Mimicking the UltraGridColumnChooser's drag & drop ability - .net-2.0

(Infragistics 2008 Vol. 3, CLR 2.0)
Infragistics's UltraGrid comes with a column chooser user control, which is simply a vertical arrangement of columns with checkboxes that toggle a column's hidden state. In addition, it allows you to pick a column and drag it directly to the grid so you don't have to manually position it afterwards. (This is particularly handy when you already have a lot of visible columns and have no clue where the new one ended up.)
I'm building my own column chooser based on an UltraTree. Getting the checkboxes to behave the same wasn't an issue, but I haven't found a way to drag a column from the tree to the grid and have it accept it.
In my tree, each UltraTreeNode has a Tag with the following struct:
Private Structure DraggableGridColumn
Public NodeKey As String
Public NodeName As String
Public ParentKey As String
Public Column As UltraGridColumn
End Structure
I then have an event as follows:
Private Sub columnsTree_SelectionDragStart(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles columnsTree.SelectionDragStart
If columnsTree.SelectedNodes.Count <> 1 Then
End If
If Not TypeOf columnsTree.SelectedNodes(0).Tag Is DraggableGridColumn Then
End If
Dim column As UltraGridColumn = CType(columnsTree.SelectedNodes(0).Tag, DraggableGridColumn).Column
columnsTree.DoDragDrop(column, DragDropEffects.All)
End Sub
In the DoDragDrop call, neither column (of type UltraGridColumn) nor column.Header (of type ColumnHeader) get accepted by the grid. I assume I'm sending the wrong type, and/or that the grid expects a special struct with some additional information. Unfortunately, I've also failed to catch an event (both on the column chooser side as well as on the grid side) where Infragistics's normal column chooser does this properly; the normal drag & drop events never seem to fire.

It looks like the column would have to be an UltraTreeNode for that to work. Presumably you are putting the column data into a (derived) UltraTreeNode of some sort, so you might want to try decanting it and using that object in the DoDragDrop call.
-- MarkusQ


Unity Input field not setting value on change

I simply want to set a room name using input fields and the fact that it can pass the input through as an argument, but this does not seem to work for some reason.
here is the function that is called
here is the output in the console when typing in the field
why does it send in a blank string?
I followed this tutorial: Youtube
When you add a listener (HostGame.SetRoomName) you have two sections from which you can choose your functions: Dynamic string and Static Parameters. Your function should be in both sections:
Dynaic string - SetRoomName
Static Parameters - SetRoomName(string)
You have to choose the first one if you want to receive as parameter the input field text. The parameter in the second option is whatever you put in the field below HostGame.SetRoomName in your first image (in your case blank).
I worked around this by creating a reference to the text in "SetRoomName" it's not ideal but works
It hasn't been explained well but you want to select the top method under dynamic value. If you look at this image, you will see two methods, selecting the bottom (static) one will show the input field as you see but the top (dynamic) one (which is what you want) will show no input field.

MSAccess: Call a summation from a subform (in datasheet view) to be displayed in a textbox on the master form?

Sorry if this question is simple but I have googled and haven't found a satisfactory answer.
I'm creating an engineering cost estimator. I have a form that takes inputs as ISO/Drawing, and for each drawing number are many subforms where you can input ComponentDesc and should spit back out a TotalHours to complete number. I've included a picture (sorry for bad quality)
From the image, the table on the bottom is a subform in datasheet mode (which is usually hidden and located in the footer) which will calculate appropriate Total MH (manhours) for the ComponentDesc inputted into the subform on the right. I would like the small (and incomplete) textboxes to the left (below the title "MH Totals for ISO/Drawings") to display the aggregate total from the subform on the bottom.
I've been trying to use DSUM() to define Control Source for the textbox but it keeps coming back with #ERROR as seen in the textbox to the left. Right now what I have typed out is:
=DSum("[Total MH]","frm-PipingHandleMH")
in the expression builder. [Total MH] being my field and frm-PipingHandleMH being the subform on the bottom. I've tried to put brackets around everything but it didn't work (even though I'm not exactly sure what brackets usually do). Any advice?
DSum (and all domain aggregate functions) acts on a table or query. If you want to use that approach you need to refer to the source of that form and use a filter parameter to limit to appropriate records the I.E. if the form's datasource is qry-PipingHandles and if the form you are trying to sum on currently is showing handles for widget 4 then it would be something like:
=dsum("[Total MH]","qry-PipingHandles","[widgetID] = 4")
Note that if that 4 was the currrent state of form then you need to pass it in, so something like:
=dsum("[Total MH]","qry-PipingHandles","[widgetID] = " & [frm-PipingHandlesMH]![WidgetID].Value)
Where you reference the field in the form and append it onto the string that is applied as a filter to the source for Dsum.
Another approach is to put a subtotal in the footer of the form (iirc you don't actually need to show the footer) and then reference that footer control from the parent form.
Brackets are needed to demarcate names that include spaces or other odd characters, they also can be used (e.g. in query design view) to force Access to treat something as a name rather than a string literal.

