] (see Scala Reference, 12.3.3). However, this seems counterintuitive to me, since a Function (which needs to be defined for all A) has more stringent requirements than a PartialFunction, which can be undefined at some places.
The problem I've come across is that when I have a partial function, I cannot use a Function to extend the partial function. Eg. I cannot do:
(pf orElse (_)=>"default")(x)
(Hope the syntax is at least remotely right)
Why is this subtyping done reversely? Are there any reasons that I've overlooked, like the fact that the Function types are built-in?
BTW, it would be also nice if Function1 :> Function0 so I needn't have the dummy argument in the example above :-)
Edit to clarify the subtyping problem
The difference between the two approaches can be emphasized by looking at two examples. Which of them is right?
val zeroOne : PartialFunction[Float, Float] = { case 0 => 1 }
val sinc = zeroOne orElse ((x) => sin(x)/x) // should this be a breach of promise?
def foo(f : (Int)=>Int) {
val bar = new PartialFunction[Int, Int] {
def apply(x : Int) = x/2
def isDefinedAt(x : Int) = x%2 == 0
foo(bar) // should this be a breach of promise?
Because in Scala (as in any Turing complete language) there is no guarantee that a Function is total.
val f = {x : Int => 1 / x}
That function is not defined at 0. A PartialFunction is just a Function that promises to tell you where it's not defined. Still, Scala makes it easy enough to do what you want
def func2Partial[A,R](f : A => R) : PartialFunction[A,R] = {case x => f(x)}
val pf : PartialFunction[Int, String] = {case 1 => "one"}
val g = pf orElse func2Partial{_ : Int => "default"}
scala> g(1)
res0: String = one
scala> g(2)
res1: String = default
If you prefer, you can make func2Partial implicit.
PartialFunction has methods which Function1 does not, therefore it is the subtype. Those methods are isDefinedAt and orElse.
Your real problem is that PartialFunctions are not inferred sometimes when you'd really like them to be. I'm hopeful that will be addressed at some future date. For instance this doesn't work:
scala> val pf: PartialFunction[String, String] = { case "a" => "foo" }
pf: PartialFunction[String,String] = <function>
scala> pf orElse { case x => "default" }
<console>:6: error: missing parameter type for expanded function
((x0$1) => x0$1 match { case (x # _) => "default" })
But this does:
scala> pf orElse ({ case x => "default" } : PartialFunction[String,String])
res5: PartialFunction[String,String] = <function>
Of course you could always do this:
scala> implicit def f2pf[T,R](f: Function1[T,R]): PartialFunction[T,R] =
new PartialFunction[T,R] {
def apply(x: T) = f(x)
def isDefinedAt(x: T) = true
f2pf: [T,R](f: (T) => R)PartialFunction[T,R]
And now it's more like you want:
scala> pf orElse ((x: String) => "default")
res7: PartialFunction[String,String] = <function>
scala> println(res7("a") + " " + res7("quux"))
foo default
I asked this question earlier: Combine a PartialFunction with a regular function
and then realized, that I haven't actually asked it right.
So, here goes another attempt.
If I do this:
val foo = PartialFunction[Int, String] { case 1 => "foo" }
val bar = foo orElse { case x => x.toString }
it does not compile: error: missing parameter type for expanded function
The argument types of an anonymous function must be fully known. (SLS 8.5)
Expected type was: PartialFunction[?,?]
But this works fine:
val x: Seq[String] = List(1,2,3).collect { case x => x.toString }
The question is what is the difference? The type of the argument is the same in both cases: PartialFunction[Int, String]. The value passed in is literally identical. Why one does one case work, but not the other?
You need to specify the type for bar because the compiler is unable to infer it. This compiles:
val foo = PartialFunction[Int, String] { case 1 => "foo" }
val bar : (Int => String) = foo orElse { case x => x.toString }
In the case of List(1,2,3).collect{case x => x.toString} the compiler is able to infer the input type of the partial function based off of how theList was typed.
final override def collect[B, That](pf: PartialFunction[A, B])(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[List[A], B, That])
Based on the type parameters the compiler can infer that you are passing a correctly typed partial function. That's why List(1,2,3).collect{case x:String => x.toString} does not compile nor does List(1,2,3).collect{case x:Int => x.toString; case x: String => x.toString}.
