little 'x' in textfield input on the iphone in mobileSafari? - iphone

I have been looking everywhere for this without any luck. If you go to on the iphone when you focus in on the search field a little 'x' appears all the way in the right and if you touch it it clears the current value of the field. Anybody know how to accomplish this?

I used the develop menu in Safari and changed the user agent to iPhone. Viewing the source on Google, it looks like they've set their html up like this:
<div class="gp2">
<input class="gp7" id="query" type="text" name="q" size="30" maxlength="2048" autocorrect="off" autocomplete="off" />
<a class="clear" id="clearQuery" href="#">
<img src="%2FAMDAwAAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw%3D%3D" alt="" />
and are using this javascript:
function initClearQueryLink(query,clearQuery){
function _handleClearQueryLink(){
var query=document.getElementById("query");
var clearQuery=document.getElementById("clearQuery");
} else{"none";"hidden"
function clearQueryBox(event){
var query=document.getElementById("query");
var clearQuery=document.getElementById("clearQuery");

This is a special type of input developed by Apple and not approved by the W3C. If you use it, it works fine on browsers that don't recognize it.
<input type="search" name="q" />
There are other parameters, including domain name and search results so the user can use their search history. Google for how to use those.

The trick is to listen for/bind event on mousedown that way the click event never fires and your input element doesn't lose focus. As in the google example above.

A really good resource for iPhone web development is iphonewebdev.
However it seems like this particular feature is not part of Apple's API (at least from my research), rather a pure javascript / css implementation.
You can re-create it with something like this:
window.onload = function() {
var btn = document.getElementById("clear_input");
btn.onclick = function() {
var div = btn.parentNode;
var input = div.getElementsByTagName("input")[0];
input.value = "";
return false;
<input type="text" />X
You should style the X to be an image so that it blends inside the input. And of course I strongly recommend using a JavaScript framework if you can.

Jquery mobile provides this:

And this is my jQuery version, it hides it at the start, and if the user deletes what is typed it will remove the 'x'. Also when they have removed the text with the button it will hide the 'x' too.
<input type="search" name="search" id="search" />
$('#search').keyup(function() {
var search = $(this).val().replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");
if (search.length >= 1) {
} else {
$('.clear_input').click(function() {
The JavaScript version is faster than the jQuery version of course.


How to scroll to error in form?

I have just started using AngularJS, I would like to know this approach to scroll the page to the first input with an error when I submit a form.
Here is the way with jQuery :
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $("--- #ID OF THE FIRST INPUT WITH ERROR ---").offset().top
}, 2000);
How to do this in Angular ?
<form class="form" novalidate>
<input type="text" class="nom-du-projet" ng-model="fields.nom" required />
<p ng-show="fields.nom.$invalid && !fields.nom.$pristine">The name is required.</p>
<input type="text" ng-model="fields.cible" />
<button type="submit" ng-click="submit(fields)">Add</button>
$scope.submit = function(fields){
.post('/xxxx', fields)
.success(function(response) {
// success
.error(function(response) {
// scroll to field error
You could use the $anchorScroll service.
Or you could just use:
$window.scrollTo //you could even get bold and user window.scrollTo
There are a couple plugins out there that say they can do it.. but I unfortunately have not vetted them so I can't recommend any.
You could try something like this:
//scroll to an anchor by ID
$scope.scrollToAnchor = function (anchor) {
if (anchor !== null) {
//use above function
//or any ID
I have a written a angularJS directive for the same purpose, you can include the directive as bower component and use this functionality without having to write any extra code for any form in your application. Please do let me know, if any improvements or corrections/enhancements are needed for the directive.

