How to read the Windows Event Log without an EventMessageFile? - event-log

I have code that reads the Windows Event Log. It uses OpenEventLog, ReadEventLog and gets the event source and event ID. Then it looks up the source under the
key, loads the appropriate DLL(s) according to what is listed in EventMessageFile and finally uses FormatMessage to merge the event strings with the message DLL content to get the final event message text. This is the recommended way, and although a bit of a pain, it works great.
Until... I go lookup the source and find it doesn't have an EventMessageFile, but rather a ProvideGuid entry. This seems to be the new way (they show up on Vista and Windows 2008). Uggh -- nothing to pass to FormatMessage for looking up the message text and merging in the data strings
Searching the registry for the guid does lead to references to other files (http.sys in the case of the HTTP source), but I can never get the complete message text. Do I have to use those EvtOpenSession APIs? I'm hoping not since I already have the EVENTLOGRECORD* from a call to ReadEventLog, and the fact that the software needs to run on Windows 2003 where EvtOpenSession isn't supported (only available on Vista and Windows 2008). NOTE: Some sources on Vista have ProviderGUID, and others have EventMessageFile, so the old method is still viable.
So what I'm after is a way to look at the ProviderGuid and get the DLL that needs to be passed to FormatMessage for displaying the complete event log message text.
Thanks for any input

The APIs that Richard links to are for the new style Eventing system (code-named Crimson, sometimes called Manifest Based Providers) introduced in Vista/Server 2K8. One of the artifacts of this new system is new APIs to consume these logs, another is the ProviderGuid key for certain EventSources that produce events using this new framework.
I think you should use the functions on Windows Vista later to consume these logs, it should handle the work for you. You can use the EvtFormatMessage method to format the strings. I believe these APIs will also read the events produced by "Classic" providers.
If you're consuming these messages from a .NET app you can use types in the System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader namespace, introduced in .NET 3.5.

There are Win32 APIs for reading/expanding event log entries.
Anything else, and you are likely to find problems with patches, let alone service packs or new versions.


JAX-WS Metro, how to intercept correct encrypted/signed message with invalid characters / signature mismatch