Do I have to create a reference for each text I have in a panel, if I want to access them to modify?

I have a panel with 8 text field, 4 are used as descriptive field (what a label would do, basically), while the other 4 are modified with values.
I am creating a GameObject variable for every element that I have in the panel, using find to find the specific text element. I can leverage on the fact that each text object has only one text object attached to it, so I can address to it directly with GetComponent
panel_info = GameObject.Find("infopanel");
textfield1 = GameObject.Find("text_name");
textfield2 = GameObject.Find("text_age");
textfield3 = GameObject.Find("text_role");
textfield4 = GameObject.Find("text_field");
textfield1.GetComponent<Text>().text = "joe";
textfield2.GetComponent<Text>().text = "22";
textfield3.GetComponent<Text>().text = "striker";
textfield4.GetComponent<Text>().text = "attack";
While this works, I can't foresee myself creating 20-30 objects if a panel has more info to display.
Since I have the reference to the object Panel, is there a way to address directly the text field which is a child of the panel, using the text field name for example?
So if a panel has 4 text field, I can modify each of it addressing directly by name, and then using GetComponent<Text>().textto change the value.
You MUST NOT call GetComponent<Text>() each time you want to access/modify text.
This is an extremely basic fact about Unity.
It is immediately mentioned in the relevant manual entries.
Since you have 8 textbox and I don't know how long you update each one. It would be good if you cache all of them in the beginning of the game then use them later on without GetComponent<Text>(). This will improve performance a lot and make your frame-rate happy.
Array looks good for something like this. And you need to comment each one too.
public Text[] textBoxArray;
On the editor, Expand the "Text Box Array" and change the array Size to 8.
Now drag each GameObject with the text to the arrays in order. If you do it in order, you can easily remember their names and be able to access them in order.
For example, if the first text gameobecjt you dragged to the array is called text_name, the access it, you use textBoxArray[0]. The second text which is text_age can be accessed with textBoxArray[1]. .....
To make it easier for you later on, you should have multiple line comment that describes which array points to what.You do this so that when you return to modify your code months after, you won't have to look around in the Editor to find what points to what. For example:
textBoxArray[0] = text_name
textBoxArray[1] = text_age
textBoxArray[2] = text_role
textBoxArray[3] = text_field
No performance lost and that decreases the amount of code in your game.
Initializing the arrays by code instead of the Editor
Assuming you want to initialize the arrays by code instead of the Editor. You can do it in the start function like below.
public Text[] textBoxArray;
void Start()
//Create arrays of 8
textBoxArray = new Text[8]; //8 texts
//Cache all the Text GameObjects
textBoxArray[0] = GameObject.Find("/infopanel/text_name").GetComponent<Text>();
textBoxArray[1] = GameObject.Find("/infopanel/text_age").GetComponent<Text>();
textBoxArray[2] = GameObject.Find("/infopanel/text_role").GetComponent<Text>();
textBoxArray[3] = GameObject.Find("/infopanel/text_field").GetComponent<Text>();
You should notice that GameObject.Find() starts with "/" and that increases performance too as it will only search for Texts under "infopanel" instead of searching in the whole scene.
Assuming that your hierarchy is setup that all your TextMeshes are children of the panel, you could use the Transform.Find method to get each child, then it's TextMesh, and assign a value.
So, for example, if you wanted to assign the value "Joe" to the TextMesh attached to "text_name", which in turn is a child of "infopanel", you could do the following
panel_info = GameObject.Find("infopanel");
panel_info.transform.Find("text_name").GetComponent<TextMesh>().text = "Joe";