Backbone.js and form input blur

I am pretty much a backbonejs newbie. I am submitting form data to mysql.
I have one special input box where the use types in his or her email address as a user name.
As it stands, I can check all my input fields (user, pass, address, phone, etc) client
side, use an event on a button, load the model, use PHP to put the data into the db.
This works just fine and is tested. The backend validation works fine and feeds to
the browser when necessary.
Now I want to check the loginname field against the back end BEFORE writing the record (I know I can trap this on the back end in the final submit but want to do it here). If the user already has an account with the same email address I want to catch that client side. The issue is I can't seem to find a way to capture this blur (or onblur or change whatever I use) when I move off the loginname field so I can (in the render of the view is all I can figure) go off, use PHP again and send back a flag "new" or "existing"
No errors in Google developer tool
], function($, _, Backbone, jQueryMigrate, RegisterModel, RegisterTemplate,
MaskedInput,Ack, jqAck){
var RegisterView = Backbone.View.extend({
el: $("#container"),
events: {
'click .btn-primary': 'saveClient',
'focusout .loginname': 'usercheck'
usercheck: function() { //** not working
console.log("usercheck detected");
alert("Alerts suck.");
render: function(){
//Since our template has dynamic variables in it, we need to compile it
var compiledTemplate = _.template( RegisterTemplate, this.model );
this.$el.html(compiledTemplate); //Replaces EVERYTHING inside the <div
this.$('#phone').mask('(999) 999-9999');
this.$('#phone2').mask('(999) 999-9999');
$(function () { //** working
$('.loginname').live("click", function () { //** not working
$().acknowledgeinput({ // ** this works fine
success_color: '#00FF00',
danger_color: '#FF0000',
update_on: 'keyup'
** I looked in Chrome at the blur event for the input with name/id = loginname
HTML I did look at the blur for the elmement with id (Chrome says it's input#loginname)
does have the blur event attached to it. I changed my code a bit, but still it doesn't seem to trigger. I never know with backbone if it's just something simple or one of those
"this and scope" issues :)
<div id="container" class="row-fluid">
<div class="span6">
<div class="requiredNotice"><i class="icon-warning-sign icon-red"></i> Can't
be blank!</div>
<h3>New Client Registration:</h3>
<form class="form-horizontal" method="POST">
<div class="control-group">
<label class="control-label required" for="loginname">UserID (Email
<div class="controls">
<div class="input-prepend" data-role="acknowledge-input">
<div data-role="acknowledgement"><i></i></div>
<input type="email" data-type="email" required="required"
placeholder="Use email account"
maxlength="254" name="loginname" id="loginname"
class="inputclass pageRequired
input-xlarge" />
<span class="loginname_error label label-info hide"></span>
</div> ... etc
events: {
'click .btn-primary' : 'saveClient',
'focusout #input.loginname' : 'userCheck'
// "blur input.loginname" : "userCheck"
userCheck: function(e) {
console.log("usercheck detected");
alert("Alerts suck.");
.live is not needed here, there is nothing wrong with your event hash as well. There could be some thing wrong with template. I did just isolate the input field and focusout event in this jsfiddle it's working fine.
<script type="text/template" id="formtemplate">
<input type="text" class="loginname" value="" placeholder="enter login"/>
var View = Backbone.View.extend({
'focusout .loginname':'checkUser'
alert('checkUser'); //works well
var view = new View();
Okay - you said to tie this to blur, and this format finally worked!
'blur input#loginname' : 'userCheck'
events: {
'click .btn-primary' : 'saveClient',
'blur input#loginname' : 'userCheck'
userCheck: function(e) {
console.log("usercheck detected");
alert("Alerts suck.");
The console is not showing up, but at least I'm trapping the blur now! Thanks eveyone.

AngularJS ng-submit not working with PhoneGap iOS app

I'm trying to use the native keyboard "Go" button in my login form in a PhoneGap iOS app made with AngularJS, when the user click on the "Go" button i want to launch the "connect()" function of my controller. the "ng-submit" directive is not working :
<form ng-submit="connect(mail,password);" >
<input iscroll-bug type="mail" ng-model="mail" placeholder="E-mail">
<input iscroll-bug id='password' type="password" ng-model="password" placeholder="Mot de passe" >
<div ng-hide='loader' class="yellow_btn" ng-click="connect(mail,password);" ><p>Se connecter</p></div>
<img style='width:30px;' class='center' ng-show='loader' src='img/ajax-loader.gif' /><br/>
I think maybe the solution is in create a new Directive to force the action of the "onSubmit" event, i tried something like this :
// Other directive i Have
.directive('submitForm', function ($timeout, callbackOnSubmit) {
return {
link : function(scope, element, attrs) {
element.submit(function () {
and use it like this :
<form submitForm="connect(mail,password)" >
Not working so I'm probably getting it wrong in my directive, is anyone already have this similar issues and solve it ?
I had a <input type="submit"> with a display:none style, when i display it, it's working so just use visibility:hidden and it's working just fine with the native keyboard "go" button and ng-submit

