Turning a binary matrix into a vector of the last nonzero index in a fast, vectorized fashion - matlab

Suppose, in MATLAB, that I have a matrix, A, whose elements are either 0 or 1.
How do I get a vector of the index of the last non-zero element of each column in a faster, vectorized way?
I could do
[B, I] = max(cumsum(A));
and use I, but is there a faster way? (I'm assuming cumsum would cost a bit of time even suming 0's and 1's).
Edit: I guess that I vectorized even more than I need fast - Mr. Fooz' loop is great but each loop in MATLAB seems to cost me a lot in debugging time even if it is fast.

Fast is what you should worry about, not necessarily full vectorization. Recent versions of Matlab are much smarter about handling loops efficiently. If there's a compact vectorized way of expressing something, it's usually faster, but loops should not (always) be feared like they used to be.
A = rand(5000)>0.5;
A(1,find(sum(A,1)==0)) = 1; % make sure there is at least one match
% Slow because it is doing too much work
% Fast because FIND is fast and it runs the inner loop
for i=1:5000
I3(i) = find(A(:,i),1,'last');
% Even faster because the JIT in Matlab is smart enough now
for i=1:5000
I2(i) = 0;
for j=5000:-1:1
if A(j,i)
I2(i) = j;
On R2008a, Windows, x64, the cumsum version takes 0.9 seconds. The loop and find version takes 0.02 seconds. The double loop version takes a mere 0.001 seconds.
EDIT: Which one is fastest depends on the actual data. The double-loop takes 0.05 seconds when you change the 0.5 to 0.999 (because it takes longer to hit the break; on average). cumsum and the loop&find implementation have more consistent speeds.
EDIT 2: gnovice's flipud solution is clever. Unfortunately, on my test machine it takes 0.1 seconds, so it's much faster than cumsum, but slower than the looped versions.

As shown by Mr Fooz, for loops can be pretty fast now with newer versions of MATLAB. However, if you really want to have compact vectorized code, I would suggest trying this:
[B,I] = max(flipud(A));
I = size(A,1)-I+1;
This is faster than your CUMSUM-based answer, but still not quite as fast as Mr Fooz's looping options.
Two additional things to consider:
What results do you want to get for a column that has no ones in it at all? With the above option I gave you, I believe you will get an index of size(A,1) (i.e. the number of rows in A) in such a case. For your option, I believe you will get a 1 in such a case, while the nested-for-loops option from Mr Fooz will give you a 0.
The relative speed of these different options will likely vary based on the size of A and the number of non-zeroes you expect it to have.


I want advice about how to optimize my code. It takes too long for execution

I wrote a MATLAB code for finding seismic signal (ex. P wave) from SAC(seismic) file (which is read via another code). This algorithm is called STA/LTA trigger algorithm (actually not that important for my question)
Important thing is that actually this code works well, but since my seismic file is too big (1GB, which is for two months), it takes almost 40 minutes for executing to see the result. Thus, I feel the need to optimize the code.
I heard that replacing loops with advanced functions would help, but since I am a novice in MATLAB, I cannot get an idea about how to do it, since the purpose of code is scan through the every time series.
Also, I heard that preallocation might help, but I have mere idea about how to actually do this.
Since this code is about seismology, it might be hard to understand, but my notes at the top might help. I hope I can get useful advice here.
Following is my code.
% This is the code for "Classic LR" algorithm
% 'ns' is the number of measurement in STW-used to calculate STA
% 'nl' is the number of measurement in LTW-used to calculate LTA
% 'dt' is the time gap between measurements i.e. 0.008s for HHZ and 0.02s for BHZ
% 'ltw' and 'stw' are long and short time windows respectively
% 'lta' and 'sta' are long and short time windows average respectively
% 'sra' is the ratio between 'sta' and 'lta' which will be each component
% for a vector containing the ratio for each measurement point 'i'
% Index 'i' denotes each measurement point and this will be converted to actual time
for i=1:nt-ns
if i>nl
if ~isempty(k)
If you have MATLAB 2016a or later, you can use movmean instead of your loop (this means you also don't need to preallocate anything):
lta = movmean(aseries(1:nt-ns),nl+1,'Endpoints','discard');
sta = movmean(aseries(nl+1:end),ns+1,'Endpoints','discard');
sra = sta./lta;
The only difference here is that you will get sra with no leading and trailing zeros. This is most likely to be the fastest way. If for instance, aseries is 'only' 8 MB than this method takes less than 0.02 second while the original method takes almost 6 seconds!
However, even if you don't have Matlab 2016a, considering your loop, you can still do the following:
Remove the else statement - sta(i) is already zero from the preallocating.
Start the loop from nl+1, instead of checking when i is greater than nl.
So your new loop will be:
for i=nl+1:nt-ns
lta = mean(aseries(i-nl:i));
sta = mean(aseries(i:i+ns));
But it won't be so faster.

