Problems committing file to SVN repository - eclipse

I have a maven pom build file in the root directory of my project. When trying to synchronize with SVN repository from Eclipse (Europa), red double directed arrow is being added to the file icon. This means that both my local copy and the one in the repository have been changed since last synchronization.
When I try to do do 'Override and update...' error message is being thrown:
Some resources were not reverted.
Attempted to lock an already-locked dir
svn: Working copy 'C:\Java\workspaces\pro\myProject-TRUNK' locked
Do you have an idea what should be done in this case?

svn cleanup ?
not sure how you'd do that from eclipse though ... but if its a standard svn working copy, you should still be able to do it with another tool.

In Eclipse, to do SVN clean up
Right Click on Locked Project -> Team ->Cleanup

delete the .loc and .log files from the directory if Team->Cleanup is not available to you from subeclipse and update the resources giving you the error message earlier.

It looks like the repository has got a bit confised! You could try a 'svn cleanup' in the project directory.
You can do it on the command line, or using a different tool...
From the command prompt, you'll have to have subversion installed and on the PATH. Close Eclipse, open up a command prompt and cd to the root of the project, then type 'svn cleanup'.
You could also use Tortoise SVN to do the same from Windows Explorer. Install Tortoise SVN and close Eclipse. Within Windows Explorer, navigate to the parent of your project directory, right click on the project folder and select 'Tortoise SVN' -> 'Clean up'

This normally happens when you paste a directory into another in your project.
You have to create the directories manually, then paste all the files.
To solve the issue:
Right click on the project (or on a parent directory)
Then team
Then clean up

This happens if we have some pending sessions on committing our changes so we’ll need to do some clean up before we’ll have another try on committing our changes. This is how to do it.
Click to Team->Clean Up
Try again to commit..

it's working for me.
add svn application
sudo apt-get install svn
cd <folder-project-name>
svn cleanup

Restart your eclipse (IDE) . Problem Solved.

I went to local svn folder and removed the log file and lock files did the svn update from eclipse and everything back on track

Right-click on project-->Team-->Refresh/Cleanup

Right click and select Team->Refresh/Cleanup

I see Team -> Cleanup in most answers- somehow did not work for me.
I did this -It happened twice for me.
Once I resolved Like this -- I made a backup file with my changes . I closed my eclipse -> go into the prject in windows explorer - > Go to the file in conflict -> right click -> SVN -> Revert. Now I started eclipse -> put back my changes and it worked.
Second time it happened -- That did not help. So, I had to delete the project on my eclipse workspace, and checked out the project from SVN and it worked.
-Hope it helps.

Use TortoiseSVN -> Release lock -> Break lock


Eclipse: The SVN synchronization information for 'Project' has become corrupt or does not exist

For some days now Ecplise (Oxygen 4.7.1a) shows me question marker icons at all folders and files in the project explorer.
I figured out that this is caused by a broken SVN synchronization. Eclipse error log shows The SVN synchronization information for 'Project' has become corrupt or does not exist.
I use Subclipse (latest version) from Eclipse market place.
I tried:
removing and reinstalling Subclipse
removing workspace and check out SVN repo again
Still the same problem.
The curious thing is that SVN connection is ok. I can use Tortoise SVN in Windows explorer and SVN command line, but Subclipse in Eclipse does not work.
Any solutions to this?
I had the same. I tried the one thing in the link recommended by howlger, namely:
"Close Eclipse. Open your workspace folder and then navigate to:
There will be a folder for each project, each will have a file named .syncinfo
in it. Delete all of these files and restart Eclipse."
It did not help. But then I tried "Add to Version Control". It complained that the project is already under Version Control, but the question mark is gone and everything seems to work OK now.

How do I resolve SVN error "E200030: There are unfinished transactions detected in '<CHECKOUT_DIRECTORY>'"?

