Text to speech on iPhone [closed] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
Is there any way we can convert text to speech in an iPhone app?
Is it possible using the SDK?

The Flite speech synthesis engine can be run on an iPhone, ref http://artofsystems.blogspot.com/2009/02/speech-synthesis-on-iphone-with-flite.html

I don't think iPhone SDK provides any TTS facility internally. You should use a third party TTS engine or write one yourself.

OpenEars also does text-to-speech on the iPhone (note: I'm the developer).

I'm probably bumping a dead thread but the Flite text-to-speech engine worked wonders for me!
Hope it helps!

Here's another text to speech:
You need to download it and install as an API
then you can use it like that :
[fliteEngine speakText:#"Hi there"]; // Make it talk
[fliteEngine setPitch:90.0 variance:50.0 speed:0.9]; // Change the voice properties
[fliteEngine setVoice:#"cmu_us_awb"]; // Switch to a different voice
[fliteEngine stopTalking]; // stop talking
Pretty easy to use once you installed it as an API correctly.

I wrote a wrapper around pocket sphinx and flite, you should be able to check it out pretty quickly.

The Tomsoft engine is only slow with the custom voices. I'm not sure why. But if you remove the other voices and just the integrated basic KAL voice it will speak almost instanteously. Please send me an email using the contact form on my website if you need any help with this.

for text to sound files I just found these will researching above files
IVONA also has IPhone SDK

Hoya VoiceText is the original provider of the TTS engine. Most of the commercial companies in US create a wrapper around VocieText and resell it.
This was developed by Pentax (LG's spinoff - Korean) which got bought by Hoya (a huge Japanese firm).
Visit here to send a request for the TTS engine:
Use google translate for English website.
Hoya is based in Japan, but they own NeoSpeech, which is their US provider of the VoiceText Engine. Check out their website for demos.


What is required to develop iPhone games? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
I'm new in iPhone programming but I have a good grounding in Java and I'm starting to understand how Objective-C works.
I'd like to start developing iOs games.
Do I need to study Open-GL?
Even for 2D games (like Angry Birds, Cut The Rope, Doodle Jump or Tiny Wings)?
What do I need to learn to switch from simple UI apps (with buttons, sliders, labels etc.) to real games?
First off, you need a developer account with Apple to publish games on the iPhone app store.
Second, you probably aren't going to be using Objective-C all that much for games programming. Its runtime binding just doesn't compare to the speed of C or C++ method calls.
For any cross-platform game development (probably iPhone + Android) you will need OpenGL. OpenGL also happens to be the only way to make hardware-accelerated 3D games on either of these platforms.
My recommendation would be to learn OpenGL for iPhone games development. This has the added advantage of allowing you to write games for most other mobile platforms as well with minimal additional learning.
You could of course use Apple's own 2D APIs for game development, but I wouldn't recommend it for the reasons previously stated.
Games programming is an entirely different animal from applications development. I'd suggest starting simple.
Happy games programming! Its my favorite development field.
Edit: I realized I made OpenGL seem as if it is exclusively used for 2D games development, which isn't true at all. OpenGL is well-suited to 2D as well as 3D games development, although the majority of its material is focused on 3D programming. 2D programming with OpenGL is effectively setting the Z coordinate to 0.
if your interested in making 3D games, check out Unity3D for iOS
Angry Birds was developed around the Box2D engine
.. and anecdotal wise the game developers didn't give the engine makers credit. (so don't make the same mistake when developing your game! :)
You don't need to know OpenGL at all. There are some really nice engine options, such as my company's BatteryTech Engine which you simply say what you want to draw and where you want to draw it, what sound to play, etc in Lua (which is super easy) and you also deploy on Android and others. There are a bunch of other options too but this is the one I prefer, though I am of course biased :)
The others are right - you need an iOS Developer account and you still need to understand the basic structure of an XCode project and how Apple does things no matter what solution you use. I've published over a dozen games over the past 4 years so Let me know if you have any questions and I'll be happy to answer.
Good luck!
Cut the Rope is actually created with HTML5/CSS3/Js...using the 'canvas' element...
I'm interested in creating games like Cut the Rope too. You need to know how to create Sprite animations though, which are used with Css3's #keyframe property.
But Unity3D seems to be the best choice to develop 3D games on iOS and Android.
If you know any 3D graphics application like Maya or Blender you can create your very own 3D game by importing assets into unity... such an example here... http://www.eatsheep.com/
In both the cases you need work with a 2D Game Artist and 3D modeler respectively, where as you can handle the development.
good luck with that.