Replacement for repmat in MATLAB

I have a function which does the following loop many, many times:
for cluster=1:max(bins), % bins is a list in the same format as kmeans() IDX output
select=bins==cluster; % find group of values
% (*, above) for each point, write the mean of all points in x that
% share its label in bins to the equivalent row of means
%subtract out the mean from each point
Noting that repmat_fast_spec and meanOneIn are stripped-down versions of repmat() and mean(), respectively, I'm wondering if there's a way to do the assignment in the line labeled (*) that avoids repmat entirely.
Any other thoughts on how to squeeze performance out of this thing would also be welcome.
Here is a possible improvement to avoid REPMAT:
x = rand(20,4);
bins = randi(3,[20 1]);
d = zeros(size(x));
for i=1:max(bins)
idx = (bins==i);
d(idx,:) = bsxfun(#minus, x(idx,:), mean(x(idx,:)));
Another possibility:
x = rand(20,4);
bins = randi(3,[20 1]);
m = zeros(max(bins),size(x,2));
for i=1:max(bins)
m(i,:) = mean( x(bins==i,:) );
dd = x - m(bins,:);
One obvious way to speed up calculation in MATLAB is to make a MEX file. You can compile C code and perform any operations you want. If you're searching for the fastest-possible performance, turning the operation into a custom MEX file would likely be the way to go.
You may be able to get some improvement by using ACCUMARRAY.
%# gather array sizes
[nPts,nDims] = size(x);
nBins = max(bins);
%# calculate means. Not sure whether it might be faster to loop over nDims
meansCell = accumarray(bins,1:nPts,[nBins,1],#(idx){mean(x(idx,:),1)},{NaN(1,nDims)});
means = cell2mat(meansCell);
%# subtract cluster means from x - this is how you can avoid repmat in your code, btw.
%# all you need is the array with cluster means.
delta_x = x - means(bins,:);
First of all: format your code properly, surround any operator or assignment by whitespace. I find your code very hard to comprehend as it looks like a big blob of characters.
Next of all, you could follow the other responses and convert the code to C (mex) or Java, automatically or manually, but in my humble opinion this is a last resort. You should only do such things when your performance is not there yet by a small margin. On the other hand, your algorithm doesn't show obvious flaws.
But the first thing you should do when trying to improve performance: profile. Use the MATLAB profiler to determine which part of your code is causing your problems. How much would you need to improve this to meet your expectations? If you don't know: first determine this boundary, otherwise you will be looking for a needle in a hay stack which might not even be in there in the first place. MATLAB will never be the fastest kid on the block with respect to runtime, but it might be the fastest with respect to development time for certain kinds of operations. In that respect, it might prove useful to sacrifice the clarity of MATLAB over the execution speed of other languages (C or even Java). But in the same respect, you might as well code everything in assembler to squeeze all of the performance out of the code.
Another obvious way to speed up calculation in MATLAB is to make a Java library (similar to #aardvarkk's answer) since MATLAB is built on Java and has very good integration with user Java libraries.
Java's easier to interface and compile than C. It might be slower than C in some cases, but the just-in-time (JIT) compiler in the Java virtual machine generally speeds things up very well.

