Generating Synthetic DNA Sequence with Substitution Rate - perl

Given these inputs:
my $init_seq = "AAAAAAAAAA" #length 10 bp
my $sub_rate = 0.003;
my $nof_tags = 1000;
my #dna = qw( A C G T );
I want to generate:
One thousand length-10 tags
Substitution rate for each position in a tag is 0.003
Yielding output like:
AAGGAAAAGA # 1000th tags
Is there a compact way to do it in Perl?
I am stuck with the logic of this script as core:
my $init_seq = "AAAAAAAAAA" #length 10 bp
my $sub_rate = 0.003;
my $nof_tags = 1000;
my #dna = qw( A C G T );
$i = 0;
while ($i < length($init_seq)) {
$roll = int(rand 4) + 1; # $roll is now an integer between 1 and 4
if ($roll == 1) {$base = A;}
elsif ($roll == 2) {$base = T;}
elsif ($roll == 3) {$base = C;}
elsif ($roll == 4) {$base = G;};
print $base;
continue {

As a small optimisation, replace:
$roll = int(rand 4) + 1; # $roll is now an integer between 1 and 4
if ($roll == 1) {$base = A;}
elsif ($roll == 2) {$base = T;}
elsif ($roll == 3) {$base = C;}
elsif ($roll == 4) {$base = G;};
$base = $dna[int(rand 4)];

EDIT: Assuming substitution rate is in the range 0.001 to 1.000:
As well as $roll, generate another (pseudo)random number in the range [1..1000], if it is less than or equal to (1000 * $sub_rate) then perform the substitution, otherwise do nothing (i.e. output 'A').
Be aware that you may introduce subtle bias unless the properties of your random number generator are known.

Not exactly what you are looking for, but I suggest you take a look at BioPerl's Bio::SeqEvolution::DNAPoint module. It does not take mutation rate as a parameter though. Rather, it asks what the lower bound of sequence identity with the original you want.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Bio::Seq;
use Bio::SeqEvolution::Factory;
my $seq = Bio::Seq->new(-seq => 'AAAAAAAAAA', -alphabet => 'dna');
my $evolve = Bio::SeqEvolution::Factory->new (
-rate => 2, # transition/transversion rate
-seq => $seq
-identity => 50 # At least 50% identity with the original
my #mutated;
for (1..1000) { push #mutated, $evolve->next_seq }
All 1000 mutated sequences will be stored in the #mutated array, their sequences can be accessed via the seq method.

In the event of a substitution, you want to exclude the current base from the possibilities:
my #other_bases = grep { $_ ne substr($init_seq, $i, 1) } #dna;
$base = #other_bases[int(rand 3)];
Also please see Mitch Wheat's answer for how to implement the substitution rate.

I don't know if I understand correctly but I'd do something like this (pseudocode):
digits = 'ATCG'
MAX = 1000
for i = 1 to len(base)
# check if we have to mutate
mutate = 1+rand(MAX) <= rate*MAX
if mutate then
# find current A:0 T:1 C:2 G:3
current = digits.find(base[i])
# get a new position
# but ensure that it is not current
new = (j+1+rand(3)) mod 4
base[i] = digits[new]
end if
end for


