How to use activity indicator view on iPhone? - iphone

An activity indicator view is useful in many applications.
Any ideas about how to add, activiate and dismiss an activity indicator view on iPhone?
All the methods for this are welcomed here.

spinner = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithActivityIndicatorStyle:UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhiteLarge];
[spinner setCenter:CGPointMake(kScreenWidth/2.0, kScreenHeight/2.0)]; // I do this because I'm in landscape mode
[self.view addSubview:spinner]; // spinner is not visible until started
[spinner startAnimating];
[spinner stopAnimating];
When you're finally done, remove the spinner from the view and release.

Take a look at the open source WordPress application. They have a very re-usable window they have created for displaying an "activity in progress" type display over top of whatever view your application is currently displaying.
The files you want are:
Then to show it use something like:
[[WPActivityIndicator sharedActivityIndicator] show];
And hide with:
[[WPActivityIndicator sharedActivityIndicator] hide];

in regards to:
Take a look at the open source WordPress application. They have a very re-usable window they have created for displaying an "activity in progress" type display over top of whatever view your application is currently displaying.
note that if you do utilise this code you MUST provide ALL the sourcecode to your own application to any user that requests it. You need to be aware that they may decide to repackage your code and sell it on the store themselves. This is all provided for under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
If you don't want to be forced into opening your sourcecode then you cannot use anything from the wordpress iphone application including the, referenced activity progress window, without forcing the GPL to apply to your own.

The documentation on this is pretty clear. It's a UIView subclass so you use it like any other view. To start/stop the animation you use
[activityIndicator startAnimating];
[activityIndicator stopAnimating];

Using Storyboard-
Go to main.storyboard (This can be found in theProject Navigator on the left hand side of your Xcode) and drag and drop the "Activity Indicator View" from the Object Library.
Go to the header file and create an IBOutlet for the UIActivityIndicatorView-
#interface ViewController : UIViewController
#property (nonatomic,strong) IBOutlet UIActivityIndicatorView *activityIndicatorView;
Establish the connection from the Outlets to the UIActivityIndicatorView.
Use the following code when you need to start the activity indicator using following code in your implementation file(.m)-
[self.activityIndicatorView startAnimating];
Use the following code when you need to stop the activity indicator using following code in your implementation file(.m)-
[self.activityIndicatorView stopAnimating];

i think you should use hidden better.
activityIndicator.hidden = YES

Activity indicator 2 sec show and go to next page
#property(strong,nonatomic)IBOutlet UIActivityIndicator *activityindctr;
-(void)viewDidload { [super viewDidload];[activityindctr startanimating]; [self performSelector:#selector(nextpage) withObject:nil afterDelay:2];}
-(void)nextpage{ [activityindctr stopAnimating]; [self performSegueWithIdentifier:#"nextviewcintroller" sender:self];}

- (IBAction)toggleSpinner:(id)sender
if (self.spinner.isAnimating)
[self.spinner stopAnimating];
((UIButton *)sender).titleLabel.text = #"Start spinning";
[self.controlState setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:NO] forKey:#"SpinnerAnimatingState"];
[self.spinner startAnimating];
((UIButton *)sender).titleLabel.text = #"Stop spinning";
[self.controlState setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:#"SpinnerAnimatingState"];


