Is version control possible on a shared host w/o shell access? - version-control

I have a client who's host doesn't allow shell access. Is there any multi-user revision control system that can work in that situation (on linux)? He's reluctant to switch hosts.

Yes, because you don't do development directly on the production server! The content of your production server is just a view of your source repository, which is kept elsewhere so that work can be done on a separate dev server. This way, a stupid mistake on the dev server won't hose your production system. If that means doing a manual checkout to transfer the files, so be it.

Not the answer you're looking for, but get a better hosting provider. Is there something special your hosting provider is doing for you that makes you want to put up with no shell access, or even not just preinstalling SVN for you? There's a ton of really good hosts for really cheap that will give you SVN already installed, and shell access.

I use Bazaar for exactly this reason. If the server supports ftp or ftps, it supports Bazaar.

I've been looking for the same thing, I have a no-shell-access hosting provider with no included source control and don't want to change.
Currently, I'm using git. But instead of using git push to update the remote repository, I use a script and FTP to update the server's copy.
git pull works normally from any client, if the ftp git directory is accessible over http.
git push replacement:
git update-server-info
perl -v .git ftppasswd=*
That's using ftpsync, from the Sourceforge ftpsync page. It's an imperfect replacement for git's push, it mirrors the local repo, instead of merging it with the remote, so make sure the local repo is up to date with git pull first.
git-ftp purports to do the same thing. Github's git-ftp page. Probably works better than ftpsync, because it's designed for the purpose, but I haven't tried it.

Sure, SVN can have multiple users and multiple repositories. Depending of course on whether your host is willing to install it. If that doesn't work, maybe you'd consider hosting your version control somewhere else?

Do you mean that you want to store your version control repository on the host and then access it from multiple clients? If yes, then all modern version control systems can work like that.

I just posted this answer on a Mercurial specific question, but it applies here too. I use Mercurial and I found a guide that let me install it with only FTP/control panel access (no shell).


Version control for completely local and with restriction?

We need one of version control that can use completely local like in local network collaborators connect to one PC and clone or create branch, no code upload to the server or something like that.
All collaborators access to the repository in company via local network.
Collaborators does not access to repository out of the company.
which source control can we use?
Pretty much all version control systems support putting your central repository inside a local network instead of on the internet, including the one mentioned in your question's tag (currently: git, svn). GitLab, for instance, is a package you can install on a machine inside your local network to get a similar experience to the one on, only it's not accessible outside your network.
If you want to avoid having to set up something on a central machine in your network (which is pretty much a requirement if you want to clone from and push to a central place in your network), you'll be wanting to look at decentralized systems, such as Git or Mercurial. In these systems, each local checkout/clone is a fully-featured repository and others can fetch from it (provided you're letting them access it via something like SSH).
Most people are much more used to centralized workflows, so if you do have the time and inclination to set up something like GitLab, it's probably easier to explain to everyone.
Sounds like Git is a perfect fit for you.
Git homepage
You can use git as Source Control and can install gitlab on your local server. We in our company use Gitlab locally and its very convenient. Moreover, All of your requirement perfectly serve by gitLab. Can download Gitlab-Offline from

How to set up GIT as version control tool for a small team

We are using Eclipse with a SVN client plug-in. This client needs a server running; what about Git? We need to work in a LAN environment without internet access. I have read some basic tutorials about using Git with Eclipse. If I got a Java project in my Git repository, how can I share it with my teammate?
Even though you can share your local repositories, I would suggest setting up a server. There many free alternatives like:
gitlab (
gitorious (
gitolite (
gitblit (
But IMO the best one is Atlassian Stash which for small team will cost you only $10.
if you need to share it, you need some way to access it from each other. Bitbucket is great for small teams who need private code.
If you are always using it from inside a LAN one of you should set up a shared section which you can all push your git changes too (a shared folder or shared drive is good enough) but i would recommend using github / bitbucket if possible
from a command line (can probably use it within eclipse too)
git clone file:////
and then you can psuh and pull from assuming you have write permissions there
if you're coming from subversion to git, you will be faced with the concept of local repository vs shared repository. You will be able to have a local repository on your computer where you can do as many commits as you want and then only push relevant changes to the shared repository (the one that your teammates will be able to see).
Here's an useful link on the possibilities to share a repository: (ignore the last one, GITHUB, which will require internet access).
In your particular situation I would recommend sharing via SSH or via GIT daemon.
I also really recommend you to take a look on Eric Sink's book here. He's even offering hardcopies for free!
as suggested you can run your own instance of gitolite or gitlab, but for a rudimentary solution i suggest you just check the following answer:
basically you can use any folder as a shared repository as long as all users can access the files either locally or via ssh. that link discribes how to tell git to create its file with rights that are appropriate for usage by all users of one unix group (instead of only the single user owning the files).