Speech to text Conversion Language Model? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Speech to text API for iphone?
I am working on an application which need speech to text conversion feature. I am going to hit a radio feed url and audio coming from there would be converted to text.
After so much time spent on google I could not find good sources. I came to know about OpenEars. It needs Language model. Can some one tell from where i can get language model any free or paid source.?
Try Sphinx. As I remember they have the language model for speech recognition.

speech to text application in iOS? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
iPhone App › Add voice recognition? [closed]
(4 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
i am going to start a speech to text app in iphone and i need a start up for this can i have some open source or else to start with.
and i also need to know how to make speech to text more accurate almost upto 80% accuracy the list of helpful libraries and helpful examples are welcome ,
thanx in advance
Here is the Cocoa class for speech recognition.
Also, O'Reilly has some interesting things to say about working with speech on Mac OS 10.
Finally, there was a similar post here:
iPhone App › Add voice recognition?
As far as libraries go, I'm not sure you will find many specifically for iOS. However, check out libraries like CMU Sphinx and Julius. This will at least get you started in looking at how speech is it produced and perceived.
Good luck with your project. That sounds like a really fun idea!
I have founded some links which help for speech to text convertion
speech to text SDK (not free)
opensource SDK
opensource API

Interaction with google voice recognition in iPhone? Possible?

Plz, go Through my Previous question?
Voice Recognition in iPhone?
Ok Now my Current question is as below.
It seems very hard to build my own voice recognition code - in iPhone.
Is it possible to use google's voice recognition in our software,
like when user wants to search a student by voice
=>voice is recorded & searched by google
=>& it respond to my application,
ok. I understand my question is quite confusing.
However plz leave comment for me for correction.
Thanks in advance for helping me out.
Google's iPhone app does not do voice recognition on the phone, it records the audio, and then sends it to Google's servers which do the analysis. Some day Google may make webservices available to allow you to send generic clips and get back search results, but to my knowledge they do not provide anything like that at this time.
Since Google does not provide any API for their Voice Recognition the answer would seem to be no.

Are there any game engines for iPhone? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
Are there any game engines for iPhone?
Yes. A quick google search shows:
Oolong Engine
And others.
The two most popular are probably Oolong and SIO2 but for what it's worth, I recommend you do something like this:
Sound: use CAF files and apple's own SoundEngine OpenAL wrapper class from the samples (beware, there are memory leaks in the example code you'll need to plug)
Models: use this wavefront OBJ loader for obj and mtl files exported directly from Blender or Max
Textures: use Apple's own Texture2D class from the samples (bmp will work, but I recommend png because of the platform optimizations)
'Engine' is really just the classes that glue this stuff together. This guy's doxygen seems kind of "textbook". This guy also has a decent example UML too (IMHO).
Personally I think it's all so subjective, you really should write this stuff yourself because it should be architected for the way you need it, not just something written that tries to be everything to everybody.
FYI, our team decided to do everything in Objective-C++, where the core of the game is written in C++ and there is a thin layer of Objective-C on top of it that glues the code to the UI widgets and such things.
Check out the Airplay SDK which is a C++ cross-platform game SDK for iOS, Android, and 6 more mobile OSes. The code is compiled into native ARM binary. You even don't need a Mac to create and deploy your app, and there is a nice license for indies.
I have also heard of the Esenthel engine, which is a Windows/Mac engine that also supports iOS, according to their website. Looks like a one-man project though.
There is an iPhone version of the Torque Game Engine.
There is also:
The SIO2 Game Engine
The best way to do this is to use Cocos2d or role your own code. The apple sdk does not permit for third party sdk's and you would want to take advantage of the full resources of objective c in xcode anyway. Learn objective c it is not hard and it is getting miserable listening to all the web and javascripters out there trying to find an easy way when it couldn't be easier then Apples own tools.
Cocos2d is a great one. I have used it frequently and it provide all what you need.