getting number of results from google in perl program [closed] - perl

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is there an API for google that I can use in my Perl program so that it returns number of results found for a search term?
Whenever a search is done on google, on the far right, it has a number of results it found and the time it took. I would just like to get this information.

Google deprecated their SOAP API a couple years ago. Try using REST::Google::Search or Google::Search, which use their AJAX API instead. I haven't had occasion to try either module myself, so I'm not sure which one is better.

The CPAN module Net::Google::Search implements Google's SOAP API for searching.

I'm not sure if this is quite what you're looking for, but you could check to see if it supports your use model: Google Ajax Search API.


Is there a possibility to update a Google Place via the API? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Hello together,
I am curious if there is a possibility to update a Place in the Google Maps Platform Places API via a API request?
I can't find anything regarding it in the official documentation.
Or is the Google Places API really read-only?
Thanks in advance for your answers!
Kind regards
The Google Places API is a read-only API. If you are trying to edit a business listing you own, the Google My Business API may be worth checking out.

How to write a Perl script to take screenshots of a website's different pages and mail it? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I wanted to take screenshots of different pages of our internal websites and mail it to someone on weekly basis. I tried in Perl however I do not see any relevant modules which can help in this. please suggest.
i tried in Perl however i do not see any relevant modules which can
help in this
There are plenty. Did you even try to search it on CPAN? A simple search containing "screenshot" as search string.
Did you search about it on StackOverflow itself? See the below question which lists many ways to do it.
How can I take screenshots of webpages with Perl?
Simplest approach would be to use WWW::Mechanize::Firefox module's $mech->content_as_png method.
mail it to someone on weekly basis
Again, there are plenty of Email:: modules available on CPAN. Pick the one you like.

Any documented REST/Golang API for the 'new' Firebase? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Has anyone seen note of if the REST API's are being continued for the new Firebase (I don't know what to call it other than 'new' - the current updates that were announced at Google I/O). I asked support - but I'm a few days in without a response. Just trying REST with random parameters on a new format index didn't do anything useful.
The updates look really good - but I have a lot of already existing REST code (mostly from Go) and I don't know what to do other than dig through the JavaScript and start hacking the Go libraries. If I'm going to get cut off there's not point even starting, and if there's an official interface on the way it's definitely not worth messing with.
Any help appreciated. :)

Alternative self hosted solution for google apps (mainly document/spreadsheet)? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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As titled, I'm finding for a software can be installed on my own server, to replace for google apps.
I'm open to commercial solution, the point is I want to keep the data on my own server.
Any advice is appreciated
Okie doke. This is actually pretty challenging -- you're asking for online editing, which is very cloud-oriented, but using a private server. If all you wanted was file services, then you'd have a lot of options -- is a personal favorite, but there are a bunch.
If you really want to be able to edit online but save to a private server, SharePoint comes to mind first. Alfresco and its ilk are also out there, but that's enterprise-oriented. There are theoretically some ways to use OpenOffice programs in a browser (see also this) but I've never seen them in action.
Hope that gets you started. Good luck.

Chat API - Similar service like TokBox but for text-based chat? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I find tokbox is a great service for video chat. But is there any other similar service for text-based chat, that provides api, so that i can manage my own users and chat participants.
In another SO question somebody recommended but I've no experience of using the service.
As ever Google is your friend and once you know of a service such as PHP Free Chat you can do a related search and get some other options.
You could also build a chat solution using Pusher, who I work for. We offer a number of publisher libraries and client libraries in different technologies including JavaScript. We offer presence functionality that makes building chat forums really easy which is why it's one of the big use of Pusher.
There is also CometChat which may be worth looking at.