UIActivityIndicatorView unresponsive

When a UIButton is triggered, a UIActivityIndicator is started, and then stopped when implementLogin finishes:
-(IBAction)loginButton {
NSLog(#"loginButton triggered");
// Checks the Fields are not empty
if ([sessionIdField.text length] != 0 && [usernameField.text length] != 0 ) {
NSLog(#"Beginning Spinner");
// Displays spinner
[activitySpinner startAnimating];
[self implementLogin];
// Displays spinner
[activitySpinner stopAnimating];
However at runtime, the spinner doesn't appear! I have set the spinner to 'hide when stopped'.
When I set the activity indicator to animate before the view loads, it appears as it should, so I'm guessing it has a problem with the UIButton... (Also, I'm using 'Touch Up Inside' for the button.)
It's a simple problem... Can anyone help?
Whatever implementLogin is doing (making a network request, perhaps?), it's doing it on the main thread, which is likely blocking UI updates like spinner animation.
You could recode something like this:
[activitySpinner startAnimating];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
[self implementLogin];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// Stops spinner
[activitySpinner stopAnimating];
[Code is untested, but you get the idea.]
What is happening here is that you are dispatching the login task to the background, and the last thing that block will do is stop the spinner on the main thread (as a separate task).
Without more code, one can only guess the reason why it doesn't work.
I assume 'Beginning Spinner' output correctly(?)
If so, you probably didn't properly initialize the UIActivityIndicatorView.
Does it look like this?
activitySpinner = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithActivityIndicatorStyle:UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleGray];
activitySpinner.hidesWhenStopped = YES;
[view addSubview:activitySpinner];