for loop only runs once PERL, Argument "" isn't numeric in substr

I have a for loop with nested if, else, and elsif statements within. The for loop runs correctly, but it only runs once for some reason. I am looking to count the A's, C's, G's, and T's in a sequence, but I want to count them in two groups - a motif group and a background group. The motif group counts need to be position specific while the background counts do not.
Here is what is contained in my .dna file (a .txt would work fine):
Here is what I have so far:
use strict;
use warnings;
#Upload sequence
print "Please enter the filename of the first sequence data: ";
my $filename1 = <STDIN>;
#Remove newline from file
chomp $filename1;
#Open the file and ignore comment lines
open (FILE, '<', $filename1) or die "Cannot open $filename1.",$!;
my $dna;
for (<FILE>)
next if /^#/;
next if /^>/;
$dna .= $_;
close FILE;
#Remove white spaces
$dna =~ s/[\s\d]//g;
$dna =~ /./g;
#User specifies motif width
print "Please enter the motif width:\n";
my $width = <STDIN>;
#Remove newline from file
chomp $width;
#Omitting code for non-negative widths to keep this shorter
#Initialize counts and arrays for motif positions
my #motA;
my #motC;
my #motG;
my #motT;
#Define length of motif arrays per width
$motA[$_] = 0;
$motC[$_] = 0;
$motG[$_] = 0;
$motT[$_] = 0;
#Initialize background counts
my $bgA = 0;
my $bgC = 0;
my $bgG = 0;
my $bgT = 0;
#Generate random start site in the sequence
#for motif to start from
my $ms = int(rand(((length($dna)+1)-$width)));
#Within a motif, count the bases at the positions
for (my $pos = 0..(length($dna)-1))
my $base = substr($dna, $pos, 1);
if ($pos = $ms..($ms + $width))
#Add to motif counts
if($base eq 'A')
$motA[$pos-$ms] = $motA[$pos-$ms] + 1;
elsif($base eq 'C')
$motC[$pos-$ms] = $motC[$pos-$ms] + 1;
elsif($base eq 'G')
$motG[$pos-$ms] = $motG[$pos-$ms] + 1;
elsif($base eq 'T')
$motT[$pos-$ms] = $motT[$pos-$ms] + 1;
#Create background counts
if ($base eq 'A')
$bgA = $bgA + 1;
elsif ($base eq 'C')
$bgC = $bgC + 1;
elsif ($base eq 'G')
$bgG = $bgG + 1;
elsif ($base eq 'T')
$bgT = $bgT + 1;
print "A #motA\nC #motC\nG #motG\nT #motT\n\n";
print "bgA = $bgA\n
bgC = $bgC\n
bgG = $bgG\n
bgT = $bgT";
The output looks like this:
Please enter the filename of the first sequence data: sample.dna
Please enter the motif width:
Argument "" isn't numeric in substr at line 62, <STDIN> line2.
A 0 1 0
C 0 0 0
G 0 0 0
T 0 0 0
bgA = 0
bgC = 0
bgG = 0
bgT = 0
I know that this is most likely because my $dna or $pos in the line with substr contains the "" (empty string?), but I am unsure how to solve this problem. I thought the initialization of $pos took care of that, but that's why I want to ask the masters to see what to do. I THINK that this will solve the for loop problem as well. As always, any and all help is useful. I appreciate it in advance!
for (my $pos = 0..length($dna))
my $base = substr($dna, $pos, 1);
probably is meant to be 0..length($dna)-1 instead?
When $pos is the length, the substring is going to be an empty string.
And that's not the proper syntax for a for loop iterating over a range. It should be
for my $pos (0..length($dna)-1)
if ($pos = $ms..($ms + $width))
if I understand correctly should be
if ($pos >= $ms && $pos < $ms + $width)
What you have is assigning to $pos the result of a flipflop operation, which is not going to be anything useful.
It looks like this:
my $ms = int(rand(((length($dna)+1)-$width)));
should be
my $ms = int(rand(((length($dna))-$width)));
E.g. if the $dna length is 10 and width is 3, you want the possible starting offsets to be 0 through 7, not 0 through 8.
And it looks like your counting within the motif should be using the position within the motif, not $pos; this:
$motA[$pos] = $motA[$pos] + 1;
should be
$motA[$pos-$ms] = $motA[$pos-$ms] + 1;