Since List is covariant the compiler is able to infer that the partial function {case x => x.toString} is a partial function on Int. You'll notice that List(1,2,3).collect{case x => x.length} does not compile because the compiler is inferring that you're operating on either an Int or a subclass of Int.
Also keep in mind that the {case x => x.toString} is just syntactic sugar. If we do something like the below then your example works as expected
val f = new PartialFunction[Int, String](){
override def isDefinedAt(x: Int): Boolean = true
override def apply(v1: Int): String = v1.toString
val foo = PartialFunction[Int, String] { case 1 => "foo" }
val bar = foo orElse f //This compiles fine.
List(1,2,3).collect{f} // This works as well.
So the only logical answer from my perspective is that the syntactic sugar that is able to generate a PartialFunction instance for {case x => x.toString} does not have enough information at compile time to be able to adequately type it as a PartialFunction[Int, String] in your orElse case.
You can use the library Extractor.scala.
import com.thoughtworks.Extractor._
// Define a PartialFunction
val pf: PartialFunction[Int, String] = {
case 1 => "matched by PartialFunction"
// Define an optional function
val f: Int => Option[String] = { i =>
if (i == 2) {
Some("matched by optional function")
} else {
// Convert an optional function to a PartialFunction
val pf2: PartialFunction[Int, String] = f.unlift
util.Random.nextInt(4) match {
case pf.extract(m) => // Convert a PartialFunction to a pattern
case f.extract(m) => // Convert an optional function to a pattern
case pf2.extract(m) => // Convert a PartialFunction to a pattern
throw new AssertionError("This case should never occur because it has the same condition as `f.extract`.")
case _ =>
println("Not matched")
Update (2018): my prayers were answered in Dotty (Type Lambdas), so the following Q&A is more "Scala 2.x"-related
Just a simple example from Scala:
scala> def f(x: Int) = x
f: (x: Int)Int
scala> (f _)(5)
res0: Int = 5
Let's make it generic:
scala> def f[T](x: T) = x
f: [T](x: T)T
scala> (f _)(5)
<console>:9: error: type mismatch;
found : Int(5)
required: Nothing
(f _)(5)
Let's look at eta-expansion of polymorphic method in Scala:
scala> f _
res2: Nothing => Nothing = <function1>
Comparison with Haskell:
Prelude> let f x = x
Prelude> f 5
Prelude> f "a"
Prelude> :t f
f :: t -> t
Haskell did infer correct type [T] => [T] here.
More realistic example?
scala> identity _
res2: Nothing => Nothing = <function1>
Even more realistic:
scala> def f[T](l: List[T]) = l.head
f: [T](l: List[T])T
scala> f _
res3: List[Nothing] => Nothing = <function1>
You can't make alias for identity - have to write your own function. Things like [T,U](t: T, u: U) => t -> u (make tuple) are impossible to use as values. More general - if you want to pass some lambda that rely on generic type (e.g. uses generic function, for example: creates lists, tuples, modify them in some way) - you can't do that.
So, how to solve that problem? Any workaround, solution or reasoning?
P.S. I've used term polymorphic lambda (instead of function) as function is just named lambda
Only methods can be generic on the JVM/Scala, not values. You can make an anonymous instance that implements some interface (and duplicate it for every type-arity you want to work with):
trait ~>[A[_], B[_]] { //exists in scalaz
def apply[T](a: A[T]): B[T]
val f = new (List ~> Id) {
def apply[T](a: List[T]) = a.head
Or use shapeless' Poly, which supports more complicated type-cases. But yeah, it's a limitation and it requires working around.
P∀scal is a compiler plugin that provides more concise syntax for encoding polymorphic values as objects with a generic method.
The identity function, as a value, has type ∀A. A => A. To translate that into Scala, assume a trait
trait ForAll[F[_]] {
def apply[A]: F[A]
Then the identity function has type ForAll[λ[A => A => A]], where I use the kind-projector syntax, or, without kind-projector:
type IdFun[A] = A => A
type PolyId = ForAll[IdFun]
And now comes the P∀scal syntactic sugar:
val id = Λ[Α](a => a) : PolyId
or equivalently
val id = ν[PolyId](a => a)
("ν" is the Greek lowercase letter "Nu", read "new")
These are really just shorthands for
new PolyId {
def apply[A] = a => a
Multiple type parameters and parameters of arbitrary kinds are supported by P∀scal, but you need a dedicated variation on the above ForAll trait for each variant.
