Are there any other good graphical administration tools for SQLite on the mac, instead of the Firefox Extension? - iphone

Are there any other good graphical administration tools for SQLlite on the mac, instead of the Firefox Extension?

I use this SQLite Database Browser it works fine, is lightweight and free (as in beer). And no complaints about it at all, however its not actively maintained anymore, which is a pity. But the code is free (as in speech) and it also can be used on Windows and Linux.

Take a look here:

If you are familiar with Java and JDBC setups you could use Squirrel SQL together with a SQLite JDBC Driver E.g.
I've used Squirrel for a while now and its pretty good.


Please use the PostgreSQL GUI tool useful

I use Postgresql but no GUI tool satisfy me.
I do table creation, modification, and more, use database or table backup and restore functions.
Are there any useful tools to provide this functionality?
If you are using a Mac please refer both free and paid versions.
PgAdmin3, Postico I tried using. HeidiSQL was used in the Windows
psql command line interface.
not graphical but you can learn every aspect of the database. go this way and in a future you will be more productive than with any gui tool. not hard to learn.
psql available on on all os - windows, linux, osx,... of course, you don't have "gui" but in a short time you will be more productive and familiar with it than from any gui interface.
just start using
pgadmin3 no longer maintained (pgadmin4 is at the moment mess), some lack some features from psql and you need to pay for them - psql is free and contains all features ;)
pgAdmin 4 is getting better with each release. Still, if you want to try a free alternative for MacOS, take a look at Postage:

A Integration of GUI based nosql to netbeans ide

Is there any No SQL Database which has GUI like that of Oracle Database instead of command prompt?
I currently want a database with nodes and lists. And I found out MongoDB does not have a GUI.
Also, I want to integrate it into my NeatBeans IDE.
NBMongo is a NetBeans plugin to interact with MongoDB.
It's available for NetBeans 7.4 and 8.0 (you can install it directly through the NetBeans update center). See also the plugin page on NetBeans Plugin Portal.
There are numerous third party GUIs for MongoDB listed here
As far as I know Oracle Database offers a desktop client. If that's what you are looking for there might be something out there 1
Now if what you are looking for can also be a web interface, then I'd recommend taking a look at RethinkDB which offers an exquisite admin and data explorer, but also CouchDB.

Does php 4.4.8 support mysqli (object-oriented style)?

Does PHP 4.4.8 version support mysqli object-oriented style? I have made ready this project on PHP5 and when I got online hosting, I came to know that the online version is 4.4.8.
How can I make my mysqli project work on this domain?
According to wikipedia, everything below PHP 5.2.17 (inclusively) is not supported any more (read: from PHP's point of view, it's history).
Thus you should urge your hosting company to upgrade. Use this argument. If they don't understand, they're not professional and you should change your hosting.
When you start using PHP 5.3, and if it's not too much effort, switch over to PDO.
Try writing a mysqli-compliant wrapper around the mysql_* functions.
Either that, or refactor your project to either use mysql_* your own db library.

Reverse Engineer to get UML with PostgreSQL

Are there are any tools available for use with Postgres so that I can generate UML for the database that I have already created.
Visual Paradigm has some nice products, check Most of their products work on Linux, OS X and Windows.
You can adapt this script for MySQL
by just changing the driver from Mysql to Postgress found here
This is a sample reverse enginiering for Wordpress DB:
ppstgres_autodoc is the standard open source tool.
I have used SQL Power Architect which has a free version to do most of the tasks you need with reverse engineering and stuff like that. I found it to be easy to use and simple.

Good OleDB/ODBC provider for PostgreSQL

I'm in need of a functional OleDB data provider for PostgreSQL. It should be similar to the ODBC provider for MySQL. See
The postgres software catalog has some providers on there.
dotConnect for PostgreSQL (from Devart) offers a pretty good one. It is fast and works. The free version will give you your basic support, the pay offers everything else. ODBC doesn't have a free version.
Adding the direct link to the ODBC connector as it is on a separate page.
If you want to check the last version of ODBC for PosgreSQL :
Enter in the "msi" folder for the installer.
But be careful, when you are using ODBC, there is a 32bits and a 64bits version. So choose the right one.