Obtain 15 characters from a string that contain less than 15 characters in Perl

I have a sequence and a number representing the location of a residue(character). I want to take 7 residues from each side of the residue. This is the code to do that:
my $seq = substr($sequence, $location-8, 14);
This grabs 7 from each side of the residue. However, there are some sequences where there is less than 7 residues on either side. So when this occurs, I get an error saying:
substr outside of string at line 52 (#1) (W substr)(F) You tried to reference a substr() that pointed outside of a string. That is, the absolute value of the offset was larger than the length of the string.
How can I change the empty places and replace them with another letter (X for example).
For example, if there is a sequence
and $location points to D, I need 7 on each side so the result would be:
Expanding on my comment above. I would create a my_substr function that encapsulates the padding and location shift.
my $sequence = "ABCDEFGH";
my $location = 3;
sub my_substr {
my ($seq, $location, $pad_length) = #_;
my $pad = "X"x$pad_length;
return substr("$pad$seq$pad", $location, (2*$pad_length+1));
print my_substr($sequence, $location, 7) . "\n";
This is an very verbose answer, but more or less gets you what you want:
use strict;
use warnings;
my $sequence = 'ABCDEFGH';
my $wings = 7;
my $location = index $sequence, 'D';
die "D not found" if $location == -1;
my $start = $location - $wings;
my $length = 1 + 2 * $wings;
my $leftpad = 0;
if ($start < 0) {
$leftpad = -1 * $start;
$start = 0;
my $seq = substr($sequence, $start, $length);
$seq = ('X' x $leftpad) . $seq if $leftpad;
my $rightpad = $length - length ($seq);
$seq .= 'X' x $rightpad if $rightpad > 0;
print $seq;
Or to avoid all the extra work, could just create a new $sequence variable containing padding:
my $sequence = 'ABCDEFGH';
my $wings = 7;
my $location = index $sequence, 'D';
die "D not found" if $location == -1;
my $paddedseq = ('X' x $wings) . $sequence . ('X' x $wings);
my $seq = substr($paddedseq, $location, 1 + 2 * $wings);
print $seq;

Perl to count current value based on next value

Currently I'm learning Perl and gnuplot. I would like to know how to count certain value based on the next value. For example I have a text file consist of:
#ID(X) Y
1 1
3 9
5 11
The output should show the value of the unknown ID as well. So, the output should show:
#ID(X) Y
1 1
2 5
3 9
4 10
5 11
The Y of ID#2 is based on the following:
((2-3)/(1-3))*1 + ((2-1)/(3-1))*9 which is linear algebra
Y2=((X2-X3)/(X1-X3))*Y1 + ((X2-X1)/(X3-X1)) * Y3
Same goes to ID#5
Currently I have this code,
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $prev_id = 0;
