How Do I do Real Time Sound/Signal Processing On The iPhone? - iphone

I may be doing an iPhone-based application doing near-real-time sound-processing (filtering, etc). I was wondering the best way to get started. Would I want to create an audio cue for recording and processing sound, as described here?
I should be clear. I am not asking how to do signal processing, in general. I know some of that and my team's expert will handle the rest. I asking what the "low level" interfaces to sound data on the iphone are.
My iphone development has been pushed back a week or two so I don't have access to the deve kit right now. Once I have access to the kit, I'll mark one answer or another correct.

Sound processing is a big subject. AudioQueue will get you the raw data. Apple provides two samples that will get you started using AudioQueue: SpeakHere and AurioTouch.

I used SpeakHere as a starting point for some audio processing I wanted to do. It's relatively easy to understand, and has all the pieces to do input and output.


iPhone: Detecting a replicated sound of particular frequency (amplitude)

I am trying to write an iPhone App that should monitor the any incoming sound. I am not sure how can I get the sound recorded by iPhone's Microphone and detect its frequency. If same frequency sound repeated couple of times then I need to take some action. Could anyone please help me here. I went through the How to detect sound frequency / pitch on an iPhone? but I couldn't understood how to use them.
Any documentation or example would be really useful.
You'll appreciate reading this, on how to get the sound "without having to drop down to C", by using AVAudioRecorder...
Then, begin researching FFT...
Checkout this post about FFT for iPhone, which mentions various options, including the possibility of using Apple's Accelerate framework (in which you will need to drop to C) to apparently get "Apple-written FFT functions".
This is probably what you really want to read.

How to develop an iphone app with reverb functionality?

I am developing an iPhone application (like Audio Processing). I have to give some effect to the audios.
If it is desktop app, many options are there. We can get good examples and full project like audacity. But I want to develop for iPhone.
I got an app with reverb option; (take a look at following link). Just I watch the "video", I did not test this application in my iPhone device.
My question is; How can I develop the app with reverb functionality ? Is there any documentation for that ? If it is, just share with us.
NOTE: We can use AudioUnit to develop the app with reverb functionality (I am not clear with this.).
EDIT: I don't like to use any third party library.
If anybody having knowledge about this, please share with us.
if yourre targeting ios5 you can just the audio unit subtype kAudioUnitSubType_Reverb2 of the effect audio unit.
reverb unit
AudioComponentDescription auEffectUnitDescription;
auEffectUnitDescription.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Effect;
auEffectUnitDescription.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_Reverb2;
auEffectUnitDescription.componentManufacturer = kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple;
Failing that you could just write your own reverb code in the remoteio callback. A simple delay might be easier to do and would sound similar.
iOS 5.0 brings native OpenAL support, so it is now much easier - you don't have to code the algorithm yourself. It also bring support for a variety of reverb spaces:
Small Room
Medium Room
Large Room (2 configurations)
Medium Hall (3 configurations)
Large Hall (2 configurations)
Medium Chamber
Large Chamber
I suggest that you try the ObjectAL wrapper which already has a great support for the reverb effect:
Grab the source from this repository, load "ObjectAL.xcodeproj" and run the ObjectALDemo target on any iOS 5.0 device (should also work on the simulator). This will give you a good starting point and feeling of what the reverb effect is capable of.
If you still don't to use any 3rd party library, you can just grab the relevant pieces from ObjectAL. Look for the reverb-related code in the following source files (and their corresponding headers):
Good luck with your project!
AUs are a good place to start.
write your own reverb AU which contains a reverb implementation. there are tons of ways to implement a reverb. a medium/long convolution reverb is much to ask from a phone, but something such as a FDN (feedback delay network) will not require a lot of memory or CPU.
both implementations are easy to implement, if you're familiar with audio programming and optimization. the tough part is actually making one that sounds very good and performs well.
if you're unable to write optimal low level code or you do not (presently) understand basic audio signal processing, then you'll have a few obstacles to overcome -- it may be a long road in that case.
Searching the iOS documentation for "reverb" produces a link to the Core Audio Overview, which references reverb as an "effect unit." Perhaps that's worth further study?
No good, I have attempted the audio unit approach and even though it is in the documentation it is "not" implemented yet by the apple engineers. Each time you call the function to set the reverb property you will only get failure status code. You would have to implement your own reverb effect. Try reading some DSP book and you might find a clue.
you need to learn some DSP-level coding, the DSP cookbook book is okay and there are others out there. But basically you need to be comfortable with handling audio signal in the frequency domain and things such as FFT's. Once you have that, implementing a reverb filter should be straight-forward.
This is an answer I've given before, but I believe it is relevant here. I am going to agree with the others and say that you are going to have to become a bit more familiar with core-audio if you want to do this properly.
I highly recommend this core-audio book. It will teach what you need to do this right and will save you a lot of frustration.
The chapter on audio effects has not been published yet, but if it is anything like the rest of the book it's worth the wait.
You will most likely need to do this with an audio effect (which is a form of an audio unit).

How to listen to mic input and analyse in real time?

