I'm trying to use slime from CVS (2009-01-05) but keep getting this error:
LOAD: A file with name
/usr/share/common-lisp/source/slime/swank-loader.lisp does not exist
I've stripped my .emacs down to just:
(setq inferior-lisp-program "/usr/bin/clisp")
(add-to-list 'load-path "/home/ssm/lisp/slime/")
(require 'slime)
I've deleted my ~/.slime directory, started with 'emacs -q' and eval'd the above code but I keep getting the LOAD error when I run slime (via M-x slime). Any ideas on how to fix this error?
FWIW, I've tried to install slime via apt-get but I keep getting errors there too about cl-swank being broken. That's a whole different story.
Have you purged the slime pkg you installed via apt-get? It looks like emacs is still reading the old site-specific configuration setup by apt-get. Try starting emacs with the -Q option, which prevents loading of site-specific (as well as user specific) customization, and see if the problem still occur.
I agree with huaiyuan that older files may be being picked up.
Try (load-file "/path/to/slime.el") instead of require. (You did remove the .elc files from your old versions, right? emacs will load from .elc files in preference to .el files, even when the .el is newer.)
The next thing to try is M-x customize-variable slime-backend and setting that to the absolute path of swank-loader.lisp. I think that will fix it for sure, but I am not sure why it doesn't work to begin with.
Thanks guys, ~/.emacs:
(setq inferior-lisp-program "<path-to-lisp-compiler>/bin/lisp")
(setq slime-backend "<path-to-slime>/swank-loader.lisp")
(add-to-list 'load-path "<path-to-slime>/")
;;(require 'slime)
(load-file "<path-to-slime>/slime.el")
(slime-setup '(slime-fancy))
works :)
I've been trying to get slime+sbcl working on my emacs (26.3) for a while. I first installed slime via melpa and that didn't work. I finally got slime able to work on a clean emacs (emacs -q) using quicklisp and the following code:
(load "~/quicklisp/slime-helper.el")
(setq inferior-lisp-program "sbcl")
However, when I put it into my actual init file and run it, it doesn't work. I figured that if I put package-enable-at-startup to nil and commented out package-initialize, that slime works. My guess is that the installed slime through melpa is "overriding" the slime initialization using slime-helper. I can't uninstall slime via melpa because of package dependencies and am worried I might mess something up. But I also need all of my packages to initialize except slime. So I was wondering if there was anyway to initialize all my packages, but suppress the slime package.
I think the easiest method would be to disable the loading of "elpa slime" with package-load-list. See its documentation with C-hv package-load-list Return. In short you'd put something like this in your init file.
(require 'package)
(setq gnutls-algorithm-priority "NORMAL:-VERS-TLS1.3")
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/")
'("gnu" . "https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/"))
(setq package-load-list '((slime nil))) ;; don't load slime
(load (expand-file-name "~/quicklisp/slime-helper.el"))
(setq inferior-lisp-program "sbcl")
package-initialize will skip loading slime (and manipulating your load-path), allowing the "quicklisp slime" to appear first on your load-path. This may or may not break dependencies loaded by the package system. If they do break, I'd see if quicklisp can manage them and deal with them that way, or I would manually manage them.
I receive this message every time I start emacs
Emacs 24.2
Win7 64 and Ubuntu 12.10
yasnippet 0.8.0 installed with package-list
If there is a way to fix it ?
yasnippet doesn't get initialised automatically when installed with elpa, which I find unconventional. You still need to add the yasnippet directory into your load-path.
Here is my set up in my .emacs
;; yasnippet
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/elpa/yasnippet-0.8.0")
(require 'yasnippet)
(setq yas-snippet-dirs '("~/.emacs.d/elpa/yasnippet-0.8.0/snippets" "~/Dropbox/Applications/Customise/emacs/myyassnipets"))
(yas-global-mode 1)
This is the sort of message I would expect to see if you're calling load or load-file in your init.el with a bad path. Look for any uses of those functions and correct the path if you can.
If this is in code you control, you probably want to call (require 'yasnippet) instead of directly loading the file.
This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Emacs 24 Package System Initialization Problems
I am using Emacs 24. I have the ELPA and Marmalade repos added. Using 'package' I installed 'auto-complete'. I have the following lines added to my init.el:
(require 'auto-complete-config)
When I start Emacs, I get the error
File error: Cannot open load file, auto-complete-config
But then I use
M-x load-file
and load the same ~/.emacs.d/init.el file, it then works fine with the prompt saying
Loading /home/user/.emacs.d/init.el (source)...done
How is the usual loading different from the 'M-x load-file' command? In the start of the init.el file I do the following, is this somehow effecting the package from loading.