how to display UIActivityIndicatorView BEFORE rotation begins

I'd like to display an activity indicator BEFORE the work undertaken by willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:duration: begins. Most of the time in my app, this work is quickly completed and there would be no need for an activity indicator, but occasionally (first rotation, i.e. before I have cached data, when working with a large file) there can be a noticeable delay. Rather than re-architect my app to cope with this uncommon case, I'd rather just show the UIActivityIndicatorView while the app generates a cache and updates the display.
The problem is (or seems to be) that the display is not updated between the willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:duration and the willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:duration: method. So asking iOS to show UIActivityIndicator view in willRotate method doesn't actually affect the display until after the willAnimateRotation method.
The following code illustrates the issue. When run, the activity indicator appears only very briefly and AFTER the simulateHardWorkNeededToGetDisplayInShapeBeforeRotation method has completed.
Am I missing something obvious? And if not, any smart ideas as to how I could work around this issue?
Update: While suggestions about farming the heavy lifting off to another thread etc. are generally helpful, in my particular case I kind of do want to block the main thread to do my lifting. In the app, I have a tableView all of whose heights need to be recalculated. When - which is not a very common use case or I wouldn't even be considering this approach - there are very many rows, all the new heights are calculated (and then cached) during a [tableView reloadData]. If I farm the lifting off and let the rotate proceed, then after the rotate and before the lifting, my tableView hasn't been re-loaded. In the portrait to landscape case, for example, it doesn't occupy the full width. Of course, there are other workarounds, e.g. building a tableView with just a few rows prior to the rotate and then reloading the real one over that etc.
Example code to illustrate the issue:
#implementation ActivityIndicatorViewController
#synthesize activityIndicatorView = _pgActivityIndicatorView;
#synthesize label = _pgLabel;
- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation
return (interfaceOrientation != UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown);
- (void) willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)toInterfaceOrientation duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration;
[self showActivityIndicatorView];
- (void) willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)toInterfaceOrientation duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration;
[self simulateHardWorkNeededToGetDisplayInShapeBeforeRotation];
- (void) didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)fromInterfaceOrientation;
[self hideActivityIndicatorView];
- (void) simulateHardWorkNeededToGetDisplayInShapeBeforeRotation;
NSLog(#"Starting simulated work");
NSDate* date = [NSDate date];
while (fabs([date timeIntervalSinceNow]) < 2.0)
NSLog(#"Finished simulated work");
- (void) showActivityIndicatorView;
if (![self activityIndicatorView])
UIActivityIndicatorView* activityIndicatorView = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithActivityIndicatorStyle:UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleGray];
[self setActivityIndicatorView:activityIndicatorView];
[[self activityIndicatorView] setCenter:[[self view] center]];
[[self activityIndicatorView] startAnimating];
[[self view] addSubview: [self activityIndicatorView]];
// in shipping code, an animation with delay would be used to ensure no indicator would show in the good cases
[[self activityIndicatorView] setHidden:NO];
- (void) hideActivityIndicatorView;
[[self activityIndicatorView] setHidden:YES];
- (void) dealloc;
[_pgActivityIndicatorView release];
[super dealloc];
- (void) viewDidLoad;
UILabel* label = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(50.0, 50.0, 0.0, 0.0)];
[label setText:#"Activity Indicator and Rotate"];
[label setTextAlignment: UITextAlignmentCenter];
[label sizeToFit];
[[self view] addSubview:label];
[self setLabel:label];
[label release];
The app doesn't update the screen to show the UIActivityIndicatorView until the main run loop regains control. When a rotation event happens, the willRotate... and willAnimateRotation... methods are called in one pass through the main run loop. So you block on the hard work method before displaying the activity indicator.
To make this work, you need to push the hard work over to another thread. I would put the call to the hard work method in the willRotate... method. That method would call back to this view controller when the work is completed so the view can be updated. I would put show the activity indicator in the willAnimateRotation... method. I wouldn't bother with a didRotateFrom... method. I recommend reading the Threaded Programming Guide.
Edit in response to a comment: You can effectively block user interaction by having the willAnimateRotation... method put a non functioning interface on screen such as a view displaying a dark overlay over and the UIActivityIndicatorView. Then when the heavy lifting is done, this overlay is removed, and the interface becomes active again. Then the drawing code will have the opportunity to properly add and animate the activity indicator.
More digging (first in Matt Neuberg's Programming iPhone 4) and then this helpful question on forcing Core Animation to run its thread from stackoverflow and I have a solution that seems to be working well. Both Neuberg and Apple issue strong caution about this approach because of the potential for unwelcome side effects. In testing so far, it seems to be OK for my particular case.
Changing the code above as follows implements the change. The key addition is [CATransaction flush], forcing the UIActivityIndicatorView to start displaying even though the run loop won't be ended until after the willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:duration method completes.
- (void) willRotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)toInterfaceOrientation duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration;
[self showActivityIndicatorView];
[CATransaction flush]; // this starts the animation right away, w/o waiting for end of the run loop
- (void) willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)toInterfaceOrientation duration:(NSTimeInterval)duration;
[self simulateHardWorkNeededToGetDisplayInShapeBeforeRotation];
[self hideActivityIndicatorView];
- (void) didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)fromInterfaceOrientation;
Try performing you work on a second thread after showing the activity view.
[self showActivityIndicatorView];
[self performSelector:#selector(simulateHardWorkNeededToGetDisplayInShapeBeforeRotation) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.01];
Either execute the heavy lifting in a background thread and post the results in the foreground thread to update the UI (UIKit is only thread safe since iOS 4.0):
[self performSelectorInBackground:#selector(simulateHardWorkNeededToGetDisplayInShapeBeforeRotation) withObject:nil]
Or you can schedule the heavy lifting method to be executed after the rotation took place:
[self performSelector:#selector(simulateHardWorkNeededToGetDisplayInShapeBeforeRotation) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.4]
But these are only hacks and the real solution is to have proper background processing if your UI needs heavy processing to get updated, may it be in portrait or landscape. NSOperation and NSOperationQueue is a good place to start.