my $prev_val = 0;
my $next_id;
my $next_val;
while (<>)
my ($id, $val) = split;
for (my $i = $prev_id + 1; $i < $next_id; $i++)
$val = (($id - $next_id) / ($prev_id - $next_id)) * $prev_val + (($id - $prev_id) / ($next_id - $prev_id)) * $next_val;
printf ("%d %s\n", $i, $val);
printf ("%d %s\n", $id, $val);
($prev_val, $prev_id) = ($val, $id);
($next_val, $next_id) = ($prev_val, $prev_id);
Your formula seems more complicated than I would expect, given that you are always dealing with integer spacings of 1.
You did not say whether you want to fill gaps for multiple consecutive missing values, but let's assume you want to.
What you do is read in the first line, and say that's the current one and you output it. Now you read the next line, and if its ID is not the expected one, you fill the gaps with simple linear interpolation...
(currID, currY) = readline()
outputvals( currID, currY )
while lines remain do
(nextID, nextY) = readline()
gap = nextID - currID
for i = 1 to gap
id = currID + i
y = currY + (nextY - currY) * i / gap
outputvals( id, y )
(currID, currY) = (nextID, nextY)
Sorry for the non-Perl code. It's just that I haven't been using Perl for ages, and can't remember half of the syntax. =) The concepts here are pretty easy to translate into code though.
Using an array may be the way to go. This will also make your data available for further manipulation.
** Caveat: will not work for multiple consecutive missing values of y; see #paddy's answer.
use strict;
use warnings;
my #coordinates;
while (<DATA>) {
my ($x, $y) = split;
$coordinates[$x] = $y;
# note that the for loop starts on index 1 here ...
for my $x (1 .. $#coordinates) {
if (! $coordinates[$x]) {
$coordinates[$x] = (($x - ($x + 1)) / (($x - 1) - ($x + 1)))
* $coordinates[$x - 1]
+ (($x - ($x - 1)) / (($x + 1) - ($x - 1)))
* $coordinates[$x + 1];
print "$x - $coordinates[$x]\n";
1 1
3 9
5 11
You indicated your problem is getting the next value. The key isn't to look ahead, it's to look behind.
my $prev = get first value;
my ($prev_a, $prev_b) = parse($prev);
my $this = get second value;
my ($this_a, $this_b) = parse($this);
while ($next = get next value) {
my ($next_a, $next_b) = parse($next);
$prev = $this; $prev_a = $this_a; $prev_b = $this_b;
$this = $next; $this_a = $next_a; $this_b = $next_b;
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my #in = (1,9,11);
my #out;
for (my $i = 0; $i<$#in; $i++) {
my $j = $i*2;
my $X1 = $i;
my $X2 = $i+1;
my $X3 = $i+2;
my $Y1 = $in[$i];
my $Y3 = $in[$i+1];
my $Y2 = $Y1*(($X2-$X3)/($X1-$X3))
+ $Y3*(($X2-$X1)/($X3-$X1));
$out[$j] = $in[$i];
$out[$j+1] = $Y2;
$out[$#in*2] = $in[$#in];
print (join " ",#out);