I really like #Travis Brown 's solution:
import shapeless._
scala> Poly(identity _)
res2: shapeless.PolyDefns.~>[shapeless.Id,shapeless.Id] = fresh$macro$1$2$#797aa352
scala> def f[T](x: T) = x
f: [T](x: T)T
scala> Poly(f _)
res3: shapeless.PolyDefns.~>[shapeless.Id,shapeless.Id] = fresh$macro$2$2$#664ea816
scala> def f[T](l: List[T]) = l.head
f: [T](l: List[T])T
scala> val ff = Poly(f _)
ff: shapeless.PolyDefns.~>[List,shapeless.Id] = fresh$macro$3$2$#51254c50
scala> ff(List(1,2,3))
res5: shapeless.Id[Int] = 1
scala> ff(List("1","2","3"))
res6: shapeless.Id[String] = 1
Poly constructor (in some cases) will give you eta-expansion into Shapeless2 Poly1 function, which is (more-less) truly generic. However it doesn't work for multi-parameters (even with multi type-parameters), so have to "implement" Poly2 with implicit + at approach (as #som-snytt suggested), something like:
object myF extends Poly2 {
implicit def caseA[T, U] = at[T, U]{ (a, b) => a -> b}
scala> myF(1,2)
res15: (Int, Int) = (1,2)
scala> myF("a",2)
res16: (String, Int) = (a,2)
P.S. I would really want to see it as a part of language.
It seems to do this you will need to do a bit type hinting to help the Scala type inference system.
def id[T] : T => T = identity _
So I guess if you try to pass identity as a parameter to a function call and the types of that parameter are generic then there should be no problem.
I thought PartialFunction can be Monoid. Is my thought process correct ?
For example,
import scalaz._
import scala.{PartialFunction => -->}
implicit def partialFunctionSemigroup[A,B]:Semigroup[A-->B] = new Semigroup[A-->B]{
def append(s1: A-->B, s2: => A-->B): A-->B = s1.orElse(s2)
implicit def partialFunctionZero[A,B]:Zero[A-->B] = new Zero[A-->B]{
val zero = new (A-->B){
def isDefinedAt(a:A) = false
def apply(a:A) = sys.error("error")
But current version Scalaz(6.0.4) is not included it. Is there a reason for something not included ?
Let's shine a different light on this.
PartialFunction[A, B] is isomorphic to A => Option[B]. (Actually, to be able to check if it is defined for a given A without triggering evaluation of the B, you would need A => LazyOption[B])
So if we can find a Monoid[A => Option[B]] we've proved your assertion.
Given Monoid[Z], we can form Monoid[A => Z] as follows:
implicit def readerMonoid[Z: Monoid] = new Monoid[A => Z] {
def zero = (a: A) => Monoid[Z].zero
def append(f1: A => Z, f2: => A => Z) = (a: A) => Monoid[Z].append(f1(a), f2(a))
So, what Monoid(s) do we have if we use Option[B] as our Z? Scalaz provides three. The primary instance requires a Semigroup[B].
implicit def optionMonoid[B: Semigroup] = new Monoid[Option[B]] {
def zero = None
def append(o1: Option[B], o2: => Option[B]) = o1 match {
case Some(b1) => o2 match {
case Some(b2) => Some(Semigroup[B].append(b1, b2)))
case None => Some(b1)
case None => o2 match {
case Some(b2) => Some(b2)
case None => None
Using this:
scala> Monoid[Option[Int]].append(Some(1), Some(2))
res9: Option[Int] = Some(3)
But that's not the only way to combine two Options. Rather than appending the contents of the two options in the case they are both Some, we could simply pick the first or the last of the two. Two trigger this, we create a distinct type with trick called Tagged Types. This is similar in spirit to Haskell's newtype.
scala> import Tags._
import Tags._
scala> Monoid[Option[Int] ## First].append(Tag(Some(1)), Tag(Some(2)))
res10: scalaz.package.##[Option[Int],scalaz.Tags.First] = Some(1)
scala> Monoid[Option[Int] ## Last].append(Tag(Some(1)), Tag(Some(2)))
res11: scalaz.package.##[Option[Int],scalaz.Tags.Last] = Some(2)
Option[A] ## First, appended through it's Monoid, uses the same orElse semantics as your example.