How to consume UI Events while loading data in the background

I have a little iPhone app that loads data from a web service. To make sure that nothing goes wrong while loading the data I create a semi-transparent view over the app and use CFRunloopRun() to wait until all the data is loaded in the background. This is the code for that:
self.connection = [[[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:request delegate:self] autorelease];
// Now show an animation
UIActivityIndicatorView *spinner = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithActivityIndicatorStyle:UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhiteLarge];
UIView *window = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow];
UIView *shield = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:window.bounds];
shield.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor];
shield.alpha = 0.5f;
[window addSubview:shield]; =;
[shield addSubview:spinner];
spinner.hidden = NO;
NSLog( #"JCL.callServerWithRequest(), spinner view: %#, shield view: %#, window: %#", spinner, shield, window );
[spinner startAnimating];
// Hand over to the Runnloop to wait
[spinner stopAnimating];
[spinner removeFromSuperview];
[spinner release];
[shield removeFromSuperview];
[shield release];
This works fine except that any clicks on a button somewhere is played after the loading so if the users clicks on the download button twice he will do the download twice as well.
Any idea how to consume the UI events before the shield is removed.
Thanks - Andy
Try it without messing with runloops. I suspect that the UI events are coming in to the normal loop on the window but not being processed until your custom loop returns, at which point the "shield" view is no longer there to catch them. If you put the shield in place and then let the main runloop handle things, the shield should catch them all as normal.
Thanks to Anomie I finally tried out to go without the CFRunLoopRun() and it is quite difficult because the execution is split into two parts: - the Invocation and the Return of the Result through a callback. But then I shot myself in the proverbial foot because I tried to block the returning thread to slow down the execution which did not work because that was executed again in the main thread.
Eventually I did slow down the Web Service and then everything worked as expected.

Activity Indicator when integrated into Searchbar does not display in iPhone SDK

In my iPhone app, I want to add activity indicator on top of a searchbar.
When it is searching it should display activity indicator.
I have added the activity indicator in XIB and created its outlet.
I am making it hide when the searching finishes, but Activity Indicator does not display.
I figured out that search function(say A)(where I animate the activity indicator) in turn calls another function(say B) so the main thread is being used in executing the function B. But for activity indicator to animate we require the main thread.
So I tried calling function B using performSelectorInBackGround:withObject method. Now when I click search the activity indicator is shown but the functionality of function B does not execute.
What can be a work-around for this?
There is not quite enough in your question to go on, but to start debugging, I would do the following.
Verify that the activity variably is really wired to the UIActivityIndicator you are creating in IB. (I would set a breakpoint on the setHidden: lines and make sure the variable is not null. Or throw an NSAssert(activity,#"Whoops! actity is null"); in there.)
If the variable is indeed set, I would start checking that it is in the right place in the view hierarchy. (I'd try doing a [self.view addSubview:activity] and see that it appears. You might have to replace it somewhere else.)
You might also want to try having it on by default in IB, until you have everything figured out.
Good Luck. Hope this helps.
Save yourself the hassle of creating a custom activity indicator and use the standard one that's available for you already - in the top bar. Also, IMO users tend to expect that one to spin when something is happening.
UIApplication* app = [UIApplication sharedApplication];
app.networkActivityIndicatorVisible = YES;
Obviously, set it to NO when your activity is over.
First of all, make sure you have #synthesize activity at the top of your .m file. Then in the viewDidLoad method, type activity.hidesWhenStopped = TRUE;. Next, in the method that is called when the search starts, type [activity startAnimating]; and [activity stopAnimating]; in the method when the searching stops.
try this:
set hidesWhenStopped = NO, so that is displayed all the time and then hide and show it manually. But the View should be set in IB to hidden first.
- (void)startActivityView {
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc]init];
activity_view.hidden = NO;
[pool drain];
- (void)stopActivityView {
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc]init];
activity_view.hidden = YES;
[pool drain];
- (void)doSomething {
[self performSelectorInBackground:#selector(startActivityView) withObject:nil];
// do some time consuming work
[self performSelectorInBackground:#selector(stopActivityView) withObject:nil];
Perhaps you have a view in front of your activity indicator? What if you always bring it to the front....
loadView = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc]
loadView.frame = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 40.0, 40.0); =;
loadView.opaque = NO;
[window addSubview: loadView];
[window bringSubviewToFront:loadView];
[loadView startAnimating];
I suggest that you use DSActivityView for showing your activity indicator. The source code can be found at Dejal blog.
Showing, and hiding, the activity view is a simple line of code.
[DSActivityView activityViewForView:self.view];
start animating the activity indicator and with a delay of 0.1 or 0.2 just call the other method u want.... i tried and it is working for me....
I have got the solution and it is as follows.
I just wrote the below line in Search button click event.
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(threadStartAnimating:) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
And defined the function threadStartAnimating: as follows:
[activityIndicator setHidden:NO];
[activityIndicator startAnimating];