How do I change this to "idiomatic" Perl?

I am beginning to delve deeper into Perl, but am having trouble writing "Perl-ly" code instead of writing C in Perl. How can I change the following code to use more Perl idioms, and how should I go about learning the idioms?
Just an explanation of what it is doing: This routine is part of a module that aligns DNA or amino acid sequences(using Needelman-Wunch if you care about such things). It creates two 2d arrays, one to store a score for each position in the two sequences, and one to keep track of the path so the highest-scoring alignment can be recreated later. It works fine, but I know I am not doing things very concisely and clearly.
edit: This was for an assignment. I completed it, but want to clean up my code a bit. The details on implementing the algorithm can be found on the class website if any of you are interested.
sub create_matrix {
my $self = shift;
#empty array reference
my $matrix = $self->{score_matrix};
#empty array ref
my $path_matrix = $self->{path_matrix};
#$seq1 and $seq2 are strings set previously
my $num_of_rows = length($self->{seq1}) + 1;
my $num_of_columns = length($self->{seq2}) + 1;
#create the 2d array of scores
for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_of_rows; $i++) {
push(#$matrix, []);
push(#$path_matrix, []);
$$matrix[$i][0] = $i * $self->{gap_cost};
$$path_matrix[$i][0] = 1;
#fill out the first row
for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_of_columns; $i++) {
$$matrix[0][$i] = $i * $self->{gap_cost};
$$path_matrix[0][$i] = -1;
#flag to signal end of traceback
$$path_matrix[0][0] = 2;
#double for loop to fill out each row
for (my $row = 1; $row < $num_of_rows; $row++) {
for (my $column = 1; $column < $num_of_columns; $column++) {
my $seq1_gap = $$matrix[$row-1][$column] + $self->{gap_cost};
my $seq2_gap = $$matrix[$row][$column-1] + $self->{gap_cost};
my $match_mismatch = $$matrix[$row-1][$column-1] + $self->get_match_score(substr($self->{seq1}, $row-1, 1), substr($self->{seq2}, $column-1, 1));
$$matrix[$row][$column] = max($seq1_gap, $seq2_gap, $match_mismatch);
#set the path matrix
#if it was a gap in seq1, -1, if was a (mis)match 0 if was a gap in seq2 1
if ($$matrix[$row][$column] == $seq1_gap) {
$$path_matrix[$row][$column] = -1;
elsif ($$matrix[$row][$column] == $match_mismatch) {
$$path_matrix[$row][$column] = 0;
elsif ($$matrix[$row][$column] == $seq2_gap) {
$$path_matrix[$row][$column] = 1;
You're getting several suggestions regarding syntax, but I would also suggest a more modular approach, if for no other reason that code readability. It's much easier to come up to speed on code if you can perceive the big picture before worrying about low-level details.
Your primary method might look like this.
sub create_matrix {
my $self = shift;
And you would also have several smaller methods like this:
And you might take it even further by defining even smaller methods -- getters, setters, and so forth. At that point, your middle-level methods like create_2d_array_of_scores would not directly touch the underlying data structure at all.
sub matrix { shift->{score_matrix} }
sub gap_cost { shift->{gap_cost} }
sub set_matrix_value {
my ($self, $r, $c, $val) = #_;
$self->matrix->[$r][$c] = $val;
# Etc.
One simple change is to use for loops like this:
for my $i (0 .. $num_of_rows){
# Do stuff.
For more info, see the Perl documentation on foreach loops and the range operator.
I have some other comments as well, but here is the first observation:
my $num_of_rows = length($self->{seq1}) + 1;
my $num_of_columns = length($self->{seq2}) + 1;