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d")
(load "custom_code")
As mentioned in the comment below: The answer by phils to the duplicate question is probably more helpful than this one
This almost certainly means that your init.el file is getting run before the code that sorts out the packages for package.el. The latter code adds the directory with the auto-complete library to your load path.
I'm still using ELPA, rather than package.el. With elpa, there's a snippet that looks like this that gets installed at the bottom of your .emacs.
;;; This was installed by package-install.el.
;;; This provides support for the package system and
;;; interfacing with ELPA, the package archive.
;;; Move this code earlier if you want to reference
;;; packages in your .emacs.
(expand-file-name "~/.emacs.d/elpa/package.el"))
As the comment suggests, you probably want to put your equivalent package.el initialization code before the stuff that loads init.el.
Finally: I notice you mention adding .emacs.d to your load-path. The Emacs load path is not recursive, so that probably won't do what you need (assuming that your libraries live in subdirectories). Years ago, I wrote this snippet to load up various libraries of elisp code that I'd written. You might find it useful. (Obviously, it'll only work on unixy systems with a shell and a find command. It's reasonably slow, but this seems to be shell-command-to-string, which takes several milliseconds even running "echo hello" or the like)
(defun find-elisp-dirs (dir)
"Find all directories below DIR containing elisp sources, ignoring those"
(format "find %s -iname '*.el' -printf '%%h\\n' | sort -u"
(expand-file-name dir t)))))
I'm very new to emacs and I'm using version 23.2 on Windows. I'm trying to get CEDET working, but when I require it in .emacs it fails to find the file:
File error: Cannot open load file
I was able to get cedet working by loading it manually with:
(load "C:/emacs/lisp/cedet/cedet.el")
But I still can't require other files from cedet like semantic-gcc or semantic-ia.
Here's my .emacs file:
(load "C:/emacs/lisp/cedet/cedet.el")
(global-ede-mode t)
(semantic-mode 1)
(require 'semantic-ia)
(require 'semantic-gcc)
It's like emacs isn't looking for these files in its own path, and I did try
(add-to-list 'load-path "C:/emacs/lisp/cedet")
With a lot of other variations but none worked.
Firstly, you need to find the reason that cedet won't load with a simple (require 'cedet).
Is Emacs installed at c:\emacs? (ie the emacs.exe you are running is c:\emacs\bin\emacs.exe)
Is something setting EMACSLOADPATH externally from Emacs (your environment, or in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKEY_CURRENT_USER /Software/GNU/Emacs?
Is there another installation of an older version of CEDET on your load path?
Has c:\emacs\lisp\subdirs.el been edited to remove the cedet subdirectory?
Once you've solved that, note that the paths were changed when CEDET was merged into Emacs to accommodate old systems that have limitations on file name lengths. But at the same time, the autoloads were improved, so you shouldn't need to explicitly require those files any more. If you still do, the following should work:
(require 'semantic/ia)
(require 'semantic/bovine/gcc)
I've tried to migrate to Emacs several times for Clojure development, following a variety of blogposts, screencast and tutorials, but somewhere along the way something always went wrong - keybindings that didn't work, incompatible versions, etc, and I found myself scrambling back to Vim. But I know I want Paredit and SLIME.
So, I'm going to try again, this time backed by the powerful Stack Overflowâ„¢ community.
I hope that the answer to this question will remain up-to-date, and can serve as a reference for tentative converts like me.
What I'd like is:
The latest stable release of Clojure
Aquamacs (if it's good enough for Rich Hickey, it's good enough for me), a recent version
Clojure Mode
Anything else that's indispensible?
Step-by-step instructions to install the above would be excellent - preferably in shell script format. I'd also like some hints on how to get started with the most common Clojure-related actions (including key-bindings), including links to documentation and cheatsheets.
These are the steps I took to set them up without using ELPA. Hope this helps.