Reference Table to fill calendar form

In Access 2010, I've built a calendar Form that I want to be able to display who is off in a given month.
Each box of the calendar obviously represents a different day. I've got a table called "Separated" set up that ultimately stores the associate name and the date they are off -- one day per record.
Here's what I've done so far to try to test it on just one of the boxes (representing a day):
Private Function fillDays()
Dim rsNames As DAO.Recordset
Set rsNames = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Separated")
If Not rsNames.EOF Then
b0.Text = rsNames![Associate]
End If
Set rsNames = Nothing
End Function
I get the following debug note:
"Run-Time Error '2185"
"You can't reference a property or method for a control unless the control has the focus."
The debugger highlights the line with "b0.text = rsNames![Associate]
Is there some whay that I need to reference an index number from my "Separated" table?... or perhaps using a query method of some sort would be more effecient.
Assuming b0 is a textbox, the error you are getting is due to the fact that you can't use it's Text property when said textbox hasn't got the focus.
As stated in MSDN, «While the control has the focus, the Text property contains the text data currently in the control; the Value property contains the last saved data for the control. When you move the focus to another control, the control's data is updated, and the Value property is set to this new value. The Text property setting is then unavailable until the control gets the focus again» (emphasis mine).
Try using Value (help here) instead:
b0.Value = rsNames![Associate]

How to update another text box while typing in access 2007 form?

I have a few text boxes which have to be filled with numeric values from 0 to 100. Below them there is another text box which stands for a total (the sum of the values from the text boxes above). How can I update the sum text box while typing in any of the other text boxes above?
If you are happy that the sum box updates after a box is updated (enter, tab or such like is pressed), then this can be done without any code. First, you will need to set the format of the textboxes to be summed to numeric, then the control source of the sum box becomes:
=Nz([text0],0)+Nz([text2],0)+Nz([text4],0)+Nz([text6],0)+Nz([text8],0) ...
Note the use of Nz, it may be possible to eliminate this by setting the default value property of the various textboxes to be summed.
A large set of controls that need to be summed in this way is often an indication of an error in the design of the database. You would normally expect this kind of thing to be a separate recordset, which could more easily be summed.
I know this is old, but Google didn't come up with much for this topic and this thread didn't really help either. I was able to figure out a very easy way to do this, so hopefully anyone else looking for this will find this helpful.
My need was for actual text as opposed to numbers, but the same applies.
To do what the OP is asking for you'll need at least 3 textboxes. 1 is the textbox you want to have updated each time you type, 2 is the textbox you will be typing in, and 3 is a hidden textbox.
Set textbox 1 to reference the value of the hidden textbox 3 in its control source:
="something in my textbox " & [textbox3]
In the OnChange event of textbox 2 right a line that will set the value of the hidden textbox 3 to the Text property of textbox 2 that you are typing in:
Private Sub textbox2_Change()
Me.textbox3.Value = Me.textbox2.Text
End Sub
Each time the value of the hidden textbox 3 gets updated, the calculation/reference in the displayed textbox 1 will be updated. No need to save caret locations or anything else mentioned in this post.
I was able to do this in Access 2007 by using the On Lost Focus event of the text box.
Just put something like this on the On Lost focus event of each text box that you want to be added , just make sure to set the default value of each text box to 0.
Me.Totals.Value = Me.Text1.Value + Me.Text2.Value + etc..
The moment you click on the next text box or anywhere as long as it loses focus, your sum will already be on the Totals box. You may add as many text boxes as you like, just include them in the code.
This is problematic due to the asinine requirement in Access that you have to set focus to text areas before you can get their value. I would recommend you change your design so that the text field is updated in response to a button click instead of on change.
If you want to go the update-on-change route, you would attach change events to each of the addend text fields. The event handlers would need to save the caret position/selection length, update the sum in the output text field, and restore the caret position. You need to save/restore the caret position because this is lost when the focus changes.
Here's an example for two text fields (txt1 and txt2). The output field is named txtOutput.
Private Sub txt1_Change()
Dim caret_position As Variant
caret_position = Array(txt1.SelStart, txt1.SelLength)
txt1.SelStart = caret_position(0)
txt1.SelLength = caret_position(1)
End Sub
Private Sub txt2_Change()
Dim caret_position As Variant
caret_position = Array(txt2.SelStart, txt2.SelLength)
txt2.SelStart = caret_position(0)
txt2.SelLength = caret_position(1)
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateSum()
Dim sum As Variant
sum = CDec(0)
If IsNumeric(txt1.Text) Then
sum = sum + CDec(txt1.Text)
End If
If IsNumeric(txt2.Text) Then
sum = sum + CDec(txt2.Text)
End If
txtOutput.Text = sum
End Sub