My question is quite related to this one
I have spend weeks of headaches to try and fight it, but there doesn't seem to exist a solution worthy of mention, apart from the solution to the above question, which is a terrible workaround, but there really seem to exist nothing else around.
We are trying to communicate with a legacy system that has an established and running web service, with certain WS-Security constraints declared in its WSDL. We cannot change anything on the server, we just have to do as it bids. We also have a third party client implementation that actually works and communicates with the server, so we know that the communication works - using THAT specific client. Now, we want to make our own.
The above WS-Security policy includes encryption and signing. There were following scenarios of what to do:
write our own code to encrypt/decrypt and sign/verify
use one of the ready JAX-WS implementations to do the above for us
The second option of course is what we tried to do. Then we branch into following:
Apache CXF
Everybody on the web suggests the latter option (which I tried too) - but for the time being I went with the first one (especially since we do not have any integration with Spring to take advantage of CXF's good integration with it)
After struggling with a bit of ambiguous documentation and various wizards (NetBeans), we came to a solution that contained very little custom code, a configuration file with some keystores, and the usual generated code from wsimport utility.
Some time passed, it included dumping the XML SOAP requests and responses, comparing the failing ones that we produce to the successful ones from the 3rd-party client. Lots of pain, with no results - the messages were different variously, but the core logic and structure was okay - then - you couldn't actually compare the encrypted parts. After some time I ended up with a client that sent something, and actually received something back, but failed to decrypt the response.
Actually it was decrypted alright, but the signature digest verification was failing. It is worth to mention that the original XML message contained a "&" character, as well as multiple newlines. I.e. the payload of the SOAP message was not syntactically correct XML. Anyway.
It seems that this digest verification is deeply rooted inside Metro/WSIT stack and there was absolutely no way I could find to actually intercept and correct that digest - or actually the contents upon which this digest was calculated - obviously - the problem was that some special characters were translated or canonicalized either after or before the digest calculation, and we (rather the underlying implementation that I tried to use to keep my hands clean) did something different from what the server side of the web service did.
Even the Metro tubes (nice name, but horrendously scarce documentation - it seems that nobody uses Metro/WSIT these days - or, should I say, nobody uses SOAP, or SOAP with this level of security? - when I tried Apache CXF, the generated SOAP messages were deceptively similar) and their way of intercepting messages didn't seem to help - when trying to get the raw contents of the message, no provided methods (Packet.getMessage().writeTo... - and other variations) could actually bypass the digest verification thing - because they ALL tried to read the contents the StAX way, streaming etc. (invoking StreamingPayLoadDigester.accept that invariably failed)
But hope would die last, and I would try again and again to find some obscure undocumented magic to make my thing work. Okay, i was about to call it a day and dig hard into java encryption - until I found the above question, that is. Actually it "exploits" a log message that gets printed from deep within the Metro code (actually from wssx-impl I think) with the canonicalized decrypted message, before throwing the digest mismatch exception. Thankfully, this message gets printed using java.util.logging, and this can be intercepted in various ways - e.g. to send it in some kind of synchronized queue, to be consumed by my client. Ugh. If somebody has a better idea, please write your thoughts.
Thank you all.
Finally I resorted to rebuilding Metro/WSIT version 2.1.1 found on GitHub, commenting a single line in WS-SX Implementation project (ws-sx\wssx-impl...\
if (!Arrays.equals(originalDigest, calculatedDigest)) {
XMLSignatureException xe = new XMLSignatureException(LogStringsMessages.WSS_1717_ERROR_PAYLOAD_VERIFICATION());
logger.log(Level.WARNING, LogStringsMessages.WSS_1717_ERROR_PAYLOAD_VERIFICATION()); //,xe);
// bypass throwing exception
// throw new WebServiceException(xe);
It could have been done in a better way, introducing a flag, for instance.
The order of the projects, starting from the smallest one where I did the change, to the one I include into my own project as Metro implementation is approximately as follows:
WS-SX Implementation is referenced in ->
WS-Security Project is referenced in ->
Metro Web Services Interoperability Technology Implementation Bundle (wsit-impl) is referenced in ->
Metro Web Serrvices Runtime non-OSGi Bundle (webservices-rt) included in my client

Can't register DVC with Citrix

I'm writing a DVC plugin. The plugin works as expected with RDP. However when accessing with Citrix, nothing happens.
According to the Citrix docs, registration proceeds as per the Microsoft docs for DVCs, which I've followed (backed up by successful tests with RDP). I used the second method originally but changed to the third after seeing this saying that only the third is supported. This still works with RDP but again, doesn't work with Citrix.
I've looked into messing with the Citrix modules registry- there's a bunch of DVCAdapter stuff there that makes it look suspiciously like you're supposed to register DVCs additionally with Citrix, but after I added the entries comparable with the existing ones, nothing happened. The docs say that there is additional registration possible if you don't register it normally as Microsoft say (which I did) but don't say how to do it.
I've looked for configuration in Citrix since it seems they have configuration for everything; however when I've looked at the Policies, there seems to be nothing about virtual channels at all, let alone DVCs specifically.
I installed the Lync VDI plugin which allegedly uses a DVC to communicate over Citrix. However I've been unable to discern any actual effect on my registry from this installation so no inspiration there.
How can I register my DVC with Citrix?
Turns out that my attempt to futz with the registry was the problem. When I undid my messing with the Citrix registry, then using the COM class registration method worked as expected.