So, putting this all together:
scala> Monoid[A => Option[B] ## First]
res12: scalaz.Monoid[A => scalaz.package.##[Option[B],scalaz.Tags.First]] =
No, this looks good, satisfying both the requirements for (non-commutative) Monoid. Interesting idea. What use case are you trying to support?
Your zero certainly violates the axiom for the identity element, but I think the identity (partial) function would be OK.
Your append also doesn't fulfill the Monoid laws, but instead of orElse you could call andThen (composition). But this would only work for A == B:
implicit def partialFunctionSemigroup[A]: Semigroup[A --> A] = new Semigroup[A --> A] {
def append(s1: A --> A, s2: => A --> A): A-->A = s1 andThen s2
implicit def partialFunctionZero[A]: Zero[A --> A] = new Zero[A --> A] {
val zero = new (A --> A) {
def isDefinedAt(a:A) = true
def apply(a:A) = a
I have an heterogeneous List like the following one:
val l = List(1, "One", true)
and I need to filter its objects by extracting only the ones belonging to a given Class. For this purpose I wrote a very simple method like this:
def filterByClass[A](l: List[_], c: Class[A]) =
l filter (_.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass() == c)
Note that I am obliged to add the explicit conversion to AnyRef in order to avoid this compilation problem:
error: type mismatch;
found : _$1 where type _$1
required: ?{val getClass(): ?}
Note that implicit conversions are not applicable because they are ambiguous:
both method any2stringadd in object Predef of type (x: Any)scala.runtime.StringAdd
and method any2ArrowAssoc in object Predef of type [A](x: A)ArrowAssoc[A]
are possible conversion functions from _$1 to ?{val getClass(): ?}
l filter (_.getClass() == c)
However in this way the invocation of:
filterByClass(l, classOf[String])
returns as expected:
but of course the same doesn't work, for example, with Int since they extends Any but not AnyRef, so by invoking:
filterByClass(l, classOf[Int])
the result is just the empty List.
Is there a way to make my filterByClass method working even with Int, Boolean and all the other classes extending Any?
The collect method already does what you want. For example to collect all Ints in a collection you could write
xs collect { case x: Int => x }
This of course only works when you hardcode the type but as primitives are handled differently from reference types it is actually better to do so. You can make your life easier with some type classes:
case class Collect[A](collect: PartialFunction[Any,A])
object Collect {
implicit val collectInt: Collect[Int] = Collect[Int]({case x: Int => x})
// repeat for other primitives
// for types that extend AnyRef
implicit def collectAnyRef[A <: AnyRef](implicit mf: ClassManifest[A]) =
Collect[A]({ case x if mf.erasure.isInstance(x) => x.asInstanceOf[A] })
def collectInstance[A : Collect](xs: List[_ >: A]) =
Then you can use it without even passing a Class[A] instance:
scala> collectInstance[Int](l)
res5: List[Int] = List(1)
scala> collectInstance[String](l)
res6: List[String] = List(One)
Using isInstanceOf:
scala> val l = List(1, "One", 2)
l: List[Any] = List(1, One, 2)
scala> l . filter(_.isInstanceOf[String])
res1: List[Any] = List(One)
scala> l . filter(_.isInstanceOf[Int])
res2: List[Any] = List(1, 2)
As the OP requested, here's another version that moves the check in a method. I Couldn't find a way to use isInstanceOf and so I changed the implementation to use a ClassManifest:
def filterByClass[A](l: List[_])(implicit mf: ClassManifest[A]) =
Some usage scenarios:
scala> filterByClass[String](l)
res5: List[Any] = List(One)
scala> filterByClass[java.lang.Integer](l)
res6: List[Any] = List(1, 2)
scala> filterByClass[Int](l)
res7: List[Any] = List()
As can be seen above, this solution doesn't work with Scala's Int type.
The class of an element in a List[Any] is never classOf[Int], so this is behaving as expected. Your assumptions apparently leave this unexpected, but it's hard to give you a better way because the right way is "don't do that."