I have installed a virtual box with Windows 10, Eclipse Mars, Subversive Plugin, SVNKit 1.8.11 and tried to set up some repositories in a configuration I already did successfully in several other environments. The SVN server is a Debian 7 system with Subversion 1.6.17. The following problem occurs only since I set up the above mentioned system:
Check-out: e. g. SVN-Repositories -> expand Repository X -> right-click on trunk -> check-out -> Error occurs: "Checkout operation for 'svn://host/X/trunk' failed. svn: E200030: There are unfinished transactions detected in 'C:\PathToWorkspace\X'"
After this the Subversive plugin stops working, apparently.
Export: same result as check-out
Further investigation got me to a specific file in the repository, which fails loading with "invalid handle" error. It is not in a "strange" path (not too long, no spaces or special characters) and the file itself contains no suspicious characters, just Unix line breaks. Permissions and space on disk are OK. Other respositories with the same properties DO work as expected.
I found posts with similar problems, but none of them applied to mine, apparently. They told me to wipe my workspace directory (which I did), but I just lost all of my settings without solving the problem. After this, I investigated the program directory of Eclipse, whicht didn't bring any more success.
Additionally, the ".svn\wc.db" file is still locked after the failure. Deleting the repository is therefore not possible until closing Eclipse. The directory is not listed in any project list/tree in eclipse like the package explorer, but the directory exists on the disk.
The same repository X still works in every of the other configurations I have. How can I reset these "transactions" in order to repair this? I really would like to avoid completely reinstalling Eclipse or even Windows.
I istalled TortoiseSVN (x64), which perfectly fits to the SVN service version. Same problem.
First, try:
Right-click the project -> Team -> Cleanup.
If that didn't help:
Restart Eclipse -> Team -> Cleanup
I got the same error in my case but in different situation, I was working on the shared folder using both Eclipse and Tortoise SVN, and Eclipse was not able to clean up or do any commit, so I tried to close Eclipse and do clean up from outside using tortoise. it worked.
I finally got it: creating the files "con.cpp" and "con.h" from the project had apparently been rejected by Windows. As far as I remember, "con" is kind of a reserved command or sub command in Windows. Renaming it to something else right in the repository solved the problem.
When you are performing any team operations in eclipse ( such as
commit, update, replace ) and if you cancel the operation in between.
The files involved in the operation are locked.
This is one of the possibilities for the error to appear.
To resolve this in Eclipse.
Right Click on the project -> Team -> Cleanup
If the above process doesn't work
Restart eclipse -> Right Click on the project -> Team -> Cleanup
If this didn't resolve the issue.
Remove these locks explicitly.
Install svn if you haven't installed.
sudo apt-get install subversion
Then clean the project folder.
svn cleanup /path/to/working-copy
Get Tortise SVN from this link.
After installing, Right-click on the project folder which is linked to SVN.
There will be an option do SVN cleanup. Click on it. It takes some time to clean up.
Then you are good to go.
This solution worked for me.
i had an error also on the command 'cleanup' on a project, and restarting the eclipse didn't solve.
i had to disconnect the project from svn and re-connect later
I had the same issue, unfortunately, the issue with the device storage running out of memory.
Free up the memory and able to proceed further from the mentioned issue
I have Eclipse Luna with Subversive, and I had two problems to syncronize with the Repository in a Server, E170001 and E20030 (sometines one and sometimes both). My solution was:
1.- In Eclipse: go to to "Window" - "Preferences".
2.- Go to "General" - "Network Connections".
Down, at Proxy Bypass, add de IP of the server where you has the Repository of SVN.

Eclipse: The project was not built since the source file ... could not be read

When compiling my Java project, I get this error in Other errors:
Description Resource Path Location Type
The project was not built since the source file /PROJECT/src/main/org/../ could not be read PROJECT Unknown Java Problem
Indeed, the file is listed in Package Explorer but shows only "Error retrieving content description. On the file system, the silent dir exists but not the file; git status is missing nothing. How do I resolve that compile error?
Simply restart eclipse, refresh all projects and do a clean build. That should fix it. Don't forget the eclipse restart, else no matter how many times you do a clean build or refresh, it will not fix the problem
Looks like someone has deleted that file but eclipse still think that file is part of the project. Might have happened when someone deleted a file from the source control in an improper way.
If you dont have pending changes then you can get fresh copy of the project and import it into your workspace.
If you have pending changes then take a copy of changes and repeat above step. ( A restart of eclipse may be necessary)
It can be related to missing location
Select File => properties => Resource => Edit file location.
I know the answer is accepted but in my case that solution didn't work for me, I had restored files from a backup to my local project in linux and the files I restored were owned by root with only the owner being able to read/write the files. SO, I sudo chowned the files "sudo chown _R myUser:myUser *" at the base of my project, refreshed in Eclipse (f5) and the annoying repeated failure of my build was a thing of the past.
If you are writing Maven projects, try right click on the project and select [Maven] -> [Update Project...]
It works for me.
For me there was a different solution than mentioned here.
I was doing a no-no, I imported a project that had a .project file, and there was some errors in the way my version of eclipse was reading some of the files. The package names and files had a little ! symbol with a yellow background.
The solution was to delete the packages. Obviously make a backup. But in doing this most times the files nor the packages were deleted. Instead eclipse refreshed and the desired files were there. Sometimes I had to hit refresh (F5), and sometimes I had to restore files.
I found it best to delete the packages as that is where eclipse was having reading the data.
If the missing file is still mentioned in the Linked Resources, no refresh and restart of Eclipse will ever solve the problem. You have to delete the file in the Project Properties Linked Resources list.
For anyone using VS Code with the RedHat Java plugins (which use Eclipse tooling under the hood), I got this error as well. I fixed with the following:
# Quit VS Code
rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/Code/User/workspaceStorage/*
# Reopen VS Code
As all others said, it is most probably an issue with the internal caches of Eclipse.
I usually restart the IDE with the additional -clean option to wipe out the OSGi-related caches, then clean and rebuild all the projects.
If the problem persists, I realized that cleaning up the single affecting project works better that cleaning up the whole workspace. (Ominous... XD)
This usually happens to me when merging changes that imply renaming or deletion of source files, prior to launching Eclipse.

