Is there any free/open source map engine for iPhone? - iphone

I have a bunch of map images and i wonder if there is any free/open source map engine that I can use for iPhone development. Just like google map api but they are for native development

I would highly recommend using OpenStreetMap as a mapping framework rather then the Google API mapping.
OpenStreetMap is less restrictive in license terms then Google maps.
You can provide better mapping data with OpenStreetMap then with Google maps using custom or predefined mapping layers.
In regards to engines (frameworks/api's) that access the OSM data. Check out the following.
If you would like to find more information on using OSM on the iPhone/iPod Touch check out the OSM iPhone Wiki
Hope this information helps.

It looks like there is, and it's called Route-me. Licensed under licensed under the BSD license.

Adding some frameworks/api's that access the OSM data, I recommend you to have a look at Navit (it's an open source projects) and skobbler's OSM SDK (it's a good solutions with a free tier plan that might be large enough for your needs).

Another possibility is - its a layer on the OSM and includes an iphone library routing toolkit etc.


How can we access our OSRM instance when creating an app in Swift?

We are running our own OSM tile server and OSRM. It is pretty straight forward to set URLs for both when accessing them in Java/Android (OSMDroid) and Web (Leaflet). Is there a comparable open source / free package or library (not Mapbox) out there for an Apple app? Or suggestion for resources to help us understand how to access our OSRM in MapKit? We can see how to add OSM tiles to MapKit, but are struggling to understand how to get routing directions from our OSRM instance. Thanks.

When I use openlayers3 to embed a map with Openstreetmap, what API of Openstreetmap is being used?

I need to use openlayers3 to embed a map in webpage, and I am using tiles from, so what API of openstreetmap am I using? The data API or the Image API of something like that?
Also, what license should I use?
OpenLayers, Leaflet and similar libraries display tiles in the background. These are just images.
The license of these tiles depends on the tile server you are using. If you are using then take a look at the OSM tile usage policy and Copyright. The latter page states:
The cartography in our map tiles, and our documentation, are licensed
under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license (CC
Note that this applies only to the tiles provided by Other tile servers will have other licenses and other tile usage policies.
Don't confuse this with raw OSM data which is licensed under Open Data Commons Open Database Lizenz (ODbL). However since you are only going to display tiles the ODbL doesn't apply to you.

Routing in osm?

As a part of my Software Development course I have to build a campus mapping mobile application which would include all the basic functionalities provided in google maps including searching,routing etc. Now in release 2 I have to implement routing.
Note: This is a completely offline application.
I have generated tiles rendered them in my application, implemented search location and present location.
Can somebody tell me how to perform routing in the map as i am in my second year and I have completely no knowledge of OSM?
Note: Also the application is to be cross platform..:)
The OSM wiki contains a lot of information about routing. You should read about OSM's basic elements and OSM tags for routing. If you get stuck at some point then take a look at one of the many online routers, offline routers and libraries, several of them are open source.

Map rendering using OpenStreetMap

Does OpenStreetMap just provide GIS data? To render maps and have a browser based UI to show maps with data, would a developer need to use something like Mapnik?
OpenStreetMap provides data yes, and you'll need specific tools to make map with them. You first need to put the data in a true GIS format, which OSM is not. Think about PostGIS, an osm2pgsql tool is designed for that. Then, you'll need a rendering tool, i.e. a cartographic engine. You can use Mapnik or MapServer. Tilemill or Kosmtik can help you designing your map styles.
Take a look here.
yo can export data form OpenStreetMap and render your own map.
Take a look at
There's a fuller list of rendering libraries for OpenStreetMap data here, both free and commercial.
Disclosure: I am the developer of one of them.
OpenStreetMap provides map data out to a wide sprawling ecosystem of different downloads and tools offering developers different map-making and map using possibilities. Here is a diagram I drew which captures some of this:
So the data comes out of the core of OpenStreetMap, in the form of 'planet downloads', one big unwieldy blob of XML (and diffs), but from there it fans out into a range of other offerings to developers, many of which are provided by 3rd parties. Taken together "OpenStreetMap & Friends" provide lots of possibilities.
If you are inclined to run your own rendering system, then yes, Mapnik is a good choice. Powerful and scaleable (most successful OSM tile servers run Mapnik), but takes a bit of setting up. You normally load OSM XML data into PostGIS, and run mapnik from that (tutorials on
If you are not inclined to run your own rendering system (for more lightweight web development tasks this seams reasonable!) you don't have to! You can configure LeafletJS or OpenLayers or others to fetch map tiles from a tile server run by somebody else. There are many providers. See the providers list on and the Tile Servers list.

Is there another way to load data in to the Bing Heat Map Creator than uploading a CSV?

I was looking at the Bing Heat Map Creator here.
It looks pretty cool, but I wanted to build something a little more dynamic with it. Unfortunately it appears as if the only way to use it is by uploading a CSV file manually. Does anyone know of another way to get the data loaded into this?
We developed the Bing Heat Map Creator, which is a Map App running on the Bing Maps platform. It is certainly possible to build similar heat mapping features in a more automated mapping application but likely would not be done as a map app due to limitations with map apps APIs. Ping me if you want to discuss further.