So $self->{seq1} and $self->{seq2} are strings and you keep accessing individual elements using substr. I would prefer to store them as arrays of characters:
$self->{seq1} = [ split //, $seq1 ];
Here is how I would have written it:
sub create_matrix {
my $self = shift;
my $matrix = $self->{score_matrix};
my $path_matrix = $self->{path_matrix};
my $rows = #{ $self->{seq1} };
my $cols = #{ $self->{seq2} };
for my $row (0 .. $rows) {
$matrix->[$row]->[0] = $row * $self->{gap_cost};
$path_matrix->[$row]->[0] = 1;
my $gap_cost = $self->{gap_cost};
$matrix->[0] = [ map { $_ * $gap_cost } 0 .. $cols ];
$path_matrix->[0] = [ (-1) x ($cols + 1) ];
$path_matrix->[0]->[0] = 2;
for my $row (1 .. $rows) {
for my $col (1 .. $cols) {
my $gap1 = $matrix->[$row - 1]->[$col] + $gap_cost;
my $gap2 = $matrix->[$row]->[$col - 1] + $gap_cost;
my $match_mismatch =
$matrix->[$row - 1]->[$col - 1] +
$self->{seq1}->[$row - 1],
$self->{seq2}->[$col - 1]
my $max = $matrix->[$row]->[$col] =
max($gap1, $gap2, $match_mismatch);
$path_matrix->[$row]->[$col] = $max == $gap1
? -1
: $max == $gap2
? 1
: 0;
Instead of dereferencing your two-dimensional arrays like this:
$$path_matrix[0][0] = 2;
do this:
$path_matrix->[0][0] = 2;
Also, you're doing a lot of if/then/else statements to match against particular subsequences: this could be better written as given statements (perl5.10's equivalent of C's switch). Read about it at perldoc perlsyn:
given ($matrix->[$row][$column])
when ($seq1_gap) { $path_matrix->[$row][$column] = -1; }
when ($match_mismatch) { $path_matrix->[$row][$column] = 0; }
when ($seq2_gap) { $path_matrix->[$row][$column] = 1; }
The majority of your code is manipulating 2D arrays. I think the biggest improvement would be switching to using PDL if you want to do much stuff with arrays, particularly if efficiency is a concern. It's a Perl module which provides excellent array support. The underlying routines are implemented in C for efficiency so it's fast too.
I would always advise to look at CPAN for previous solutions or examples of how to do things in Perl. Have you looked at Algorithm::NeedlemanWunsch?
The documentation to this module includes an example for matching DNA sequences. Here is an example using the similarity matrix from wikipedia.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use Inline::Files; #multiple virtual files inside code
use Algorithm::NeedlemanWunsch; # refer CPAN - good style guide
# Read DNA sequences
my #a = read_DNA_seq("DNA_SEQ_A");
my #b = read_DNA_seq("DNA_SEQ_B");
# Read Similarity Matrix (held as a Hash of Hashes)
my %SM = read_Sim_Matrix();
# Define scoring based on "Similarity Matrix" %SM
sub score_sub {
if ( !#_ ) {
return -3; # gap penalty same as wikipedia)
return $SM{ $_[0] }{ $_[1] }; # Similarity Value matrix
my $matcher = Algorithm::NeedlemanWunsch->new( \&score_sub, -3 );
my $score = $matcher->align( \#a, \#b, { align => \&check_align, } );
print "\nThe maximum score is $score\n";
sub check_align {
my ( $i, $j ) = #_; # #a[i], #b[j]
print "seqA pos: $i, seqB pos: $j\t base \'$a[$i]\'\n";
sub read_DNA_seq {
my $source = shift;
my #data;
while (<$source>) {
push #data, /[ACGT-]{1}/g;
return #data;
sub read_Sim_Matrix {
#Read DNA similarity matrix (scores per Wikipedia)
my ( #AoA, %HoH );
push #AoA, [/(\S+)+/g];
for ( my $row = 1 ; $row < 5 ; $row++ ) {
for ( my $col = 1 ; $col < 5 ; $col++ ) {
$HoH{ $AoA[0][$col] }{ $AoA[$row][0] } = $AoA[$row][$col];
return %HoH;
- A G C T
A 10 -1 -3 -4
G -1 7 -5 -3
C -3 -5 9 0
T -4 -3 0 8
And here is some sample output:
seqA pos: 7, seqB pos: 2 base 'G'
seqA pos: 6, seqB pos: 1 base 'T'
seqA pos: 4, seqB pos: 0 base 'A'
The maximum score is 100

