Will 30 GOTO 10 always go to 10? - compiler-optimization

In the spirit of the latest podcast where Joel mentioned he'd like some simple questions with possibly interesting answers ...
In the environments we have to programme in today we can't rely on the order of execution of our langauage statements. Is that true? Should we be concerned?
Will 30 GOTO 10 always go to 10?*
*I didn't use 20 on purpose ;)
[edit] for the four people voting for closure of this question ...
"Runtime compilers use profiling information to help optimize the code being compiled. The JVM is permitted to use information specific to the execution in order to produce better code, which means that the compiling method M in one program may generate different code than compiling M in another"
(from Java concurrency in practice, 2006, Goetz et al)
.. have a look at "monomorphic call transformation"
and another edit, your processor is allowed to swap the order of execution of statements ...

No, it will not. But it will always behave as if it did. One of the basic rules in compiler design is the "as if" rule. Your compiler can make whatever changes it likes, as long as the result is going to behave as if you'd followed the language rules.
GOTO 10 may decide to jump to some other location, as long as the compiler can guarantee that it won't change the outcome of the program.
So no, it shouldn't worry you.

Not if you've got
somewhere in your code.

Well, it won't if it doesn't execute, for example if there's a 20 GOTO 40.

In BASIC, yes. In other languages, it will generate a compile error.

What are you trying to say? Anyone claiming to be a programmer should know (especially after your hint) that it depends on what's on lines 10 and 20, and anyone who's been on SO for longer than a week should realize that this question doesn't seem to add much.
We should rely on the code doing exactly what we tell it to. If we tell it to GOTO 10 on line 30, but also tell it to skip line 30, we shouldn't be the least surprise when line 30 is skipped. We told the program to.

True, if you consider multi-core CPUs executing a BASIC program, one of the cores might accidentally miss the GOTO (hint: "TLB Bug") and continue as if it weren't there.


How can I run an algorithm written for Digitool 4.3 (2003)?

I work on computational music. I have found the ps13 pitch spelling algorithm implemented in Lisp in 2003, precisely "Digitool MCL 4.3". I would like to run this code, preferably on a Linux x86 machine, to compare its results with other similar codes.
I am new to Lisp, but so far my research led me to think that Digitool MCL is no longer available. I thought of two ways which may help me:
a virtual environment (Docker or else) which would emulate a machine from 2003…
a code translation tool which would transform the 2003 source code into something executable today
I have not succeeded in finding one of these two options, nor running it directly with sbcl (but, as a newbie, I may have missed a small modification to make it run easily).
May someone help me?
This code is very close to being portable CL: you won't need something emulating an antique Mac to run it. I ran it on three implementations (SBCL, LispWorks, CCL) within a few minutes. However if you're not a Lisp person (and don't want to become one) it will be somewhat more fiddly to do that.
However I can't just send you a fixed version, both because this isn't the right forum for that, and also because we'd need to get the author's permission to do so. I have asked him if he would be interested in a portabalised version, and if he is, I will send him one in due course. You could also get in touch and ask to be notified.
(Meta-summary: while I think the question is fine, any reasonable answer probably doesn't fit on SO.)
One initial problem with this code is that the file uses old Mac line end conventions (I think: not Unix anyway): unless whatever Lisp you're using is smart enough to spot this (some are, SBCL seems not to be although I am sure there are options to tell it) you'll need to convert it.
Given that, the code that implements this algorithm is very, very close to being portable Common Lisp. It has four dependencies on non-standard things:
two global variables, *save-local-symbols* and *verbose-eval-selection*;
two functions: choose-file-dialog and choose-directory-dialog.
The global variables can probably be safely commented out as I think they are just controls for the compiler, probably. The functions have fairly obvious specifications: they're obviously meant to pop up file / directory choosers.
However you can just not use the bits of the code that use these functions, so you can compile it, get a few compiler warnings about undefined functions, and then it's fine.
But it gets better than that in fact: the latter-day descendant of MCL is Clozure CL: CCL is free, and open source. CCL has both choose-file-dialog and choose-directory-dialog already and both of the globals exist although one is no longer exported.
Unfortunately there are then some hidden portability problems to do with assumptions about what pathnames look like as strings: it's making some assumption about what things looked like on pre-OSX Macs I think. This kind of problem is easy but often a bit fiddly to fix (I think in this case it would be easy). So, again, the answer to that is just not call the things that are doing a lot of pathname munging:
> (ps13-test-from-file-list (directory "~/Downloads/d/*.opnd"))
[... much output ...]
Total number of errors = 81.
Total number of notes = 41544.
Percentage correct = 99.81%
Note that the above output came from LispWorks, not CCL: CCL works just as well though, as will any CL probably.
SBCL has one additional problem: the CL-USER package in SBCL already uses a package which exports int which is defined in this code. So you need to compile it in some other package. But given that, it's fine in SBCL as well.

