Resizing images on iPhone for UITableView image - iphone

I'm using a sectioned TableView, and I want to show an image on the left side of the cell.
If I pick one from the photo library (out of the example photos in simulator) and set it as UITableViewCell.imageView.image, it takes up the whole screen.
How can I resize the image so that it fits exactly into the cell's image view?

This is basically the same question as How to scale a UIImageView proportionally ?, which has a good answer.
Add that category to your project and call it with the size of your view. I've used the code and it works well.


How do I blur (ios7 style) a section of an image in a UITableViewCell?

I've got a UIImageView that takes up the whole cell and shows an image. I'd like to blur the bottom third of the view in the iOS7 style (we're targeting iOS7). There will be a label over the blurred part.
The issue seems to be that I can't "screenshot" the UIImageView right as I am setting up the cell in tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: as it hasn't loaded yet. Although i've even tried setting up a timer for a 0.1 second delay and that also doesn't work.
I've tried the stuff on
I've tried
I'd like to use the new screenshotting API drawViewHierarchyInRect:afterScreenUpdates:
I'd also like to use apple's sample code UIImage+ImageEffects
The only thing that has worked so far has been to just put a UIToolbar in but the performance is really slow. I don't need dynamic updates.
I've managed to get the following effect a few times but it has just tinted the view and hasn't actually blurred anything so I'm a bit confused.
Use UIImageEffects sample from apple
Make a Image View with a size of the lower portion you want to blur... and then set its image to a blurred one. also set its content mode to UIViewContentModeBottom for the proper clipping
Since your image isnt the size of the cell.. first get a temp image as it is being displayed in the cell by drawing a UIImage from it.. refer for the code here
How to capture UIView to UIImage without loss of quality on retina display
then blur that image
Load this image into a UIImage, blur the image, clip to fit the area that you want. Use UIImage+blur.h

iOS: How to display multiple images dynamiclly in imageview?

Hi I am new to iPhone.
What I need is, have to display only one image in one case, two images in another case like wise and for that I am using a UIImageview with IBOutlet.
How can I display multiple images in single imageview?
Please help me post some code.
Thank you.
An UIImageView can only display one image at a time. You will either have to use several UIImageViews or compose your images into one file before displaying it.
I think you should subviews ot type UIImageView to your main UIImageView.
The "hard" task will be to compute the boundaries of each subview, according to the prefered layout. Use the image property of UIImageView to set the image for each subview (don't worry about resizing, UIImageView will do the work for you)

Setting up the (right) views in order to show an image, the details of it beneath it and enable zooming for the image

What I am trying to do is to present an image at the top of the view and beneath it to show the details of it.
By now I am using a UITableView and a UIImageView. The UIImageView is at the top of the View and the UITableView beneath the UIImageView. In the UIImageView I load an image and I want to let the user to pan/zoom it. In the UITableView I show in sections the details of the image. Everything works ok, but when I enable zooming in the UIImageView the image covers parts of the tableView. Moreover, I cannot scroll anymore.
What is the correct combiantion of views for achieving the above requirements?
Instead of the UIImageView I'd use a UIScrollView with the UIImageView embedded in it, this will allow you to setup pan/zoom within whatever view size you want.

how to make horizontal scroll view of images .?

i am new developer on iphone and i am working on a project. the problem i am having is that i have no idea about how to create a horizontal scroll view of images. what i want is that when i click on the table view containing image thumbs, i should view the same image in a much larger size and scroll the other images that are on the left and the right.
The class you want is UIScrollView. You can add multiple UIImageViews to a UIScrollView.
In addition to ScollingMadness recommended by luvieere, check out Apple's UIScrollView sample code which is referneced from the Xcode UIScrollView documentation.

Question about using landscape mode with custom images on the iPhone/iPad

Hey I just had a simple question about implementing landscape mode for an app, particularly running on the iPad (but I am sure the concept holds true for the iPhone). I have a custom background image that I am wanting to use for my root view. I designed the image so that it fits the iPad screen size for portrait mode. Do I need to design a second image for landscape mode so that it fits correctly? Is that how the landscape/portrait transition works, switching between two different images? I really don't have any idea, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
One other thing to think about is that the UIImage class has stretchableImageWithLeftCapWidth:topCapHeight: method to take an existing image, and build a new image that can adjust to any size by repeating only the central portion of the image and leaving the corners of the image as fixed image segments.
You can load in a fixed UIImage, generate a stretchable copy using this method, and assign it to a UIImageView - then as you resize the UIImageView due to rotation, the image will adjust as needed and not resample the image.
Assuming you have a UIImageView as your backdrop, change its image property after the device orientation changes.
See Handling View Rotations in