How to create an SaaS Application? - zend-framework

I don't know how else to say it so I'm just going to explain my ideal scenario and hopefully you can explain to me how to implement it...
I'm creating an application with the Zend Framework that will be hosted with DreamHost. The application will be hosted on its own domain (i.e. Basically, a user should be able to sign up, get their own domain or which points to, what looks like their own instance of the app, which is really a single instance serving up different content based on the url.
Eventually, I want my users to be able to create their own domain (like that points to, such that visitors to don't notice that the site is really being served up from
I don't know how to do most of that stuff. How does this process work? Do I need to do some funky stuff with Apache or can this be done with a third party host, like DreamHost?
Update: Thanks for the advice! I've decided to bite the bullet and upgrade my hosting plan to utilize wildcard subdomains. It's cheaper than I was expecting! I also found out about domain reseller programs, like, that have their own API. I think using one of these APIs will be the solution to my domain registration issue.

Subdomains are easy. In hosting environements, in most cases, apache is configured to catch all subdomain calls below the main domain. You just need to have a wildcard DNS defined, so * are pointed to IP of your server. Then your website should catch all calls to those subdomain names.
Other domains are hard. They need to be configured as virtual hosts in Apache - see - that means it will be difficult to automate that, especially in hosting environement - unless your host gives you some API to do just that (easy and more feasible scenario would be to have a distinctive IP assigned to your website, then you can catch all with your Apache - it's probably possible to configure using your hosting control panel or works out of the box - and then just point DNS servers to your IP).
Then, after you have configured your Apache to point all necessary calls to your website, you can differnetiate application partitions per subdomain in this way:
get the host header from HTTP request
have a database table containing all subdomain names you're serving
make a lookup to that database table to determine instance, or user, id and use it later for filtering data / or selecting a database, if you'll go with a "database per application instance" schema.
Good luck :)


How a domain automatically fetch website content from another server when first server is down?

I have a domain and 2 servers. I put same website content in both servers. Suppose, if one server is down or hacked, the domain must show from second server. Can you help me with alternative options.
I heard on A records but not clear on that..or any other alternatives?
You can use Loadbalancing for example Apache loadbalancer where you can configure this scenario.

Load balancing of ADFS 2.0. How many users does stand-alone server support?

I want to figure out how many users can ADFS 2.0 stand-alone server support. I mean load of the server. My customers said that it supports just 100 users (seems strange for a server and so simple operations) and they have 700 users at the same time.
So he recomended to have a federation farm instead of stand-alone server. But I prefere to check first.
So, can you share info about load limitations of stand-alon SSO server VS server farms?
Any docs, articles with numbers, experts ideas or so on...
We have standalone servers that support WAY more than 100 users - easily over 1000.
Not sure what the upper limit is?
A farm is only going to help if you have a load balancer in front of them
I also found an article about this problem.
The auther writes that they use 2 ADFS servers for 10 000 users.
And there is a calculator to get number of servers depending on the load and users
There is no such restriction and it solely depends on how often users login to your system.
We have few deployments of the adfs, one of them supports like 50000 users and only TWO servers are enough. I even suspect one would do however this is, as always, not a good idea to have just one server (at least two servers = failover, you wouldn't want the whole environment to be inaccessible just because your login server just died).
The idea would be then to start with two servers and monitor the infrastructure. Add other instances only when necessary.

Multitenancy using LDAP Integration

I need your suggestion for the following stuff of Multitenancy:
Actually I need to achieve multitenancy for my app. I've got it for using traditional flow with use of DB/Schema (eg. separate schema for each tenant).
Now I need to integrate user validation from LDAP and multitenancy stuff as well.
So What I am thinking is that If I store User info + DB/Schema info (DB connectivity info) in LDAP Server for more dynamic nature of the app. Because with this I would be able to connect any DB/Schema (irrespective of their physical location).
What's your opinion for this approach, Would it be really feasible?
If there is any cons in your mind, please share.
Thanks & Regards.
It sounds like you are trying to host multiple clients' systems on your system and each client may have multiple connections from multiple locations. From your question it sounds like you are putting one customer per database though databases may not be on the same cluster.
The first thing to do is to lock down PostgreSQL appropriately in the pg_hba.conf and expose only those database/user combos you want to expose. If you are going this route, LDAP sounds sane to me for publishing the connection info, since it means you can control who can access which accounts. Another option, possibly closely tied, would be to issue SSL certs and use certificate authentication by clients, so they can be issued a cert and use it to connect. You could even authenticate PostgreSQL against LDAP.
So there are a lot of options here for using these two together once you have things otherwise properly secured. Best of luck.