Perl recursion techniques?

I need a bit of help with is this code. I know the sections that should be recursive, or at least I think I do but am not sure how to implement it. I am trying to implement a path finding program from an alignment matrix that will find multiple routes back to the zero value. For example if you excute my code and insert CGCA as the first sequence and CACGTAT as the second sequence, and 1, 0, and -1 as the match, mismatch and gap scores. The program gives off the path as HDHHDD and the aligment as
However there are more possible paths and aligments then this, except I don't know how many. What I want to do is have a piece of my code loop back on itself and find other paths and alignments, using the same code as the first time around, until it runs out of possible alignments. The best way I found on the net to do this is recursion, except no one can explain how to do it. In this case there should be two more paths and aligmennts HDDDHHD and CACGTAT, and C--GCA-, and. HDDDDHH , CACGTAT AND --CGCA-. I just don't know how to code to perform this task.
# Implementation of Needleman and Wunsch Algorithm
my($seq1, $len1, $seq2, $len2, $data, #matrix, $i, $j, $x, $y, $val1, $val2);
my($val3, $pathrow, $pathcol, $seq1loc, $seq2loc, $gapscore, $matchscore, $mismatchscore);
#first obtain the data from the user.
print "Please enter the first sequence for comaprsion\n";
chomp $seq1;
print "Please enter the second sequence for comparsion\n";
chomp $seq2;
# adding extra characters so sequences align with matrix
# saves some calculations later on
$seq1 = " " . $seq1;
$seq2 = " " . $seq2;
$len1 = length($seq1);
$len2 = length($seq2);
print "Enter the match score: ";
chomp $matchscore;
print "Enter the mismatch score: ";
chomp $mismatchscore;
print "Enter the gap score: ";
chomp $gapscore;
# declare a two dimensional array and initialize to spaces
# array must contain one extra row and one extra column
#matrix = ();
for($i = 0; $i < $len1; $i++){
for($j = 0; $j < $len2; $j++){
$matrix[$i][$j] = ' ';
# initialize 1st row and 1st column of matrix
$matrix[0][0] = 0;
for ($i = 1; $i < $len1; $i ++){
$matrix[$i][0] = $matrix[$i-1][0] + $gapscore;
for ($i = 1; $i < $len2; $i ++){
$matrix[0][$i] = $matrix[0][$i-1] + $gapscore;
# STEP 1:
# Fill in rest of matrix using the following rules:
# determine three possible values for matrix[x][y]
# value 1 = add gap score to matrix[x][y-1]
# value 2 = add gap score to matrix[x-1][y]
# value 3 = add match score or mismatch score to
# matrix[x-1][y-1] depending on nucleotide
# match for position x of $seq1 and position y
# of seq2
# place the largest of the three values in matrix[x][y]
# Best alignment score appears in matrix[$len1][$len2].
for($x = 1; $x < $len1; $x++){
for($y = 1; $y < $len2; $y++){
$val1 = $matrix[$x][$y-1] + $gapscore;
$val2 = $matrix[$x-1][$y] + $gapscore;
if (substr($seq1, $x, 1) eq substr($seq2, $y, 1)){
$val3 = $matrix[$x-1][$y-1] + $matchscore;
$val3 = $matrix[$x-1][$y-1] + $mismatchscore;
if (($val1 >= $val2) && ($val1 >= $val3)){
$matrix[$x][$y] = $val1;
elsif (($val2 >= $val1) && ($val2 >= $val3)){
$matrix[$x][$y] = $val2;
$matrix[$x][$y] = $val3;
# Display scoring matrix
print "MATRIX:\n";
for($x = 0; $x < $len1; $x++){
for($y = 0; $y < $len2; $y++){
print "$matrix[$x][$y] ";
print "\n";
print "\n";
# STEP 2:
# Begin at matrix[$len1][$len2] and find a path to
# matrix[0][0].
# Build string to hold path pattern by concatenating either
# 'H' (current cell produced by cell horizontally to left),
# 'D' (current cell produced by cell on diagonal),
# 'V' (current cell produced by cell vertically above)
# ***This is were I need help I need this code to be recursive, so I can find more then one path***
$pathrow = $len1-1;
$pathcol = $len2-1;
while (($pathrow != 0) || ($pathcol != 0)){
if ($pathrow == 0){
# must be from cell to left
$path = $path . 'H';
$pathcol = $pathcol - 1;
elsif ($pathcol == 0){
# must be from cell above
$path = $path . 'V';
$pathrow = $pathrow - 1;
# could be from any direction
elsif (($matrix[$pathrow][$pathcol-1] + $gapscore) == $matrix[$pathrow][$pathcol]){
# from left
$path = $path . 'H';
$pathcol = $pathcol - 1;
elsif (($matrix[$pathrow-1][$pathcol] + $gapscore) == $matrix[$pathrow][$pathcol]){
# from above
$path = $path . 'V';
$pathrow = $pathrow - 1;
# must be from diagonal
$path = $path . 'D';
$pathrow = $pathrow - 1;
$pathcol = $pathcol - 1;
print "Path is $path\n";