Sharepoint Online remote event receiver without App/Add-in

The company I work for uses SharePoint Online. We have a requirement that on most site collections, whenever a user creates a new document library that the document library is configured with the "document" content type being removed, and replaced with some of our own corporate content types.
Previously I've managed this by using a coded sandbox solution installed on relevant site collections which had an event handler that fired on "list added". It's obviously now time to move away from that solution.
I'm really struggling to get to grips with the alternative, conceptually. I'm aiming to replace the old solution with a Remote Event Receiver solution.
The way I think I'd like to achieve this:
1) Create a single remote event receiver hosted in Azure which receives details of a new list being added in a site which it then configures appropriately.
2) Use CSOM to provision the site and as part of that provisioning, hook up the event receiver.
I've spent a lot of time on this, getting nowhere. I initially thought the answer lied in using an App which I could install in the App Catalog and then push out to particular site collections but that doesn't seem to be right.
Is the solution above possible? All examples on the web I've come across of setting up remote event receivers seem to use a SharePoint app which I don't really want to do.
For info I found the answer. You can indeed create a remote event receiver without a SharePoint app/add-in.
The answer was written up here
I thought I needed a SharePoint Provider Hosted App for that part 1
But you should bear in mind that as per Remove event receivers on host web clientContext you will not have the client Context passed through, so
...will come through as empty. If you want to interact with SharePoint then you'll need to find another way than this approach, or use a different set of credentials.

Synchronize Directory of Files Between Server and iOS Application

I am building an internal iOS application (so - it won't ever be in the app store), and I need to keep a directory of content synchronized between a server and each of the instances of the iOS application. This would be easy enough if I just wanted to delete and re-download this content each time, but I would rather use something similar to rsync to only download the elements that have changed.
I haven't found any good way to utilize rsync. I considered looking at Objective-Git as a possibility here, but at a quick glance it looked like there is still a lot of the support for remote repositories that isn't supported yet.
As a final note, while this won't be in the app store, I will not be jailbreaking these devices and I would prefer to not rely on any private API's (although if there was an elegant solution that utilized private API's I might consider it).
ADDITIONAL NOTE: This needs to be an isolated solution. I won't be relying on outside services (like Dropbox,, etc...). This needs to work solely between the device and the server (which is on a local network with the device).
Use HTTP to list the contents of each folder on the server.
Compare last modification time of each file with those on the device, and identify added/removed files.
Get added and modified files, remove deleted files.
It sounds like you're maybe asking for a library that already does this, but if you don't find one it's obviously moderately easy to write this from the ground up using stat(2) on the server and the same or a higher-level equivalent on the iOS devices. Have the iPhone send a tree of files with their modification date to the server and get back a list of insert/delete/update operations to do with the url (or whatever) for each one so you can do them incrementally on a background thread. Have the information from the server for new/updated files include the mod date that the server has so you can set it to be the same on the iOS device and send that when asking the server for the status of each file (kind of hack using the file system to store that, but it works).
Why not just set up a RESTful interface and do it across HTTP; that way you could query the modification times easily enough to determine whether client or server files need to be updated. You might also want to keep track of what files on the client have been synced, so you can easily know which files to add or delete. This can be done with a simple .sync file or using a plist / sqlite / etc.
If you'll consider FTP, there are some pretty advanced client libraries available.
For example, the iOS Chilkat bundle includes an FTP client library that supports synchronization in both directions. It's not free, but it's pretty cheap -- and you get a ton of other stuff that will likely prove useful someday. Here's an example of iOS pulling down all additions and changes (mode 2):
One caveat -- judging solely from the example, it doesn't appear to synchronize deletions. If this is a requirement, you could do it yourself without too much effort immediately following a sync.
acrosync (see seems like a good fit given the initial question, however I haven't used it myself yet.

Performing Get Copy All Operation With Microsoft Sync Framework

I'm testing out Microsoft Sync Framework to try and see if it'll be suitable for a task that I'm working on. One of the things I'd like to be able to do is to have the option to not just send changed files, but instead to send all of the files (for example, if I'm syncing to a client machine for the first time, and so want to send all files).
I can't seem to find an example of this in the documentation, so any advice would be welcome.
if you're synching for the first time, then there is nothing special to configure as it will sync everything.
if you've already synched and want to re-send all files regardless of whether they've changed or not, just delete the metadata file and that should remove all knowledge of what has been synched.