Subclipse complains "Path is not a working copy" after moving workspace

I recently moved my Eclipse workspace directory and now Subclipse complains every time I open a file, dumping to the console something like:
Path is not a working copy directory
svn: '[original (pre-move) directory path]' is not a working copy
No such file or directory
This also happens when I explicitly try to view the history of a file. This persists across SVN cleanups, closing and re-opening Eclipse, etc.
Update, checkin, checkout and so on all seem to work fine, and Tortoise doesn't complain at all, so clearly it's not the SVN metadata that's screwed up, it's some Subclipse-specific metadata. Can anyone tell me how to blow this broken metadata away?
Edited to add: "Team > Disconnect" followed by "Team > Share" doesn't solve the problem.
Edited again to add: I've grepped through the whole .metadata directory and one of the project directories for a unique element of the old path and can't find it anywhere except in .metadata/.log (the error message itself) and some old Findbugs warnings. Very nice.
You need to delete the .syncinfo files. This is easily done (in most cases) by closing and opening Eclipse, however you can also do so manually as in the following:
To delete the cache, close Eclipse. The cache is stored in:
So you can just find and delete all files named .syncinfo in
Quoted from this article:
I just did a "Team -> Cleanup" and this exact error went away! I also got this error because I moved between machines and the path wasn't the same.
Using Eclipse 3.6 and the Subversion 1.6 plugin.
Update in 2016: Still works perfectly with Eclipse 4.5.2 and Subclipse 1.10.
Edited to add: Nope, spoke too soon. This doesn't fix it. Some files just seem not to exhibit the problem.
The following seems to solve the problem:
Team > Disconnect.
Quit Eclipse.
Blow away .metadata/.plugins/org.tigris.subversion.subclipse.*.
Restart Eclipse.
Team > Share.
Not sure how the old path was actually being stored in the plugin prefs, but it must have been in there somehwere. It's kind of pathetic of Subclipse to store absolute paths, but apparently it is.
There's a bug filed on this, or at least on the same error message. No context. Fifty cents says it gets rejected.
I'm sure there are many causes with different solutions, but I found the one that worked for me at Dan Wilson's blog. Simply remove the offending folders from the workspace (probably saving them if they have new content), update (letting Subversion recreate the folders), then move the contents back into the fresh folders in your workspace.
I got the error when I tried to rename a class by changing the case from DAO to Dao in Eclipse.
I had to rename it to something like Dao2 and then was able to rename it to Dao.
What worked for me:
Do a "refactor - rename" on the project => after that do it again to rename it back to the original name.
I was having the same error message using subclipse with javahl on a project that is out of the workspace directory. Changing to svnKit has resolved my problem.
Hard to say without further information.
Did you move the whole workspace or just the content?
Also, you can try creating new workspace from scratch and check out the whole project again.
Alternatively, you may try deleting the .metadata directory and relink the project again using File -> import -> existing project into workspace and then relink the SVN data through Team -> Share projects (with an 's'), or maybe just do this last bit after first disconnecting the project from SVN.
Right click the project folder : Team -> Update to Head
This will bring back the directory. Delete it again and Commit
In my case I had the folders of the projects in the Project Explorer and just had to reopen the project
For me, this error message was caused by an out-of-date installation of Subclipse, and the underlying SVNKit and JahaHL libraries. I have been using TortoiseSVN outside of Eclipse to manage my project directories, and my recent upgrade to the 1.8.x series of (Tortoise)SVN tools broke my working copies for Subclipse.
All I had to do to fix, was go to Help->"Install New Software..." and click "Add..." to add a new update site. I picked the latest update site for the latest release on and upgraded Subclipse from there.
Then all my existing projects just worked, and I could reconnect to the one I had already tried disconnecting from without problems.
I have the same problem
I had a new project, added it to SVN. Then everything works as normal, until I try and refactor-rename any java file, I get:
move D:/dev/sk_ws/ge-parent/ge-core/src/main/java/com/skillkash/ge/beans/ D:/dev/sk_ws/ge-parent/ge-core/src/main/java/com/skillkash/ge/beans/
Path is not a working copy directory
svn: Path 'D:\dev\sk_ws\ge-parent\ge-core\src\main\java\com\skillkash\ge\beans\' is not a directory
Now the SVN URL is:
and the repository root is:
Obviously just sharing the project then trying to move a file using subclipe does not work - it must be a bug. I have to do all my refactoring outside eclipse, and hand edit all the files which are affected.
checkout the whole project to a temp dir, then I copied the first level .svn directory and replaced my working copy .svn folder with this.
It woks for me.
I had added a png file to my project, but I got this error trying to rename or delete it. Cleaning and refreshing the project didn't do anything.
I went into the svn Team Synchronizing perspective, right clicked on the file and deleted it. That solved my problem.
Right click on the project and select Teams -> Switch to another Branch/Tag/Revision.
Select the appropriate Branch/Tag/Revision that the project should be tied to and click OK.
Give Eclipse some time to process the changes.
Restart Eclipse for the changes to take affect.
I just got this error when I was trying to update some .java files. The problem was I was trying to update the files but the folder that contains that files didn't exist in the path so when I sync and update the folder it works at the first try.
So, dont try to sync files, try to sync the folder.
Sometime ago I had a similar issue. Seems that Subclipse (or Eclipse) stores the absolute path of your working copies. The cleanest solution is to export again your repository to the new path.
If you have non-committed code, then you can copy it on top of the clean export (without the .svn folder)
I too had this issue and I simply deleted the project from the workspace (leaving the files on the files system in tact).
I then imported an svn project into the workspace.
Import->SVN->Checkout Project From SVN.
I used my existing repository location to pull the files in.
This issue was caused when I changed Eclipse editions and used a Subclipse plug-in that was a version ahead of what I should have used.
I uninstalled the newer version and installed the correct older version and all worked well.