Hi unfortunately I've not been able to figure out audio on the iPhone. The best I've come close to are the AVAudioRecorder/Player classes and I know that they are no good fo audio processing.
So i'm wondering if someone would be able to explain to me how to "listen" to the iPhone's mic input in chunks of say 1024 samples, analyse the samples and do stuff. And just keep going like that until my app terminates or tells it to stop. I'm not looking to save any data, all I want is to analyse the data in real time and do stuff in real time with it.
I've attempted to try and understand apples "aurioTouch" example but it's just way too complicated for me to understand.
So can someone explain to me how I should go about this?
If you want to analyze audio input in real-time, it doesn't get a lot simpler than Apple's aurioTouch iOS sample app with source code (there is also a mirror site). You can google a bit more info on using the Audio Unit RemoteIO API for recording, but you'll still have to figure out the real-time analysis DSP portion.
The Audio Queue API is a slight bit simpler for getting input buffers of raw PCM audio data from the mic, but not much simpler, and it has a higher latency.
Added later: There's also a version of aurioTouch converted to Swift here:
AVAudioPlayer/Recorder class won't take you there if you wanna do any real time audio processing. The Audio Toolbox and Audio Unit frameworks are the way to go. Check here for apple's audio programming guide to see which framework suits your need. And believe me, these low level stuff is not easy and is poorly documented. CocoaDev has some tutorials where you can find sample codes. Also, there is an audio DSP library DIRAC I recently discovered for tempo and pitch manipulation. I haven't looked into it much but you might find it useful.
If all you want is samples with a minimum amount of processing by the OS, you probably want the Audio Queue API; see Audio Queue Services Programming Guide.
AVAudioRecorder is designed for recording to a file, and AudioUnit is more for "pluggable" audio processing (and on the Mac side of things, AU Lab is actually pretty cool).

Audio on the iPhone

I'm looking to create an app that emulates a physical instrument. I've got audio samples but I want to be able to increase the pitch/frequency dynamically so I don't have to load from too many files.
Any idea which audio API will be able to do this? I reckon either OpenAL or Audio Queue Services but am not sure which is suitable. Any links to guides/sample code is also much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I went down this road in 2009, trying Audio Toolkit, Audio Queue Services, openAL, and finally settling on the RemoteIO AudioUnit.
Audio Toolbox is fine for basic triggered sound effects, but it wasn't able to change frequencies or loop samples.
Audio Queue Services can loop samples, but the only way I could find to adjust the playback frequency of a sample was to re-read the data from the file -- very painful. Plus, the framework is tremendously cumbersome - I'd only use it if I was trying to stream something off the Internet.
OpenAL was a godsend - was up and running with it in under an hour, after getting my hands on the no-longer-available-from-Apple "CrashLanding" iPhone sample app. I found OpenAL to be ideally suited to games or even a musical instrument -- samples could be pre-loaded, adjusting the frequency was easy, and looping was no problem. The deal-breaker for me was that starting and stopping a looped sample would result in a nasty "pop" almost every time. Also the builtin 3d positional audio mixer was a bit too CPU-intensive for my liking.
If your instrument does not use looped samples, I'd suggest trying the OpenAL route first - the learning curve is much less intimidating. Try to track down "SoundEngine.h", "CrashLanding" or "TouchFighter", or check out the following link:
Since looped samples was a requirement for me, I finally settled on AudioUnits (which, on the iPhone, is referred to as "RemoteIO" if you want to do input or output). It was tremendously difficult to implement - very similar to Audio Queue Services, in that the core of your implementation will be inside a "buffer callback", being called several times per second to fill a buffer of outbound audio with raw SInt16 values.
Ultimately, I got my instrument working beautifully with multi-note polyphony, looped samples, no popping, and minimal latency.
Unfortunately, RemoteIO is not well documented. Michael Tyson was one of the first in the field to write about RemoteIO at length, and his posts (and the comments) were very useful to me:
Good luck!
Edited years later: I've open-sourced the RemoteIO/AudioUnits code I alluded to above: - apologies for the mess, I hope to get some time to clean up the code and comments.
Try creating an Audio Unit. I'm doing something similar an AU worked well for me.
Initially I used an audio queue as it was simpler (higher level?) and
synchronous, however it was lacking in responsiveness, so I dumped it for
the Audio Unit.
It sounds, a bit, like you're creating essentially the wavetable synthesis method of playing MIDI files. You might be able to find a MIDI synthesizer for the iPhone that you can use, and then use your audio samples to build a wavetable set. Anytime you'd want to play tones, you would simply send the MIDI event into the iPhone MIDI synth with your loaded wavetable set.
Another option now is AUSampler.

Streaming Audio Clips from iPhone to server

I'm wondering if there are any examples atomic examples out there for streaming audio FROM the iPhone to a server. I'm not interested in telephony or SIP style solutions, just a simple socket stream to send an audio clip, in .wav format, as it is being recorded. I haven't had much luck with the google or other obvious avenues, although there seem to be many examples of doing this the other way around.
i cant figure out how to register the unregistered account i initially posted with.
anyway, I'm not really interested in the audio format at present, just the streaming aspect. i want to take the microphone input, and stream it from the iphone to a server. i dont presently care about the transfer rate as ill initially just test from a wifi connection, not the 3g setup. the reason i cant cache it is because im interested in trying out some open source speech recognition stuffs for my undergraduate thesis. caching and then sending the recording is possible but then it takes considerably longer to get the voice data to the server. if i can start sending the data as soon as i start recording, then the response time is considerably improved because most of the data will have already reached the server by the time i let go of the record button. furthermore, if i can get this streaming functionality to work from the iphone then on the server side of things i can also start the speech recognizer as soon as the first bit of audio comes through. again this should considerably speech up the final amount of time that the transaction takes from the user perspective.
colin barrett mentions the phones and phone networks, but these are actually a pretty suboptimal solution for asr, mainly because they provide no good way to recover from errors - doing so over a voip dialogue is a horrible experience. however, the iphone and in particular the touch screen provide a great way to do that, through use of an ime or nbest lists for the other recognition candidates.
if i can figure out the basic architecture for streaming the audio, then i can start thinking about doing flac encoding or something to reduce the required transfer rate. maybe even feature extraction, although that limits the later ability to retrain the system with the recordings.