MATLAB matrix multiplication vs for loop for each column

When multiplying two matrices, I tried the following two options:
res = X*A;
for i = 1:size(A,2)
res(:,i) = X*A(:,i);
I preallocated memory for res in both. And surprisingly, I found option 2 to be faster.
Can someone explain how this is so?
I tried
clear t1 t2
for k=1:K
clear res
x = rand(100,100);
a = rand(100,100);
res = x*a;
t1(k) = toc;
for k=1:K
clear res2
res2 = zeros(100,100);
x = rand(100,100);
a = rand(100,100);
for i = 1:100
res2(:,i) = x*a(:,i);
t2(k) = toc;
I run both codes in a loop 1000 times. In average (but not always) the first vectorized code was 3-4 times faster. I cleared the result variables and preallocated before starting timer.
x = rand(100,100);
a = rand(100,100);
clear t1 t2
for k=1:K
clear res
res = x*a;
t1(k) = toc;
for k=1:K
clear res2
res2 = zeros(100,100);
for i = 1:100
res2(:,i) = x*a(:,i);
t2(k) = toc;
So, never make a timing conclusion based on a single run.
I believe I can chime in on the variation in timings between the two methods, as well as why people are getting different relative speeds.
Before Matlab version 2008a (or a version near that release), for loops took a major hit in any Matlab code because the interpreter (a layer between the very readable script and a lower level implementation of the code) would have to re-interpret the code each time through the for loop.
Since that release, the interpreter has gotten progressively better so, when running a modern version of Matlab, the interpreter can look at your code and say "Ah ha! I know what he is doing, let me optimize it just a bit" and avoid the hit it would otherwise take by reinterpreting the code.
I would expect the two ways of performing matrix multiplies to evaluate in the same amount of time, why the for loop implementation runs faster is because of some detail in the optimizations of the interpreter that us mere mortals are not privy to know.
One broad lesson we should take from this, is not all versions are equal. I do work on a couple of bleeding edge cases using two Matlab add ons, the SimBiology and the Parallel Computing Toolboxes, both of which (especially if you want them to work together) are version dependent in speed of execution, and from time to time other stability issues. As such, I keep the three most recent releases of Matlab, will test that I get the same answers out of each version, and I'll occasionally roll back to an earlier version if I find issues with some features. This is probably overkill for most people, but gives you an idea of version differences.
Hope this helps.
To clarify, code vectorization is still important. But given a script like:
x_slow = zeros(1,1e5);
x_fast = zeros(1,1e5);
for i=1:1e5
x_slow(i) = log(i);
time_slow = toc; % evaluates for me in .0132 seconds
x_fast = log(1:1e5);
time_fast = toc; % evaluates for me in .0055 seconds
The disparity between time_slow and time_fast has reduced in the past several versions based on improvements in the interpreter. The example I saw I believe was on 2000a vs. 2008b, but that's subject to my recollection.
There is something else that might be going on that was addressed by Oli and Yuk. There is often a difference between the time_1 and time_2 in:
tic; x = log(1:1e5); time_1 = toc
tic; x = log(1:1e5); time_2 = toc
So the test of one million evaluations vs. one evaluation is valuable, depending on where in memory x is (in cache or no).
Hope this helps again.
This may well be an effect of caching. a is already in the cache by the time you do the second version, so it has an advantage. Try creating an independent set of inputs to make it fair. Also, it's probably better to measure the time of e.g. 1 million iterations of this, in order to eliminate typical variations due to outside effects.
It looks to me that you are not multiplying matrix properly, you need to sum all the products from ith row of X matrix and jth column of A matrix, that might be a reason.
Look here to see how it's done.

vectorizing loops in Matlab - performance issues

This question is related to these two:
Introduction to vectorizing in MATLAB - any good tutorials?
filter that uses elements from two arrays at the same time
Basing on the tutorials I read, I was trying to vectorize some procedure that takes really a lot of time.
I've rewritten this:
function B = bfltGray(A,w,sigma_r)
dim = size(A);
B = zeros(dim);
for i = 1:dim(1)
for j = 1:dim(2)
% Extract local region.
iMin = max(i-w,1);
iMax = min(i+w,dim(1));
jMin = max(j-w,1);
jMax = min(j+w,dim(2));
I = A(iMin:iMax,jMin:jMax);
% Compute Gaussian intensity weights.
F = exp(-0.5*(abs(I-A(i,j))/sigma_r).^2);
B(i,j) = sum(F(:).*I(:))/sum(F(:));
into this:
function B = rngVect(A, w, sigma)
W = 2*w+1;
I = padarray(A, [w,w],'symmetric');
I = im2col(I, [W,W]);
H = exp(-0.5*(abs(I-repmat(A(:)', size(I,1),1))/sigma).^2);
B = reshape(sum(H.*I,1)./sum(H,1), size(A, 1), []);
A is a matrix 512x512
w is half of the window size, usually equal 5
sigma is a parameter in range [0 1] (usually one of: 0.1, 0.2 or 0.3)
So the I matrix would have 512x512x121 = 31719424 elements
But this version seems to be as slow as the first one, but in addition it uses a lot of memory and sometimes causes memory problems.
I suppose I've made something wrong. Probably some logic mistake regarding vectorizing. Well, in fact I'm not surprised - this method creates really big matrices and probably the computations are proportionally longer.
I have also tried to write it using nlfilter (similar to the second solution given by Jonas) but it seems to be hard since I use Matlab 6.5 (R13) (there are no sophisticated function handles available).
So once again, I'm asking not for ready solution, but for some ideas that would help me to solve this in reasonable time. Maybe you will point me what I did wrong.
As Mikhail suggested, the results of profiling are as follows:
65% of time was spent in the line H= exp(...)
25% of time was used by im2col
How big are I and H (i.e. numel(I)*8 bytes)? If you start paging, then the performance of your second solution is going to be affected very badly.
To test whether you really have a problem due to too large arrays, you can try and measure the speed of the calculation using tic and toc for arrays A of increasing size. If the execution time increases faster than by the square of the size of A, or if the execution time jumps at some size of A, you can try and split the padded I into a number of sub-arrays and perform the calculations like that.
Otherwise, I don't see any obvious places where you could be losing lots of time. Well, maybe you could skip the reshape, by replacing B with A in your function (saves a little memory as well), and writing
A(:) = sum(H.*I,1)./sum(H,1);
You may also want to look into upgrading to a more recent version of Matlab - they've worked hard on improving performance.