How to change subversion settings in xcode?

I've had subversion running in Xcode for a while. The integration of subversion has always hung by a thread. However my subversion server has changed its ip address ... and my xcode project still tries to look up the source on the old ip.
I have changed the ip of the subversion server via the SCM menu in xcode ... however these changes don't seem to effect the project.
Anyone got any idea how I change the subversion ip in the project?
I've run into a similar issue when relocating a Subversion repository would be completely ignored by XCode.
Here's a list of steps I've taken in order to force Xcode to update the repository path in my project:
Open up Terminal and go to your XCode project directory:
$ cd /path/to/your/project
Switch the Subversion working copy to the new URL (in the example below I also changed the SVN protocol but this is irrelevant):
$ svn switch --relocate svn://old_path svn+ssh://new_path
Fire up XCode, close your project's window and open up Organizer (⇧⌘2)
Go to the Projects tab, locate your project in the list on the left, right-click it and click Remove from Organizer...
Close XCode and open up your .xcodeproj XCode project file again.
You should now see an updated SVN path under the Location heading under Source Control in the File inspector (the Utilities panel).
If you go to Organizer, you should also see the project back in its place under the Projects tab and a new item under the Repositories tab.
The environment I've tested this solution in: Mac OS X Mountain Lion + XCode 4.4.1
You need to use the --relocate option for the svn switch command if you are just changing hostnames or ip addresses.
So, something like this:
svn sw --relocate svn://brian# svn://brian#
It's not Xcode, it's svn itself that still looks to the old reposotory. Try firing up a terminal, and cd'ing into the project directory. There use the switch svn command:
svn switch NewURL
then refresh or close/open the Xcode project.
Try creating a new SCM repository and setting your project to the new one, and if that works, you can safely delete the old one.
I had similar problems when the dns name for my svn server changed (but keeping the same IP)
svn sw --relocate worked for me (from terminal on a mac). After the change, go to "Refresh entire project" from the SCM menu in xcode.
Good idea to do an svn info first though to check your repo URL. On my first attempt I entered the wrong FROM URL and the svn sw --relocate just does nothing, with no error reported.
The confusing thing in xcode was the the SCM - repositories browser worked fine after I updated the svn settings in xcode preferences, but my project was not fixed until after the --relocate business.