Get SLIME using MacPorts
sudo port -v install slime
Get paredit
curl -O http://mumble.net/~campbell/emacs/paredit.el
Get clojure & clojure-contrib
Either using MacPorts
sudo port -v install clojure clojure-contrib
Or downloading directly
curl -O http://build.clojure.org/snapshots/org/clojure/clojure/1.1.0-master-SNAPSHOT/clojure-1.1.0-master-20091202.150145-1.jar
curl -O http://build.clojure.org/snapshots/org/clojure/clojure-contrib/1.1.0-master-SNAPSHOT/clojure-contrib-1.1.0-master-20091212.205045-1.jar
Get clojure-mode and swank-clojure (Emacs side)
git clone http://github.com/technomancy/clojure-mode.git
git clone http://github.com/technomancy/swank-clojure.git
Get swank-clojure (Clojure side)
Either downloading pre-built jar file
curl -O http://repo.technomancy.us/swank-clojure-1.1.0.jar
Or building from source (assuming lein is installed)
cd path/to/dir/swank-clojure
lein jar
Put clojure, clojure-contrib and swank-clojure .jar files in ~/.swank-clojure or ~/.clojure (the default places where swank-clojure.el searches for them).
Add to either ~/.emacs or ~/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/customization.el (change paths to match your own settings)
(add-to-list 'load-path "/opt/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/slime/")
(add-to-list 'load-path "/opt/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/slime/contrib/")
;; Change these paths to match your settings
(add-to-list 'load-path "path/to/dir/clojure-mode/")
(add-to-list 'load-path "path/to/dir/swank-clojure/")
(add-to-list 'load-path "path/to/dir/paredit/")
;; Customize swank-clojure start-up to reflect possible classpath changes
;; M-x ielm `slime-lisp-implementations RET or see `swank-clojure.el' for more info
(defadvice slime-read-interactive-args (before add-clojure)
(require 'assoc)
(aput 'slime-lisp-implementations 'clojure
(list (swank-clojure-cmd) :init 'swank-clojure-init)))
(require 'slime)
(require 'paredit)
(require 'clojure-mode)
(require 'swank-clojure)
(eval-after-load "slime"
;; "Extra" features (contrib)
'(slime-repl slime-banner slime-highlight-edits slime-fuzzy))
;; Use UTF-8 coding
slime-net-coding-system 'utf-8-unix
;; Use fuzzy completion (M-Tab)
slime-complete-symbol-function 'slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol)
;; Use parentheses editting mode paredit
(defun paredit-mode-enable () (paredit-mode 1))
(add-hook 'slime-mode-hook 'paredit-mode-enable)
(add-hook 'slime-repl-mode-hook 'paredit-mode-enable)))
;; By default inputs and results have the same color
;; Customize result color to differentiate them
;; Look for `defface' in `slime-repl.el' if you want to further customize
'(slime-repl-result-face ((t (:foreground "LightGreen")))))
(eval-after-load "swank-clojure"
;; Make REPL more friendly to Clojure (ELPA does not include this?)
;; The function is defined in swank-clojure.el but not used?!?
(add-hook 'slime-repl-mode-hook
'swank-clojure-slime-repl-modify-syntax t)
;; Add classpath for Incanter (just an example)
;; The preferred way to set classpath is to use swank-clojure-project
(add-to-list 'swank-clojure-classpath
Download and install Aquamacs.
Download and install ELPA (http://tromey.com/elpa/install.html)
Do M-x package-list-packages
Mark the lines called "clojure-mode" and "swank-clojure" with "I" then press "X".
Here's a blog post that mentions Aquamacs: Setting up Clojure, Incanter, Emacs, Slime, Swank, and Paredit
There seems to be a fairly easy way to set up Aquamacs 2.4 and SLIME for clojure:
Install Clojure
Install Aquamacs 2.4 from here "http://aquamacs.org/"
Install the Aquamacs SLIME package from here "http://aquamacs.org/download.shtml"
This will not work so...
Get the latest version of SLIME from here "http://common-lisp.net/project/slime/#downloading" - you want the CVS snapshot tar file
Unpack the SLIME tar file and copy it into
/Library/Application Support/Aquamacs Emacs/SLIME
Seems to work OK for me...
I know the OP wants to use Emacs for Clojure dev. I'm an emacs fan myself, but I found using Enclojure (http://www.enclojure.org/home) to be a great way to get started quickly with hacking Clojure.
Today I would head for https://github.com/tehcurtis/aquamacs-emacs-starter-kit/network
this is for ruby and wont work at first but anyway. git clone and copy things to Preferences.el according to readme. Fix the brokenness by edit the ~/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/ and comment out almost everything in modes.el (I have only (setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) left in the file)
The good part: you have installed elpa-package-manager with less hassle
now: use
M-x package-list-packages
go to
clojure-mode (press I)
slime (press I)
slime-repl (press I)
Press X to install
Caveat: clojure-jack-in wont work so you have to
M-x slime-connect
and press enter twice and y to start.