Closing an opened window on mobile safari with javascript? - iphone

In app mode, if I open a new window using javascript, the newly-opened window cannot close itself (on an on-click event) using the standard window.close() or self.close(). Does anyone know if there's an alternate method?
What I find most beguiling about this is that it goes against Apple's very own design guidelines: essentially a site has the ability to open a new window but the user cannot get out of it without closing the webapp using the Home button.
Any ideas? Thanks!

JavaScript:window.self.close() is how to do that.

you can try this js code snippet.
var win ='','_self');


macOS native coding with browsers, how to open a url in existing tab from obj-c/swift?

I've developed a command palette for macOS. Over the last few days I've figured out a way to show the Notification Center inside my app.
I would like to mimic the behaviour of the real Notification Center when clicking a notification: open the corresponding tab when clicking in a browser notification.
However whenever I cannot figure out a way to do it programmatically, I can only tell macOS to open the link and it automatically opens the default browser and creates a new tab.
let url = URL(string: "")! // this opens a new tab everytime
if {
print("default browser was successfully opened")
As for the notification itself I do get all the info it contains: the app bundle id, the notification payload, and even a link (e.g. n# I've seen some answers that rely on AppleScript but I would rather avoid it if possible. But if not possible... then happy to fallback to it.
Any ideas how to achieve this? Many thanks!
P.D. I've also tried some variations of the link such as: arc:// or arc:// At most this focuses on the browser but not on the tab.

Hard browser refresh using nwjs on Mac

Is there a way to do a hard browser refresh when running an app with nwjs, on Mac? nwjs's right click 'simulate browser restart' seems to start the app at its entrypoint again. Is there a way to simulate the behavior of simply clicking the shift reload button in Chrome?
There is an nwjs api for this:
// Load native UI library
var ngui = require('nw.gui');
// Get the current window
var nwin = ngui.Window.get();
// this will do a hard refresh
// here's a regular refresh
nwjs doc:
just use javascript reload

How do I make a button in Swift to execute a line of HTML code?

I am working on a small desktop app that will open websites on the click of a button. It's sort of a bookmark launcher in app form. I need to be able to connect a button in Swift to a single line of HTML code and have the button execute the code.
This is not an iOS app, it is macOS only. I am not looking to launch a UIWebView, I just need a single line of HTML executed.
Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.
I don't understand what you mean by "execute html code"
if you have a link and want to open it you can do:"your url")

How to have image target new window or _blank using FPDF?

In my app the PDF gets opened in the web page and in the below example, when the users clicks on Logo.png it's getting redirected to FPDF site in the same page, but i want to open the link in the new window, instead of opening in the same window, so the users has the PDF opened.
Yes I have tried some workarounds for this but its seem to not possible currently. But I have achieved this using ViewerJS.
Just display pdf using viewerjs(pdf js). Just put this line $('a').attr('target', '_blank'); after div.setAttribute('data-loaded', true); inside viewer.js file.
And you will find target blank. Hope this helps!
Sorry, I am pretty sure that this is not possible currently.

When a user launches "new window" in a home screen app

When a user launches "new window" link in a home screen app.
In Mobile Safari this type of action would open a new tab. What happens if the app is on the home screen and has name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable", content="yes" active.
Will the window still technically be in another tab, although you cant get back to the original one - or will it just navigate within the current tab?
First of all, unfortunately method does not work at all.
Instead, a < a href="..". >...< /a > works and by default launches Safari and opens the link in a normal browser window (so, if the user wants to come back to the app, he has to doubleclick the iPad key and switch back to it).
You can force the link to open inside the app (so replacing the current page) with the tricks listed here: iPhone Safari Web App opens links in new window
Hei, I found a brilliant way to have a "" effect in an iOS webapp too!
It loads a page in a Safari tab and has solved my problem, maybe it can be useful to others:
It's also a great way to avoid the popup blocker (the blocker would stop a call but it doesn't stop that method) :-)