# STEP 3:
# Determine alignment pattern by reading path string
# created in step 2.
# Create two string variables ($alignseq1 and $alignseq2) to hold
# the sequences for alignment.
# Reading backwards from $seq1, $seq2 and path string,
# if string character is 'D', then
# concatenate to front of $alignseq1, last char in $seq1
# and to the front of $alignseq2, last char in $seq2
# if string character is 'V', then
# concatenate to front of $alignseq1, last char in $seq1
# and to the front of $alignseq2, the gap char
# if string character is 'H', then
# concatenate to front of $alignseq1 the gap char
# and to the front of $alignseq2, last char in $seq2
# Continue process until path string has been traversed.
# Result appears in string $alignseq1 and $seq2
***#I need this code to be recursive as well.***
$seq1loc = $len1-1;
$seq2loc = $len2-1;
$pathloc = 0;
print length($path);
while ($pathloc < length($path)){
if (substr($path, $pathloc, 1) eq 'D'){
$alignseq1 = substr($seq1, $seq1loc, 1) . $alignseq1;
$alignseq2 = substr($seq2, $seq2loc, 1) . $alignseq2;
elsif (substr($path, $pathloc, 1) eq 'V'){
$alignseq1 = substr($seq1, $seq1loc, 1) . $alignseq1;
$alignseq2 = '-' . $alignseq2;
else{ # must be an H
$alignseq1 = '-' . $alignseq1;
$alignseq2 = substr($seq2, $seq2loc, 1) . $alignseq2;
print "\nAligned Sequences:\n";
print "$alignseq2 \n";
print "$alignseq1 \n";
# statement may be needed to hold output screen
print "Press any key to exit program";
$x = <STDIN>;
If anyone is wondering this is a needleman-wunsch algorithm. Any help here would be greatly apperciated.
I can't provide an answer, because I don't understand exactly what you are try to do, but I can offer some general advice.
Start organizing your code into discrete subroutines that perform narrowly defined tasks. In addition, the subroutines that implement your central algorithms should not be oriented toward receiving input from the keyboard and producing output to the screen; rather they should receive input as arguments and return their results. If there is a need for user input or screen output, those tasks should be in separate subroutines, not comingled with your primary algorithms.
A first (and partial) step down that path is to take you entire program, enclose it in a subroutine definition, and then call the subroutine with the required arguments. Instead of printing its key results, the subroutine should return them -- specifically, a reference to #matrix along with the values for $path, $alignseq1, $alignseq2.
sub NW_algo {
my ($seq1, $seq2, $matchscore, $mismatchscore, $gapscore) = #_;
# The rest of your code here, but with all print
# statements and <STDIN> inputs commented out.
return \#matrix, $path, $alignseq1, $alignseq2;
my(#return_values) = NW_algo('CGCA', 'CACGTAT', 1, 0, -1);
sub Print_matrix {
for my $m ( #{$_[0]} ){
print join(' ', #$m), "\n";
At this point, you'll have an algorithm that can be invoked by other code, making it easier to test and debug your program going forward. For example, you could define various sets of input data and run NW_algo() on each set. Only then will it be possible to think about recursion or other techniques.
Since Needleman-Wunsch is a dynamic-programming algorithm, most of the work is already done by the time you compute your DP matrix. Once you have your DP matrix, you're supposed to backtrack through the matrix to find the optimal alignment. The problem is a bit like taxicab geometry except that you can move diagonally. Essentially, when you need to backtrack through the matrix, instead of choosing between going up, left, or diagonally, you do all three by making three recursive calls, and each of those call themselves for each of up, left, or diagonally, until you reach your starting point. The path traced by each strand of recursion will draw out each alignment.
EDIT: So basically you need to put Step 2 in a subprocedure (that takes position and the path traced so far), so it can call itself over and over. Of course, after you define the procedure you need to make one call to it to actually start the tracing process:
sub tracePaths {
$x = shift;
$y = shift;
$pathSoFar = shift; # assuming you're storing your path as a string
# ... do some work ...
tracePaths($x - 1, $y, $pathSoFar . something);
tracePaths($x, $y - 1, $pathSoFar . somethingelse);
tracePaths($x - 1, $y - 1, $pathSoFar . somethingelselse);
if(reached the end) return $pathSoFar;
# launch the recursion
tracePaths(beginningx, beginningy, "");
This doesn't speak specifically to your problem, but you should maybe check out the book Higher Order Perl. It goes over how to use a lot of higher-level techniques (such as recursion).