I have a list of columns a co-worker has given to me, but these columns reside in different tables in the DB. Is there some kind of tool in Sybase where I can query the table a column belongs to?
(I've tried Google-ing for this kind of tool, but no luck so far)
syscolumns holds column metadata.
select * from syscolumns where name = ;
The id column in syscolumns is the id of the column's table, in sysobjects;
select b.name as tablename, a.name as columnname
from syscolumns a join systables b on (a.id = b.id)
where b.type='U' and b.name = 'foo';
gets all columns for the table named 'foo'. The type = 'U' limits it to user tables.
select b.name as tablename, a.name as columnname
from syscolumns a join systables b on (a.id = b.id)
where b.type='U' and a.name = 'foo';
gets all columns named 'foo'.
Most current version of ASE will use sysbojects instead of systables
I had to make a few small change for it to work:
select b.name as tablename,
a.name as columnname
from dbo.syscolumns a
join sysobjects b on a.id = b.id
where b.type='U'
and upper(a.name) like '%FOO%' -- wildcard search for column name
and b.name = 'bar' -- exclude tables
order by b.name
You can find the information for any column in:
FROM sys.syscolumns
If you want to know to what table a column belongs:
SELECT cname, tname
FROM sys.syscolumns
WHERE tname IN ('col_1', 'col_2')
NOTE: I test this in Sybase ASA 9.
I am using the PostgreSQL. I want to write a query that returns all the column names having foreign key constraint and also the name of the table these columns they refer to.
As far as I can see, the information_schema views don't give you the column names, so you'll have to use the catalog:
SELECT c.conrelid::regclass AS source_table,
a.attname AS column_name,
k.n AS position,
c.confrelid::regclass AS referenced_table
FROM pg_constraint AS c
CROSS JOIN LATERAL unnest(c.conkey) WITH ORDINALITY AS k(attnum, n)
JOIN pg_attribute AS a
ON k.attnum = a.attnum AND c.conrelid = a.attrelid
WHERE c.contype = 'f'
ORDER BY c.conrelid::regclass::text, k.n;
To get the data for only a specific table, add the following to the WHERE condition:
AND c.conrelid = 'mytable'::regclass
I have two tables in postgresql
One table is of the form
Create table table1(
Type []Text
Create table table2(
type text,
sellerID int
Now i want to get all the rows from table1 which are having type same that in table2 but the problem is that in table1 the type is an array.
In case the type in the table has an identifiable delimiter like ',' ,';' etc. you can rewrite the query as regexp_split_to_table(type,',') or versions later than 9.5 unnest function can be use too.
For eg.,
select * from
( select id ,regexp_split_to_table(type,',') from table1)table1
inner join
select * from table2
on trim(table1.type) = trim(table2.type)
Another good example can be found - https://www.dbrnd.com/2017/03/postgresql-regexp_split_to_array-to-split-string-using-different-delimiters/
a[1] AS DiskInfo
,a[2] AS DiskNumber
,a[3] AS MessageKeyword
SELECT regexp_split_to_array('Postgres Disk information , disk 2 , failed', ',')
) AS dt(a)
You can use the ANY operator in the JOIN condition:
select *
from table1 t1
join table2 t2 on t2.type = any (t1.type);
Note that if the types in the table1 match multiple rows in table2, you would get duplicates (from table1) because that's how a join works. Maybe you want an EXISTS condition instead:
select *
from table1 t1
where exists (select *
from table2 t2
where t2.type = any(t1.type));
The other day we found a table that had a ModifiedDate column but discovered there was no trigger in place to actually update that column. Now I'm trying to write a script to find all of the tables that have a ModifiedDate column but no trigger to update it.
Here is what I have so far:
SELECT so.name AS 'TableName', sc.name AS 'ColumnName', tr.name AS 'Trigger'
FROM sys.objects so
INNER JOIN sys.columns sc ON sc.object_id = so.object_id
LEFT JOIN sys.triggers tr ON so.object_id=tr.object_id
WHERE so.type = 'U' AND sc.name LIKE '%ModifiedDate%'
AND tr.type = 'TR'
To start, I want to find all of the tables that have both the column and trigger. I'm able to find all of the tables with the ModifiedDate column but when I add in that last where filter AND tr.type = 'TR' it returns nothing. I checked and there are tables in there that have both the column and trigger I'm looking for so I would expect to see those on the list.
SELECT so.name AS 'TableName', sc.name AS 'ColumnName', tr.name AS 'Trigger'
FROM sys.objects so
INNER JOIN sys.columns sc ON sc.object_id = so.object_id
LEFT JOIN sys.triggers tr ON so.object_id=tr.parent_id
WHERE so.type = 'U' AND sc.name LIKE '%ModifiedDate%'
AND tr.type = 'TR'
Your join was wrong on Triggers
Cleaning up your query, to find all tables where there are NO triggers where they perhaps should be:
Select t.name As 'TableName'
,c.name As 'ColumnName'
,tr.name As 'Trigger'
From sys.tables t
Join sys.columns c On c.object_id = t.object_id
Left Join sys.triggers tr On t.object_id = tr.parent_id
Where c.name Like '%ModifiedDate%'
And tr.name Is Null
I took out some superfluous stuff. Selecting against tables removes the need to look for Type = 'U' and the parent_id\object_id relationship is such that you don't need to also enforce it with the Type = 'TR' clause.
I'm trying to remove an association table from my database. It contains two columns (a_id and b_id) referencing the tables a and b.
This table is unnecessary because in fact it's an OneToMany relation. So I added column a_id in table b.
My problem: How can I transfer the existing entrys from assoc_a_b to b.a_id?
SELECT DISTINCT b.id, a.id FROM table_a AS a
JOIN assoc_a_b AS assoc ON a.id = assoc.a_id
JOIN table_b AS b ON b.id = assoc.b_id;
This select statement works. Can it be combined with an UPDATE statement? The UPDATE statement would look someway like:
UPDATE b SET a_id = a.id WHERE id = b.id;
using a.id and b.id from the select statement above.
update b set a_id = (SELECT assoc_a_b.a_id from assoc_a_b where assoc_a_b.b_id = b.id)
I have two tables (tbl and tbl_new) that both use the same sequence (tbl_id_seq). I'd like to drop one of those tables. On tbl, I've removed the modifier "not null default nextval('tbl_id_seq'::regclass)" but that modifier remains on tbl_new. I'm getting the following error:
ERROR: cannot drop table tbl because other objects depend on it
DETAIL: default for table tbl_new column id depends on sequence tbl_id_seq
After reviewing http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/sql-droptable.html
It looks like there is only CASCADE and RESTRICT as options.
You need to decouple the sequence and the table it "belongs" to:
I suppose it was created automatically (and "bound") by defining the tbl_id field of tbl as SERIAL.
To find sequences and all tables that depend on them via column default:
SELECT sn.nspname || '.' || s.relname AS seq
,tn.nspname || '.' || t.relname AS tbl
FROM pg_class s
JOIN pg_namespace sn ON sn.oid = s.relnamespace
LEFT JOIN pg_depend d ON d.refobjid = s.oid AND d.deptype <> 'i'
LEFT JOIN pg_attrdef ad ON ad.oid = d.objid
LEFT JOIN pg_class t ON t.oid = ad.adrelid
LEFT JOIN pg_namespace tn ON tn.oid = t.relnamespace
WHERE s.relkind = 'S'
AND s.relname ~~ '%part_of_seq_name%' -- enter search term here
Now with LEFT JOIN to show "free-standing" sequences as well.
You can then use the method #Milen posted to make the sequence "free-standing".
I posted a related answer a few days ago.