Using the Facebook OpenGraph API without web server

I am trying to understand the openGraph API by downloading the SocialCafe example (based on a similar tutorial here). I am able to follow most of the steps in theory, but am unable to understand a few aspects:
The tutorial mentions that a link to the application is needed - a link such that facebook can issue an http GET request. If I do not have a web server, can I still run the application? I have seen some tutorials that specify localhost here on SO. Is that the route I must take to be able to have the sample source code reside locally on my machine and still be able to run the app on fb? If so, how do I set it up?
If I need a web server, is there a way I can turn my own machine into one? If so, how do I go about it?
I am coming from a DSP/C/C++ background and have very little web programming experience. Please do let me know in case some more details are needed.
You will need a publicly accessible web server for your development efforts. You can turn your localhost into one if you can get a static IP address from your ISP (pretty rare now-a-days to get one), then buy a domain name and set DNS up to point to your IP. On your computer you will need to install and configure a web server to use that IP and domainname combination. It takes about 48 hours for DNS to propagate the interwebs.
Your best bet it to purchase some web hosting along with a domain name (you're going to need one eventually once your app is out of development). Then you can run your app under a "sub domain" on your main domain (or in a sub folder on your production domain).

Send emails through VB6 if no email client

I have a VB6 app which is used by a large number of clients.
I need to allow the clients to be able to send emails to me. In the past I have done this using Microsoft MAPI controls. However, not all of them have an email client installed, since they use webmail instead.
Is there any other method anyone can recommend which would allow them to do this?
You can use CDO for Windows to do this if we make a few assumptions:
Your users are all on Win2K or later.
The users will never be behind a firewall blocking SMTP or proxying all SMTP port use to a corporate server.
You have an SMTP server that you have an account you can let the user-mails be sent with.
You embed the server's address and account credentials in your program.
Sometimes using an SMTP server listening on an alternate port will address the second issue, but often such an alternate port is even more likely to be blocked.
SMTP is Dying
Abuse over time has made SMTP less and less viable for automated/assisted user contact. There are just too many variables involved in trying to open some sort of "clear channel" for SMTP communication as people work harder to fight spammers and such.
Today I would be much more likely to use either WebDAV or a Web Service for this. Both use HTTP/HTTPS which is more likely to get past firewalls and usually get by most proxy servers as well. WebDAV is often more "slippery" at this than Web Services, which more and more proxies are bocking. You can also use something more RESTful than SOAPy since the traffic "smells more like" user browsing to proxy servers.
WebDAV is a Clean Option
There are even free WebDAV providers offering 2GB of storage with a main and a guest user. The guest account can be given limited rights to various folders so some folders they might post your messages to, other folders they might get data from (read only folders), etc. For a paid account you can get more storage, additional users, etc.
This works well. You can even use the same hosting for program version files, new version code to be downloaded and installed, etc. All you need on your end is an aggregator program that scoops up user posted messages and deletes them using the main user/pw.
You still need to embed user credentials in your program, but it can be a simpler matter to change passwords over time. Just have the program fetch an info file with a new password and an effective date and have the program flip the "new" password to "current" once run on that date or after.
WebDAV support in Windows varies. From WinXP SP3 forward you can simply programmatically map a drive letter to a WebDAV share and then use regular file I/O statements against it, and unmap the letter when done. For more general use across even Win9x you can build a simple WebDAV client on top of XMLHTTPRequest or use a 3rd party library.
Web Services Have Higher Costs
Just to start with you have server-side code to write and maintain, and you have to use a specific kind of hosting. For example if you built it using PHP you need a PHP host, ASP an ASP host, ASP.Net an ASP.Net host, etc.
Web Services can also be more problematic in terms of versioning. If you later update your program to provide different information in these user contact posts you have to make another Web Service as well as changing both the application and the aggregator. Using WebDAV you can just make a "new format" folder on the server and have the new program post the data there in the new format. Your aggregator can simply pull from both folders and do any necessary reformatting into your new local database/message repository format.
This is merely an incremental additional effort though and a Web Service might be the way to go, even if it is just something written like an HTML Form GET/POST acceptor.
Although this question is for VBA you may find it of interest. Sending Emails using VBA without MAPI