iPhone - Splash Screen with progress bar

I tried to create a SplashView which display the Default.png in the background and a UIProgressBar in front. But the splash screen is not being updated...
Inside my view controller I load first the splash view with a parameter how many steps my initialisation has and then I start a second thread via NSTimer and after each initialisation step I tell the SplashView to display the new progress value.
All looks good in theory, but when running this app the progress bar is not being updated (the method of the splash screen receives the values, I can see it in the logs). I also tried to add usleep(10000); in between to give the view updates a bit time and also instead of using the progress bar I drew directly on the view and called [self setNeedsDisplay]; but all didn't work :/
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for your help!
Here is some code:
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame withStepCount:(int)stepCount {
if (self = [super initWithFrame:frame]) {
// Initialization code
background = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame: [self bounds]];
[background setImage: [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile: [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#/%#", [[NSBundle mainBundle] resourcePath], #"Default.png"]]];
[self addSubview: background];
progressView = [[UIProgressView alloc] initWithProgressViewStyle:UIProgressViewStyleBar];
[progressView setFrame:CGRectMake(60.0f, 222.0f, 200.0f, 20.0f)];
[progressView setProgress: 0.0f];
stepValue = 1.0f / (float)stepCount;
[self addSubview:progressView];
return self;
- (void)tick {
value += stepValue;
[progressView setProgress: value];
- (id)initWithNibName:(NSString *)nibNameOrNil bundle:(NSBundle *)nibBundleOrNil {
if (self = [super initWithNibName:nibNameOrNil bundle:nibBundleOrNil]) {
splashView = [[SplashView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, 320.0f, 480.0f) withStepCount:9];
[self setView: splashView];
NSTimer* delayTimer;
delayTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.05 target:self selector:#selector(finishInitialization) userInfo:nil repeats:NO];
return self;
- (void)finishInitialization {
// do some stuff, like allocation, opening a db, creating views, heavy stuff...
[splashView tick]; // this should update the progress bar...
// do some stuff, like allocation, opening a db, creating views, heavy stuff...
[splashView tick]; // this should update the progress bar...
// init done... set the right view and release the SplashView
As mentioned in another answer, for some finite amount of time, as your app is being launched, Default.png is displayed and you have no control over it. However, if in your AppDelegate, you create a new view that displays the same Default.png, you can create a seamless transition from the original Default.png to a view that you can add a progress bar to.
Now, presumably, you have created a view or similar and you are updating a progress bar every so often in order to give the user some feedback. The challenge here is that your view is only drawn when it gets called to do a drawRect. If, however, you go from AppDelegate to some initialization code to a viewcontroller's viewDidLoad, without the run loop getting a chance to figure out which views need to have drawRect called on, then your view will never display its status bar.
Therefore in order to accomplish what you want, you have to either make sure that drawRect gets called, such as by pushing off a lot of your initialization code into other threads or timer tasks, or you can force the drawing by calling drawRect yourself, after setting up contexts and such.
If you go with the background tasks, then make sure your initialization code is thread-safe.
Default.png is just a graphic, a static image shown while the application is launching. If you want to show further progress, you'll have to show everything at the applicationDidLaunch phase. Show your modal "Splash Screen" there first (Create a view controller, add its view as a subview of your main window) and dismiss it when you are done whatever additional loading you needed to do.
Also, you need to do update your progress bar in a seperate thread. Updating your GUI in the same thread where a lot of business is going on is (in my opinion, but I could be wrong) a bad idea.
The main thread is, as far as I know, the only one that can safely do GUI things, and its event loop (that is, the main application thread's) is the one that does the actual displaying after you've called -setNeedsDisplay. Spawn a new thread to do your loading, and update the progress on the main thread.