Submit the value of a <p> element when an html form is submitted

I have this code: <p class = "foo">Text</p>
And I also have a form: <form action = "XXX.php" method = post></form>
However, how can I get the value of the <p> when I submit it, as the <p> element can be changed.
So what I mean is to be able to post the value of the <p> when the user submits the form, and to be able to access it from that php file with: $_POST['foo'];
Thanks, I have tried to be as clear as possible.
You have to use Javascript for that
A jQuery function that will work
var value = $("p").html();
// If foo already exists
if( $("[name=foo]").length > 0 )
var input = $("<input />", { name : "foo",
value : value ,
type : "hidden" });
<input type="hidden" value="something" name="something" id="something" />
and when you change inner html of <p> change the value of hidden input.
I think your best bet is to make it an input with readonly enabled, and style to to look like a <p>. It's better then trying to add it to the POST parameters with JavaScript.
Here's a quick example. I bet it could still be improved with a few extra CSS quirks, experiment a bit.
The easiest thing to do is set the value of a hidden form field when you change the contents of your <p>.
Alternatively, you can get its contents and post with JavaScript.
For text you need to use input field:
<input type="text"/>
Form fields should must have an id:
<input type="text" id="pewpew" class="foo"/>
I would go with:
<input type="text" id="pewpew" class="foo" value="default text goes here"/>
Go with different workarounds, like setting form's hidden elements on the fly, etc.
You can create hidden field on the fly and set its value on form submit. Like this:
<form id="form" action="/somewhere" method="post">
<p>Some text</p>
<input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
<script type="text/javascript">
var form = document.getElementById('form');
form.onsubmit = function()
var p = this.getElementsByTagName('p')[0];
if (!document.getElementById('pval'))
var pinput = document.createElement('input');
pinput.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
pinput.setAttribute('id', 'pval');
pinput.setAttribute('name', 'p');
document.getElementById('pval').value = p.innerHTML;
return true;
Works, i've tested.

Iphone Development - How to display a numeric keyboard?

I'm working on a mobile website which is NOT a native iPhone app but rather a simple website which is developed in c# .
Objective :
On clicking one of the text boxes how do I display the numeric keyboard only ?
Note : The website is NOT in HTML5 and is not part of a webview inside a Native app but rather a standalone regular website
My textbox is a regular text box :
<asp:TextBox runat="server" CssClass="reference_input" Text="1234567" />
EDIT: I found here that you can use
<input type="text" pattern="[0-9]*" />
to tell mobile safari to set the numeric keyboard as default, without needing to specify the telephone keyboard.
EDIT 2 (from comments below): You can also use javascript to force numeric input as so:
<input type="text" pattern="[0-9]*" onKeypress="if(event.keyCode < 48 || event.keyCode > 57){return false;}" />
If you use type="tel" instead of type="text" it will bring up a numeric keyboard.
For Salesforce (not HTML input type='number'), below java-script should make the iPad, iPhone numeric keypad defaultly appear. (This solution should work for control as well)
<apex:page standardController="Account" >
<script type="text/javascript">
function addLoadEvent(func)
var oldonload = window.onload;
if (typeof window.onload != 'function')
window.onload = func;
window.onload = function()
if (oldonload)
var ctl = document.getElementById('{!$Component.frm.txtNumeric}');
type = document.createAttribute("type");
type.nodeValue = "number";
<apex:form id="frm" >
This is a numeric input <apex:inputfield id="txtNumeric" value="{!}" style="width:200px;" />