What do you think can be said about the classes of the members of a heterogenous list? Maybe this is illustrative. I'm curious how you think java does it better.
scala> def f[T: Manifest](xs: List[T]) = println(manifest[T] + ", " + manifest[T].erasure)
f: [T](xs: List[T])(implicit evidence$1: Manifest[T])Unit
scala> f(List(1))
Int, int
scala> f(List(1, true))
AnyVal, class java.lang.Object
scala> f(List(1, "One", true))
Any, class java.lang.Object
This worked for me. Is this what you want?
scala> val l = List(1, "One", true)
l: List[Any] = List(1, One, true)
scala> l filter { case x: String => true; case _ => false }
res0: List[Any] = List(One)
scala> l filter { case x: Int => true; case _ => false }
res1: List[Any] = List(1)
scala> l filter { case x: Boolean => true; case _ => false }
res2: List[Any] = List(true)
Despite my solution could be less elegant than this one I find mine quicker and easier. I just defined a method like this:
private def normalizeClass(c: Class[_]): Class[_] =
if (classOf[AnyRef].isAssignableFrom((c))) c
else if (c == classOf[Int]) classOf[java.lang.Integer]
// Add all other primitive types
else classOf[java.lang.Boolean]
So by using it in my former filterByClass method as it follows:
def filterByClass[A](l: List[_], c: Class[A]) =
l filter (normalizeClass(c).isInstance(_))
the invocation of:
filterByClass(List(1, "One", false), classOf[Int])
just returns
as expected.
At the end, this problem reduces to find a map between a primitive and the corresponding boxed type.
Maybe a help can arrive from scala.reflect.Invocation (not included in the final version of 2.8.0), the getAnyValClass function in particular (here slightly edited)
def getAnyValClass(x: Any): java.lang.Class[_] = x match {
case _: Byte => classOf[Byte]
case _: Short => classOf[Short]
case _: Int => classOf[Int]
case _: Long => classOf[Long]
case _: Float => classOf[Float]
case _: Double => classOf[Double]
case _: Char => classOf[Char]
case _: Boolean => classOf[Boolean]
case _: Unit => classOf[Unit]
case x#_ => x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass
With this function the filter is as easy as
def filterByClass[T: Manifest](l:List[Any]) = {
l filter (getAnyValClass(_) == manifest[T].erasure)
and the invocation is:
Given the following type and instance:
type operation = (Int, Int) => Int
def add: operation = _ + _
If I try to match an operation in a case statement, Scala complains about unchecked typing due to type erasure:
for (a <- elements) a match {
case o: operation => // do stuff
Is there a way to achieve this kind of function-based typing while being erasure-friendly in case statements?
Note, this is similar to this thread.
One easy way to deal with type erasure is to create an unparamaterized class. It's not perfect, but it works. Make it a case class that extends Function2 and it's not even too clunky to use either directly or in a pattern match
scala> case class Operation(f : (Int,Int) => Int) extends ((Int,Int) => Int) {
| def apply(x : Int, y : Int) = f(x,y)
| }
defined class Operation
scala> def add = Operation(_ + _)
add: Operation
scala> val y = add(7,3)
y: Int = 10
scala> val elements = List(1, add, 2)
elements: List[Any] = List(1, <function2>, 2)
scala> for (a <- elements) yield a match {
| case Operation(f) => f(1,2)
| case x : Int => x
| }
res0: List[Int] = List(1, 3, 2)
The limitation is that you have to have "boxed" the operation before you lose its type, not after. Also, you end up with one class per concrete function type.
Another, arguably much better, solution is to not lose the type information. Use an Either to retain the static type info.
scala> val elements : List[Either[Int, (Int, Int) => Int]] = List(Left(1), Right(_ + _), Left(2))
elements: List[Either[Int,(Int, Int) => Int]] = List(Left(1), Right(<function2>), Left(2))
scala> for (a <- elements) yield a match {
| case Right(f) => f(1,2)
| case Left(x) => x
| }
res1: List[Int] = List(1, 3, 2)
The limitation here is that it gets clunky if your List can have more than 2 types. But it effectively avoids forcing Scala to be a dynamically typed language, unlike the previous solution.
If you can wrap a into an Option, then this will work:
scala> val a:Option[Any] = Some(add)
a: Option[Any] = Some(<function2>)
scala> a match { case o:Some[operation] => println ("found"); case _ => }