checks current running processes,iphone

Can we find out the list of process which are currently running on in iOS programmatically?
Somewhat similar to shown here
shown at process tab
Suggestions are always welcome.
See this other answer I literally just posted.
Take a look at the modified Darwin C-code I posted:
If you look in there, inside OS_get_table(), you'll find a bunch of commented out printf statements. If you uncomment and change those, storing the data in some kind of usable data structure, you can collect all this type of information.
Note don't just uncomment all the printf statements and expect that code to work, though. iOS has limits on the rate at which apps can write to std out, so you'll get throttled if you have tons of printfs in a short period of time.

would it be worth it to use inline::C to speed up math

i have been working on a perl program to process large amounts of dna. It outputs exactly what i need however it takes much longer than i would like using NYTprof i have narrowed down the major problem areas to be the loop that adds my values together. would using inline::C to do the math make my program faster or should i accept the speed and move on? is there another way to improve the speed? here is my program and an input it would run as well as an executable with the default values entered already.
It's unlikely you'll get useful help here (this included). I can see various problems with your code, and none have to do with the choice of language.
use CPAN. If you're parsing genbank, then use some an appropriate module.
You're writing assembly in Perl, and neither Perl nor you are very good at that. It's near impossible to know what's going on when you don't pass parameters to subroutines, instead relying on globals all over the place. What do #X1, #X2, #Y1, #Y2 mean?
The following might be your problem: until ($ender - $starter > $tlength) { (line 153). According to your test case, these start by being 103, 1, and 200, and it's not clear when or if they change. Depending on what's in #te, it might or might not ever get out of the loop; I just can't tell from your code.
It would help if we knew, exactly, what are the parameters to add, the in-out invariants, and what it is returning.
That's all I got.
I second the recommendation of PDL made in a comment, if it's applicable. Or the use of a CPAN module tailored to your problem (again, if applicable).
I didn't see anything that looked unambiguously like "the loop that adds my values together" in that code; please, show just the code you are considering optimizing, ideally with just enough structure around it to actually run it.
So to answer your generic question generically, yes, Inline::C can be a useful tool for optimization if you are certain your performance problem is limited to what it actually can do for you. In using it, be aware that invoking your C code from Perl or vice versa is non-trivially expensive, so you have to have enough code translated to C to minimize the transitions.

How expensive is: require "foo.pl";

I'm about to rewrite a large portion of a project that I have developed over the last 10years while learning perl. There is alot of optimisation that can be gained.
A key part of the code is a large if/elsif block that require xxx.cgi files depending on a POST value. Eg:
if($FORM{'action'} eq "1"){require "1.cgi";}
elsif($FORM{'action'} eq "2"){require "2.cgi";}
elsif($FORM{'action'} eq "3"){require "3.cgi";}
elsif($FORM{'action'} eq "4"){require "4.cgi";}
It has many more irritations but just how expensive is using "require" in perl?
require itself has a relatively low cost in any case and, if you require the same file more than once within a single run of your program, it will detect that the file has already been loaded and not attempt to load it a second time. However, if you have a long and highly-populated search path (#INC) and you require (or use) a lot of files, it's possible that all of the directory searches could add up; this isn't common (and doesn't sound likely in your case), but it can be improved by reorganizing your module directories so that the things you're loading show up earlier in #INC.
The potentially-major performance hit referred to by earlier answers is the cost of compiling the code in the files you require. Getting rid of the require by moving the code into your main program will not help with this, as the code will still need to be compiled. In your case, it would probably make things worse, as it would cause the code for all options to be compiled on every one rather than only compiling the code used by the one action selected by the user.
As has been said, it really depends on the actual code in those files. Your best bet would be to do tests using Devel::NYTProf and/or Benchmark to see where the most time is being spent in your code if you are unhappy with its performance.
You can also read Profiling Perl on perl.com, but it is a bit outdated as it uses Devel::DProf.
Not answer to your primary question, but still a good idea for code refactor i read recently in Ovid blog.
The first time, possibly expensive; Perl has to search a path to find the file and load it up. Subsequent times, it's cheap -- a table is consulted and the file isn't actually loaded a second time. If this is in a CGI that is run once per request and then exited, then this is not too good.
It's really going to depend on the size of the files you're calling to. If you have massive CGI files, then it might detriment the performance of your software. If we're talking 6 or 7 lines of code each, then no issue. Try benchmarking your program's performance with and without, and make your own judgement.