Parallelize or vectorize all-against-all operation on a large number of matrices?

I have approximately 5,000 matrices with the same number of rows and varying numbers of columns (20 x ~200). Each of these matrices must be compared against every other in a dynamic programming algorithm.
In this question, I asked how to perform the comparison quickly and was given an excellent answer involving a 2D convolution. Serially, iteratively applying that method, like so
list = who('data_matrix_prefix*')
H = cell(numel(list),numel(list));
for i=1:numel(list)
for j=1:numel(list)
if i ~= j
eval([ 'H{i,j} = compare(' char(list(i)) ',' char(list(j)) ');']);
is fast for small subsets of the data (e.g. for 9 matrices, 9*9 - 9 = 72 calls are made in ~1 s, 870 calls in ~2.5 s).
However, operating on all the data requires almost 25 million calls.
I have also tried using deal() to make a cell array composed entirely of the next element in data, so I could use cellfun() in a single loop:
# who(), load() and struct2cell() calls place k data matrices in a 1D cell array called data.
nextData = cell(k,1);
for i=1:k
[nextData{:}] = deal(data{i});
H{:,i} = cellfun(#compare,data,nextData,'UniformOutput',false);
Unfortunately, this is not really any faster, because all the time is in compare(). Both of these code examples seem ill-suited for parallelization. I'm having trouble figuring out how to make my variables sliced.
compare() is totally vectorized; it uses matrix multiplication and conv2() exclusively (I am under the impression that all of these operations, including the cellfun(), should be multithreaded in MATLAB?).
Does anyone see a (explicitly) parallelized solution or better vectorization of the problem?
I realize both my examples are inefficient - the first would be twice as fast if it calculated a triangular cell array, and the second is still calculating the self comparisons, as well. But the time savings for a good parallelization are more like a factor of 16 (or 72 if I install MATLAB on everyone's machines).
There is also a memory issue. I used a couple of evals to append each column of H into a file, with names like H1, H2, etc. and then clear Hi. Unfortunately, the saves are very slow...
compare(a,b) == compare(b,a)
compare(a,a) == 1
If so, change your loop
for i=1:numel(list)
for j=1:numel(list)
for i=1:numel(list)
for j= i+1 : numel(list)
and deal with the symmetry and identity case. This will cut your calculation time by half.
The second example can be easily sliced for use with the Parallel Processing Toolbox. This toolbox distributes iterations of your code among up to 8 different local processors. If you want to run the code on a cluster, you also need the Distributed Computing Toolbox.
%# who(), load() and struct2cell() calls place k data matrices in a 1D cell array called data.
parfor i=1:k-1 %# this will run the loop in parallel with the parallel processing toolbox
%# only make the necessary comparisons
H{i+1:k,i} = cellfun(#compare,data(i+1:k),repmat(data(i),k-i,1),'UniformOutput',false);
%# if the above doesn't work, try this
hSlice = cell(k,1);
hSlice{i+1:k} = cellfun(#compare,data(i+1:k),repmat(data(i),k-i,1),'UniformOutput',false);
H{:,i} = hSlice;
If I understand correctly you have to perform 5000^2 matrix comparisons ? Rather than try to parallelise the compare function, perhaps you should think of your problem being composed of 5000^2 tasks ? The Matlab Parallel Compute Toolbox supports task-based parallelism. Unfortunately my experience with PCT is with parallelisation of large linear algebra type problems so I can't really tell you much more than that. The documentation will undoubtedly help you more.