Host Git Repo on my Mac for Xcode project

For work all my code must be hosted locally, which rules out using something nice like GitHub. However, I really want to be able to use XCodes Git functionality.
Is it possible to host the repository locally and have multiple computers push and pull from it? I have a server available but it runs Windows 08 so I'm not real keen to making that work
Any *nix machine that runs a SSH server can easily host a Git repo with push/pull access. All someone needs to be able to do is log in and reach the files, and they can clone and pull. Write access, and they can push. (You're going to want a bare repo if you want it to accept pushes, though. Otherwise, things get all kinds of wonky. Less error-prone would be to provide a way for people request that you pull from their repo, but that requires that each person host a Git repo. If that's not really an option, then next best would be to let everybody push to a bare repo.)
Git will also work over HTTP, and it's allegedly easy to set up Apache to host a repo. I've actually had a lot of success with SSH, though. It seems even easier to set up to me; all the server needs is an sshd, (almost certainly) Git, and appropriate user accounts.
Also note, if you don't need to share, then Git already does everything you need on its own, offline. All the above stuff only applies if you want other people to be able to pull from (and possibly push to) you.
You can run git or svn right on your machine. Just set up a local repository. Note that mac os x has unix under the hood.

Any way to do a local CVS proxy/server?

I have an online CVS repository that I need to check code into. However, the server is outside my control and is often down.
So, is there a way to set up some sort of local CVS server/proxy such that I can check my code into the local CVS server regularly and have the local CVS server batch commit the changes to the online CVS repo periodically?
The local repository could possibly run some other SCM system, if that was necessary to prevent conflict with CVS. Online commits could possibly be done manually, or via cron. I'm open to suggestions.
I guess that my main concern would be the problems faced in trying to set up some sort of repository 'hierarchy'.
PS: I'm running Linux all along the 'hierarchy'.
Edit: Found a similar item here.
Use git locally, and then git-cvsexportcommit would be my suggestion. There's a blog post that talks about this at although I'll be the first to admit that the export process isn't as easy to use as perhaps it could be.
I'd recommend running git locally while continuing to use your CVS server when you have a connection to it. Here's a nicely-written article that explains how:
You can use git as a "frontend" to CVS which will allow to you check-in your changes locally (offline) and then sync them up to the CVS server when your connection is available. There is a bit of a task to setup the environment, but once you get it going the workflow is pretty nice.
See How to export revision history from mercurial or git to cvs? for the setup & workflow.
This doesn't really answer the question, but it sounds like you need a distributed VCS system.
I think you should consider using a distributed source management system such as git or mercurial which support this kind of decentralized source control.
I have never used it, but CVSup may do what you need. As others have mentioned, though, a distributed VCS system like git or mercurial would probably be better.

How do you update your web application on the server?

I am aware of Capistrano, but it is a bit too heavyweight for me. Personally, I set up two Mercurial repositories, one on the production server and another on my local dev machine. Regularly, when a new feature is ready, I push changes from repository on my local machine to repository on the server, then update on the server. This is a pretty simple and quick way to keep files in sync on several computers, but does not help to update databases.
What is your solution to the problem?
I used to use git push to publish to my web server but lately I've just been using rsync. I try to make my site as agnostic about where it's running as possible (using relative paths, etc) and so far it's worked pretty well. The only challenge is keeping databases in sync, and for that I usually use the production database as the master and make regular backups and imports into my testing database.
Or Fabric, if you prefer Python.
what's heavyweight about capistrano? if you want to sync files then sure rsync is great. but if you're then going to need to do db updates maybe cap isn't so bad ?
I'm assuming you're speaking of Ruby on Rails.
Check out the HowTo wiki:
To use git push to deploy your site you will need to do first set up a remote server in your .git/config file to push to. Then you need to configure a hook that will basically perform a git reset --hard to copy the code you just copied to the repository to the working directory.
I know this is a little vague, but I actually deleted the server-side .git folder once I switched to rsync, so I don't have the exact scripts that I used to make the magic happen. That might be a good candidate for a full question though, so you might get more responses that way.
edit: I know it's been a while, but I eventually found what I was using again:
Deploy a project using Git push