Finding a Perl memory leak

SOLVED see Edit 2
I've been writing a Perl program to handle automatic upgrading of local (proprietary) programs (for the company I work for).
Basically, it runs via cron, and unfortunately has a memory leak (or something similar). The problem is that the leak only happens when I'm not looking (aka when run via cron, not via command line).
My code does not contain any circular (or other) references, so the commonly cited tools will not help me (Devel::Cycle, Devel::Peek).
How would I go about figuring out what is using so much memory that the kernel kills it?
Basically, the code SFTPs into a server (using ```sftp...`` `), calls OpenSSL to verify the file, and then SFTPs more if more files are needed, and installs them (untars them).
I have seen delays (~15 sec) before the first SFTP session, but it has never used so much memory as to be killed (in my presence).
If I can't sort this out, I'll need to re-write in a different language, and that will take precious time.
Edit: The following message is printed out by the kernel which led me to believe it was a memory leak:
[100023.123] Out of memory: kill process 9568 (update.pl) score 325406 or a child
[100023.123] Killed Process 9568 (update.pl)
I don't believe it is an issue with cron because of the stalling (for ~15 sec, sometimes) when running it via the command-line. Also, there are no environmental variables used (at least by what I've written, maybe underlying things do?)
Edit 2: I found the issue myself, with help from the below comment by mobrule (in response to this question). It turns out that the script was called from a crontab of a user (non-root) just once a day and that (non-root privs) caused a special infinite loop situation.
Sorry guys, I feel kinda stupid for not finding this before, but thanks.
mobrule, if you submit your comment as an answer, I will accept it as it lead to me finding the problem.
End Edits
P.S. I may be able to post small snippets of code, but not the whole thing due to company policy.
You could try using Devel::Size to profile some of your objects. e.g. in the main:: scope (the .pl file itself), do something like this:
use Devel::Size qw(total_size);
foreach my $varname (qw(varname1 varname2 ))
print "size used for variable $varname: " . total_size($$varname) . "\n";
Compare the actual size used to what you think is a reasonable value for each object. Something suspicious might pop out immediately (e.g. a cache that is massively bloated beyond anything that sounds reasonable).
Other things to try:
Eliminate bits of functionality one at a time to see if suddenly things get a lot better; I'd start with the use of any external libraries
Is the bad behaviour localized to just one particular machine, or one particular operating system? Move the program to other systems to see how its behaviour changes.
(In a separate installation) try upgrading to the latest Perl (5.10.1), and also upgrade all your CPAN modules
How do you know that it's a memory leak? I can think of many other reasons why the OS would kill a program.
The first question I would ask is "Does this program always work correctly from the command line?". If the answer is "No" then I'd fix these issues first.
On the other hand if the answer is "Yes", I would investigate all the differences between having the program executed under cron and from the command line to find out why it is misbehaving.
If it is run by cron, that shouldn't it die after iteration? If that is the case, hard for me to see how a memory leak would be a big deal...
Are you sure it is the script itself, and not the child processes that are using the memory? Perhaps it ends up creating a real lot of ssh sessions , instead of doing a bunch of stuff in one session?