how can i do push notification in iphone application? - iphone

How can i use push notification in my iphone application.can u please help me by given some source or instruction to include my application.

I think is more relevant.


Is it possible to read SMS from device in Smartface App Studio

Is it possible to read messages(SMS) from device inbox from app using Smartface. Need to implement this for OTP message fetching automatically.
Can any one help in this.
Thanks in advance.
Do see this link if it helps you :

Enabling the push notification service for an existing application in IPhone?

I have an application in IPhone in which i am trying to implement push notification.I have already created the appstore and adhoc certificates for this project.Now i was in deep confusion how to enable push notification for the existing certificates.Can any body give me the steps to follow.when i am going trough google i only got a vague idea.can anybody help me?
use this tutorial. they have great explaination to this

Receiving push notification on PhoneGap for iOS

Hello everybody
I would like to receive Apple push notifications through my PhoneGap container. Does anybody now if it has already been implemented?
Thanks a lot
Yes, you can.
See Urban Airships documentation for Phonegap iOS plugin
Yes we can
check these links:
can we do push notification in iphone using phonegap fremwork?
How to implement UA push notifications with PhoneGap
This one is pretty good -
Here is a tutorial using the above -
There are many services that can help you for doing this:
-Urban airship
and some are free! I'm using puship and I'm very satisfied
Just a hint: Pushwoosh has the most diverse selection of platforms in their guides, including PhoneGap plugins for four basic platforms, and the easiest integration so far!

Appcelerator Push Notifications

I was wondering if it's possible to create a generic push notification solution for mobile devices (or at least Android and iPhone) with Appcelerator. I found some examples on how to implement iPhone Push with Appcelerator but nothing generic.
Any ideas? Or are there maybe other cross-plattform development sdk to solve this?
As far as I know, you can use the push notification service with iOS only.
See the documentation here.
Then, for the iOS, the simpliest way to send/receive notifications, is to subscribe for free for the UrbanAirship service.
You can find a nice tutorial here.
I only know of push notifications working in IOS (for iPhone) too. However, I understand that Cocoafish are soon working on push notification for Android. Backends like this and UA are about as generic as you can get.
Using Appcelerator Cloud Service(ACS) you can implement the Push Notification.
It is the simplest and reliable one. Follow below tutorial for ACS Push Notification implementation on Android and iOS
Android :
iOS :
Hope it helps someone

Reminder feature in iPhone Native Application

In my native iPhone Application, I have a requirement to add a reminder to the user's iPhone Device.
Is it possible to implement this feature using current iPhone SDK ?
Or else is there any other way to implement this feature ?
Thanks in advance...
You need to use Push notifications. The steps involved in doing this are too lengthy and involved to list in this answer. Familiarize yourself with Apple's documentation. You will need a Push notification server or pay a service to handle the Push Notification server for you (such as iLime)